NINE NOIR LIVES Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Recently, we got our hands on the point-and-click adventure from Silvernode Studios, Nine Noir Lives. If you like puzzles, with a touch of humor, this may be the game for you. However, maybe let us try to influence your decision with our video review of Nine Noir Lives.Overall we enjoyed our time with the game but were sad that some moments were bogged down by just figuring out its puzzles. If you like cat comedic noir moments and lots of great characterizations this is a good pick-up. If you want a coherent point and click with some puzzles that make sense, then you might not want it. The story is great and the moments you get animated by talking to characters are fantastic. Cuddles Nutterbutter is a great character and I loved having the noir moments of character explanations because they were always entertaining. .TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



I was immediately drawn in by the humor of Nine Noir Lives. While not as low as grade school level humor, Nine Noir Lives is perhaps freshman in college-style funny. I bought right in. Cat puns happen in every few lines of dialogue, and the real humorous stuff requires you to either watch a scene play out or to find it hidden in the area you’re currently exploring. The story also caught hold of me pretty quickly. It’s nothing groundbreaking, and can be a tad predictable at times; when you talk about warring factions in a city and have them be a pun of a Shakespeare play, it’s hard not to be. Nine Noir Lives is story heavy, requiring you to pay attention to what is currently happening while playing. This is not a game you can zone out on and have a good time with. There is a lot of back and forth with Nine Noir Lives. Tons of realizing you need something from another place, going there

Solve puzzles both fun

Doing some task, and then getting the piece you initially needed to get into the first place you wanted to go initially. If this sounds a little confusing, that’s because it can be. The best example of this gameplay loop occurs early on. You get called in to investigate a murder, you arrive, but the cop on scene won’t let you in; you don’t have your official private investigator papers, so you head back to the office. You left one part of the papers somewhere in your office; the other half requires that you call the police station to have them fax it over to you. You finally get those two pieces; you then return to the crime scene, where they’ve just been waiting for you. After all of that, you can begin the investigation. While this sounds taxing, and it is, this example is pretty straightforward for Nine Noir Lives. Loading between zones to go back and forth is fast, but at times I felt like Dead By Daylight



I was running errands that did little to nothing to push the plot forward.For me, the back and forth was the biggest issue that had a negative effect on my time with Nine Noir Lives. Sometimes I needed to pick up an item to use later, but had no idea how critical it would be to advancing the plot. How was I to know I needed to pick up a glass cup from the floor of a crime scene, to later use at the police department as a tool to put next to a door to listen in on a conversation? It was evidence in a murder investigation, for crying out loud. I’m just supposed to take it? There was another time I needed a password; I tried every dialogue option available multiple times. Turns out it was something I needed to leave alone and come back to at a later time. When I learned the password, I found out I could never have guessed it based on my dialogue options to begin with. Adventure games, man.

Hand-drawn screens

The puzzles aren’t hard or overly challenging; they feel complicated and complex for the sake of being complicated and complex. Many times the final solutions make little-to-no sense. Not finding the solution caused me to take a break from a game I otherwise enjoyed on multiple occasions. I think the developer, Silvernode Games, knows this could be an issue for more than just my small child-like mind. When they sent out my review key, they also sent out a walkthrough, just in case. Knowing this, I tried not to rely on it but found myself caving on several occasions and taking a look to get through Nine Noir Lives quicker. I’m willing to admit part of my inability to solve every puzzle is due to my lack of playing Point & Click adventure games. This is a genre I played a lot of as a child, the Lucasarts games in particular. DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation 



I haven’t played a game in this style in over a decade – if not two – and I think it shows. I can imagine genre fans might play this game and find it too simple. That wasn’t me; I found Nine Noir Lives to be more than enough of a challenge. If I wasn’t trying to get through the game in a specific time frame, I might have refrained from looking through the provided walkthrough.Of course, “Nine Noir Lives” is based on tried and tested methods of interacting with objects, looking at them or playing through various dialogue options. But the developers were inspired by the cat setting and always give Cuddles the option to lick objects in the game. This is quite funny at the beginning and gives some funny combinations that also provoke amusing reactions. Unfortunately, it otherwise has little effect on the course of the game at the beginning.

Play through a charming

Only towards the end does the option become relevant for the first time and influence the course of the game. Then, when you’ve probably already forgotten them. Too bad. The puzzles are loosened up by ingenious cutscenes. For example, whenever a new character enters the scene, a nostalgic black and white sequence appears, reminiscent of old detective films and in which Cuddles expresses his experiences and personal thoughts. A really successful and great way to introduce new characters.Cuddles Nutterbutter is the intrepid private detective of cat capital Meow Meow Furringten hoping to land his first big case. Until now, he had to deal with insignificant odds and ends to make ends meet. But finally he is personally asked by the chief of police to solve a murder. A case that shook the whole city. The spoiled son of one of the world’s most feared crime bosses lost his nine lives.



A delicate matter that threatens peace in Meow Meow Furringten. And only one can help: Cuddles Nutterbutter – with his assistant Tabby Marshmallow in the background, of course, who brings some order to his chaos. Because Cuddles even manages to move his own badge. Exciting here is Graphically this indie South African production is a treat with its beautiful hand-drawn cartoon backdrops and cute feline characters. Locations like Nutterbutter’s large-windowed high rise office or the Knitty Kitty Club with its vibrant pink, red, and blue neon lighting are a joy to look at. Even the map of the city used for fast travel is visually pleasing, with the bright lights of downtown reflected in the bay and the smog of the industrial area choking the distant sky. Characters gently bob up and down while idling, and the occasional background animation like kittens on display at the club help add life to these locales.

The felines struck me as something out of a Funko catalog, with their large, expressive heads and smaller but equally detailed bodies. The feline influences of the game extend even to the interface, showing that Silvernode Studios is paying attention to the little details as well. The default mouse pointer is a literal mouse. For interactions it changes to a cat’s paw. For licking, a tongue. And, of course, what cat would be without his briefcase inventory. In another nod to some of the great classic adventures, Nutterbutter even jokes at one point about how you can’t see his briefcase while walking around (it pops up at the bottom of the screen with any collected items when the inventory is displayed). The production is clearly enamoured with its voice-overs, and rightly so. Although I encountered only a handful of characters, they’re all well-delivered DEAD OR ALIVE 6 


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