Panda Punch Switch NSP Free Download


Panda Punch Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Panda Punch Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET An initially charming, retro-styled platformer with light puzzle elements, Panda Punch starts off well but, ultimately, doesn’t quite hit the mark. Red Panda Zeep has an upgradeable bionic arm to punch enemies with, which is satisfying and doesn’t take too long to power up to the max. Each level’s goal is to reach the end – and to get there, you’ll usually need to navigate traps and enemies, as well as finding moveable boxes to trip switches and open up otherwise inaccessible paths or add new platforms to the stage. Though in theory this sounds like pretty much any old school, 16-bit puzzle/platformer you can think of, unfortunately things have gone awry with the level design of Panda Punch. Not only can levels veer between feeling completely empty and then suddenly busy to the extent that they feel unfair (with enemy placement seeming pretty thoughtless and random at times), but there are points where you can legitimately get stuck with no option to restart the level Backtracking through levels after ridding them of bad guys to find the path you’ve just opened thanks to triggering a switch can be incredibly tedious too. This isn’t helped by the fact that it takes far too long for the biomes to change; the layouts, backgrounds and even level music remains the same for absolutely ages before reaching a boss and finally getting a change of scenery. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Panda Punch Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Panda Punch Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Boss fights are poorly designed too; something about the timing and reactions of enemies, including bosses, just feels off somehow. Defeating a boss bestows a new skill upon Zeep, but again this seems to arrive after a slog through stages where the only upgrades are to the strength of your punch and your health; in the case of the latter, no upgrade seemed to make any difference – which was very strange indeed. The pixel art visuals are lovely, it must be said. The music is ok, but really does need some variety. Ultimately, Panda Punch is pretty disappointing. The early promise is squandered through repetition and incredibly poor level design, with upgrades dished out at a snaol’s pace. Though it isn’t an expensive game, there are countless retro-styled games in the same price range as Panda Punch that your time and money would be better spent on. Many thanks to PR Hound for providing me with a code for review purposes. Panda Punch is available now on PS4/PS5, Steam, Switch and Xbox consoles. Enjoyed what you’ve read? Want to support my blog? There’s no pressure of course, but every penny helps to keep this site running, as I earn no income from my writing here. If you did want to support the site and my writing, you can do so at either of these links: or PayPal.

58 levels with traps, secrets, enemies.

Any donations are truly appreciated, but so is the fact that you took the time to read my articles. Thank you so much! We felt baited. The panda in Panda Punch was clearly not a panda, and we were ready to write a sharply worded letter to the Daily Mail. But of course it’s a RED panda, looking suspiciously like a fox, so we got sheepish, put away our scented stationery and got on with playing the thing. Aside from the taxonomy confusion, you know where you are with Panda Punch. It’s a Ratalaika Games platform-puzzler, which means a reasonably short playtime, a tiny hit on your wallet, 1000G within an hour, a single gimmick, and entertainment that lands somewhere between mild and rather-good-really. Panda Punch duly obliges on all counts. You play a red panda, caught in an explosion which mangles your bamboo-eating paw (do red pandas eat bamboo?). So, you head back to daddy, who happens to be a whizz with an anvil. You are now a bionic red panda, packing heat with an arm that acts like those comedy boxing gloves on a spring. It’s time to get revenge, and that means platforming action and a series of bosses. Panda Punch presents rather well. We’re in pixel-land again, which is to be expected at the £4.99 price, but these are some lovely pixels. The main character has plenty of charm, and the levels are sufficiently colourful and varied, particularly as you wander to a new biome. While the first boss feels like it’s been tossed out in an afternoon, the others are impressive and screen-filling.MOSS: BOOK II

Panda Punch Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Panda Punch Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

And then there’s the soundtrack, which is as catchy and kinetic as you’d hope. The platforming is pretty decent, too. We’d have taken a slightly longer and taller arc to the jump, so it didn’t feel so stubby, but the precision and collision detection are all on point. If you mistime a jump it’s your fault, particularly as Panda Punch goes out of its way to be generous: snag a paw on some spikes and the game will look the other way. It’s the combat that lets the side down. Panda Punch, as you’d probably guess from the title and the bionic arm by your side, is a brawler. You punch your enemies rather than shoot them. But not once did the combat feel satisfying, and there’s a few reasons for that. The first is that the developers Ninja Rabbit Studios can’t figure out an enemy that would make the fisticuffs interesting. Either an enemy is a punching bag, walking up to you and being easily dispatched with a spam of the attack button, or they fly about and generally act like a pain-in-the-arse. There’s nothing inbetween. There’s no enemy diversity either. Oh, Panda Punch pretends there is, occasionally updating the sprite sheet and making a robot into a different shaped robot, but the mechanics underneath are the same. So, shooty-turret, walking enemy and flying enemy are the order of the day here, and Panda Punch is crying out for a larger cast. The kicker (puncher?) is that enemies occasionally feel like they cheat. Spamming an enemy with attacks will, on occasion, leave a small window for the enemy to attack.

Platform jumping and combat.

We’re not sure what creates this window – spamming the button harder seems to work, until it doesn’t – but when you have three hearts and rare checkpoints, an unfair ‘hit’ can be painful. The levels in Panda Punch are simple enough. You need to reach an electric transmitter-thing that looks like a pager from the ‘90s. There’s a punch token hidden in the level too, should you want to go on a collectible hunt (although we didn’t find a use for them, outside of the odd achievement). More useful is the cash strewn about the level, which can be taken to your dad back in home-camp to buy some life and power upgrades. Well, we say buy some upgrades, but perhaps it should be singular. Panda Punch is the most mean and stingy of all games in terms of shop purchases. We completed the game and managed to buy just one of each upgrade. We’re not entirely sure why: either Panda Punch wants you to grind away at levels for yonks, or it didn’t have that many upgrades to offer. Regardless, we didn’t exactly have many levels to benefit from these purchases. We’d have preferred it if the shop hadn’t bothered. We’re indifferent-to-negative on the levels. Very occasionally, a level will spark some interest: a sequence of switches gets us backtracking around the level, finding out what they unlock, perhaps. But most of the time, they’re blank and uninspired, using the same tricks. Blocks need to be punched, dropped or carried onto switches, which unlocks a part of the level that you may or may not have recognised in the glitchy flyover that follows.Moonlight Switch NSP

Panda Punch Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Panda Punch Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Platforms move, fall away or phase in and out of existence. And enemies are dotted around the map. For our Panda Punch Review, a puzzle platformer game in which you have to control a bionic-armed red panda and save the world from evil alien robots. Along the way, you’ll solve puzzles on the levels, collect coins, look for super coins, and increase your abilities with the assistance of the blacksmith. Get ready to defeat intimidating bosses, and obtain innovative new skills. There is so much to explore and discover in 58 levels packed with traps, secrets, and enemies. When the game starts, your dad gives you a mechanical arm, and you must navigate 58 levels filled with traps, secrets, and enemies. The sad reality is that those levels evolve into unforgivable penalties forcing the player to restart to correct the mistake, as the checkpoint serves no purpose. If you mess up the order of operation on a puzzle, you are forced to replay the entire level as punishment. As you progress through the game, the levels merge into one long endurance challenge. With the overall design being redundant, just having the willpower to continue is an accomplishment. Getting enough coins or tokens to upgrade your health and weapons is challenging. Panda Punch is a puzzle platformer game in which you have to control a red panda and save the world from evil alien robots. Solve puzzles on the levels, collect coins, look for super coins, pump your abilities from the blacksmith.

Classic pixel-art graphics and chiptune sound.

Unfortunately, much of Panda Punch feels like the rest of Panda Punch. While the biomes are a welcome change of background, they don’t add much to the pot. The enemies change their coats, and the obstacles remain the same. There’s the neat addition of some story-based upgrades, but they either make minor differences to how you play, or are a key to a new lock. The first upgrade allows you to carry blocks that you could originally punch anyway, and a punch-jump and roll-dash are just a means of reaching unreachable places. They don’t really shift up how Panda Punch plays One last quibble. There’s something amiss with the level design. It just doesn’t feel right, like they have been randomly generated and then touched up afterwards by a human being. There are large stretches where nothing happens at all. You have to wait an age for moving platforms to reach you, to the point that you can miss that they exist at all. Some areas require you to make leaps of faith, but then scatter spikes on the destination platform, making it a panda-based game of Russian roulette. We just can’t imagine a human making the layouts. Panda Punch is fine, we suppose. If you have a fiver in your pocket, and a love of (red) pandas in your heart, then it will tickle you for the hour it takes to gain its Gamerscore, or the three hours it takes to fully complete. But it’s one of Ratalaika’s more mediocre offerings, as it eats, shoots and leaves you feeling unsatisfied.

Today we have to analyze Panda Punch , one of those games brought to us by the already famous company Ratalaika Games , whose profile we already know well in these parts. This is a game developed by Ninja Rabbit Studio , who in the past already brought us the curious -but not outstanding- Micetopia . How will the new journey have been with your new game? Well , we can already anticipate that not too well. If you have seen the header image, you will wonder why it is called Panda Punch when the protagonist has nothing that resembles the famous and cute black and white bears.. . Well, yes it is a panda, but a red panda, which is another variety of it. In this case, our character lives in the forest when suddenly an invasion of robots begins, which we have to stop with blows. Once again, one of those stories that adds nothing to the game and only serves to set the context. And what we find here is a traditional-style 2D platformer that honestly leaves a lot to be desired. When a studio develops its first game, it is to be expected that its next work will be better both from experience and from the feedback received, unfortunately this is not the case with Panda Punch , which seems to have a certain involution compared to the first work developed by this study. To begin with, let’s talk about the gameplay: first of all, we didn’t find anything in particular that stands out from the other games or makes it interesting.

Panda Punch Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Panda Punch Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

what we have is a platform game in which you go from point A to point B to overcome each of the 58 levels of which the title consists . This gameplay ends up being very basic, boring and repetitive with only a couple of phases, which doesn’t help to always have the same song playing all the time and the few clone biomes that repeat themselves over and over again. We will also have a light exploration component, also very basic and repetitive, since some paths will be blocked and to open them you will have to press switches placing wooden boxes on top , which are not always near the switch in question. Although this gives it a certain variety and encourages -rather it forces, sometimes against our will- exploration, we did not find this too difficult either since sometimes the box is only one platform higher and we will have to drop it without more, which sometimes leads to certain problems that I will discuss later. In addition to this we will have to fight, our panda has a robotic arm with which to hit the “different” enemies -because there will only be two or three types of enemies, without recoloring or anything- and that we can improve based on collectibles that we will find for stage. There is not much mystery here either, press the attack button and the enemies die by the relevant number of hits but we are not going to demand more from this aspect either.  As for the available improvements, we can improve the damage we do when hitting and the number of hearts on our health bar , something very simple but effective. And as if none of this were bad enough, the worst part of the game is without a doubt the bugs.Rick Henderson Switch NSP


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