Secret Neighbor Free Download


Secret Neighbor Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Secret Neighbor Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Of all the indie games released over the last decade, you’d be forgiven for thinking of stealth horror game Hello Neighbor is one of the lesser-known creations, one which was engulfed in the flood of — let’s face it — better games. Yet despite the poor critical reception, Hello Neighbor found its audience and, by extension, its success, spawning a number of additional titles and even an animated series. Secret Neighbor is a spin-off multiplayer title in which a number of children must infiltrate the sinister Mr. Peterson’s house in order to rescue one of their own from the basement. The catch? One of the children is secretly the Neighbor in disguise, who must do everything in his power to deter the children from their goal and ultimately capture the lot of them. The core gameplay remains the same as its predecessor: taking place within a first-person perspective, you’re encouraged to explore every nook and cranny of the dark, dank house, which means the controls will need to be as smooth as possible. By default, movement can be pretty clunky, with super slow sensitivity that you’ll want to crank up significantly in the settings (whilst also inverting the Y-axis, because that’s the correct way to play any first-person game; fight me!).TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Secret Neighbor Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Secret Neighbor Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There’s also a ton of motion blur, which thankfully you can turn down, or switch off completely, because wow, it’s incredibly distracting in its default setting. Playing as a kid or the Neighbor himself is completely random when matchmaking. You can choose which kid to play as out of a small selection of different characters, but we often saw people choosing the same character type. We suspect this may be a tactical choice, to enable the Neighbor to blend in more with the crowd, but it’s difficult to confirm this for certain. On a positive note, however, matchmaking is pretty much instantaneous, with very minimal wait times, at least if you opt for the default game mode. When you load into a match, the game will tell you whether you’re playing as a kid or the dastardly Neighbor, with some basic instructions on what to do during the game. We’ll be the first to admit this, but when we started playing as a kid, we didn’t have a clue what we needed to do. After some trial-and-error and a bit of luck finding the right items, the aim of the game slowly began to sink in. What didn’t help, however, is that if you’re matchmaking with strangers, don’t be surprised if some of them simply refuse to play nice.

Explore the Hello Neighbor house with your friends.

We’ve lost count of the number of times we witnessed the entire group of players just meandering around the house entrance, chucking boxes at each other whilst yelling “neighbor, neighbor!”. Kids, eh? Navigating the house and locating the relevant keys to expand your search is fun for a short while, but quickly loses its charm thanks to the aforementioned janky controls (even with the sensitivity increased) and bland environmental design. Much of the house is shrouded in darkness, so you have a torch to keep you company, but you can swap this out for different items as you progress through the various rooms. The problem is that there just isn’t anything interesting to look for bar the crucial keys. You can search through all the drawers and cupboards, but it feels incredibly tedious after just a few short rounds. Playing as the Neighbor, on the other hand, is infinitely more fun and rewarding, albeit completely unbalanced. You start off in the guise of one of the kids, matching up with whichever character design you choose in the main menu.Falling Out Switch NSP

Secret Neighbor Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Secret Neighbor Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Now, if you wish, you can simply switch over to the Neighbor immediately and chase your opponents around the house until you catch them all (which is also tedious, and not very difficult), or you can play it cool, act the part for a while, and catch the kids while they’re isolated and off guard. It’s a neat concept and can be fun, at least until you realise just how easy it is to win matches when playing as the Neighbor. The game is simply too unbalanced; if your disguise is uncovered by the kids, it really doesn’t matter. Sure, you’ll have a few items chucked at you, but ultimately, the Neighbor is too powerful to stop, and the only hope the kids have of reaching victory is by avoiding the Neighbor entirely and working together (a near impossibility if you’re matchmaking with strangers). As for any sort of longevity or real enjoyment, this almost entirely hinges on whether you’re able to play with friends. The game loses its appeal all too quickly thanks to its dodgy controls and a tendency for matches to descend into chaos thanks to, well, kids. If you’re able to find like-minded people who will actually commit to playing the game ‘properly’, then you might have a modicum of fun with this one, but you’re still stuck with janky controls and uninspiring design.

Horrafic Atmosphere.

Overall, for the sake of your sanity, we’d probably give this a miss. Secret Neighbor has come to Nintendo switch bringing a unique horror, multiplayer, online experience. Set in the world of the Hello Neighbour universe, things will be familiar to people who have previously played games in series. Though this time around your goals are all about team work. You select one of six kids and work together with the other members in your team to find key cards that are scattered around one of two houses, and locate all of the six keys to open the basement door locks and escape. All the while being pursued by an evil neighbour who is amongst your party in a disguise, waiting to strike. Each house is large with many rooms to explore but the lack of extra locations is a little disappointing. However, each house contains multiple rooms, security doors to unlock with key cards and many secret paths that lead to every nook and cranny imaginable. You’re going to need to explore everywhere though to locate all the numbered key cards that are required to progress.Bunny Park Switch NSP

Secret Neighbor Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Secret Neighbor Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Search every drawer, cabinet, wardrobe and open every door to find many hidden keys and items that can help you in your endeavours. If for some reason, all your party members have been found and you’re the last one standing, you may encounter a friendly crow who squawks around the house leading you to undiscovered keys. Although the location of the crow is marked, getting there is another task all on its own. You may find doors blocked by chairs left by the neighbour or security doors that have not been opened yet. You’ll need to either find another way around, or find the right key card to gain access. With no mini-map to assist you, I was constantly getting lost trying to find a way in or out which was frustrating. Thankfully you’ll be able play as one of six kids each with their own abilities and costumes, which are purely cosmetic. Each kid has a unique ability that will help you move around the house more easily. For example Bagger can carry more items which is incredibly useful whereas Inventor can create and craft key cards by finding cogs located around the environment. Adding in an extra layer of complexity to your game plan.

Build Your Own House.

And while the evil neighbour can instantly grab you if he’s near enough to you, which means a game over, the kids aren’t completely defenceless. They are able to throw objects to stun the neighbour and any kid with a slingshot can knock him unconscious, allowing for some downtime for the neighbour and freedom for the kid to escape. The game can become quite intense as your group numbers start to dwindle and you are tasked with finding the remaining keys by yourself. The sense of dread as you navigate each corridor is palpable and makes for a really enjoyable romp through the game. Playing as the evil neighbour is still exciting as you stalk your prey, but loses some of its muster as I found him to be quite slow, lumbering to move about. If am honest I enjoyed playing as the kids a lot more. Menu navigation is really slow and clunky, making the most simple things like choosing a character or looking through the shop a slow, unresponsive slog. Also, if for some reason the neighbour player leaves a match through a connection failure or rage quit you’re basically stuck in limbo.

And you’ll need to complete the match even though the danger has been removed, making it pretty dull there on in. Finally, my biggest complaint is about the depth of the game. While there is some fun to be had the range of modes is pretty bare-bones. Standard match, a custom game mode and slingshot brawl is pretty much all that’s here. There’s a shop with some great cosmetics but I never really had enough gold coins to buy anything exciting. A lack of unlockables, micro-transactions, three neighbour characters and the somewhat poor performance during some games made me feel like this game needed a little more time in the oven. Secret Neighbor is a multiplayer Social Horror game set in the Hello Neighbor universe. Explore the Hello Neighbor house with your friends, but beware – one of you is the Neighbor in disguise. Use teamwork and rescue your friend from the basement, or mess with everyone’s heads as the Neighbor! Other players can rescue you, but in the number of games I played, not one player helped the other. In my defence, the first bundle of games was trying to work out how to play it as there were zero instructions, no tutorial or a bot-like environment to cut your teeth. It was straight into the ‘funhouse’ with a bunch of shouty kids.

Secret Neighbor Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Secret Neighbor Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

That last statement isn’t the gaming avatars but those in the matches I played. It resulted in me switching off voice chat. There wasn’t anything offensive said, but if I wanted to hear shouty playground garbage, there’s a fair amount of YouTubers that could compensate. No, it was the silent treatment here, though in-game players will shout to one another in some pseudo-language of sorts As for level design, it’s good. It could do with some more interactivity. Saying that, unless the person playing as the neighbour has quit, there isn’t much opportunity to inspect the wallpaper or whether the bannister needs a new clean. You have to be swift and have your wits about you. If we were to compare Secret Neighbor to anything else, bearing in mind I’m not an online player; it has to be like Dead By Daylight. The ominous tones and fear elements are just as good – even without the gore, though the camaraderie in the latter was much better from my experience as other players would help you towards a common goal. My biggest criticism has to be the customisation element. It’s merely cosmetic, but to truly customise your favourite characters would require a lot of runs. You either get coins or tokens, and they’re incredibly elusive.Skulls of the Shogun Bone-A-Fide Edition Switch NSP 


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