Coming of Age Free Download


Coming of Age Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Coming of Age Free Download GAMESPACK.NET You play an 18 year old girl named May who has a mother, step-father, step-brother, and an older sister. She needs to get a job, attend college, and either become more corrupt or remain pure. Fortunately, you are in charge of her decisions.​ The good: The creator is very talented with writing and creating the graphics. This is the first game I’ve played that really sold the slow burn of the exhibitionism fetish. The corruption is great and seeing May slowly start doing more and more perverse things really hits the spot. If the author had a patreon, I would support it. The bad: The grind and the gameplay itself are bad. This game has one of the worst sins of an RPGmaker game. It confuses the ability for characters to travel around a map with needing the characters to travel around the map. We can tell the author noticed this problem because they put a teleport outside your house that directly takes you to college and completes the class. This does not compensate for every other bit of insane walking grind. Get a job at a photoshoot, great! Now I have to walk to the dressing room, click a button to get dressed, then walk back to the photshoot and hit another button to start? Dude, just have the scene start. No reason for all the extra walking. Same with the library job. Why the fuck am I running everywhere just to advance the plot? TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Coming of Age Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Coming of Age Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Also the way progression is achieved in game is through scenes slowly being dribbled out. So you do a job get a scene, don’t have the confidence, shame, or exhibition levels to continue, so the scene ends. This means the player is constantly replaying old scenes over and over again just to get a miniscule +1 on a stat to then repeat the whole thing the next day. Here is the problem: in RPGmaker, you hold down the “CTRL” key to quickly advance the text and scene. You need this to get to the new parts of the scene in a timely manner. The problem is that you can skip past the new details and unlike Ren’Py, there is no way to scroll back to look at previous text. So the scene progression system is designed in such a way so that players will almost always miss some of the new content. The biggest, almost unimaginable problem is that holding down the “CTRL” key to speed through the text randomly crashes the game. That’s right. The game routinely kills itself and ruins your progress. This is a known bug and nothing is done about it except to save often. Horrid. Absolutely horrid for a game that requires endlessly repeating scenes. Bottom line, if you enjoy the fetishes of exhibitionism, slutification, and corruption, this game will be one of the best you’ve played on the site. If not, the game play alone will drive you insane. So much time is spent walking places and replaying scenes. The game crashed over 10 times on me. So much time wasted that it bums me out.

The Story and the events are well managed and fun

I would say its a 2.5, but there is quite a lot of content, if you nuderstand “content” as events or things going on, not taking into consideration if those are bad of if there is a point in them, or logic. I ahve been playing for 11 hours, so I will rate those 11 hours tryinng to be objective, dont want to misrepresent facts and have my review deleted wink wink) Problems, and also facts: The visuals are dated, this HS or the after editing, dont know the real culprit, but it looks old and dirty, overly saturated. Many girls have also an “uninspired” design. THE GRIND OMG. The grind becomes unsufferable, bot because its too much, but because of how the events are designed and how the logic of the stats affects some events. There are some events affected by the stats, but other events, even if they unlock after grinding for hours, they start at ground level, as if you started playing the game. This is a fact. For instance Gina exhibitionism training starts quite late in the game, but it starts showing lingerie to some random, which is less than what the female MC shows in the early game with the schoolgirl uniform. This is an example there are a lot more. A lot of event chains, have some content and reach a point where they start getting interesting, and in that moment they end, and anotehr event starts from ground 0. This happens pretty much with every job. Its a fact. Stray

Coming of Age Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Coming of Age Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

For the many first hours there are alot of “events” where a camera is involved, or a telescope, or any spy device. as an example the telescope in the balcony, which offers 2 renders from the mc perspective and then offers 5 or 5 fro the peeing Tom perspective. I call it repetitive, and i personaly get easily tired with all the seizure inducing camera flashes. I enjoy the amount of story in the game, the different ideas. The graphic is ok even when I’m not really a fan of Honey Select graphics. What reduces the fun is the spelling and grammar. You notice that there was no try to proofread the text. Their, they’re and there mismatches, things like “principle” instead of “principal”, “thinning” instead of “thinking” etc. and the most obvious are functional characters like [<>001] in the text. the grind. Some goals are drawn-out the controls. Some are unlogical (choose an item to speak with someone and not to choose the person) and other just annoying like entering a building. choose a target to go to and you’re again in front of the building. One time I had the MC permanently jump in and out of the building by itself. There is a mouse control in the game, but it’s lacking. You can’t use the mouse in some situations. the logic. Dialog and reactions doesn’t fit with the way you play the game. Like “It was the first time” and you already did it dozens of times.

There is a great bunch of helper girls that will show the main character how much fun she can have.

Markers you can see in places, for example in the park when working for Garret on the bench for exposing yourself, but not being able to use (Not the only place/time) because you wear the wrong type of clothes. If I can’t use it don’t show it. the quests or better the questslist. Kind of uncomplete. For example there are stages in quests but you don’t see them, like the quest working as a lifeguard. The second stage of that quest is a prerequisite for a quest in the beachbar, but you don’t see it. Not even when you get the message ingame that you have to finish the second stage of the lifeguard quest and you’re not working as a lifeguard anymore because you get no benefits like confidence from that task. the time of the day. You can look in status what time of the day it is, but some events are only available at specific times and a clock on the screen or status would be helpful. the color of the face of the characters. I’m sorry but many chars look like they got rosacea or they are hopeless drunk. That kind of red face is not fitting and I don’t get it why they have a red face. I get it that some people get a red face in certain situations, but not permanently and even then after a time the situations get normal and are no cause for getting a red face anymore. It’s the new normal. STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town

Coming of Age Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Coming of Age Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I’ve lost all interest in this game as of the present update. Watching a girl get a bit slutty is fun turning into a meat puppet or cum dump isn’t. Just went to far for my taste. It doesn’t take any creativity to go this route. There are 80,000,000 more interesting things one can do with a character than take this path. This used to be my favorite game in development. On the good side of it he has reduced the grind some by adding in changes to events. It’s not much but it makes a difference. Broken Story The same plot issues still persist and have gotten worse with the intensity of her sluttyness. There are a few factors we need to look at. First, we know she isn’t an out right slut from the start or we wouldn’t have the story of her lowering her inhibitions. You can see that in her original nature as well she is more concerned with comfort than appearance of attraction. There are two primary factors that are introduced into the game to explain her moving down the path. First, is exploration of exhibition. That doesn’t explain her wanting to fuck everything in sight or even being willing to do so. The second is money. Let’s look at money. None of her jobs really have the increase in pay she needs to pay for tuition or would explain her being willing to have sex. Since the school has never told her how much of a discount those jobs are giving her there is no way she would in any universe agree to that.

The graphic is decent and enjoyable

She isn’t a moron. The game makes that point several times. It points out academically she is doing well when she talks to the administration of the school. Probably the biggest problem is with her dialog. It doesn’t reflect the change in personality to make you think this actually the path she would go. To Fix these issues. The first thing I would do is flesh-out exactly what the school is giving her for the jobs. 10K or so for each of those given her tuition is 50K would be a good start. Second, fix the pay at each of those business to a reasonable level. You can always add in expenses and loss factors into the game to reduce what a player has. Honestly, her path into MMF is far to fast given she isn’t to professional porn or any crap. The only way to explain the current crap is she was a closet slut to start. You didn’t give us that and if you did it wouldn’t really be a story a slut becoming more slutty isn’t note worthy. The girl next door is what you gave us becomes a slut. Honestly, you had a lot more steps in between where you currently are at and were it came from. The exhibition route had a lot more to explore. Nudist beach. Getting used to public exposure, there are all sorts of jobs she could have gotten before going to strip. Working as a topless barista, nude maid service, you had a massage parlor in the game a job there would have been good.

Coming of Age Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Coming of Age Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Playing this game feels like when a little kid counts and goes 1,2,3,4, 10 you know when they skip a bunch of numbers because they don’t want to wait. Or a child’s account of the year, January, February, Christmas. Then you are going to have to change her dialog to reflect she is no longer the girl next door. Because once she has become that slutty well they no longer are. Old review below this point There is a lot to like about this game. There is plenty of content in the game. Graphics are on par. However the game isn’t complete yet. The good: There is a lot of content. The graphics are par for the course they aren’t super but they work and give you what is needed. Story or plot: I guess technically you could say that it is simply following a young lady over a short period of her life while she changes during that time. You won’t get board playing the game. The bad: The truth is you have really few actual choices you make in the game that are real either you select certain options or the story doesn’t progress. In short you could take all those out and you wouldn’t loose anything. In short it’s another one of the stories the author over uses “I really have no choice” way to often. Plot issues: Various events don’t seem to make a lot of sense in the order they happen. She is perfectly willing to post nudes of herself online she took in public but then she has issues with taking a partial nude set in a studio? There are a good number of these types of issues if you pay attention to that stuff.

The purpose given for leaving most jobs is for better pay but that is almost never the case. She accepts the alternative school plans without ever knowing how much it will reduce her 50,000 debt. Repetition/Grinding: There is a lot of repetition / grinding in a way. It’s not near as bad as some games. Most things are repeated in a manor 3 to 5 times. Some things you repeat a lot more so that you can move things along faster. If you got to a job for example you will work it 3 to 5 times and then your clothes get changed. You however have different events around the maps to increase lust which will help trigger other events so you want to hit those pretty much every day. But the fact is this game isn’t complete and I’m looking forward to see where it heads.First of all, the game feels really grindy. But honestly, the mc is too likeable for me and it makes the whole grind worth it. The game also feels a little bit laggy but that’s alright, i’m here to fap not to play an actual game and the lag didn’t kill my boner. One thing that this game does really well is corruption and exhibitonism, i always love a slow paced but rewarding corruption games, it didn’t feel too fast nor too slow. I’d say the game is almost good as Valiant Warrior Astrid but with worse CG, yes the CG is a little bit disappointing, it could’ve been better but at least it works.Stardew Valley


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