Aeterna Noctis Switch NSP Free Download


Aeterna Noctis Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Aeterna Noctis Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Coming from Spanish studio Aeternum Game Studios, Aeterna Noctis first launched on PlayStation 5 last year, and has now made its way to Switch. Luckily — barring load times — the conversion to Nintendo’s hybrid wonder is solid, with a stable frame rate. Aeterna Noctis is a Metroidvania clearly inspired by the greats of the genre like Symphony of the Night and especially Hollow Knight, although it doesn’t quite live up to those games that inspired it. An entity known as Chaos created the world of Aeterna, and blessed the denizens of the land with free will. Eventually, factions formed between those who followed the light and the darkness, clashing to take control of Aeterna. Chaos, displeased with this, curses the leaders of each faction with immortality, destined to battle for the throne for all eternity to maintain equilibrium for Aeterna. Fresh off of taking an L from the Queen of Light, you — the King of Darkness — wake up in a derelict town, realising you must ascend to the heavens once more to battle your nemesis. However, in order to get back to the heavens, he must first collect seven fragments of power belonging to the Shrine of the Kings.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Aeterna Noctis Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Aeterna Noctis Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Not only that, you’ve lost the majority of your powers, (a shocking move for a Metroidvania, we know) and they are locked behind ten doors in the Temple of the Kings, the keys for which are scattered around the world. These doors offer platforming challenges, which upon completion give you power-ups, from game-changers like a dash or slightly more underwhelming ones like extra gem slots, although the majority of important power-ups — such as the double jump or the excellent teleport shot — are obtained from bosses. Aeterna Noctis prides itself on being a difficult game. However, a fair bit of the game’s challenge comes from a place of tedium rather than excitement. The most prominent example of this tedium comes with each of the game’s 16 areas containing a form of enemy which shoots out a projectile upon death. These are not hard to dodge, but it just ends up with you walking off to the side and waiting until the projectile is gone. Tedium can sometimes bleed over to level design, too, such as scaling the massive Tower of Light with a massive screen-filling beam charging up intermittently. Again, not hard to dodge, but it’s another case of getting out of the way and twiddling your thumbs, wasting time until it’s safe to move again.

Aeterna Noctis Artistic Map.

Other areas are better, though — the platforming challenges in particular. These feel like they would fit in any great hardcore platformer like Celeste with no issue. This isn’t one of those games, of course, and the deaths can be far more frustrating when placed in the context of a Metroidvania with a health bar, but these platformer segments only continue to feel better and better as you gain more traversal powers over time, leading to some truly hardcore challenges that are satisfying to pull off. As we alluded to earlier, Aeterna Noctis’ inspirations are easy to spot. Right away you’ll be able to see the Hollow Knight influence, from the UI to the way your character moves. This reviewer has not played Hollow Knight past the first hour [The scandal! – Ed.], and even they were able to instantly see the influence. Things like defeating enemies to fill the circular icon on your UI which powers either your healing or other abilities, health icons rather than a bar, having to collect your soul from the enemy who last defeated you to get your full circle meter back, as well as an adaption of the charms system in the form of gems which you can equip on your suit to give you buffs like higher critical chance or the super useful auto-refill on your healing. Soulsland Switch NSP

Aeterna Noctis Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Aeterna Noctis Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Again, inspiration isn’t a bad thing, and these didn’t all originate in Hollow Knight either; it does, however, leave the game open to unfavourable comparisons. It is difficult to start talking about Aeterna Noctis without remembering the path traveled by one of its closest congeners, now that it seems that video games in Spain are betting on metroidvania . Both Blasphemous and the Aeternum Game Studios project are born from a very personal commitment that risks being swept away by the waves right now. Let’s be honest: there are too many indie teams delving into metroidvania right now , but thanks to that, the top tier of the genre is having a new moment of glory, if not its greatest. Thus, both Blasphemous and Aeterna Noctis have considered, from Seville and Talavera de la Reina, to become the newenfant terrible of the Spanish video game based on ambition, looking at this genre from the influence of the title that has already become a classic: Hollow Knight . A title already so classic that twice this year an heir is measured directly with him in almost all facets of it, something that we verified very recently with the outstanding Ender Lilies.

Fluid gameplay mechanics.

Let’s start by looking at the entire canvas. If we looked at Aeterna Noctis from above, what we would see would be something like a huge collage in which, intertwined like Tetris pieces, we could distinguish many of the happiest ideas of recent times. What is surprising is to verify that there are not only loans from the latest monsters of the genre -Ender Lilies, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Bloodstained-, but also some weapons that this title has hidden very well until its release: a few very well carried out which has not yet been abused in metroidvania . And it is that Aeterna Noctis is a game that goes from less to more, which is good and bad in equal parts. A title that looks into the eyes of the greatest, but which I would not dare to put decidedly at its level. What is clear to me is that whoever finishes this game will take a long time to forget it: his problem, rather, is that many will fall by the wayside in a game that possibly would have been even better if he had reconsidered his titanism. Aeterna Noctis is set in a world of eternal war. The creator god, Chaos, demanded loyalty from his creations, but the creations — led by the warring factions of the King of Darkness and the Queen of Light — began to ignore his demands.Ghost Song Switch NSP

Aeterna Noctis Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Aeterna Noctis Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The two were cursed to war with one another forever, as they constantly vied for the crown that gave them leadership over the world. This assured a “natural” cycle of Light and Darkness. Our story begins with the King of Darkness suffering his most recent loss, falling to Earth, and forcing himself to set out to defeat the Queen of Light once again. This time, however, there’s something unusual about the cycle. The easiest point of comparison is Hollow Knight because many of the core mechanics are similar. Your basic attack is a simple, short-range sword slash that can be used to harm enemies or bounce off their heads. The core movement, level design, and some mechanics feel like they owe a lot to Team Cherry’s epic game. The core controls feel solid, and it was easy to pick up and play with minimal tutorials. However, the control scheme is needlessly bloated. Rather than having different weapons that you can equip, every weapon has a distinct button on the controller. This seems neat, but it makes things feel really busy. It was difficult to find comfortable places for everything that I regularly used. I enjoy the core idea behind various weapons and items being instantly accessible, but this was handled better in other games.

Noctis Mode (Platforms and extreme challenges).

The main gameplay loop in Aeterna will feel familiar to genre fans. You begin helpless and powerless and are tasked with finding magical items of power that are guarded by deadly bosses. As you explore, you gain new mobility or combat options that unlock more of the world. It’s a Metroidvania title, and it doesn’t do too much to break the mold. It’s undeniably fun to get all sorts of new moves, and there’s an immense satisfaction in going from barely capable to a teleporting, laser-shooting demigod of destruction. There is unfortunately one serious “flaw” in the game, and it is one that may drag down the game for a lot of people. Games like Hollow Knight or Guacamelee! start off light and eventually add in more complex platforming, with the eventual endgame involving complex and dangerous jumping puzzles where death is an inch away. On the other hand, Aeterna Noctis basically begins at that level. The game has more insta-death areas than not, and most platforming areas task you with threading the needle. It’s as if Hollow Knight started at the White Palace and then kept going.

It’s not always that rough, but it is more often than I’d expect. The result is that the game gets kind of exhausting to navigate, especially in later areas. Once you get some precision upgrades like the teleport-arrow, you’ll perform long chains of pinpoint teleports, bounces, jumps and more. It’s fun, but when it is an omnipresent part of exploration, it can wear you down, and it feels like a chore to venture back to collect items that you’d missed. This dragged down some of the fun of a Metroidvania title because I didn’t want to go through a series of jumping puzzles again, even when I had a new power that made it a touch easier. I don’t think this is a flaw because Aeterna Noctis is doing what it had set out to do, but it makes it less appealing to someone who’s looking for a Metroidvania game. It all but demands the mindset of a game like Celeste or Super Meat Boy, rather than the more obvious inspirations. It even has a checkpoint system that’s more similar to those games, where you get a new checkpoint every few inches and the challenge is getting to it without your lives intact.

Aeterna Noctis Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Aeterna Noctis Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The game has a lot of aspects that I think work against this style. For example, you can only change your perks or gem selection at one of the Thrones, which serve as a combination fast-travel and healing point. However, these are few and far between, and that can drag things down because if you want to change up your build, you’ll have to venture back through areas that you’ve already completed. Thankfully, you can unlock shortcuts in a lot of areas, but even then, it feels like a waste of time. Better placement of Thrones would’ve gone a long way, especially since the placement is inconsistent. Additionally, the game’s handling of health resources feels lacking. You have multiple health resources. One functions like Hollow Knight, where you beat up enemies to collect their blood, which you can then spend on special attacks or self-healing. The other are healing potions; you can hold a small number of them, but they are exclusively for healing and function instantly. It feels like it overcomplicates some very simple systems. In Hollow Knight, you receive Soul by hitting enemies, while Aeterna has two distinct weapons: the sword (functions like HK’s Nail) and the Scythe.Dire Vengeance Switch NSP

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