60 Seconds! Free Download


60 Seconds! Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Your family is part of a borderline-paranoid military group dedicated to ensure that the public is ready for nuclear strikes. Through active, very intense simulations, you and your family must find ways to survive in the bunker beneath your house for as long as it takes for you to get rescued. At least, that’s the tutorial level. After that, you have to really find a way to survive actual nuclear strikes until someone comes to retrieve you all. A good comparison to 60 Seconds! would be Oregon Trail but with a rather more intense beginning. The first 60 seconds are dedicated to you grabbing as many resources as possible and dumping them into the bunker before the nuke drops. This makes for an extra game mechanic–or rather the only truly interactive one, as the rest of the game is text-based and filled with decisions you have to make. What makes these decisions engaging comes in how prepared you are. In the 60 seconds you have before the fall, you have to grab the other three members of your family as well as any other supplies you can grab. You are limited to four capacity slots, and certain things take up more than one slot. Each person takes up more than one, as you would expect. At the same time, I say it’s in bad taste (and design) that the daughter, who is slightly larger than her brother, takes up three capacity slots, while the mother, who is significantly taller than everyone in the house, only takes up two slots. Each family member needs food and water in order to survive, of course.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

60 Seconds! Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

60 Seconds! Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

At the same time, your family members need to be nourished enough in order to go out on supply runs. You might grab a ton of food before you flee to the bunker, but you still have four mouths to feed for over a month. To top it off, you also have to have the means of defending yourself in the event of intruders. After the first 60 seconds, much of this game is based on the luck of the draw. You make decisions based on the scenarios you face along the way, and none of them are scripted. The first couple runs felt interesting, but the longer I played, the less control I had over my circumstances. While this makes sense, it begins to contradict what the game seems to attempt. While this is a simulation game, 60 Seconds! never loses its tongue-in-cheek intentions. Family members can lose sanity one day without something to do, and death can come after three days of not eating. Other times, someone can go over a week without eating. A lot of dice are being rolled, making the circumstances very much challenging in their own right. It’s hard to take 60 Seconds! seriously when it combines such difficult rubrics under the hood with obviously goofy intentions. The portion of the game in the house does not play well, making the challenge scale very inappropriately to what the game asks of you. Picking up items has a delay in it, and oftentimes you have to get incredibly close in order to grab anything.


To make things worse, most inputs while in the bunker–while not game-breaking due to simplistic gameplay–are either delayed or ignored; considering how simplistic this part of the game is, I can’t help but think that converting this to console did not go well. The point to 60 Seconds! is to try and keep an ignorant family alive in a terrible crisis. There is some satire in there among the fallout, but the reward for persevering and attempting different strategies is mostly dependent on how the game treats you rather than the decisions you make. It can be fun for a bit, but the novelty can easily wear off if the style of gameplay doesn’t click with you. Playing voiceless games for hours and hours that are conveyed entirely through subtitles is something I do regularly, but I quickly lose interest in text-based games when they lack substance like this. There are specific intentions with 60 Seconds! that the developer tries to do, but the ability to enjoy those intentions are strictly on the player. If you enjoy an experience that requires you to see a scenario out rather than play through it with stilted difficulty that also doesn’t take itself seriously, then 60 Seconds! is your kind of game. There is little challenge and some fun scenarios to work through, but the payoff offers very little long-term worth.Mortal Shell Complete Edition Switch NSP

60 Seconds! Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

60 Seconds! Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Couple that with delayed inputs and you end up with a mediocre effort in 60 Seconds! The survival genre is one that’s seen a bit of a resurgence in recent years, with a new wave of indies leading the charge. One wouldn’t think that a game intentionally designed to be difficult would be much fun, but there’s certainly plenty of satisfaction to be found in overcoming the odds and managing to eke out a victory through shrewd resource management. It’s a fine line to walk, though, and while 60 Seconds! aims to provide a slightly different take on this genre, it ultimately misses the mark and fails to provide much in the way of satisfaction. Gameplay in 60 Seconds! is split into two primary components. The first half, in reference to the game’s title, gives Ted -the Dad – about a minute to scour the house in search of essential supplies and other family members. Water, food, weapons, games, tools and whatever else you grab must be deposited in the shelter entrance before you can grab more, and the layout of the house and location of items changes with each game. Whatever you do manage to grab, it certainly won’t be enough for the survival section that follows. Here, Ted and whoever else he grabbed before the time was up, must ration out the supplies as efficiently as possible, while occasionally sending out a scout to find more stuff.


With each day, new events happen—like bandits trying to get in or a family member coming down with a disease—and you’re often called to make some hard choices between who lives and dies. This portion of the game is primarily oriented around text; against the still backdrop of your starving family sitting in a shelter, you read through journal entries and decide on plans of action. While all of this makes for an interesting take on the survival genre, 60 Seconds! is very much the product of good ideas marred by poor execution. In the scavenging portion of the game, for example, the controls are frustratingly floaty and unresponsive, meaning that about half of your precious time will be spent watching Ted walk into walls and get hung up on furniture. One could argue that this is part of the experience, but it feels like a cheap way of adding artificial difficulty to an already challenging enough game. It’s no fun when the character on screen doesn’t necessarily do what you tell them to, and in a game such as this where every little action is critical to one’s success, tighter gameplay in this area is a must. The survival portion also suffers, though for different reasons than the scavenging side. Your choices don’t have enough of an effect on events, and this can make the entire affair feel like a waste of time. For example, we had one run where we had no choice but to send out a scout to get more water, and that scout didn’t end up coming back at all, which led to the rest of the family dying.Smilemo Switch NSP

60 Seconds! Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

60 Seconds! Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Nothing wrong had been done, the game just decided not to let us win. A key element of the survival genre is giving the player a fighting chance, but 60 Seconds! weighs success much too heavily on randomized chance. It’s frustrating when you lose even after doing everything right, and the game provides little incentive for you to keep trying. In terms of replay value, 60 Seconds! provides plenty of options, though these all ultimately boil down to the same central concept. Several modes are available that focus on specific parts of its mechanics, such as a mode that gives you random supplies and tasks you with surviving in the shelter for a as long as possible, which does do a good job of introducing new rules or twists on the core loop. In-game achievements are also present, rewarding you for surviving so many days or picking up so many supplies, and these can help incentivise you to keep aiming for new objectives in different runs. In short, for those of you that are hooked by the gameplay, there’s enough supplementary content present to keep the experience from getting tired too quickly. 60 Seconds! has such a brilliant concept. Set in the Cold War, this dark comedy adventure of scavenging and survival comes from developer Robot Gentleman and stars an American family that lives with the constant fear that the Reds will strike their town with a wayward nuclear missile.


The government-endorsed fallout drill will teach you what you need to know to prepare, which, for some reason, doesn’t actually promote keeping your nuclear fallout shelter stocked up for when you need it. Instead, when you hear the warning siren wailing in the distance it indicates that you have 60 seconds before the inbound missile impacts. This sees the time that you spend with 60 Seconds! split into two sections. First, you will manically dash around your house as you gather up supplies to chuck down the hatch to your shelter, which undoubtedly presents the game’s goofiest moments as you trip over furniture to grab as much as you can in time. Your character – the dad, Ted – can only carry as many as four items at once depending on their size, so, when his arms are full, you have to rush over to the hatch to start stockpiling what you have before running off for more. You may decide that family comes first and, therefore, set out to place your wife Dolores, son Timmy, and daughter Mary Jane in the shelter. But, other than that, you will be grabbing items like a radio, suitcase, rifle, chessboard, map, padlock, flashlight, or even a Boy Scout Handbook. The limited time makes this all the more frantic, leaving you to decide what’s most important to take and what can be left behind – the fact that everything is procedurally generated only adding to the panic, seeing as everything is never in the same place each time.

It’s important that you choose which supplies are the most essential for your survival because you don’t know how long you will have to live in the shelter before it’s safe to leave. That means that you will soon come to realise that bottles of water and soup cans, which can feed a family of four for a day, are vital. You will end up in your shelter with whatever and whomever you brought with you, and it’s in this second part to 60 Seconds! that the experience becomes slightly unstuck. It is here that 60 Seconds! throws in resource management mixed with difficult decisions that you are left to make. The cans of soup and bottled water must be rationed out to your family to help keep them sane – not being able to survive more than four days without water, and a lack of food making them weaker while risking that they become sick. If you leave family members behind it leaves more rations for the others, but, well, that all depends on your own guilty conscience. As the days pass your family will become more dishevelled, a diary outlining what has been happening and if there are any problems that need addressing. The main worry that you will have are your rations, but more that you will need to keep them stocked up. That involves sending a family member out on expeditions into the nuclear wasteland, which, if you start doing too soon can see never come back or return in a sickly state.

60 Seconds! Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

60 Seconds! Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

It’s something that you need to do to restock your food and water though, which, if that runs out, will see them perish from starvation or dehydration. It is in the random scenarios that you will find yourself in that 60 Seconds! delivers some much-needed humour, whether that be debating whether to cook your children’s hamster, to play shadow bunnies with your flashlight or not, or to use the padlock to secure your shelter’s entrance – something that would help you sleep soundly at night, but could prevent anyone from rescuing you. That every time that you play the game will be different becomes much of the attraction, even if your life surviving in the shelter can feel a little too unpredictable and doomed to failure. The difficulty that 60 Seconds! has lies in maintaining your interest after the first few times that your family’s mental state descends into crazed madness. Challenge mode will reward you with items for collecting specific items and family members before descending into the vault, perhaps a realisation that the game’s frantic opening is where it is at its most entertaining. Whereas the Classic mode will let you select between different difficulties – Little Boy, Fat Man, and Tsar Bomba – and whether you want to do the scavenge part, survival part, or both.MOSS: BOOK II


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