Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Free Download


Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET aims to make everything better. Instead of Live-as-a-Service, there is a self-contained single-player experience. Instead of co-op beating with loot grind, value is placed on a strong story with rudimentary freedom of choice. Many fans fear whether the next Marvel troupe will be turned through the license mill and finally pressed half-cooked on the plate. No wonder, since both games are still very similar at first glance: We go into battle with a group of superheroes and fight our way from one arena to the next. Between the story missions we then find ourselves back in our headquarters. This time, however, on the border of the Milano and not a Shield helicarrier. The author of this review has never hidden the fact that he’s a big fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, even writing some relevant articles on the subject. My love of comics of course has its roots in my childhood, in the wonderful 80s and the magazines that were published back then, but even then I have to admit that I was almost unaware of the existence of Guardians of the Galaxy since the publications were mostly about Marvel’s more popular characters. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (🇺🇸USA)

Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

You know, Spider-man, X-Men and the like. Thankfully, the unprecedented success of the MCU brought the Guardians to the forefront and that’s why I’m able to review the videogame adaptation of Peter Quill’s ragtag crew. However, Square Enix’s troubled first attempt at a Marvel game with Crystal Dynamics’ Marvel’s Avengers understandably creates some hesitancy. So let’s see, did Eidos Montreal do better? Eidos Montreal’s Guardians of the Galaxy aren’t the same as the movie versions… but they are. Let me explain. As you can see from the screenshots, obviously the look of the characters is different as well as their backgrounds (e.g. the game’s Drax has already killed or “killed” Thanos) but their characters and the style of voiceovers are very, very close to the Marvel Studios counterpart. Peter Quill, aka Star Lord, is the familiar old goofball who finds himself stuck in the 80s this time instead of the 70s, Drax is voiced with a familiar and irritating directness, Rocket is constantly whining and ready to explode at any moment, Gamora is the realistic one of the group, and Groot… He is Groot.


Fans of the MCU will therefore not need any time to adjust as both the writing and the voice acting are of a high standard, while the very good work done on the facial expressions of all the characters perfectly serves the always desirable immersion. In fact, one of the very pleasant surprises of the game is that in some parts the writers have done an even better job than their cinematic counterparts. For example, Gamora here has a much more balanced personality than in the movies, which sometimes tend to portray her as the strict mom of the group. Whether or not Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy would work always hinged on the characters. If Eidos-Montréal didn’t get those right, the entire game would miss the mark. Having the team behind the last couple of Deus Ex games was certainly a surprising choice. But I was confident that the folks at Eidos could build a narrative backbone and cast of characters that do this franchise justice.

Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Lo and behold, they have. The game’s narrative can drag and it honestly goes on too long, but it’s such a joy to spend time with this version of the cast that the occasional missteps don’t distract much from the wacky space adventure. Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy takes over 20 hours to tell a fairly simple tale: Star-Lord accidentally frees something that ends up allowing a church to threaten the entire galaxy. It all starts when the team is searching the Quarantine Zone to find an animal worthy of selling to the feared Lady Hellbender, a warlord who has her own monster preserve. Instead, things go sideways and the team finds themselves having to scramble to set things right. Along the way, they’ll contend with the Nova Corp, Lady Hellbender herself, and a fanatical church hellbent on enslaving the galaxy. I’ll get to why the characters are such a rousing success, but the narrative pacing here is off. The game does the same thing most of the DC shows on The CW do.


It attempts to pad out a smaller story by having our heroes go up against the big bad who is just too strong to fight because reasons. Then they redouble their efforts and try again, only to be pushed aside once more. Finally, they fight the big bad again and they go down kind of easy because their plot armor is gone. The game tries to get around this by forcing our heroes on arbitrary detours, but it’s clearly padded to extend the runtime. When Square Enix signed the multi-year, multi-game partnership with Marvel to create games based on its prized IPs, Avengers was arguably the biggest intellectual property in entertainment. Infinity War was already on the horizon, due to launch in theaters about fifteen months later, and the hype for the hugely anticipated showdown with Thanos the Mad Titan led it to become the fourth highest-grossing film of all time at the box office. The second part, Endgame, did even better and snatched the first place from Avatar for a couple of years before a Chinese re-release of James Cameron’s masterpiece reversed the situation earlier this year.

Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

We know now that Marvel’s Avengers, the game made by Crystal Dynamics, turned out to be a far cry from the success of the MCU movies. However, Square Enix has another chance to take advantage of the Marvel deal with the new Guardians of the Galaxy game. Developed by Eidos Montréal, the sister studio that worked together with Crystal Dynamics to deliver Shadow of the Tomb Raider in 2018, this is an adaptation of the galactic team of superheroes featuring Star-Lord, Rocket the Raccoon, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, and Groot. Needless to say, despite the successful movies where Star-Lord is played by Chris Pratt, Drax by Dave Bautista and Gamora by Zoe Saldana, the Guardians of the Galaxy are still somewhat niche compared to the mainstream Marvel heroes; and yet, they will probably end up rescuing the situation against all odds.

Your newly-formed band of legendary misfits is set to save the universe in this fresh but faithful take on the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, on the other hand, has no such problems. It knows what it is: a single player only story-focused title, with no whatsoever distractions or idiosyncrasies. In this adaptation, the team has only been together for a relatively short time as the whole galaxy is still dealing with the aftermath of a huge war between Thanos and his Chitauri and the Nova Corps led by Richard Rider. With the Mad Titan apparently defeated, Peter Quill (Star-Lord) assembles a ragtag team and registers them as heroes for hire, looking to get rich in the process. Needless to say, the events take a completely different turn from the team’s plans as they are forced to deal with a mysterious cult that ultimately threatens the entire galaxy. As with any adaptation, the key element to figure out is whether the creators have managed to capture the essence of the original while reinterpreting it in some ways. On that count, Eidos Montréal passes with flying colors, showing they’ve really understood what Guardians of the Galaxy is really about: camaraderie, friendship, and lots of humor at any turn.

Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The original story crafted for the game is well-written and interesting, but most importantly, each character is deeply fleshed out in a way that is consistent with what fans know of them. Over the course of the journey, they also grow a lot both individually and as a team, and players have the chance to learn more about each Guardian by engaging in conversations on the Milano starship. One of the game’s features is, in fact, the ability to choose between two (or, more rarely, three) options via dialogue trees. In theory, this is supposed to enhance the interactivity with the team and with any other characters Star-Lord comes in contact with. In some cases, it even (very) slightly impacts how the mission progresses. Most choices don’t really seem to make any meaningful difference, though. For instance, there are a couple of times early in the game when you’ll be asked to agree with Rocket or another Guardian. Both times I picked Rocket, and the game acknowledged that Rocket would be grateful for Star-Lord’s support in these instances, but it wasn’t long at all before the big-mouthed raccoon turned against Star-Lord anyway, sparking a rift of sorts within the team.

There are some nips and tucks here and there, which we’ll get into in a moment, but by and large this is exactly the same game as was released in 2013 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The graphics are better than ever but inevitably it’s the storytelling that hasn’t aged so gracefully, especially aspects that were criticised even at the time – most obviously the complete lack of strong female characters and the questionable excesses of protagonist Trevor.

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