RetroMania Wrestling Switch NSP Free Download


RetroMania Wrestling Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

RetroMania Wrestling Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Technos Japan’s WWF Superstars and WWF WrestleFest were quarter-munching wrestling games that pitted Vince McMahon’s gimmick-fueled beefcakes against each other in cartoony, over-the-top bouts. Those games are now decades old, and the series sat dormant until an awful WrestleFest remake hit iOS devices in 2012. Fortunately, RetroSoft Studios has crafted a loving homage to those classic games with RetroMania Wrestling. The $29.99 PC game doesn’t carry the WWF (now WWE) license, but it retains a similar graphics style and simple, arcade-like controls. As a result, RetroMania Wrestling isn’t as robust a package as the excellent, sim-like Fire Pro Wrestling World, but it has enough button-mashing action to recommend for a rousing good time.The roster contains 16 licensed characters that are mainly pulled from the independent circuit: Nick Aldis, The Blue World Order (Big Stevie Cool, Blue Meanie, and Hollywood Nova), Colt Cabana, Matt Cardona, Jeff Cobb, Tommy Dreamer, The Legion of Doom/Road Warriors (Animal and Hawk), Austin Idol, Nikia Koloff, Brian Meyers, Johnny Retro (aka Johnny Morrison), Zack Sabre, Jr., and Warhorse. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

RetroMania Wrestling Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

RetroMania Wrestling Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

That lineup would’ve been massive decades ago, but it feels a bit thin in contemporary times. For comparison’s sake, Fire Pro Wrestling World launched with a fictional, 30-person roster, which is small by that series’ standard (the PlayStation 3′ Fire Pro Wrestling Returns offered hundreds of characters). RetroMania Wrestling’s small roster wouldn’t be an issue if the game included a Fire Pro-style create-a-wrestler mode, but it lacks that, too. On the upside, RetroSoft Studios states that three additional characters—Chris Bey, Mr. Hughes, and James Storm—will arrive as DLC. The company promises even more wrasslin’ legends in 2022. RetroMania Wrestling features 17 rings, and many of them recall real-world shows and venues, such as WCW’s Bash at the Beach and the ECW Arena. In a surprising move, RetroMania Wrestling features the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) license, and the legendary promotion is prominently featured in the 10 Pounds of Gold arcade mode. It’s cool to see the NWA in the video game world, but between it and the real-world wrestlers.

20 arenas to battle it out in!

I wonder if this game will vanish from digital storefronts should RetroSoft Studios lose the licenses at a future time. After all, games preservation is a major industry issue. RetroMania Wrestling has several match types, including single, standard tag, six-man tag, eight-man tag, three-way dance, four-way dance, and Retro Rumble (the game’s 16-man take on the WWE’s classic, time-based Royal Rumble match). Like any wrestling game worth its salt, RetroMania features cage matches, falls-count-anywhere bouts, and tornado rumbles. Despite the hardcore match types, I haven’t seen an ounce of blood in my time with the game. Considering the game’s relatively small scope, these modes offer fine gameplay variety. That said, if you’re coming from Fire Pro Wrestling, a game with exploding death matches, kickboxing rules, and UFC-style cafe fights, RetroMania Wrestling’s game types may seem like slim pickings. There’s an entertaining story mode that features branching paths based on your dialogue-tree decisions, as well as the 10 Pounds of Gold arcade mode that tasks you with climbing the ranks to defeat Nick Aldis to win the NWA World Heavyweight belt. Evil Dead The Game PS5

RetroMania Wrestling Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

RetroMania Wrestling Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Gameplay is paramount, and RetroMania Wrestling captures the arcade style feel that its predecessors made famous decades ago. Like Fire Pro Wrestling World, RetroMania Wrestling uses a timing-based grapple system that features light, medium, and heavy grapple attacks. RetroSoft Studios designed the game so that match pace resemble real-world sports entertainment contests. You’re supposed to attack opponents with light moves at the beginning of a match, move on to medium-strength moves as you wear them down a bit, and then bust out your haymakers—high-impact maneuvers and finishers—after they’re properly beaten down. This system gives matches a sense of momentum; in fact, there’s a literal Momentum Meter just south of a character’s Health Meter that displays when you should bust out medium or hard attacks. The meter fills as you land blows or bust out a taunt, and depletes as you take damage. Foes can easily reverse your moves if you’re low on Momentum. If you dip into Options, you can adjust Second Wind, a trait that seems to randomly give beat-down wrestlers a chance to escape a match-ending pin.

Strategic gameplay that is easy to pick up!

It’s like the reverse of Fire Pro Wrestling Word’s Critical knockout move, and makes for hype moments and potential comebacks. The search for a truly wonderful wrestling game on Switch has been one fraught with disappointments, and one that’s still yet to result in an absolute gem. WWE 2K18 was such a shocking, glitch-riddled port that 2K Sports declined to bring the 2019 and 2020 offerings to Nintendo’s console. Its arcade-style spin-off WWE 2K Battlegrounds fared a little better in that it actually worked, but it was still a repetitive, shallow experience. The closest we’ve come to brilliance on Switch so far is Wrestling Empire, an indie title that appears to be inspired by the N64 era (the best era for wrestling games) and is absolutely packed with content but is such a laughably buggy mess – deliberately so, to be fair – that it won’t be to the tastes of anyone who just wants a solid wrestling game. Well, the 10-count has ended and the next competitor stepping into the ring for this Switch Royal Rumble is RetroMania Wrestling, the ‘official’ sequel to Technos’ classic 1991 arcade wrestling game WWF WrestleFest . Port Royale 4 PS5

RetroMania Wrestling Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

RetroMania Wrestling Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Anyone old enough to remember WrestleFest will be able to tell right away that RetroMania is an authentic facsimile, at least visually. The game does an impressive job of recreating the way that WrestleFest looked, right down to the way you see the competitors slowly walking down the entrance ramp before each fight. Once inside the ring everything looks like it should: moves in particular have just the right number of frames of animation to make it look like an authentic modern version of WrestleFest. It may look the part, then, but it feels different, particularly when it comes to the grappling mechanic. WrestleFest was a bit of a button-basher and each wrestler only had four grapple moves that the game picked for you, but RetroMania’s grappling system is more timing-based like the Fire Pro Wrestling games. When both wrestlers get into a grapple, the aim is to press a button just as they both make contact. If you time it better than your opponent you’ll flash green and be in control of the move. If you do it at the same time, it’s button-bashing time. It also shares Fire Pro’s use of light, medium and heavy grapple moves.

Crowd chants that react to the action on screen!

Much like a real bout, it’s unrealistic to expect to storm in and start pulling off powerful slams right after the match starts, so at first the only grapples you’ll be able to successfully perform are weak ones (stronger ones will be reversed). Eventually your character’s momentum bar builds, enabling you to pull off medium and strong grapples. In this way the pace of the fight feels more like something you’d see on TV. Each grapple strength also has a variety of different moves, pulled off by holding a different direction as you press the button. The grappling is great, then, but the other attacks leave a lot to be desired. Punches and kicks are tough to connect with, and running attacks need to be lined up absolutely perfectly or they won’t connect. This is much easier said than done, meaning you’ll find yourself avoiding running attacks altogether: a shame, because they’re among the most satisfying moves in the game on the rare occasions they do connect. Another disappointment is the character roster, which only consists of 16 wrestlers. It’s a weird mix of indie, New Japan and Impact wrestlers, with the likes of Tommy Dreamer, Colt Cabana and the Blue World Order joined by NWA champ Nick Aldis and Impact’s Matt Cardona and Brian Myers (previously known in the WWE as Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins).

It’s even got the Road Warriors (aka the Legion of Doom) in there, because why not. They were the final bosses in WrestleFest, after all. If you eat, drink, breathe, sleep and occasionally sneeze wrestling then this may well be a roster to get you excited, but your typical WWE (or even AEW) fan is going to struggle to get excited about the prospect of playing as Warhorse or the Blue Meanie. It just feels like they’ve dumped in whoever they could get to agree to be in it: 71-year-old Austin Idol and 62-year-old Nikita Koloff are hardly going to have most fans eagerly stuffing $25 in the eShop’s mouth, Ted DiBiase style. Ever since the release of Fire Pro Wrestling World in 2017, it’s been hard out there for wrestling video game fans. The mainline WWE 2K games have been nothing short of abysmal and last year’s budget-priced arcadey spinoff WWE 2K Battlegrounds was more concerned with obnoxious grinding than it was in providing any sort of variety to its wrestlers. Thankfully, Retrosoft Studios was able to acquire a license from Arc System Works to create an official sequel to the 1991 arcade classic WWF Wrestlefest made by Technos Japan.

RetroMania Wrestling Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

RetroMania Wrestling Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

And although Retromania Wrestling doesn’t carry the name or the WWE license, it makes up for that by paying homage to its heritage and embracing today’s hardcore wrestling fandom in one enjoyable old school experience.Although Retromania Wrestling is based on a classic arcade game, its gameplay mechanics actually share a lot more with the aforementioned Fire Pro Wrestling series. After wrestlers lock-up, grapples are a battle of skill and rhythm as you must try to time your button press shortly after an opponent does their own in order to perform a move or a counter. However, a simultaneous button press by both parties results in a button-mashing mini-game with the winner taking the grapple for that encounter. The game does have a bit of a learning curve, and at first, I felt this sense of dread come over me as the A.I. continually just won every grapple, while I was only able to get the occasional “lucky win.” However, patience, determination, and match experience eventually allowed me to understand the timing and nuance of the grappling system. Suddenly I was winning every grapple and my opponents could barely catch their breath with the number of times they found themselves on the mat.  Police Simulator Patrol Duty

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