Terror of Hemasaurus Free Download


Terror of Hemasaurus Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Terror of Hemasaurus Free Download GAMESPACK.NET The end of humanity most likely started with the discovery of fire and all the lovely things it could do. Light and warmth were just the beginning, but things didn’t start getting out of hand until the industrial age. Coal and gas provided much more kick than simple wood, and soon the entire planet was running on the energy produced by fire while the need for more increased with no end in sight. The side effect of all this burning was a couple billion tons of carbon released into the atmosphere on an annual basis with the inevitable result of the planet warming up, leading to the melting of the poles and the release of monsters kept frozen since long before a clever monkey figured out that fire was as useful as it could be terrifying. Now the hemasaurus is free to wreak havoc on the world, stomping cities flat and killing thousands while its actions are focused by the perfectly sane and rational Church of the Holy Lizard. Terror of Hemasaurus is what would happen if Rampage was actually fun and had a point to its carnage. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Terror of Hemasaurus Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Terror of Hemasaurus Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

After picking one of the four monsters, each with its own special ability, you start at the left side of a US city and work to the right, causing as much destruction as possible while the percentage counter keeps track of how much damage you’ve done. Just about everything in the game is a physics object of some sort, whether that be cars you can kick into the buildings for a damaging explosion or the buildings themselves, which will topple over when you destroy the supporting units. Tip one skyscraper into another and it can cause a chain reaction of destruction as the screen gets covered in explosions and flying pixelated bodies. The object is to make a glorious disaster area and the hemasaurus has the moves to lay waste to all of humanity’s strongest defenses. The basic attack is the punch, which is useful for doing incremental damage to a building unit. Much like Rampage, each building is made of squares that take individual damage, but unlike Rampage attacking the ones on the bottom can undermine the structure.

Give me the saucer NOW

The problem is that the bottom units are also the strongest, so punching away is only useful on one or two story buildings rather than the skycrapers. For the bigger buildings the hemasaurus needs to find something to kick. It’s always fun to kick away all the people scurrying about underfoot but cars and military vehicles do a good chunk of damage to anything they hit, eventually exploding when they’ve taken enough damage themselves. While the hemasaurus is overpowered it’s not invulnerable, and the pesky humans keep fighting back no matter how overwhelming the force against them. Trucker-hatted yahoos take potshots as they stream out of the gun store, police show up regularly and eventually special forces arrive with rocket launchers in tow. While they can damage the hemasaurus they all have a major weakness in that they’re awfully tasty and restore health on consumption. A black van filled with soldiers would be a much worse problem if they weren’t so easy to kick away or snack on Grand Theft Auto IV

Terror of Hemasaurus Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Terror of Hemasaurus Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

And of course their handy vehicle makes a great projectile to send flying into the nearest building or a news helicopter. They can attack in large enough numbers that death eventually becomes a possibility, but but once you get a sense of managing the gameplay flow between tearing down buildings and grazing on the dozens of people scurrying about each level, it’s easy to complete Terror of Hemasaurus‘ story mode. Even the endless arcade mode isn’t much of a challenge until around threat level 9 or maybe even higher if you’re playing multiplayer. Whether single or multiplayer each player gets to choose from one of four monsters, fully available from the start. All the monsters play the same for the standard abilities, but they’ve also got a special attack that’s recharged by the amount of destruction they perform. The big green hemasaurus has a roar that radiates out, damaging everything within range, while mecha-hemasaurus has a powerful missile.

Do the butt stomp

Clocksloth is a fat sloth that can slow down time, and my personal favorite, salamandrah, has flame-breath you can aim for more focused damage. Humanity doesn’t stand much of a chance against the monstrous crew, but the story makes it clear that the kaiju are a much lesser threat. While the arcade mode is pure destruction, the story is always on point with its exasperation at people being too stupid, as a group, to stop global warming. There’s a message here that’s by no means subtle and it’s presented with vicious humor that almost always nails the joke. The story of the defrosted monster and its time being directed by the Church of the Holy Lizard is rude, sweary, frequently meta and always entertaining even if it’s preaching to the converted. The Rampage games were never great, per se, but they were fun. A giant monster destroying a city? That’s ripe for video games. Strangely, the franchise was mostly left for dead and, even more strangely, no one ever really saw fit to copy it. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Terror of Hemasaurus Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Terror of Hemasaurus Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Terror of Hemasaurus is very much intended to look and play like a superior version of Rampage, which it surely excels at. But surprisingly, it’s the game’s penchant for satire and blistering humor that helps cement it as more than just an improvement on the Rampage idea. It doesn’t last long, but destroying cities as monsters has never been better. Terror of Hemasaurus begins with zero subtlety. The dastardly Richie Hoarderson is having a debate with a climate scientist warning him of the dangers of climate change. Hoarderson assures him and all those watching that climate change has no bearing on the lives of the people at home. It’s not like it’s a giant monster hellbent on destroying us all. In the background, a large piece of ice clearly imprisoning the titular massive lizard breaks loose and begins to drift. When Hemasaurus gains consciousness, it’s greeted by the head of a cult that worships it. The cult’s goal: to spread destruction to make people start caring about the environment.

Kick cars into buildings

It isn’t a particularly large leap to assume that the game is going to preach the virtues of going green while shaming our habits. More than one person on the game’s Steam discussion thread went through the opening in the demo and was so incensed that “politics” were infecting the game that they would certainly not be purchasing it. The game’s developer responded by suggesting that the user play Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo instead, as that game would be far less “political.” It was very funny. But Terror of Hemasaurus isn’t that sort of game anyway. Instead, it’s a comedy with a very specific message: humanity itself is just terrible and the things that befall us often don’t stop simply because we don’t really want to stop them. There are a fair amount of little cutscenes that lampoon gaming and society. The dev briefly puts himself in the game, but not in an overly indulgent way. This is easily one of the funniest games I’ve played in recent memory and it’s kind of worth playing for the story bits alone.

Terror of Hemasaurus Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Terror of Hemasaurus Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There are also aliens commenting wryly on everything they see. When you get a game over, they criticize the dev for making a pointless video game instead of trying to do something productive. The game is broken into three chapters with a combination of levels and bonus levels. Most levels follow the classic Rampage template. You’re meant to walk from left to right, destroying the city while keeping your monster alive along the way. There are four playable characters and the game has four-player local co-op. There’s a choice between the story mode and an endless mode. The story mode will probably take around two to three hours. Playable beasts include Hemasaurus, a mecha version of Hemasaurus, a giant sloth, and a giant salamander. They all mostly play identically, save for their ultimate attack. The mecha has my favorite one, which fires off a rocket that produces a huge explosion. Each level has different objectives. The usual one is to destroy at least 75% of the buildings

But there are levels where you need to kill a certain number of people or wreck vehicles. At the end of each level, you’ll have done tens of millions of dollars in property damage and killed hundreds of people. The spritework might be cutesy, but the streets will be paved in gore by the time you’re done. The bonus levels are very brief and usually have you destroy a certain number of things as quickly as you can. When Terror of Hemasaurus first started, I was briefly disappointed by how similar it seemed to Rampage. Yes, you can climb up buildings and slowly punch them to pieces to knock them down. But that’s actually kind of pointless. This game has physics and mechanics you can utilize to demolish buildings much faster. You can climb a building and then press up at the top, which will give you some air above it. Then you just press a button to slam the ground and damage the foundation. Damaging the center will result in a controlled demolition that sees the building sink. Grand Theft Auto V

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