Rivals of Aether Free Download


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After diving into the unmitigated disaster that is Bounty Battle just recently, we can’t say we were particularly enamoured with the idea of slogging our way through yet another Smash Bros.-esque indie fighting effort quite so soon. However, Rivals of Aether is an experience that’s just about as far removed from that mess as is perhaps possible within (or without) the confines of a genre. Here is a carefully crafted, deep and addictive 16-bit platform fighter that takes the base influence of Nintendo’s brawling behemoth and runs off in its own direction, resulting in a brawler that cuts away a lot of faff and theatre and gets down to some surprisingly hardcore and competitive business. The land of Aether, in which Dan Fornace’s game is set, is divided into warring civilizations of animal fighters who’ve been tricked into facing off against each other by a shadowy Lovecraftian fiend. Taking place over six stages – and one hidden final battle – which introduce the original core characters that were available to players back when the game first released in 2017, the story mode here is a short and simple affair which nevertheless does a decent job of setting the scene and providing a little background to the cast’s motivations for kicking each other’s pans in. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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Rivals of Aether Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

That six-strong cast has also now been expanded to a total of fourteen pugilists, twelve from across the land of Aether itself as well as two delightful cameos in the form of Ori and the legend that is Shovel Knight. There may not be a roster of several thousand instantly recognisable characters to choose from, then, but the fourteen furries on offer here are a well-designed and diverse bunch, each with their own unique elemental attacks and specials which can be used not only to punish opponents, but also to cleverly affect the arenas in which they are fighting. Pulling their powers from four elements – earth, air, fire and water – your protagonists all work with the same base move-set of light combo attacks and chargeable strong attacks, all of which have variations depending on the direction you’re holding, alongside rolls, dodges, parries and a double jump. Add to this each character’s unique abilities and there’s a surprising amount to get to grips with in order to master any one of them. Zetterburn, as an example, can set foes alight, place pools of flame around the arena and does extra damage to an enemy when they are burning, whereas Orcane places puddles of water on the ground which he can then teleport to or turn into pillars of bubbles that trap enemies in the air for an easy upper attack.

Rivals of Aether Tuxedo Ranno.

There are slow, powerful fighters here, zippy lightning-based ninja-types and everything else in-between to suit your preferred playstyle, and each and every one of them is a delight to invest time in. Even those guest fighters, Ori and Shovel Knight, have very obviously had a ton of time and effort put into their design. Shovel Knight can perform his signature shovel drop attack, knocks collectable gems out of opponents, sits down to fish mid-fight and even uses his taunt to open a shop in order to purchase relics and armour to help him in battle. In short, the relatively small roster, alongside the removal of a lot of the more overblown aspects of Super Smash Bros., the almost simplistically clean presentation here, belies a ton of depth more suited to dedicated fight fans than those who just want to party casually with pals. This depth is also hinted at in a tutorial mode that drills you in every aspect of the game, from the very basics right up to an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. The robust practice mode also allows you to track frame data and displays hitbox visualisations in order for you to really get down into the nitty-gritty of it all. General Practitioner

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Rivals of Aether Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Just a little over a year ago, Rivals of Aether joined Xbox’s Game Preview Program. In the time since, the creator, Dan Fornace, and his crew have introduced a plethora of changes and improvements that have effectively transformed the game. Every aspect of this game shows just how passionate the team behind it must be. One of the very first ways I saw (or rather heard) this passion was when I booted the game up and I heard that sweet, sweet retro fighting music from flashygoodness. I truly can’t express exactly how well these tunes make you want to brawl. I’m not sure if it’s the fast pace and full sound or the very old-school feel that it has, but it all just works so well. That old-school feel completely dominates the title’s visuals everywhere you look. Whether it be the arenas, hit effects, backdrops, menus or character designs. I’d argue the characters are the most visually impressive part of the game since they all have unique designs, animations, and movements. Beyond their visual differences, each Rival has a wholly exclusive moveset that utilizes one of four elements. Since I’m trying desperately to refrain from talking about each character individually.

Burn Damage.

I will just say that the eight characters (two have to be bought with ingame coins) are all interesting in their own way. No matter the player’s playstyle or skill level, there is a character for everyone that enjoys a good ol’ brawler. I said I wouldn’t talk about all the characters, but I would like to talk about one of the characters to help showcase just how much care has gone into each available Rival. My favorite character has to be Forsburn, the Exiled Flame. This Rival uses his cloak, dagger, and control over smoke to deceive his opponents before launching them with a devastating blow. If the player wants to deceive their enemies, they can spew smoke, create a clone, or warp from point to point. All of these tactics can be turned into much more powerful attacks if used correctly. The clone can be used to confuse other Rivals or even explode, just to do damage. When warping, Forsburn can disappear from one point and appear somewhere else, sometimes multiple times if he warps into smoke. Finally, the smoke Forsburn can create not only obscures his location, but can be inhaled to allow him to explode for a decent amount of damage. The Last Hero of Nostalgaia

Rivals of Aether Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rivals of Aether Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

None of this even mentions that every character has neutral, dash, tilt and aerial attacks. Rivals even have three separate types of attack: normal, strong, and special. These all have unique animations and some Rivals even use them differently depending on what state they’re in. Add in the double jumping, dodging, wall jumping, recovery, and various other movement and defensive options and you’ll see just how deep the gameplay truly is. Knowing that deep gameplay alone won’t carry the game, the team behind Rivals of Aether were keen enough to include several game modes that all have a unique appeal. When the game first showed up on the Game Preview Program, it only had local and online versus, training and practice available. The Nintendo saga of Smash Bros has given birth to a very specific, although not exactly crowded, line of hybrids between platform games and fighting games that includes, among others, games such as PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale , Small Arms and Digimon Rumble Arena. . However, the genre has taken root almost exclusively on consoles, leaving the PC without a valid exponent, at least until last weekend.

Choose VERSUS MODE to duke it out in competitive 1v1 or 2v2 fight.

Here comes Rivals of Aether , openly (and shamelessly) inspired by the Nintendo series and, for once, also done really well. The game is set in a fantasy world populated by anthropomorphic animals and sees the four elements fighting each other: to represent air, water, fire and earth we find samples belonging to the most disparate species who can’t wait to beat themselves up, trying to throw opponents as far as possible. A simple premise that moves well with the colorful and all in all evocative tone of the setting set up by Dan Fornace, a game designer who in the past has collaborated in the development of several games including the recent Killer Instinct reboot made in Microsoft. The core of Rivals of Aether is represented by battles between characters – from two to four – in narrow arenas formed by a handful of platforms. Taking advantage of offensive moves and different types of maneuvers, players will have to hit the characters controlled by the opponents: unlike a normal fighting game, whoever is hit does not lose vitality, but increases the probability of being sent out of the ring by particularly heavy blows.

Exactly like in the games of the Smash Bros series, in fact, on the head of each fighter there is an indicator that shows the percentage accumulated by slapping: the higher it will be, the more the character will be sent away when hit by the opponent’s attacks. A fighter who ends up outside the edges of the screen is eliminated (or in any case loses “a life”, While the local versus gave the player access to team battles, controls over stocks and time and even bos to fight, the online variant only offered 1v1’s on certain versions of stages. This has drastically changed as with the full release. The game offers a story mode, abyss mode, practice, tutorial, local versus, and online versus which supports 2v2’s. The story mode offers six individual campaigns that are five stages long for the initial characters. Each campaign has story elements introduced between each fight and culminates in a sort of boss fight with a character that has two lives instead of one. The climax of the story mode sees the player take control of a chosen Rival with all the others as backup stocks in case of failure. This final part is different from every other part of the game and completely surprised me when I experienced it for the first time.

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Rivals of Aether Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Upon completing the story mode, players will unlock abyss mode. In this mode, one to four players will take on the endless waves of enemies and trials that seek to stop the Rivals from going any further. After each wave, players will gain XP and eventually level up, unlocking more slots for special traits that change how their moves work. This gives the already interesting mode another reason to keep coming back to it since the max level is ten and I mean, it can’t take that long to get there, right? I only got the chance to play this mode single player but look forward to challenging the abyss with my friends later. Although, since they haven’t played as often as I have, I’ll probably have them try the tutorial and practice modes to ‘get on my level’. You see, the tutorial mode offers tons of information in playable stages that cover basic, intermediate, advanced, and even character specific tips and tricks. Once a player has tapped out the tutorial mode, they can always try out the practice mode that allows player to change everything from game speed to whether or not hitboxes are shown in order to give the player full control over their time spent there. Utilizing all of these tools will be necessary if you plan on trying out the game’s online ranked mode where the best of the best go to compete. If you’re not feeling particularly tryhard-y, you can always try out the online custom matches. Batora: Lost Haven

ADD ONS/PATCHES AND DLC’S: Rivals of Aether Panda Etalus

 Panda Etalus Complete Pack Tuxedo Ranno Kraggling MYM:Penguin Absa Shovel Knight – Rival DLC
Arcade Elliana Sylvanos and Elliana – Rival DLC Ragnir Maypul Ranno and Clairen – Rival DLC Ori and Sein – Rival DLC Shine Zetterburn
Arcade Maypul Early Access Promo Summit Orcane Genesis Forsburn Promo Panda Maypul Spangled Wrastor
Summit Kragg Promo Champion Zetterburn Promo Golden Orcane Promo Steam Sub 425760 Developer Comp for Beta Testing
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