The Closing Shift Free Download


The Closing Shift Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Closing Shift Free Download GAMESPACK.NET As I type this, The Closing Shift is Chilla’s Art’s newest horror game for PC. It released on March 19, 2022 and, so far, appears to have been well received by both the player community and the many, many VTubers who have streamed it since its launch.Like most of Chilla’s Art’s later games, The Closing Shift is a first-person perspective “walking simulator” (their descriptor) style of horror game in that it’s more of an adventure game with a linear narrative to follow than a title where you’re actually in any real “danger”. That said, there are some sequences towards the end of the game where you can “fail” — thankfully, rather than sending you right back to the beginning as in some of Chilla’s Art’s earliest work, failure simply prompts you to retry from the start of the sequence. In The Closing Shift, you take on the role of a young female barista working the night shift at the local Starbucks knockoff, Chilla’s Coffee. Our heroine is habitually late to work and doesn’t have the best relationship with her senpai who works the shift before her. On top of that she’s concerned that she might have a stalker — particularly once some of the customers in the coffee shop start talking about rumours of suspicious individuals in the area.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

The Closing Shift Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Closing Shift Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

But she has a job to do — and so do you. Similar to how The Convenience Store had you performing mundane tasks in a static location as the narrative gradually revealed itself around you, The Closing Shift sees you spending the majority of your time actually taking orders and serving drinks. This is done in a pleasingly interactive manner similar to what you’d see in games like Coffee Talk and the legendary VA-11 HALL-A, only from a first-person 3D perspective rather than a simple menu-based interface. Thankfully, you’re not thrown in completely at the deep end for this side of things, as in the back-of-house area of the coffee shop, there are some short videos you can watch showing you how to serve hot and cold drinks plus food items, and a convenient whiteboard lists all the ingredients required for any drinks the customers in the game will ask for. There’s also no penalty for failure; attempting to serve an incorrect drink will simply result in an unsettlingly loud farty sound effect, and all you have to do is try again. The coffee-making action is actually surprisingly immersive, and if you’ve ever worked in hospitality you’ll doubtless feel a sense of familiarity in how you’ll initially start working tentatively, slowly and carefully, but before long you’ll be multi-tasking and efficiently doing things in the best way possible.

Immersive Experience.

It’s undeniably satisfying to be able to whip up a customer’s full order in a matter of seconds — even though there’s absolutely no in-game reward for doing so. Where The Closing Shift really shines is in its plausibly unsettling nature, however. As the rumours of the stalker in the area increase, and you hear various perspectives on the situation, you’ll start to feel more and more on edge, and the game features just a couple of perfectly timed mild jump scares to maximise your feeling of discomfort in this regard. By the time the game’s later “nights” roll around, it’s hard not to feel a slight sense of panic just wandering through your apartment building’s car park, glancing around furtively and hoping that the weird shape in the shadows you think you just saw was just a bush or something. Unlike many other Chilla’s Art games, The Closing Shift does feature a few occasional cutaway sequences depicting things from the perspective of the “villain” — so it is confirmed to us, the audience, quite early on that there is a very real threat to our protagonist’s wellbeing. This is a notable shift from several other Chilla’s Art titles, where the fear came from that which was completely unknown.Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

The Closing Shift Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Closing Shift Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

in this case, however, it’s still very effective, because although we know that the villain’s out there — and, after a particular event, we can get a pretty good idea who they are, too — we just don’t quite know where they might be hiding or what they actually want. Consequently, even performing mundane tasks — particularly those that involve going outside, like taking out the trash — become much scarier than they might otherwise be. There’s some excellent use of environmental effects at times to add to the unease. My personal favourite was a sequence where you’re closing up the shop after one shift, and you’ll doubtless notice a van in the car park. This is obviously suspicious, but it’s even more unsettling when you go to put the bins out — which necessitates turning your back on where the van is — and, of course, as soon as you turn around again the van has moved to a different position. For the most part, The Closing Shift resists the temptation to lean on the supernatural as justification or explanation for its horror, and this makes the whole thing feel pleasantly mature in its tone. This really helps with delivering its core message about how vulnerable young women in particular can feel when given a reason to feel like they might be unsafe for one reason or another.

Psychological horror.

The Closing Shift is scary precisely because it’s something that feels like it could actually happen. There is one particularly “weird” sequence partway through the game, but the way this is implemented works well, and works within the context of the story — particularly when you consider the stress the protagonist is likely feeling at this point in proceedings. While I’m no expert on Japan, let alone anything, I used to live there. The Closing Shift’s representation of a ‘bustling city’ that feels completely isolated, with bathrooms only slightly bigger than a fridge, is excellent. There aren’t people walking the streets – just shady characters hiding in bike sheds – and everything seems… so ‘normal’. Arriving at your place of work, you’ll speak to your superior, who’ll point you in the direction of the tutorial – a VHS deck that shows you how to make coffee. Pfft! I don’t need this. How hard can it be? As a non-coffee drinker, that is, I drink el cheapo pods in the morning, the varieties of drinks here may as well be in Swahili, which I don’t speak. Not only didn’t I understand what goes in the drink, but how the bloody hell do you make it before the customer leaves?Dark Deception

The Closing Shift Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Closing Shift Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Those VHS tapes? Yeah… they show you how to make it, plus there are noticeboards in The Closing Shift that tell you the ingredients. No matter, it took a fair amount of time (not long) to learn the mechanics, and do you know what? The Closing Shift is quite an enjoyable coffee simulator! Relaxing, methodical and somewhat therapeutic. But if you look at the store page on Steam, this says… horror? As the game progresses, you promptly forget the context of this game, even ignoring the customers who warn of a stalker. Apparently, it’s pretty common. I know people who’ve genuinely had them. That comes to light more as you start ‘imagining’ someone watching you until you find a photograph taken of you left on a table while on your shift. I was more creeped out about the guy who comes in and demands your phone number as he’s considered handsome and popular in the area. His words. Somewhat expected, the jumpscares start to pop up a bit more, and because of the animation style, it can be quite comical. The NPCs in The Closing Shift often move like they’re on speed, but as their body faces one way, their heads are almost locked on you. It dilutes the silliness of some of it and is quite unsettling.

Japanese Theme.

Though it’s not the horror element that’s the standout, but the frustration in not knowing what to do next. There aren’t always pointers – now and again, you’re told to clean up, but even in the short playthrough (Which took me a couple of hours), you might find yourself wandering in such a small space. The atmosphere of the game – that visceral video nasty feel reminiscent of Paratopic and the more recent Happy’s Humble Burger Farm makes up for the confusion. For the most part, I was looking forward to the customers arriving and keen to show off how well I knew the menu without looking for guidance. In some respect, it mirrors those therapeutic motor skills found in the typical [insert generic title] simulators, and could have spent a bit more time making drinks.But, getting back to the overall premise, The Closing Shift is an interesting experience with a frightening theme. The ending, no spoilers, was a good one and wasn’t immediately obvious, though the outcome was. That’s not a negative comment as I was very satisfied with Chilla’s Art’s game.

I’ll be adding some of their other titles to my belt once I’ve finished Elden Ring for the first time. Yep, I finally conceded. Anyway, The Closing Shift is niche, so if you like horrors, walking simulators and games that exude a decent ambience whilst on a small budget, check it out. The ending is arguably a little unsatisfying — it honestly feels quite like they had one ending which had a nice sense of closure, then tacked a bit on the end afterwards — but, on the whole, The Closing Shift is another excellent immersive horror game from Chilla’s Art. I’d probably go so far as to say with the solid “coffee-making” gameplay in this one, it’s one of the more immersive games from the developer’s complete collection, and the sense of atmosphere and tension throughout is absolutely magnificent. Chilla’s Art continues to go from strength to strength with The Closing Shift, with each new game from the developer clearly refining their skills and their sense of ambition in terms of immersive gameplay and mysterious storytelling. It’s been a real pleasure to explore these titles to date — and here’s hoping there are plenty more to look forward to as time goes on.

The Closing Shift Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Closing Shift Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This game is one that keeps you on edge, and with that VHS film aesthetic, it makes the overall feel of the game more creepy in its own way. You have to deal with different types of customers along with a stalker right around the corner. There’s always something to keep you occupied for the 1-3 hours you play, such as little details and Easter eggs to find every shift. The game also has multiple endings, so it may take longer if you want to see them all. This game’s story is very telling of things that are terrifying and disturbing, things that are capable of happening in real life. It gives you the feeling of being alone with someone who is always watching you to no end, even if you can’t see them. You have to be put in a young girl’s place who has no one but herself to rely on, plus deal with the varying types of customers. Through this game, you are able to go through something that could be traumatizing if it were in real life. The fact that it could be someone’s actual reality adds to the layers of realism the game presents. But despite it being a horror game, it doesn’t shy away from comedy, so you can also get a good laugh out of it, too.Dying Light 2 Stay Human


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