The Sims 4 Mac OSX Free Download


The Sims 4 Mac OSX  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Sims 4 Mac OSX  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Over the past week I’ve become intimately familiar with the virtual life of a geeky tech-industry maven named Jess, who I gave wide, swishy hips and a sly smirk. As of this writing, she has completed the level 10 programming skill, felt sad once and happy 232 times, WooHooed only nine times, and had two kids with the husband she met at a bar. I’m having a hard time saying goodbye to her, admittedly, so I have her drinking anti-aging potions. I encounter this problem with a lot of Sims games, and this time it’s even worse (because a lot of things are better). But at the same time, The Sims 4’s lack of features and small world hasn’t let Jess live her life to the fullest. Even though it’s fun, it’s a big letdown that this sequel doesn’t inspire the same wow factor that The Sims 3 did when I first played it years ago. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (🇺🇸USA)

The Sims 4 Mac OSX  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Sims 4 Mac OSX  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

When I created Jess, I was immediately impressed by the appearance-customization options. Picking a Sim’s walk style, which can vary from “tough” to “feminine,” does a lot to express personality (and it’ll change to a slouch if they’re tired or an “I have to pee” walk when their bladders are uncomfortably full). The new Create-a-Sim in general is really intuitive, allowing you to push and pull at different parts of a Sim’s body in order to get the exact size and shape you’re looking for. I’m a huge believer in body positivity and beauty in all bodies, so seeing more realistic representations of various body types was really encouraging. I gave Jess thick thighs and hips and kept her upper body lean, because I finally could. Listen, I love the Sims and have for literally decades but it is absolutely not because it’s a great game, it’s just the only one out there. The MOMENT – THE. MOMENT. – someone comes along who can make a competing life sim/builder (*cough* lookupParalives) I am ditching this game forever. Sick of EA’s greed, I’ll never buy another Sims game just out of spite. This game is awkward and clunky with weird bugs like Sims idling forever instead of doing the next thing in their action queue – or household items spontaneously moving or disappearing. A single expansion costs as much as the base game. All expansions total more than a PS5. It’s outrageous. And save your “buy it on sale”s because: No.

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I was disappointed, however, that I could give her only four total traits — three, if you don’t count the trait associated with her lifetime aspiration. That’s one fewer than The Sims 3 allows, or two if you have the University Life expansion. It turned out to be less of a problem than I’d imagined, though, because the addition of emotions makes a lot out of a little. Trying to get Jess a date was my first brush with the new emotional axis to Sims’ personalities, a system that successfully supplants traits as a more realistic way for Sims to live and interact. I quickly learned that Jess, who I gave the “romantic” trait, very easily swung into “flirty” feelings. Feeling flirty unlocked several fun interaction options, like posing seductively or taking a cold shower to quell thoughts of WooHoo. (Pro tip: Use some of the flirty options before jumping straight to WooHoo. In the spirit of realism, Sims will get a better mood boost from it afterward.) On the other hand, going too long without flirting made her “tense,” which opened up another set of actions.

The Sims 4 Mac OSX  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Sims 4 Mac OSX  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

That’s the best thing about emotions in The Sims 4: They provide new contextual opportunities to Sims, like being able to tell a self-deprecating joke when embarrassed, and make a lot more sense than just having static interactions based on personality traits. It was a lot of fun to watch an energized Jess “mop like mad!” and kind of touching to see her inspired husband tell her about his dreams. It took me about 15 hours of playing with my crew of Sims to fully appreciate the complexity of Sim emotions, but now I’m really enjoying it. The Sims 4 is a game in which you can get angry and do an angry poop into a toilet. It’s a game in which, if you read a book about mischief for long enough, you can convince another person to streak through their neighbourhood. It’s a game with an option to shower in such a way that your Sim comes out feeling “flirty”. And if that’s not a euphemism for giving yourself a soapy seeing to in the bathroom, I don’t know what is.

Build the Perfect Home

The Sims 4 is the latest in the world-conquering virtual doll house series, a very unique set of perennial games that reliably arrive feature-light and skeletal, before fattening themselves up with downloadable content and expansion packs of varying quality. Over the course of years they become grotesque and bloated beacons of abject corporate cynicism, before finally shedding that gross pupa and emerging reborn and naked as another numbered sequel, stripped of all of its fineries and ready to go all over again. So there’s loads missing here, obviously. A lot of it should be expected: pets have never been in the vanilla game and always arrive somewhere around the first or second expansion pack. The range of clothing is generous enough but broadly generic, while the furniture options feel particularly limited. There are only eight career choices (in total the series has now had over sixty) though they allow you to specialise in one of two ways once you achieve a certain rank in your chosen profession. There’ll be more furniture and clothes and careers and cats in the future. All that will come later.

The Sims 4 Mac OSX  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Sims 4 Mac OSX  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Some of what’s missing is less obvious and a bit more galling for fans of the series. Create-a-Style, which felt like the correct way to approach interior design in The Sims, is gone. The lack of swimming pools is the most baffling and as yet unexplained departure from previous games, as is the regression from having babies go through a toddler stage, to instead evolving from crib to full-grown child in one presumably hormone-flooded day. You can call still a maid to tidy your home, but if there’s a way to call a repairman, I haven’t discovered it. Instead every sim you control will eventually become an expert technician through their ability to destroy objects in their home through everyday use. Other skills, such as cooking, are easier than ever to learn through brute repetition. Deaths through electrocution and housefire are probably still in here somewhere, but they’re far less likely to happen. Unleash your imagination and create a world of Sims that’s wholly unique. Explore and customize every detail from Sims to homes and much more. Choose how Sims look, act and dress. Determine how they’ll live out each day.

Explore Vibrant Worlds.

Design and build incredible homes for every family, then decorate with your favorite furnishings and décor. Travel to different neighborhoods where you can meet other Sims and learn about their lives. Discover beautiful locations with distinctive environments, and go on spontaneous adventures. Manage the ups and downs of Sims’ everyday lives, and see what happens when you play out realistic or fantastical scenarios. Tell your stories your way while developing relationships, pursuing careers and life aspirations and immersing yourself in an extraordinary game where the possibilities are endless. Things feel a bit more clinical, a lot cleaner and less flabby. Sims have gone back to teleporting between the places they need to be instead of driving in their cars, which, while obviously less realistic, cuts down on a lot of the timewasting weirdness as the little virtual fusspots figure out how to get to their vehicles. Sims get out of bed without complaining for half an hour, their morning routines are easier to manage and their needs are generally more forgiving.

The Sims 4 Mac OSX  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Sims 4 Mac OSX  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Do these missing bits matter? Only if you care enough to notice they’re gone, in which case you’re probably already decided on The Sims 4. For the most part, the gutting has freed up Maxis to refocus on creating a more stable game in a much improved engine, one that may be better equipped to deal with expansion in the coming years. Neighbourhoods have been reworked, probably with such expansion in mind. Now there are two worlds, one a greeny grassy suburban niceville, the other a reddish desert outback dustbowl. Each of these contains smaller districts of four to six houses or public lots, which once you’ve loaded you can pan out and around to see other local sims going about their business. To go from inside one lot to inside another lot in the same neighbourhood requires a very short loading screen. That’s not necessarily a backwards step. The Sims 3 had ambitions to render as big a chunk of the world as possible at any given time, to create a fully simulated community, a society that would tick over in the background even as you were focused on what one individual Sim was having for dinner. With The Sims 4 Maxis has decided to go in the opposite direction, focusing the simulation on what happens inside the skulls of Sims, rather than outside the boundaries of their homes.

Of course, that’s before players themselves make it so. The Sims 4’s build tools are the best in the series. Rescaling rooms is far easier than it was before, you can adjust wall height, and the improvements to pathing make unorthodox arrangements more viable. I spent an hour building a modernist home based on images I’d collected from the internet and the experience was far more gratifying–and the final result far closer to what I’d envisaged–than I’ve managed to do in The Sims 3. I expect to be amazed by what people with actual talent can do.


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