Stardew Valley Free Download


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Stardew Valley Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Each time I start up a new farm in Stardew Valley or return to my 100-hour save on PC, I feel like I’m going home. There’s a comfort in Stardew Valley that I’ve rarely found in other games. The music that changes with each season perfectly fits the mellowness of the 16-bit countryside town, and all the activities that await offer both peace in my daily routines and excitement in the land’s mysteries. Whether you want to farm, fish, fight monsters, craft, mine, become everyone’s best friend, or do a little bit of everything, this farming adventure has plenty to offer. As we said in our original review, Stardew Valley “beautifully combines farm simulation with RPG elements to create an intriguing, absorbing rural world,” and it’s only gotten better with each massive free update. Multiplayer, new items, buildings, farm types, events, and relationships give Stardew Valley an even better foundation and more of a reason to stick around past the coveted event in the third in-game year. The five new farm maps offer better focus for players than when Stardew Valley first launched. Each of the farms’ designs encourages different types of work – farming, fishing, foraging, mining, and combat.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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_Stardew Valley Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Each map’s activities are a relief from the grips of Joja Corporation, the cold, in-game company that encroaches on Pelican Town. Stardew Valley’s story is a simple, yet satisfying one. You inherit your grandfather’s farm after leaving the grind of your job with the Joja Corporation. Once settled on the farm, you then have to decide whether to support the local Joja Mart or rebuild the decaying community center. This conflict is the driving factor in the two or so years that span Stardew Valley’s story, but once that’s all completed, befriending and learning about the townspeople introduce other contained stories. The residents of Pelican Town and beyond are a charming bunch, though improving your relationship with each of them is rather superficial. All you have to do is give them presents they like twice a week to slowly earn their trust and affection. Giving them items they dislike can lower their affection level, so that at least encouraged me to try and figure out what each person enjoys most and to get creative with my gifts once I had some expendable resources well into my second year. That’s right, Maru — you’ve been upgraded to pepper poppers. Despite the system’s simplicity, it’s still rewarding to learn about each person’s dreams, passions, and challenges living in Stardew Valley.

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There’s a friendly monster who just wants to sell his merchandise to nice people, an artist who’s a little too shy to share her artwork, a bitter old man who’s hesitant to make connections, a scientist who studies the valley’s wildlife, and plenty other interesting folks. After reaching certain friendship or romance levels, a special character scene plays if you catch them in the right time and place. The 12 romanceable characters have more scenes than others, and if you choose to marry one, they move into your home and actually help around the farm every now and then. It’s a welcome benchmark for the late game. NPCs are also the key to learning certain food recipes and crafting blueprints, so there’s value in befriending them beyond discovering their interests and personal conflicts. They’ll even send a small gift back to you occasionally. The changing of seasons in Stardew Valley is perhaps one of the most exciting events. Where summer has plenty of sunny days with a few useful thunderstorms here and there – with the right tools, you can make batteries with the lighting! – the snow-covered ground in winter prevents any crops growing outside, leaving the season’s activities a little more up in the air if you’re primarily a farmer. Every season has its own enjoyable pace that comes with the varying weather, crop types, NPC schedules, birthdays, fish, and fun festivals that keep things engaging.FreshWomen

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Each season runs for 28 days, so figuring out how to best spend them is a great challenge as each in-game year passes. By the time I reached the end of my second year, I felt confident in my daily routine and farming strategies. Farming isn’t overly complex, but the methodical nature of it is relaxing. It does take a fair bit of time in the first year to make enough money to get a good number of the best seeds, optimize your farmland, implement a watering system, and figure out a routine to take care of it all. Stardew Valley has levels for each main mechanic – farming, fishing, mining, combat, and foraging. Figuring out how to make the most of my days was a great challenge early on when I had a low energy meter for executing actions like chopping wood, tilling soil, and using the watering can, all without extra farming bonuses from my level. But even when that energy meter grew and I earned farming specializations, the difficulty and enjoyment I found in farming came from managing more land and deciding whether or not to process the farmed goods to make them into more profitable artisan goods or do something else with them entirely. For instance, I could sell all my grapes, cook them for my own consumption for energy and health, or I could save them to make jelly or wine with the craftable preserves jar and keg.

Turn your overgrown field into a lively farm!

Adding farm animals to the mix made for even more welcome diversity in my daily farming routine.If you’ve heard of Stardew Valley but never played it, like me, you’ll know that the game is multi-faceted. You can farm, raise animals, fish, forage, mine, and defeat monsters in caves and mines. A popular aspect of Stardew Valley’s gameplay is the ability to get to know, befriend, and even romance some of the residents of Pelican Town. I enjoyed being able to take my time, focusing first on farming, then getting some adorable chickens and cows for passive income, and spending rainy days in the mines. Some days I did nothing but gather wood! Stardew Valley doesn’t punish players for not playing the “right” way and allows them to make their own mistakes which they can correct next time around. I suppose the “right” way to play this game is by working to complete the bundles at the Community Center in Pelican Town. Players are rewarded for donating crops, fish, and other items to various themed bundles, which in turn result in repairs to bridges, access to new buildings, and increased friendship with the locals. In a way, the Community Center taught me how to play the game. It gave me guidance on where and when certain crops, fish and items can be found.Call of Duty Black Ops

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encouraged me to expand my farm beyond just fruit and vegetables, and kept me coming back with incentives that were easier to get through bundle rewards than making them myself. This was a brilliant way to teach newcomers to the farming simulator genre what they can focus on, whenever they want to.Though I haven’t thrown myself headfirst into the world of Stardew waifus, I very much appreciate the variety in relationship options. Sure, many of the locals fit into cliché stereotypes: the emo kid, the shy bookworm, the upbeat girl next door — but I do love that you have the option to romance any of the single characters, or even multiple characters at once! Of course, you can only marry one person, but romancing multiple people does have its humorous moments. It’s something that other farming simulators have yet to embrace fully, so I’m glad I have the option here. I know I just spoke about how happy I was about being able to date anyone you want, regardless of gender, but … I kinda wish the locals in Stardew Valley were more ethnically diverse. Of the 40-odd villagers and NPCs in the game, only one of them is black. His name is Demetrius, and he’s married. His biracial daughter, Maru, is an eligible bachelorette, and she’s the person I chose to pursue.

Improve your skills over time.

The option for queer relationships is amazing, but I just wish I could see more of myself in this game. Of course, visibility is important in other ways such as disability, so sexuality and ethnicity are far from the only ways in which the dating sphere can improve. I know this may be a sort of unique complaint from someone who is coming from Animal Crossing, but as I’ve said before, time moves quite quickly in Stardew Valley. I know that things can be simplified with sprinklers, but in the beginning I spent most of my morning watering my plants. On days that I wanted to both water my plants AND go to the mines, I found myself hard-pressed for time in the initial few weeks of the game, as you’re punished for staying out too late. Farming and mining do get easier with sprinklers and the elevator (though it took me an embarrassing amount of time to realise the elevator was functional), but I think I would have been a lot less stressed had the day been measured in increments of five minutes, not 10.

Farmhands have ownership over their cabin and relationships with NPCs in your game, too, which is an important incentive for helping out a friend on their farm since it gives them both a stake in your land and in the rest of your game, too. They can upgrade their home and even get married to your character or an NPC you haven’t romanced. It might be a bit tedious to have to go through the whole courting process again if you’ve already unlocked everything on your primary farm, but I appreciate that it offers a chance to start a new romance with a different character and to essentially establish a new life on a farm that can progress while you’re not there if the primary farmer chooses to play without you. My friend was incredibly helpful in kicking off the summer farming season as we toiled away for days leading up to it, calculating how many seeds of a specific fruit we’d need. Communication happens through a simple in-game text chat that’s equipped with plenty of great emojis. It ended up being an expensive season because of all the seeds I had to buy, but that investment my friend suggested has definitely paid off. Though his farming suggestions were helpful, spelunking with him was even more fun. Together we slayed plenty of monsters and got further in the challenge cavern than I had before.

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_Stardew Valley Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The easygoing nature of Stardew Valley also creates a wonderfully pleasant space to hang out with friends, which is a nice thing to have when so many multiplayer games are set in rather tense situations. Stardew Valley is a beautiful, fun game that, when all of its parts are pulled together, make for a wonderful countryside adventure. Whether it’s rainy, sunny, snowy, or dusted with pollen drifts through the air, each day offers an abundance of great activities ready to be collected or mastered and new friendships waiting to be made. Even 100 hours in with three in-game years in the books, I still feel like I have so many mysteries to discover, and plenty of items to collect. New items, goals, and events from all the updates since its launch make Stardew Valley more welcoming for new players and extends its life for seasoned farmers, too. The fantastic multiplayer is just the cherry on top of the cake to this marvelous farming RPG.You share money with up to three farmhands/friends who can meddle in your belongings, so it’s not entirely too difficult to get new players up to speed if you’re adding them to an established farm. Still, having to support others’ endeavors out of your pocket helps multiplayer maintain that balance between difficulty and power, and you can even change the profit margins for your co-op save if you feel like you’re making too much money.Guilty Hell White Goddess and the City of Zombies

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