Fantasy Blacksmith Switch NSP Free Download


Fantasy Blacksmith Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Fantasy Blacksmith Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET You are a blacksmith in the world of the sword, magic and war, in which any blacksmith who knows how to make even the simplest swords is in demand. You start off as a poor unskilled blacksmith, but in time you will gain experience and improve to achieve wealth, fame and power, and change this world! Fantasy Blacksmith is a magically realistic blacksmith simulator in which you have to create and sell weapons. Also, your smith will gain more experience and become stronger and more accurate with each created sword. You can also improve your equipment in the smithy, buy a better forge, better grindstone, improve your hammer and etc. We want to create an exciting and interesting simulator in which any player can make his dream sword.The creation of the sword begins with the drawing. The sword consists of 8 parts: Blade (5 parts), Cross-guard, Handle, Top. You choose the material from which the sword will be made. It can be iron, bronze, titan, tungsten, mithril, silver, gold, etc. Using the large number of options offered and your imagination. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Fantasy Blacksmith Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Fantasy Blacksmith Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

you can create a huge number of unique swords. We believe that there may be more than 10 billion different swords that you can create. One of the most interesting parts of the gameplay is making a magic potion. This is a very exciting and dangerous process. Having done everything correctly you will get a new sword from the mythical material, but if you make a mistake you can spoil the sword or even destroy it. We will add a few mini-games for a variety of gameplay. Currently, dice and darts are being developed. Also artificial intelligence of rivals will be added. In mini-games you can try to sell your goods at an inflated price or play for money or rare artifacts with visitors to your forge. I got back after getting absolutely engrossed in this for a few hours, and saw that it wasn’t doing too great in the reviews, so I’d like to give my own account. This is a *good* game. It’s engrossing, fun, has a lot to do, and has an engaging gameplay loop. You make swords, mostly, but there’s a lot to it. Beyond numerous minigames involved, with more unlocked as you progress, managing the heat of your furnace and of your blade is important — too hot.

Fantasy Blacksmith Comic Book.

it will weaken it and it won’t sell for as much, too cold and you can’t work the metal. This varies from metal to metal, and even amongst alloys you can make based on what you included. The combination of depth and simplicity can, at its best, put you in the same sort of relaxing state as Hardspace: Shipbreaker.  It looks like a cheap shovelware game, and I’m *pretty* sure the customer portraits are from somewhere else — not necessarily somewhere illegal, they just look awfully familiar. The graphics are solid enough for what is needed, but hardly inspiring. Waiting. There’s quite a bit of real-time waiting involved in the game. Waiting for your Damascus pattern to finish appearing, waiting for the furnace to heat up, (The bellows can help there) waiting for customers to show up, waiting for deliveries. It pays to have a few things to do. Mining’s kind of tedious and underdeveloped. It’s *just* digging away bits of dirt, seeing if anything came out, then digging away more. No real strategy or element. You might wanna focus on leveling up mining skill first, even though it’s not as directly useful, just because it speeds that up a fair bit. Dire Vengeance Switch NSP

Fantasy Blacksmith Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Fantasy Blacksmith Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Not a dealbreaker, and I’ve played much worse in much worse games.  There’s a few nasty ones about that still need squashing. I’ve had items just flat-out disappear because of bad physics interactions (thankfully rarely), I’ve had the cursor disappear when something else happened in the midst of greeting a customer, I’ve somehow botched putting ores in the smelter and had them just disappear entirely. Again, I’ve played worse games with worse bugs, but I do hope they keep patching these things. How many times, in video games, did you happen to be an adventurer? Dozens, hundreds of times surely. Wake up, wield your sword, gain levels and destroy ever greater and more powerful enemies to become the greatest heroes of * insert name of fantasy kingdom *. But don’t you ever think about how much work is behind it? Ok, often the weapons found by the enemies and in 99% of the cases are decidedly more powerful than those sold by the merchants, and even more often speaking with a blacksmith is equivalent to instantaneously press on “fixes everything” to then run away. But they too work hard and no one ever thinks how much effort they make in offering you splendid instruments of death.

Feel yourself a witch.

Try to get into their shoes for once: they too must bring bread to the table! And this is the imaginary – more or less – that offers you Fantasy Blacksmith, game in which, obviously, you have to do the locksmith. In a fantasy world. It is written right up here, it was understandable. But you will never see the fantasy world, you are a blacksmith and you have to work continuously, no holidays or anything, I’m sorry. The game was developed by Heaven Brotherhood and is the first title of this software house. Made in Unreal Engine 4, Fantasy Blacksmith is still in early access and looks very rough. A first textual tutorial introduces us to the basics of forging but it immediately proves useless as the first moments of actual play are represented by a guided explanation, complete with darts and phrases of what to do. And what do you want to do but forge a beautiful blade? Open your trusty tome and buy the necessary materials to creation, which are delivered to you through a practical elevator. Take the copper / iron / other material and throw it in the furnace, but pay attention to the temperature. Ghost Song Switch NSP

Fantasy Blacksmith Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Fantasy Blacksmith Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

if it is too low, the material is not malleable enough; if you exaggerate, you will not find anything in your hands. To help you, there is a bellows, which allows you to increase the temperature, along with a practical giant thermometer that indicates whether you are going well or not. Once warmed up, the finishing phase is started, in which you have to hammer the block until giving it its final shape. Of course it cools down during the process so you have to stop, throw it back into the furnace and wait for it to become a nice bright red again. Once you have the shape of your weapon you need to cool it and compose it. This last phase is represented by an indicator that gives time to your actions: if well done, the quality of the weapon rises and thus acquires greater value. The same goes for sharpening. In the case of well-executed actions, the weapon can be sold at a good price, after having been exposed to the wall, to the heroes who knock on our door. Often these wayfarers can also ask for small jobs, such as filing the weapon in their possession, which in addition to making us earn money also increases our popularity in an online ranking.

You can mine and smelt your own ore.

The problem catches your eye after a short while: repetitiveness. The actions to do are always the same, always in the same places, always indoors. As we move forward we unlock new areas of the map from which to buy increasingly valuable materials and improvements for our shop, which lead to making better weapons while still doing the same things. But it is fun to see the objects beating in the most spectacular ways. Physics does not exist and throwing a block of coal on the ground never has the same result. And for pity’s sake, beware of that sort of giant watering can near the barrel full of water: once I threw it and it simply disappeared. At the moment there is really nothing else to say. If it were a mobile title I would also be satisfied as it leads the player to “waste time” in the accumulation of money to spend to improve the shop and the quality of the weapons produced in order to have more and more notoriety, but everything is limited to this. The spaces for improvement are enormous: for example they could also introduce an external world in which to move and physically go to buy the objects that are needed for work or to expand the mechanics so as to forge defense tools such as shields or armor.

Being a blacksmith is hard work, and someone has to do it. But not me, at least not anymore. I go on vacation, goodbye! The lack of human connection leads me to believe I’ve been abducted and am forced to make weapons for an increasingly picky group of people. My only hope of escape is to mine my way out! Every 5 minutes they come check on me under the guise of ‘shopping’. What on earth is there to buy? I only have the cash to make 2 swords at a time! What on earth are they doing to make their blades so dull? I’m not even allowed to see the errand boy I send out to make what few purchases I can afford. He’s gouging me on delivery fees, making sure I never have enough liquid funds to bribe my way out of this prison. I took a chance yesterday, walked into a pitch black square that my torch failed to illuminate. It’s really tough to see so many negative reviews on this game, but I can’t say those people are in the wrong. I’ve purchased many, many early access games, and I know there’s a huge difference between simple bugs.

Fantasy Blacksmith Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Fantasy Blacksmith Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

that’ll be fixed in future updates, and game breaking bugs that make the game not worth. I’ll start with the pros and cons.  Tremendous amount of variation in customizing swords, from grips, to hilts, pommels, blade design, element effects, blade material, magic blade material, and much more Great magic system/puzzle/mini-game features Clear progression system and skill tree that make you want to keep playing AI customers that not only want to buy your swords, but they also ask for small tasks, and will also play some dice and darts with you “Game Breaking” bug that causes entire swords to fall through the map, never to be seen again (I’ll explain later) Lack of realism in forging. Yes I know, it’s not realistic to create a flaming sword with a blade made out of spider webs. Some features however don’t make sense. Without possibly spoiling it for you, a mini-game in early to mid game that’s required to make a special steel just makes absolutely no sense. Tutorial is very very bad. It gives barely any insight, and is also filled with several spelling and grammar mistakes that make it very difficult to decipher. Expect to have to look up some things online. Sisterly Lust

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