The Battle of Polytopia Free Download


The Battle of Polytopia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Battle of Polytopia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET There are a lot of crappy mobile games out there—those that use monetization more like a game mechanic than just as a way to sustain their studio. I never heard of The Battle of Polytopia until recently, and that’s too bad. Polytopia takes the 4X genre and condenses it into a super-fast mobile iteration you can also play on computers. Think Civilization but on a scale that makes bite-sized play sessions manageable. The Battle of Polytopia is a 4X (explore, expand, exploit, exterminate) turn-based strategy game. Unlike some 4X games, Polytopia isn’t meant to be a game that is played over hundreds of hours—instead, most matches can be completed within ten minutes, depending on the game mode. But if you want a longer gameplay experience, there are those options too. And there are both single and multiplayer modes to appeal to competitive gamers or those who just want a solo challenge. Battle for Polytopia, despite its form factor, is a surprisingly addictive 4X strategy game. .TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

The Battle of Polytopia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Battle of Polytopia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

While The Battle of Polytopia fits wonderfully as a mobile game on Android and iOS, most of my time spent with it was through Steam on a desktop PC. While it definitely has the hallmarks of a mobile game—even with some microtransactions—The Battle of Polytopia is an addictively fun game no matter where you play it, and while it is a bit “lite” compared to other 4X titles, it’s like a perfect cut of 4X, trimmed of the fat. There are two main ways to play The Battle of Polytopia: single player and multiplayer. Single player is experienced in multiple different ways. You can play the traditional (and personally recommended) Perfection mode, a more 4X traditional Domination mode, and Creative mode. Creative mode allows you to set up a game in any fashion you’d like, including choosing between Perfection and Domination modes as well as an infinite mode. The multiplayer mode has slightly different game modes: Might and Glory. Might works a bit like Perfection mode, being that it’s points-based.

Five map types

Might requires you to capture all of the enemy capitols to win. You can also play locally with a pass and play mode. The Battle of Polytopia has somewhat simplified gameplay, especially when compared to a more traditional 4X game. If you’re playing the points-based rounds, the gameplay is lightning fast. Create units, conquer cities, and upgrade those cities by exploiting nearby resources. Every aspect of gameplay is refined down to its base element, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t strategy involved. Each unit you can recruit, for instance, has a set distance it can travel, an armor value, a range it can engage enemies at, etc. Even the starting tribe you choose can make a difference, since each of the 16 total tribes (with DLC) has its own advantage. Each of the tribes has their own starting area, but also something that sets it apart from the others. Call of Duty Black Ops

The Battle of Polytopia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Battle of Polytopia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The original 12 tribes each had a talent on the technology tree unlocked, but the DLC tribes tend to be a little more interesting. Like the Aquarian tribe that has a slightly different tech tree, and uses water to their advantage, or the Polaris that can free surrounding terrain. The most recently released tribe, the Cymanti train bugs and use poison to defend their fungus blanketed marsh homes. It’s a shame these tribes are locked behind a paywall, and it costs almost as much as the base game to buy them all. But if you’re addicted to The Battle for Polytopia’s gameplay, you might find yourself tempted by these unique tribes. While I enjoyed my time with The Battle for Polytopia, I think it might work best as a mobile game. It certainly translates to PC just fine, and is fun enough—but I think I’d find myself playing it more often on the road than at my gaming PC.

Own unique nature, culture and attributes

It does have extremely low system requirements, so it might be an option for those who don’t have a PC that is built for games. Either way, The Battle for Polytopia has 4X gameplay boiled down to its core mechanics—I haven’t played anything else quite like it. With a name like The Battle of Polytopia the art style should be pretty obvious. It has a bright and colorful low-poly art style with big blocky models that does not make any attempts at looking realistic. Everything is heavily stylized, including the cities, terrain and any units. While simple, the art style in Polytopia is consistent through the game and nothing really looks out of place. All the different civilizations, or tribes as they’re known here, have their own unique look with their own variants on units. Units that are still the same between the different tribes, though they look different.Call of Duty Black Ops III

The Battle of Polytopia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Battle of Polytopia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The cavalry from one tribe rides on larger birds, another rides on horses, and a third ride some kind of purple monster. With 12 different tribes that’s a lot of different units. And much like the tribes vary a lot in looks, so does the terrain. Different terrain have different variants on the same features, like fruit and creatures you can hunt. It all makes for a pretty good looking game. The only major drawback with how the game looks is that it’s not entirely obvious what a resource is the first time you see it. Fruits and animals are easy enough to tell apart, but farmable land and forests are not necessarily quite so obvious, at least if you’re only seeing one of the two the first time you encounter a new biome. The sound design is sparse. All the 12 tribes have their own little jingle that plays when you select them, that for the most part roughly fits in with their real world inspirations, but once in game there’s no music on the main map screen.

Make Peace treaties & Build Embassies

Other things still make sounds, like fighting, clicking on things and so on, and the sound that plays when you’re able to grow the population of your cities at once is quite satisfying, but the lack of music can make the game feel a bit empty at times. All the fundamentals of a 4X game are here, you need to eXplore a randomly generated map, eXpand your empire, eXploit the local resources and eXterminate your neighbours. The difference is that where it usually takes a few hours before you’re really feeling in control in a 4X game and you understand all the important systems, in Polytopia it takes less than 30min. As is customary for the genre after picking your civilziation, or tribe you get thrown onto a randomly generated map with a single city, and need to expand outwards from there. Expansion really is the name of the game, you’re not meant to sit back and build up your one city.

The Battle of Polytopia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Battle of Polytopia Free Download GAMESPACK.NETThe Battle of Polytopia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Every turn you get a certain number of resources, depending on the size of your empire, and these are used for building improvements near your cities, researching new technology and training new military units. Doing things is simple, if you click on a piece of terrain you get a radial menu with all the things you can build, click on a city and you get a similar menu with all the units you can build and if you click on a unit you’ll see markers on the ground showing where you can move. Then you just click on the thing you want to do and it happens instantly. Exploration is as easy as moving a unit to the edge of the area that you’ve explored. Once you reach the edge of it the squares surrounding your unit will be revealed. And if you’re lucky there will be what looks like a few huts huddled together on one of those revealed squares. These are the spots where you can build new cities.

Colonization is done by letting a unit, any unit, end its turn on one of those spots and then at the start of the next turn you can create a new city. Research is another simple thing. There’s a tech tree and you spend resources unlocking new tech. Tech unlocks instantly as soon as you pay for them and each piece of tech tends to give access to one to three things, like a new unit, the ability to move across mountains or a new building type that you can build around the city. Every tribe starts with one tech unlocked, and this is really the only thing that sets them apart, other than the way they look. There are two different victory conditions, score or conquest and you chose one when setting up the game. With the score victory you’re simply trying to get the highest score possible in 30 turns. Almost everything gives some points, like exploring, taking over new land, growing your cities and the goal is simply to have a higher top score at the end of the game than anyone else.  Call of Duty Black Ops II 

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