Darkest Hunters Switch NSP Free Download


Darkest Hunters Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Darkest Hunters Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Darkest Hunters might have you believe that you’re in for some tasty lore bits, on account of embracing the whole medieval deal, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The stage is set with an introductory cutscene which tells the cyclical tale of light overcoming darkness, for a time of peace, but only to be overcome by darkness once again in the future. The takeaway here is that times of peace are only possible through the sacrifices of heroes, such as yourself. After the tutorial stage, you can choose your avatar from a handful of dirty medieval folk huddled together at the local tavern. Sadly though, the backstories and character variety appear to be nothing more than fluff, providing only the most basic level of context and character customization. That Gandalf looking guy plays exactly like the bleached-locked Conan the Barbarian does, despite the game presenting things as if they would be unique. The lack of mechanical differences between characters is a letdown, sure, but at least their backstories vary. As for the rest of the narrative, I suppose there is only so much you can do in games like this, but I’d be lying if said it didn’t leave me wanting something more.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Darkest Hunters Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Darkest Hunters Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Finding trace RPG elements in so many games these days might bother some, seeing as character statistics, gear, and progression systems – in some form – can be found in almost every new release under the sun. I’ve come to embrace this age however, since genre mashups featuring RPG mechanics can often result in experiences that can take you completely by surprise. That’s why I was instantly intrigued with Darkest Hunters on Switch, a tile-matching/match-3 RPG that proudly boasts a dark, Diablo-esque appearance. While this kind of RPG has been done before – a la Puzzle Quest – Darkest Hunters is one of the more recent entries in the subgenre, releasing first in 2017 to other platforms before arriving on the Switch just this past April. The early PC / Genesis styled aesthetic that Darkest Hunters uses is not going to be for everyone, but as a child of the 90s I totally dig it. While its grim depiction of the medieval time period can come off as a bit “generic looking”, the same could really be said about many medieval inspired games.

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The characters and locations found within the first couple of Diablo games – a title which influenced the design of Darkest Hunters – could also look a bit bland at times. Regardless, for me, a gritty visualization of medieval times is just what the doctor ordered, and although the package here is in no way on par with that of the classics, it does the job well enough. Before we dive into the core gameplay mechanics, let’s go over the base of operations in Darkest Hunters. This menu serves as your gateway to most of the content provided in the game, sectioned off into the tavern (character selection and bestiary), wizard (spell research), blacksmith (weapons and armor), gear (for adjusting your loadout – this function can be accessed any time though), and your map (stage/objective view). Objectives are divided into dozens of stages, each of which house a handful of quests for you to complete. Quest requirements are varied, and are not always of the “kill x” variety. Instead, some of them require you to complete the stage using a specific weapon type – or element – while others will have you scrounging each stage for items, or a certain number of crystals.Beacon Pines Switch NSP

Darkest Hunters Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Darkest Hunters Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Every three to four levels presents you with a boss stage, and they are about the only task which can give you a run for your money (save for a couple of the more tricky types of quests). Overall, the quest variation is nice, but they all tend to blend together after a while. Some of them can be quite tedious to accomplish potentially requiring multiple trips to overcome. Quests, beyond the more standard rewards (like gold and gear), provide a crucial currency in the form of stars. These are required to unlock new tiers of stages, meaning you’ll want to complete as many quests on each stage as possible. The first couple sets of stages are simple enough to unlock, but those a bit deeper in will require more effort on your part. Like any RPG worth its salt, character equipment plays an integral part in Darkest Hunters. Gear can be found through treasure chests, purchased from the blacksmith, and as rewards from completing a certain number of quests. Each piece of gear comes with its own set of properties – some weapons will deal plain melee damage while others might be of the elemental flavor, and many can deal both types of damage.

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The same concept applies to armor and their resistances against the various elements. There’s no penalty to keeping multiple gearsets around, and you’ll find that being able to swap them in and out to best suit the situation is, ideally, what you should do anyways. Darkest Hunters throws lots of gear at you, but a large portion of it will be duplicates. Luckily, the game acknowledges this up front and uses it as a means to upgrade weapons and armor. A certain amount of duplicates, as well as some gold, are required to perform the upgrading process, which boosts the potency of the item permanently. As enticing as this sounds, it cannot be used as frequently as you might hope due to the substantial costs involved. Upgrading gear is not the only gold sink – in fact, the majority of your purse will be spent researching spells. The wizard in town will grant you powerful spells and abilities in exchange for a hefty amount of gold, and by hefty I mean your life savings. Thus, a delicate balance must be achieved in order to make use of both gear upgrades and spells. Lord of Imagination: Loose Ends

Darkest Hunters Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Darkest Hunters Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The story in Darkest Hunter is some what minimum, it’s the standard events of evil power intensifying. A bunch of Hero’s are setting out to stop evil in its tracks and bring peace to the land. In the case of Darkest Hunters the gameplay clearly outshines the story. In this turn based game your hero’s avatar appears on a board of coloured gems. Slide and fight as you move your avatar around the board. You do this by matching the coloured orbs, defeating enemies and collecting chests and then heading for the exit. Gems are coloured according to what they replenish for your Hero. There’s blue for mana, red for attack and green for health. Enemies also move across the board toward your hero and either shoot from afar or come closer and ram into your hero. Other than the gems giving it the look of a match-3 game that’s about where the similarities end. To make headway, it is best to make the longest matching chain in any direction. Creating a chain of five or more gems will provide a special gem with destructive power. This can take out a row of gems or more rows in different directions as you progress in the game.

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Gems don’t fall down to replace the ones that have been collected: new gems just appear in their place instead. Your hero can use Mana attacks on the enemies and collect resources in the form of chests filled with armour, weapons and gold coins. As your hero levels up by gaining experience, you can spread the points across stamina, health and mana. Spells can be purchased from a shop in the town, spells range from healing to elemental spells like fire or ice. Weapons and armour provide defence for your hero. You can gather these in the chests that you collect on the gem board or bought in the local armour shop in the town. You can upgrade the weapons and armour using both the gold coins. Or you can upgrade when you find numerous copies of the same weapon or armour in chests. Your hero is equipped with a hat, body armour, shoes, ring and amulet and carries two weapons. All of these can be upgraded. The RPG elements of gameplay come from each level having different quests to complete in the same board. These quests range from collecting a certain amount of the same colour gem to only killing enemies using a bow and arrow.

This means there is lots of replay ability if you’re going for that 100%. completion. There are thirteen hero’s to choose from, though other than the hero’s looking different in appearance there didn’t seem to be any difference in their health or strength. A bit of a missed opportunity. There are five different worlds to travel, each with around 10 levels. Each level has at least 6 quest to do, all of that adds up to lots of gem busting and collecting. Boss levels appear every so often and these add an extra challenge to complete. You will find ants, spiders, bears, wasps, wolves and many other types of enemies to fight against and a town to visit where you can buy new spells and armour. Or you can visit the tavern to read up on the local lore from notes that you find in the levels or read the information on the enemies and characters. Darkest Hunters has you navigate through tile-based stages where you collect magic, attack, and health points as well as coins. You can only move between similar tiles on each turn so if you take your time then enemies will surely catch up to you which could spell trouble. Combat requires attack points so you have to ensure that you’re well stocked before engaging enemies.

Darkest Hunters Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Darkest Hunters Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The detailed pixel graphics are solid and the orchestral soundtrack is well done, too, but the most irritating part of Darkest Hunters is its unintuitive and clunky menus. Between stages, you can equip and buy new equipment, learn spells, and change characters but doing so relies on interacting with the tricky interface which can be irritating to say the least. It’s still a very solid and enjoyable game, though. You enter a torch-lit village huddled in the oppressive shadow of an angry volcano. Lightning flashes in the distant sky as peasants walk furtively down a dirt road, heads hooded and eyes downcast. The castle at the far end of the village looks dark and foreboding and seems to hold no hope for you as you begin your noble quest. Yeah, I know; so many games have started like this, and they all end with you dead in a dungeon. Take heart, because in Darkest Hunters you don’t always die in a dungeon. Sometimes you die right out in the open. A little sunshine is good, right? This game harks back to the early 16-bit adventure games and throws in a little “match as many colored gems in a row as you can” as a way of engaging monsters.Superliminal 

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