Choo Choo Charles Free Download


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Choo Choo Charles Free Download GAMESPACK.NET I have an affinity for the absurd, silly, and downright stupid (look no further than Goat Simulator 3 review as evidence), so when I heard about a game where you’re being stalked by the demonic equivalent of Thomas the Tank Engine, I was suitably excited. But while Choo-Choo Charles’ premise brings me no end of joy, the janky and barebones adventure itself is way more dull than I thought possible. Unfortunately, this comedy game disguised as a horror game manages to be devoid of humor and terror in equal measure, and even though the runtime is only about 90 minutes, I found myself looking for a way off this crazy train much sooner. Choo-Choo Charles may present itself as nightmare fuel on the outside, but this whole game is actually just one prolonged joke. Your adventure begins with a bang when you board a train with a gun mounted on it and are immediately attacked by an evil railcar with spider legs, but since those opening moments are the best part of the whole thing, you’re in for a monotonous jaunt thereafter. In order to kill Charles, you’ll have to travel around an island completing quests for NPCs to upgrade your weapons and improve your train’s stats, until you face ol’ Choo-Choo himself in a final showdown.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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Choo Choo Charles Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Its intentionally funny nature is apparent in everything from its ridiculous characters to the idiotic tasks they give you – which includes having you hunt down a jar of pickles for a woman who’s obsessed with the fermented delicacies – but most of those things aren’t particularly funny. Choo-Choo Charles’ over-the-top story may seem like the perfect setup for a hilarious odyssey, but it almost always misses the comedic mark with dull writing and forgettable characters that don’t even try to take advantage of that farcical goldmine. The voice acting is appropriately silly and clearly doesn’t take itself seriously, which is great, but the dialogue being read plays things far straighter, and I couldn’t help but repeatedly shake my head at all the missed opportunities for hijinks. There’s one part where an NPC explains that you can upgrade your train without acknowledging how insane that proposition is, and another where someone asks you to get revenge for her husband’s death but doesn’t make hay out of the fact that her beloved was literally eaten by an evil train. It was all just so painfully unfunny, and that hurts me. Most of the time you’ll be riding your train through barren and empty environments, stopping to collect scrap metal or complete a dull quest along the way that might have you fetch some item for someone or lockpick a nearby chest in a terribly boring lockpicking minigame.

Upgrade your train to fit your needs.

The uneventful main quest has you hunting down three eggs, which are apparently children of Choo-Choo Charles waiting to hatch into additional railcar abominations, and can be used to lure him into a final deathmatch. To get hold of those eggs, you’ll need to talk to three NPCs who rattle off the exact same exposition about them, then send you into a mine to steal the egg where you have to avoid dumb cultists carrying shotguns in some truly horrid stealth sections. These brief bits are little more than a series of hallways with masked enemies walking around where your only option is to avoid them. You aren’t given any weapons aside from the ones you keep on your train, so you’ll either have to sneak around and wait for NPCs to walk by, or just run past them since they’re slow, stupid, and have poor aim. Sneaking is aggressively not fun, since the only tool you’re given to aid you is the ability to lean left or right to peer around corners from cover. You can’t distract enemies, do stealth takedowns, or even crouch to aid you in the effort. Personally, I found it more bearable to just run past everything, grab the egg, and leave. Or if you’re feeling cheeky, just lead the enemies outside the mine, hop in your train, and kill them with your guns (though that isn’t really worth the time required to pull it off). As you progress through the story.I got a millenary cat

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Choo Choo Charles Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Every so often you’ll hear a sinister train whistle and know that you’re chugging towards a confrontation shortly, but any hope for excitement is run flat because it’s the same encounter each and every time. When the train appears you’ll have to keep moving and use any weapons you’ve got to do some damage before Charles retreats to lick his wounds and begin the predictable process again. In the earliest part of the adventure you’ll be far too weak to face the wicked locomotive and will almost certainly get murdered, for which there are practically no consequences. But after getting a few upgrades and a couple new weapons, like the deadly flamethrower or the rocket launcher that takes way too long to reload, you’ll be able to fend off Charles without issue. I never thought I’d round off the year fighting an evil train named Charles, but you never know what’s round the corner. It’s one of the most original titles I’ve played, and while not particularly long, it was the right amount of crazy, featuring the right amount of firepower and b-movie acting that gave me a few hours of escapism on an island I’m certainly not planning on returning to. Choo Choo Charles isn’t supposed to be taken seriously, and it made me laugh more than it made me jump. Regardless of this, I enjoyed its simplicity and silliness. The premise is straightforward enough. You have arrived on island that’s been terrorised by a train that’s part machine; part monster.

Get help from the townspeople.

Your goal is to destroy Charles and return the island to some semblance of normality. To do so, you must find three eggs that have the power to draw it out of hiding, and using whatever weapons you find, you must blow the abomination to kingdom come. Traveling around the island can be done on foot, but your main source of transport is your very own locomotive. It can be upgraded, get a new lick of paint to change its appearance, and loaded with new weapons. There are three levers that allow you to make it go forwards and backwards, and bring it to a halt. At certain points in the track, you’ll have to get out and pull a switch to change its direction, and you can always take a break from riding it to go off on foot. Doing so, however, will leave you vulnerable if Charles ever decides to make an appearance. I found that the hellish-looking train seldom attacked me when I was out exploring, but when he did, I’d rarely make it back to my train alive. If you die, you respawn at your train, but you’ll lose scrap metal as a result. If he appears when you’re in the train, you can shoot at him to make him disappear for a while, but Charles is relentless in his pursuit. It isn’t particularly scary, but when he arrives, you’ll certainly jump and do what you can to prevent being eaten. I found on occasion, he appeared on the opposite end of my train and wouldn’t come anywhere near my mounted gun.Xeodrifter Switch NSP

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Choo Choo Charles Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

So I had to endure his beating without doing anything about it. Various NPCs are scattered around the island. Some of the inhabitants will give you optional quests that offer up scrap metal which is used to upgrade your train’s speed, armour, and damage. Scrap metal can be found everywhere, from abandoned huts and stations, to inside mines. lighthouses, and in the woods. Other quests give you the opportunity to unlock a new weapon, such as the flamethrower and rocket launcher. Each weapon has different stats, and they can all be switched out fairly quickly when you’re being attacked by both Charles and his cult of followers. Speaking of his followers, you’ll encounter them across the island, but the mines in which the three eggs are located are more populated by them. You can’t take any of the weapons with you on foot, so encountering them can be frustrating, especially if you’re trying to be sneaky. Like Charles, they’re relentless in their pursuit, so if you want to kill them, you’ll need to lead them back to the train where you’ll be able to gun them down. The final quests you’ll need to complete aren’t optional, and they’re represented by blue icons across the map. You play as an archivist slash monster hunter, which is the absolute best profession I could ever imagine. What papers do I need to land that job? How does it pay?

Fight Charles to the death.

If Choo-Choo Charles is anything to go by, I wouldn’t even need to supply my own equipment, because it’s already there on this isolated island. You’re summoned to the island of Aranearum to deal with what’s described as a monster that is “half train, half giga-spider.” They named it Charles, which is a pretty respectable name to give a terror beyond the veil of madness. The miners of the island have already done the legwork on planning Charles’ demise, they just need someone crazy enough to pull it off. Upon arriving, you’re equipped with a train and let loose. Your goal is to travel the broad-reaching tracks of the island and meet up with the various NPCs. They’ll give you the keys to where Charles’ eggs are being held, supply you with scrap metal to upgrade your train, and load you up with weapons to help keep the monster at bay. That’s the whole of it, but it’s not going to be easy, because Charles isn’t the only monster on the island, and a whole load of cultists would rather you didn’t stop him. I don’t know how great I feel about shooting a train, especially one that is set up on better infrastructure than most municipalities could ever dream of. However, joining the cultists isn’t an option, so I guess it’s hunting season. At least Buster Keaton would approve.

Also, there’s Charles. He roams the island too, and as you travel, you may hear his distant whistle as he bears down on your location. Provided you’re in the safety of the iron womb of your train, you can fend him off. Unfortunately, you need to leave that safety rather often, if only to switch tracks. Listen for that whistle; his hellish Choo-Choo that foretells his arrival. He’s the little engine that could… kill you. Largely, encounters with him are kept to a minimum, which is a great way to add to his mystery. Chasing him off isn’t all that difficult, so having him in the spotlight every few minutes would greatly reduce his perceived threat. The game’s dark and gloomy atmosphere is a great look for him, as well. He weaves through the trees, chasing your tail with unwavering determination. And that’s it. All in, Choo-Choo Charles ran north of 2 hours for me, which is long enough that you get your money’s worth, but not so long that you realize there are no tricks up its sleeve. The furthest you really get from this core gameplay is sneaking around cultists, but most of the side-quests just involve going from point A to point B and sometimes going back to point A. It works as a framework but doesn’t do anything too inventive. It rewards you well for engaging with the content, so there’s very little threat of disappointment.

Choo Choo Charles Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Choo Choo Charles Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Simply working seems to be the aim of Choo-Choo Charles. The core gameplay was already established, so actually turning it into a complete package is ambitious as it gets. The graphics work, but they don’t want you getting to close. It’s a mix of gathered assets and models that have textures that look like placeholders. A cartoon-y, hand-drawn look would be a fine aesthetic, but it’s mixed in with generic assets, so there’s no cohesion. It works. I didn’t find the approach added to nor detracted from the final product. Characters don’t move their mouths when they talk, the music is just kind of there, and the narrative doesn’t really do anything terribly cool. It’s a very time-conscious production, and that feels extremely appropriate. It’s at its best when you’re just riding the rails and tinkering with your train, but that can only be stretched out for so long. That’s not to say that there isn’t anything that Choo-Choo Charles could have done to be a more compelling experience. Moments with the cultists are a bit underwhelming since your character can take a surprising amount of buckshot before keeling over. Combat outside of the train, or simply more moments where Charles could harrow you when you’re at your most vulnerable would have been appreciated. Bot Gaiden Switch NSP


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