TRADER LIFE SIMULATOR 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Trader Life Simulator 2 is a game where you can open your own business starting from your empty shop and go bigger to build your own success story. Customize your shop with +120 equipment / furniture items and buy and sell over 150 products, purchase and manage your vehicles, transport goods and upgrade your business . Trader Life Simulator is as the title suggests a simulation game, developed and published by Mohammed Qasriwa. This was the very first simulation game I have ever played of my own job. I work in a store and I had no idea what to expect from this. It was a weird experience coming from work just to continue at home. You get dropped in your own house, given some little tutorials, and on you go to your store. It’s completely empty except for some products you can put on a shelf to get you started. Now it is up to you. First, you’ll have to go to the local store, to get products to sell. At the start, it will be small stuff like toothpaste or maybe oranges. Then put that in the back of the car and drive back to your store to put it on the shelves. At first, I was excited about what was to come. If you get tired from driving to the supply store and back to your store, you can let it get delivered to your store.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



However, this doesn’t get properly explained, in my opinion, and I had to search around how to make this work. After some running around like a potato, I found out I needed to put money on my Visa Card and then go to the PC in my store to order it. So getting it delivered is lovely but having to do the payment every time is so obnoxious. More on that down below. After my starting phase it got kind of boring quickly. This game does what it wants to do but I was looking for more. While getting your products out of the box you buy them in, they randomly get a different color, or with some products like shampoo they completely change shape. I like my shop to look neat but it is a shame this isn’t supported by the game. Putting things straight is an accomplishment by itself and then also having the products look different… It just wasn’t my thing.  Everything you would like to buy like a coffee machine or just a good-looking shelf costs so much. I get that they might have done that to give the game more playtime but why not put in more options instead. Going from a shelf that’s $150 each to suddenly having to get over $500 is quite a jump in this game.

NEW vehicles.

Especially if you keep in mind that there are other things you have to pay for as well. Trader Life Simulator has a really annoying payment system. It is realistic, I guess, but I don’t see why this is needed at all. So you have the money you have on you. Then you have the money in the bank and the money you have on your Visa Card. To get the money from your pocket to your visa you need to run to the bank across the street, talk to the good sir there, and put it on your bank account to put it on the Visa Card from there. And if you get further in Trader Life Simulator you will use that a hell of a lot. Wich, in my opinion, got really annoying and didn’t add anything positive to the game experience.  In Trader Life Simulator the customers just appear at your register. They all look about the same and are really bland. I would have liked to see them walk around the store and pick what I had to sell. Maybe see what things they are thinking about buying, but there is none of that. They come for one item and if you don’t have that one it pops up as “NO SHAMPOO” and poof customer gone again. I would have liked to see more of a thought system as Rollercoaster Tycoon has. And then there are the randomly flying people outside… Guess my city had a lot of supermans.Squids Odyssey Switch NSP



Trader Life Simulator 2, a game developed and published by Mohammed Qasrawi, is based around owning your shop in hopes of building it up. These simulator games have become a trend over the last couple of years. From trucking simulators to flight simulators that try to bridge those real-life situations onto the computer screen. The game has you starting in a house as you look around you see there is not much of anything in the house except a sink. Though you can place a toilet and a bed down so that you can use it to speed the time within the game. When starting, you will also notice that you must satisfy the three needs in the game from using the restroom, satisfying your hunger, and lastly, cleanliness. This takes inspiration from some survival games with having to make sure your character is doing well in these categories. To satisfy the restroom requirement, you use the toilet that is provided at the start of the game. With the hunger, you can visit places around town such as a burger place to satisfy this requirement. However, a big problem with this aspect is it does not tell you how much it satisfies you when you eat a burger as you will eat the item, and then your hunger will be satisfied. I wish the different items would have different levels of how much it satisfies.

More Than 150 New different Products That Can Be Sold in the Player’s Shop.

Lastly, with the cleanliness, this became confusing to satisfy and the game did not describe it all too well. With starting Trader Life Simulator, you have $500, a car to use, and you own a supermarket. When you get to the supermarket you have no inventory, so you go to a shop to obtain some items to sell at your supermarket. You set up the items in your shop, which can become frustrating at times with doing it one item at a time. You can start selling the products that you have, but the game lacks the environment to show others in the world. They will just appear in your store where they will buy an item or leave as you do not have a certain item that they want. They do not move or get immersed in your store at all as they appear then disappear. This aspect of the game was disappointing as it did not seem well fleshed out. I was unable to get immersed into owning this supermarket with the lack of an environment around. This immersion is crucial with a simulator, as the basis of the game is to see yourself in that world. The other shops around were the bank if you needed more money. For other shops such as furniture for the house that you have. A shelf shop so you can add more shelves in the shop to place more inventory to set up. There is a cell phone shop to help maintain the car you have well at least a quicker version.Choo Choo Charles



There is a laptop that will be used to save the progress of the game. This became annoying as the menu has a save menu, but you cannot save from there because you have to use the laptop, which seems pointless to me. The laptop also helps you upgrade the market, handle bills, and hire more NPCs for the cashier spot to handle more customers coming in. The NPCs were disappointing for me as there was not much effort put into them as they all look similar. Especially all the shops as they are the same model except with different clothes on and sometimes, they have the same outfit on. Overall, I was disappointed in my experience when it came to Trader Life Simulator. Many parts of the game seemed rushed and not much effort was put in from the NPCs to not well thought out mechanics that were consisted in the game. The game did not hook me in at all and after a couple of hours, I had enough of the game. Some aspects could be built upon when it comes to the Trader Life Simulator. There is a core that is there but around that core is not fleshed out. In my opinion, there are just more well-polished experiences out there that make this $20 price tag hard to justify. This isnt really my kind of game, but I did get a key thanks to being lucky. But as such, here is my impression. The basics are good. It runs well on my pc, doesnt lag or cause issues.

Dynamic Prices System.

The graphics, though on the lower end, are steady. Work can be done to improve them but this is an early access to the game at the time of writing this. The game play itself could use a little work in my opinion, some things I would personally like to see implemented, but what is there works and keeps the game flowing through the next day and advances the basics of the game. Overall its a good game at the time of release for sale and I am looking forward to seeing what comes with updates. You wake up, exit the house, find your car, and drive around until you enter a store. A simple popup lets you know that you own the store. What an introduction to a game that has no basic tutorial. Things just pop up on the screen every time you enter a specific area, and you get shown a map with icons and titles but no explanation as to what any of these locations might be other than the hint you get from the icon itself. I spent about 10 minutes trying to discover how to restock my store, driving around in a car that sadly wouldn’t allow me to run over pedestrians, and stumbled across Jabar, the man who was destined to help me restock my store. Money isn’t balanced at all, as you start with $100, earning about $200 more with what stock you have, and are then expected to restock or buy furniture, and unless you invest correctly at the beginning of the game.

you’re better off just restarting. In terms of actual gameplay, your sole purpose is to keep your store afloat and be able to pay your employees without going into too much debt. Like many sim-type games, you can even take out a $1000 loan from the bank, which I could never pay back because I failed to understand most of the mechanics. I could barely afford any furniture to upgrade my store after my initial purchase of more supplies, and even with a loan, there was not much I could contribute to further this game without investing an extra 8 or so hours. On top of trading all your general supplies and earning money you also have to keep yourself clean, well-fed, and visit the bathroom whenever necessary which you can access at your home; another location you can decorate with your hard-won earnings. In terms of controls, there’s nothing really to add, and it suffers from a lack of background music. It’s a very basic trading simulator, as it was intended to be. The only complaint I have control-wise is the car. Drifting isn’t possible, but there is a delay when trying to drive, and a whole lot of rolling. Even when I was being extra careful and had braked more steadily, I still managed to crash into a lot of things. As for comments on the actual design of the game.



it’s made to be what it is; A trading simulator. It’s not an overly great game as it doesn’t really give you a direction and adds nothing new to the simulation game style. This game appears to still be in development, but I’m not too sure because it hasn’t been stated on the steam page. It’d be nice to see some more simple things added to the game, such as making adjustments to the map, maybe add a radio in the car for more active music, or adding more graphical details to the overall game. This would give Trade Life Simulator some extra appeal, and it could be more of an interesting game with just a few extra features, and it could potentially appeal to a wider audience. Game has been awesome. And it has been fun killing time managing my store. it has it’s pros and cons starting with the npc. but im hoping for some updates to polish the game to it’s full potential. 8/10 i recommend if you like management, life sime simulators. building, towards a person, in your store, on your merchandise, it doesn’t matter, relive is all that counts. The food and drinks soon become more of an annoyance than anything, but I am still glad they included it in the game. Secondly you can slap anyone, yep that is right… is there someone standing in your path? Slap Slap Slap.Warhammer 40000 Darktide


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