THE PEGASUS EXPEDITION Free Download GAMESPACK.NET The Pegasus Expedition is a story-driven sci-fi strategy game developed by Kalla Gameworks and published by Fulqrum Publishing. The game released on Steam early access on October 21, 2022 and aims to add a strong narrative side to classic 4X-gameplay which involves managing your diplomatic ties, armies, economy and scientific development. The graphics and music are solid but there’s not much value to be had in other areas, with a small visual novel taking place between turns. Facing an overwhelming threat at home, humanity sends an expedition to the Pegasus Galaxy in a desperate attempt to find a refuge for the population of Earth, only to find themselves in the middle of an interstellar war they inadvertently started. As you lead one of these fleets, your mission soon transitions from exploration to governance, conquest, and eventually a fight for survival. You will start out with only your seasoned but thin expeditionary fleet, and you will need to develop your economy fast to keep the Expedition going. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



While functional, the 4X gameplay is very basic. There’s a galaxy map with multiple factions; some are friendly, and some are enemies. The story is supposed to shape your journey through it, but it feels more limiting than engaging in such a sandbox game style. You can invest in the systems you conquer, building outposts on the planets and starbases in space but there are minimal options and they’re not very engaging. The interface is graphically smooth but oversized, unintuitive and the large amounts of wasted space would be better used displaying more information that is otherwise confined to tooltips. As you conquer your way through the galaxy in The Pegasus Expedition, you will come into conflict with the current inhabitants. Fighting them for control of each system is done in an automated fight where you have minimal impact over the outcome. Fleet strengths are compared and both sides choose a deployment strategy – which almost always boils down to the more concentrated forces, the better the outcome – and there’s very little way to tell what is contributing to the fight.

Immense handcrafted world

It is a little different to the auto-resolve feature in a lot of sandbox strategy games, which leaves the game lacking much in the way of gameplay at all. The attempt to shoehorn a scripted story into a sandbox genre leads to some problems. There is poor balancing of the usual progression of difficulty in a 4X as it must be tied to story elements. Especially early on, this leads to tedium as much of what little gameplay there is, is locked away. There is also some ludonarrative dissonance when the allied factions you’re supposed to be fighting side by side with, whom you discuss what to do together in cutscenes during the story, won’t share research or intel with you unless you bribe them. The Pegasus Expedition is technically proficient at least. The interface, while lacking in features, is smooth and responsive. The music is good albeit limited in number of tracks, and the graphics are more than adequate for a game like this. I didn’t encounter any bugs other than a combination of poor scripting of triggers tied to campaign events. Kaiju Princess



The client itself performed remarkably well. The main flaws in the presentation are the minimal animation for the various character designs during the visual novel storytelling. The game could gain a lot from additional mechanics to deepen the gameplay, improved writing and cutscenes for the story, and a more refined interface that displays information more adequately. If you are looking for a story-based space 4X and don’t mind it being very light on mechanics, you could get some enjoyment out of The Pegasus Expedition. If you are a strategy gamer that enjoys Stellaris, Distant Worlds, Sins of a Solar Empire, Masters of Orion, or other great existing strategy games, you may find you’ll be struck with tedium and many questions. This early access release starts with the main story campaign implemented but no other content. The developers plan to release four content updates in total over the early access period, each bringing a new scenario (a new, smaller-scale campaign with different settings and twists on the core gameplay) and new features, polish, and bugfixes.

Choose to be the leader you wish to be

We will be keeping an eye on the game as each update is released. The Pegasus Expedition has a story that in some ways flips the genre on its head in interesting ways, and is the highlight of this review. Normally you just expand as you like in these strategy games. You don’t tend to dwell on the ramifications of your wars. It works well to encourage aggression whilst questioning your actions along the way. The story is a sci-fi epic set in 2262. Humanity is facing an overwhelming threat from a species known as the Colossals who are rapidly gaining territory and approaching Earth. The major factions on Earth have sent their best fleets through a portal to the Pegasus galaxy to find refuge for humanity, or find and produce weapons capable of winning the war. These are the Zeus Link Fleet of the EU, the 1st Expeditionary Fleet of the US, and the Al-Musta’mara Fleet of the Daras Combine. It’s a great starting narrative and the game looks to delve deeper into the ethics and consequences of your actions.  Karryn’s Prison



The Pegasus galaxy is already home to several space-faring species and your arrival posts problems to the political stability and factions of the area. You face a number or moral conundrums as you go. How far are you willingly to go to potentially save humanity? The colossal are 15 years away so you need to establish yourself quickly. But doesn’t this make you the equivalent of the Colossals to the denizens of this galaxy? It’s a strong story and one that is interesting to see develop as you are encouraged to reflect on your choices. This area is where the game is at its strongest. There is something of a catch 22 when it comes to large scale strategy games such as these. Having a more involved story that follows its narrative beats can be really good, but on the flipside it can hamper the player’s choices. You don’t really get to choose how you want to deal with the galaxy’s inhabitants, at least until later in the game. Early on wars happen as is required by the story which leads to strong narrative moments.

Rewarding gameplay experience

However, it does dampen your own ability to interact with galaxy and make your own calls. I’m not saying it’s bad, just that it’s something to bear in mind if you were hoping for a more free sandbox experience from the get go.The Pegasus Expedition is a turn-based grand strategy game that has you control the fleets and planets of Earths forces in this new frontier, and this works well in review. Specifically, you control the Zeus Link Fleet of Earths forces. You control the broad strategy and must deal with narrative crisis as they pop up. This is through 3 main components: combat, infrastructure/logistics and diplomacy.  The combat in the of The Pegasus Expedition is done through your fleets, which is a mixed bag to review. You build and maintain fleets which are used to take and defend star systems. Upgrades to your fleet come through developing your infrastructure and advancing the tech tree to get higher tier units and buffs. Special Forces can be recruited to perform sabotage on enemy fleets and planets.



The assaults and defences give you a few different options on how to approach. You can group your units into large battle groups, or split your forces into detachments to flank enemy positions. There are also ‘All Means Allowed’ tactics, such as using nukes, which are more effective, but come with higher casualties and damages your diplomatic reputation. It’s satisfying to build your forces and expand, especially when you pull off effective strategic plans. For example, isolating and eliminating an enemy fleet. However, the game feels like it needs a hook. You select at the start which approach you want to use, but you can’t change plans on the fly, or get involved on a more granular level for harder battles. I think this is an area that could use improvement. Too often it feels like you have no real say in why you win or lose, beyond having a stronger fleet. The other problem is the fleet repair mechanic. It takes up to 10 turns to repair a fleet, usually at the total cost of the units.

This is way too slow. You can build a whole new fleet in about 3 turns. Either repairs should be faster or cheaper than building new ships, or you should have the option to merge two crippled fleets into one combat effective unit.To maintain the fleets you need to have your infrastructure and logistics in order. You do this by building on planets you control. You can build civilian, shipbuilding, research and industrial outposts on a planet. You’ll want to choose wisely, for example planets with rare earth minerals are better for industrial outposts. The planets come in a plethora of different types. Colonisable planets are rare but can be host to massive cities, whereas habitable planets can host mid level settlements. Then there are buildable and hazardous planets that can only sustain minimal structures, or none at all depending on how far down the tech tree you are. This all works pretty well, but can be frustrating at times, as you have to manually enter each star system to build, and eventually you will probably forget which ones you have developed. Kerbal Space Program PS5


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