Sigma Theory Global Cold War Switch NSP Free Download


Sigma Theory Global Cold War Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Sigma Theory Global Cold War comes from the creators of the award-winning sci-fi game Out There. Although this game does not only come from Mi-Clos Studios but comes from FibreTiger and Goblinz Studio as well. In the near future, a paradigm-shifting scientific discovery looms over the world, promising, new technologies. Suddenly the world’s superpowers realize they could have the power to destroy the global financial system, wipe out entire countries or even gain access to immortality. The player is placed at the head of their country’s Sigma division, with the objective of ensuring that their nation reaps the benefits of Sigma Theory before anyone else. Therefore, achieving this is the player’s top priority and with powerful resources, such as a cadre of the world’s most elite covert agents, advanced tactical drones and their own skills in diplomacy and subterfuge; at their disposal success is guaranteed.Sigma Theory: Global Cold War is a new take on the spying genre and it is set during a futuristic global cold war. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Sigma Theory Global Cold War Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Sigma Theory Global Cold War Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

In the near future, a paradigm-shifting scientific discovery looms over the world, promising radical new technologies. The world’s superpowers realize they could have the power to destroy the global financial system, wipe out entire countries or even gain access to immortality. However, this discovery called The Sigma Theory can only be harnessed by a handful of scientists and the player’s objective is to acquire as many scientists as they can to utilize Sigma technologies for their country of allegiance. Although Sigma Theory does involve traditional spy genre tropes, which were given a well-deserved freshness that added an immersive quality to the game. Sigma Theory: Global Cold War has as many facets to rival a diamond and it may be just as hard as well. Sigma Theory is a turn-based strategy game with a focus on micromanagement. These aspects are both developed and managed through the player’s actions, the orders given to their agents and their relations with the in-game NPCs.Sigma Theory: Global Cold War is a turn-based strategy game. Therefore, its controls are quite simple and easy to grasp, given all the player needs is a mouse.

Sigma Theory Nigeria update.

The player’s use of a mouse will involve navigation of the map, placement of agents, giving out orders and so on. This is done by moving their mouse and confirming actions with a simple left click on the action of choice.Sigma Theory: Global Cold War had quite a thorough tutorial. Although the tutorial is not explicit about its existence, players are made aware of the game’s mechanics, how they work and given a chance to interact with said mechanics. Furthermore, the tutorial happens in sequences, meaning each time a player performs a certain action a dialogue box from their in-game character will come up on the screen to provide an explanation.  Recruitment is important in Sigma Theory, as agents are the player’s lifeblood. The player has to recruit a team of four special agents from fifty unique unlockable characters to support their missions. Each comes with their own story, motivations, and traits that define their behavior during missions. In addition, with particular characters the player will have to convince them to join their team, thus it is important to pay attention to their files if the character decides to ask why they should join their team. Terror of Hemasaurus

Sigma Theory Global Cold War Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Sigma Theory Global Cold War Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Once the player’s team is ready, they can assign them missions around the world to gather scientists, discover compromising documents on local politicians, and more. Furthermore, the player needs to exploit their agent’s abilities to seduce, manipulate and bribe if targets are to be persuaded to their side or neutralized. In addition, some characters have arrest warrants in particular countries and it is vital the player does not send them to these countries. This is one of the rare games I’ve played where the tutorial doesn’t spoon feed you to victory every time. I thought this was a great thing because in losing my first game, I learnt alot from my mistakes and I was eager to jump straight into my next playthrough. Of course, I then lost the next three games in a similarly disastrous fashion, though each time learning new strategies and working out what i needed to prioritise for next time. When starting a new game you must choose your allied nation out of a total 10 countries, each having a beneficial perk. For example, with the United Kingdom, the first agent you recruit will always be loyal to their country.

Turn-Based Espionage.

If you choose the USA, you’ll find it easier to sway scientists to work for you. After this selection you need to choose a spouse. Throughout a playthrough your spouse, an agent in another organisation, will ask you to help them with their missions. You have a choice as to whether you help or defy them which will affect your relationship as well as your country, all whilst ensuring you don’t under-resource your own efforts. Next you need to choose four agents to recruit to your team from an initial pool of 16 agents. Through playing the game, you can eventually unlock 58 agents to choose from. Each agent has two primary stats – intelligence and strength, a written profile and a list of traits. High intelligence agents will be useful for hacking and negotiating, whereas higher strength agents are useful for interrogations and exfiltrations. There are also elite agents that have some amazing traits. So good in fact that you’re only allowed one per playthrough. Each agent’s traits are much more important and will help you to focus their efforts. For example, whilst every agent can hack, agents with the hacker trait are much more proficient. HunterX

Sigma Theory Global Cold War Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Sigma Theory Global Cold War Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Agents with the seducer trait can be good for attempting to turn a rival scientist to your cause. There are also some negative traits such as loner or arrogant that could work against you and fail the action they’re attempting. Ideally you will want one agent that’s good at hacking, a negotiator, an exfiltration expert and another that is good at interrogation or combat. When you attempt to recruit an agent, they’ll ask you why they should join you. You are given a choice of three responses and you must read their profile to see which answer best fits their motivations. If you choose the correct response, they’ll join you. Pick the wrong choice and they will be unavailable for the current playthrough. If you fail to recruit too many agents, you’ll be assigned four at random. Once you have your team, you’re given two research scientists, a surveillance drone and a combat drone to assist with field missions. The main game interface is clean and simple showing a world map with the 9 other countries indicating their alert level and their trust level. At the top of the interface is a doomsday clock which shows international tensions, and a counter for the number of research points you have towards the Sigma Theory.


There are certain events that will accelerate the doomsday clock towards midnight, and when the counter fills, the world is thrust into a global nuclear war and you have lost the game. There are some missions and technology rewards that will move the doomsday clock back for you, so they’re worth keeping an eye out for. You are then left to your own devices if you’re not doing the tutorial and need to start sending your agents into the field.Sigma Theory takes place not too far in the future where people have augmentations, impeccable style, and takes headshots like they want to be in the next Bladerunner. The titular “Sigma Theory” of the game is a new kind of science on the verge of a discovery that makes things like teleportation or immortality possible. This, of course, touches on the sci-fi fear and ethics that should feel cozy to Black Mirror or Deus Ex fans. Of course, this would cause all kinds of political turmoil and as the director of Sigma for your country you will send out agents to steal scientists or get dirt on diplomatic leaders, try to wrestle with politics face to face or under the table.

Negotiate with terrorists and influence groups, and so on, all while the Doomsday Clock ticks back and forth depending on choices and actions you take. Victory requires loads of scientists and getting them is only possible with 4 agents, 2 drones, and lots of luck. There are 2 main pieces of turn-based gameplay to Sigma Theory: the global map portion and the exfiltration missions, and this boils down to a lot of reading through traits and dialogue. On the global map players assign scientists to research different branches of science, handle random encounters like enemy spies or betrayals, meet with diplomats to try to raise diplomacy or get extra research points, and assign agents to different countries to find scientists in preparation for exfiltration. Turns are counted as days and things like hacking or finding weapons will require a certain number of days depending on stats. Once scientists are found they have to be recruited 1 of 4 ways: seduction, bribery, conversion, or the least advisable option of straight-up kidnapping.The exfiltration missions play like a Choose Your Own Adventure games with trait and stats checks.

Sigma Theory Global Cold War Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Sigma Theory Global Cold War Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Maybe you send an agent that is good with vehicles and RNG presents you with a random encounter that allows you to commandeer a car . Or, RNG decides to give you multiple cops and soldiers blocking your path and your agent refuses to hurt anyone. Drones can help a bit as well: a tactical drone can sometimes let agents bypass confrontations peacefully, a military drone can launch missiles that will deal with the enemies but also any nearby civilian thus leading to some awkward apologies next tea time. The main action required by players is reading and trying to find the best fit for different people. For example agents have 2 stats, Strength and Intelligence, but the agents’ traits are what require more thorough investigation as they can impact agents negatively or positively. For instance, even an agent with low strength and mild intelligence can be useful for converting a scientist into a double agent if they have the Seducer trait. However a trait like Bloodthirsty means that your exfiltration with them will always include killing enemy soldiers or even civilians. Browsing through traits extends to scientists and diplomats as well. Scientists and agents can gain new traits based on Sigma research, helping certain groups, or even failing at certain events like not allowing an agent to see a contact they have fallen in love with.  A Plague Tale: Requiem

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