Broken Pieces Free Download


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Broken Pieces Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Broken Pieces is developed by Elseware Experience, Benoit Dereau, and Mael Vignaux, with publishing in the hands of Freedom Games. I played it using Steam on the PC and players will also be able to get it on the PlayStation 5, the Xbox Series X and S, and older devices from Microsoft and Sony, in time for Halloween. This is a psychological action-adventure experience that also features puzzles and some combat. Our protagonist is a woman named Elise, alone in a French village, with a weird rock tied to her wrist and a missing boyfriend. There’s no other human in Saint-Exile to interact with but there are cassette tapes to find, delivering a lot of exposition and details about what might have happened here. Players will also get a running commentary from Elise herself. The game delivers three significant narrative threads to work through, with writing that varies in quality quite a bit. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

 These puzzles could involve rearranging broken pieces of objects to make them whole again.

The game could have a narrative that follows a character or group of characters as they try to solve a mystery or uncover a hidden treasure. The story could be told through cutscenes, dialogue, or in-game events.

Broken Pieces is a third-person action-adventure, with an emphasis on the exploration side of the genre. Elise can move at will through the village, collecting items, finding doors that she can open, and solving puzzles to access new areas. Each scene can be explored from two different perspectives, which reveals more info about an area and can offer clues for the puzzles. The character has a limited inventory to work with, making it important to choose what to carry with you, and a gun for self-defense. The unexplained phenomenon that raptured the village’s population also gave Elise the power to alter the weather for a short period of time. From time to time, weird spectral enemies appear, and Elise will have to use her trusty firearm and superior dodging abilities to take them out. These sequences don’t add much to Broken Pieces and feel added just to give players something else to do rather than solve puzzles. The frequency of enemy encounters increases after 8 PM, which makes it a good idea to get back home and into bed to sleep.

The tape player is a vital tool Elise has at her disposal

That also allows our protagonist to regain health if the spectral enemies took a chunk out. The beach is the other location that offers health and stamina regeneration for those willing to spend 2 hours out of their day there. I appreciate that the puzzles in Broken Pieces are mostly well-integrated with the environment, with solutions that do not feel outlandish. There’s a lot of backtracking through the empty village that adds nothing to the game. The inventory also feels too small given the nature of the game. It’s nice that the village also offers a few sidequests and mysteries to uncover. The game’s mechanics are not interesting enough to sustain it but the story, with its supernatural and conspiracy elements, is interesting enough to keep players moving forward (the developers have provided a walkthrough on the official wiki page for anyone who gets stuck). Broken Pieces is a decent-looking game, with the developers making good use of the limited area of the village to deliver a lot of detail. Elise’s movements are natural, outside of combat, and the ‘90s vibe permeates the entire experience, adding a layer of immersive nostalgia. Castle Story

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Broken Pieces Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The sound design will probably be more divisive. The cassette tape mechanic could work well but it is overused. The only music in the game comes from tracks that the boyfriend has recorded for Elise. And the sound of seagulls is omnipresent and a little oppressive. Set sometime in the nineties, Broken Pieces takes place in a fictional remote French coastal village called Saint-Exil. Something horrific has happened to the town and its residents. Several days before the start of the narrative, everyone went missing. Only Elise, a thirty-something woman who recently moved to Saint-Exil alongside her fiancé Pierre, remains. Every day since that terrible incident, she tries to decipher what happened and how she might escape the area. Can Pierre and the other townsfolk still be saved? What is the truth behind the shadow creatures occasionally attacking Elise throughout town? Is there something lurking under the water near Saint-Exil? What is happening with the military presence and the disturbing cult known as The Devoted? Elise spends her time during the story trying to find answers to those questions.

Elise rests on benches in order to save the game and recover health

The gameplay in Broken Pieces comprises cyclical loops. Every day for Elise begins promptly at 8:00 AM when she emerges from the empty home she used to share with Pierre to explore the surrounding areas of the town. The town is sectioned off, with locations farther away from Elise’s home taking more time to reach (generally an hour or so off the in-game clock). Elise can investigate areas until it starts getting dark. At this point, she should return to her house to rest, as the unpleasant shadow entities appearing in Saint-Exil become more active at night. This cycle of Elise waking up, investigating, then heading back to the safety of home before nighttime makes up the crux of the gameplay. As Elise moves through a given area, she’ll encounter interactive objects of interest. Sometimes she finds valuable items in places such as trash cans or a feature of the location that might shed more light on the disappearance of the town’s population. She can collect other objects to solve puzzles that advance the plot or grant access to previously sealed-off map sections. Casual Challenge Players’ Club Switch NSP

Broken Pieces Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The game could encourage players to explore the world and discover hidden secrets or easter eggs.

Puzzles can be a boon to mitigating the cyclical trudging from area to area or a source of much head-scratching and frustration. I spent more time trying to solve certain puzzles than I care to admit. Sometimes clues aren’t appropriately recorded in Elise’s handy journal, or the secret to solving the puzzle isn’t clear-cut until you can further explore other areas of Saint-Exil. I found puzzles at the beginning of the game to be reasonably easy to understand based on the information given. Still, later puzzles were often more challenging and required more experimentation before revealing their secrets. For instance, an optional puzzle where you’re supposed to find boat plate numbers doesn’t record them in your journal. Another puzzle where you have to distract birds entails throwing items onto an area field until the game “clicks” with what you’re doing and labels it a success. I repeated that bird quest doing the same action, but at different areas on the beach because I knew that was the solution. It took several attempts before the game registered my actions as accurate. Puzzles sometimes require a tedious level of trial and error.

These puzzles could involve rearranging broken pieces of objects to make them whole again

You also have to remember how much time you are spending throughout the game. So, even if you’re in the middle of solving one of the more complicated, multi-staged puzzles, once it is late in the day, you might want to have Elise hightail it back to her house to rest for the night before finishing the puzzle. The constant back-and-forth only adds to the frustration of puzzle-solving as there is no real fast-travel solution. Objectives aren’t the clearest with regard to what you need to do to reach the next, with some only unlocking after bringing home “nighttime reading” materials that require Elise to once again backtrack to the house to access them properly. The camera angles can also add a bit of frustration to the game’s exploratory and puzzle-solving experience. Broken Pieces utilizes a third-person perspective with two different angles for the camera that you can switch between with the press of a button. It is sometimes vital to do so, especially if you feel you’ve combed through an area and still haven’t unlocked a new clue or objective. It is likely not to notice something of import in one camera angle versus another. Catmaze Switch NSP

Broken Pieces Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Broken Pieces Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There is also a stationary first-person perspective you need to utilize at times to uncover better visual cues (such as what the correct order is for the colored wires for security doors), which is helpful but not the most freely adjustable camera angle. If you’re not standing in the right spot beforehand, the odds are good that you’ll miss that one vital clue. Each time I had to use the first-person perspective, I wasted several minutes positioning Elise before I was finally able to find the missing piece. Elise has several helpful tools she can use during her investigations. Her journal is one of the most vital for collecting valuable intel and useful clues, though admittedly, it isn’t quite as thorough as I would’ve liked when it came to the later, more complicated puzzles. The other tool she constantly carries with her is a unique, somehow-magical bracelet that allows her to change the weather around her to stormy conditions briefly. Using the bracelet helps fell trees or topple bridges to create new paths. Later in the game, her bracelet inexplicably gains the ability to turn the weather snowy when it is submerged in water at outside sinks, altering the terrain quite a bit and even impacting the tides and structural integrity of certain buildings.

Knowing when to make things snowy or stormy is key to further exploration and puzzle-solving, though frustratingly enough, you’ll first have to backtrack to the house to get snow gear. Elise picks up found cog pieces or levers that, when added to unresponsive machinery, can get the mechanisms moving again, or she collects axes that can help knock over trees or break barriers. She also has a music tape player that she can listen to found tapes on for vital clues as to what to do next, with the game noting that listening to any found cassette is sometimes imperative to advancing the plot. Elise also needs space in her limited inventory for her gun and precious ammo. Ammo is limited; you create more of it by putting crafting materials in a storage chest overnight. There is an option to upgrade your gun if you find the materials. However, I never did and got through the game just fine. Given that Elise does start the game armed, it should be no surprise that combat plays a role in Broken Pieces. You get a brief tutorial about its mechanics before venturing out of the house the first time, and it isn’t long after before you have your first encounter with shadowy enemies.


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