Battlefield Hardline Free Download


Battlefield Hardline Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Battlefield Hardline Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Unlike most video game bad guys, these enemies actually respect the badge of a police officer, and that gives you options. If you can get the jump on a group of three or fewer, you can order them to freeze by pulling out your badge and shouting. From there, you can arrest them… or gun them down. If you can stay out of sight, cuffing them is usually the superior option because it earns you more points, which unlocks more weapons and gadgets. If you’re really good, these levels are designed intelligently enough to allow you to sneak around arresting bad guys one by one until, finally, when you look around, all you see are handcuffed, knocked-out criminals. It’s not the kind of satisfaction I expected from a Battlefield game, but it requires patience and skill, and I was constantly delighted to see my enemies’ numbers dwindle while my magazines stayed full. Again, you can also run around shooting everyone, and that works too. Part of Battlefield’s legacy includes realistic weapons that feel and sound great, and that’s no different here. When I forgot to disable an alarm and 10 enemies surrounded me, my rifle was a lot more effective than handcuffs. Second, Hardline’s seven-hour campaign is – and I never thought I’d say this – just as fun to play in stealth as it is running in guns blazing. Before entering combat, you can scan an area and tag enemies, explosives, or alarm systems so they’ll appear on your radar. It’s rewarding to formulate a grand plan from afar before jumping into the action. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Battlefield Hardline Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Battlefield Hardline Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

With proper preparation, enemies’ cones of vision appear directly on your minimap, Metal Gear Solid-style. If you can avoid detection, it’s entirely possible to make it through most areas without firing a single lethal round. My biggest gameplay gripe is that the unlock system doesn’t appropriately award your playstyle. The best way to boost your level, which dictates the weapons and gadgets at your disposal, is to play stealthily. Strangely, mastering stealth mostly unlocks tons of big, noisy guns that made me want to shoot the place up. Likewise, if you want to shoot stuff all the time, you’re not going to get your hands on new guns as quickly as the stealth player who doesn’t need them. And there are very few unlocks that make stealth more interesting. The third surprise was that I cared about the characters. My disapproving partner, my stern boss, and the motley crew of ex-cops, coked-up criminals, and more than a few traitors – all of them felt like people, thanks to good writing supported by strong voice and animation work. Make no mistake, Hardline’s drug-peddling plot is one you’ve almost certainly seen before, but it does such a fine job of making its characters funny, sympathetic, and believable that I wanted to keep playing to see what would happen to them. Hardline has a few issues with some of its enemies though – specifically, a group of one-dimensional Tea Party caricatures in possession of a safe-cracking robot. They’re presented as over-the-top evil racists to give you an unambiguous sense of morality when gunning them down.

Each mode has its own unique objectives and gameplay mechanics and can be played on a variety of maps.

They told my character “You look Mexican, so I’ll assume you’re a burglar.” An hour later I was facing off against their leader, who hooted and hollered as we engaged in tank-to-tank combat. It’s fun, but hard to take as seriously as the subject matter suggests it should be. By comparison, the story’s main villain is devious and cunning. He’s not the most interesting or memorable bad guy, but he’s the kind of narcissist who keeps the secret switch to his penthouse vault inside a carved bust of himself. I can appreciate that kind of vanity, and going after him was less of a black-and-white decision thanks to a few shades of gray. The last surprise Hardline’s campaign had for me was moments of comedy. Several laugh-out-loud moments make some self-aware fun out of its own crazy situations and mechanics. In one especially clever moment, after being flung into a room packed with enemies, the prompt to order enemies to put their hands up briefly flashes on the screen. In another moment, nearly $10 million worth of cocaine is ruined in an unfortunate forklift accident. It’s not forced, and those nods to Battlefield fans makes the campaign that much more enjoyable. Battlefield has a history of looking and sounding excellent, and Hardline continues the tradition (though resolution is a disappointing 720p on Xbox One and 900p on PlayStation 4). Through gunfights, car crashes, and explosions, it all runs at a smooth 60 frames per second that stayed rock solid on PS4 and Xbox One. Absolute Tactics: Daughters of Mercy Switch NSP

Battlefield Hardline Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Battlefield Hardline Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

New gadgets, like the grappling hook and zip line, add further options by letting you reach higher vantage points and move around quickly in a way we haven’t seen in a Battlefield game in 10 years. Plus, your team can use them too, so they can use their gadget slots on something else. The issue is that these mobility items don’t feel useful unless you grab both – a way to get up, and a way to get down – which limits your capabilities for what you can do when you’re up there. I often had to sacrifice body armor, breaching chargers, or some other useful gadget. The most astonishing thing about Hardline’s multiplayer is how successful it is in trying to please everyone. If you want more capital-B Battlefield, like the iconic Conquest mode and its large-scale vehicular combat, 66 players, and tons of weapons and gadgets to unlock, you’ll find it here. Even Commander mode is back, now dubbed as “Hacker mode,” and it lets you hijack cameras, release tear gas, and disrupt enemies across the map. It’s a great way to be proactive without firing a weapon, if that’s not your thing. If you’re feeling franchise fatigue, its new modes and gadgets alleviate that. Hotwire is Hardline’s fresh marquee mode, and it injects some much-needed mayhem into Battlefield’s 13-year-old multiplayer formula. Think of it as a special version of the traditional capture-and-hold Conquest mode, but, instead of holding structures, you have to keep control of moving vehicles; if you don’t drive them fast enough, you don’t get points. (It’s the sort of like the concept of the movie Speed, but gamified.)

You’d have to be a pretty good sniper to hit anything from a moving car, but be my guest!

When the most contested combat areas are mobile, the flow of the fight itself becomes dynamic, and it’s difficult to skirt around the fight. A sniper might feel safe, for example, crouched on a crane near the edge of the map. Second later two vehicles might roar by, packed with thugs firing their assault rifles. Those cars might then attract the attention of a heavily armed helicopter, belching out bullets from both its sides. War can descend on you at any moment. You’re rarely comfortable, and you’re never safe. That makes Hotwire a great mode that forces you to move around and adapt to new situations quickly. I had some trouble adjusting because of my old habits of patrolling one area (it’s not camping!), but I had a good time learning to adapt to the new reality. After a few hours of getting my butt handed to me, I was back in business. Some of Hardline’s other modes take everything Battlefield is known for and do the opposite: 5v5, round-based games that can be over in seconds. In one mode, the police must rescue a bound hostage and escort him to safety. In another, a VIP must be escorted from one side of the map to the other. In both modes, you only have one life. The action is quick and brutal, and the big, unfolding combat narrative found in typical Battlefield games is absent. It’s not missed, though, because, that “story” is replaced with awesome kills, tense standoffs, and plenty of amazing comebacks. Hardline’s story is intended to be appreciated as a TV action drama, though its safe ABZU

Battlefield Hardline Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Battlefield Hardline Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

middle-of-the-road appeal makes it more suited for the USA Network than for Netflix Original Programming. This risk-averse narrative is underscored by its protagonist, Nick Mendoza, your standard issue, incorruptible, straight-and-narrow cop. Just because this medium runs the risk of anti-hero burnout doesn’t excuse Nick from being “the boring one” in an ensemble cast with more interesting characters. In defense of Hardline’s writers, at least Nick’s story isn’t the generic drug supply chain investigation that the initial chapters lead you to believe. It would be a mistake to approach Hardline’s campaign in the same way as the straightforward single-player modes of Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4. Hardline’s world is a complicated one, where its dangers and hostility encourage tactful stealth while your all-powerful badge presents tempting opportunities to be more out in the open. Staying hidden means you get to work against some of the most oblivious criminals you’ll face in a first-person shooter. For every guard who moves back and forth in a patrol path, you have one who stands in one spot forever, making the latter a laughably easy target. All that you need to survive is a basic level of competence in studying their field-of-vision cones on the minimap. Unless you are a Solid Snake savant, you will be spotted from time to time, and the ensuing shootouts are typical of Battlefield campaigns. Enemies move with enough unpredictability to keep you on your toes, but not so erratically as to frustrate you.

Players can choose to play as either a member of the police force or a criminal

More importantly, the levels are wide enough that you’re subconsciously encouraged to try different routes should you keep dying in any given section. Enemies react to your last known position, so flanking opportunities abound and the results can be thrilling if you manage to outsmart the AI. Half of the outposts you infiltrate are wired with alarm systems, the kind that call forth reinforcements if you manage to get spotted. If you’re not into prolonged shootouts, it’s in your best interest to disable these alarms, so not only does Hardline present a dumbed-down version of Metal Gear Solid’s radar-based stealth, but it can also be appropriately described as Far Cry 4 with training wheels. It teaches the basics of surveying an area, marking alarm components, and spotting patrolling enemies. Despite the ease, there’s an inherent pleasure in clearing an area undetected, just as getting spotted may cause you to kick yourself out of self-imposed frustration. Along with the vision cone, a Splinter Cell-inspired detection ring thickens when you remain in a felon’s field of vision, with the potential of going full alert. This would add palpable tension if not for the fact that these enemies suffer from a combination of poor eyesight and abysmal reactive abilities. Who needs sneaking when you can sprint toward enemies in broad daylight and yell “Freeze!” well before they notice you? While it’s laughably unrealistic, the negative impact isn’t too distracting, at least not during the initial playthrough. Accident 

Battlefield Hardline Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Battlefield Hardline Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

That’s partly because arrests yield the most points toward the campaign’s character progression system. Perhaps this reward is a statement by developer Visceral Games that it’s more worthwhile to arrest someone than it is to kill him, but even so, the steps it takes to cuff someone without being detected aren’t significantly more challenging than surviving a shootout. The only issue with this points system is that it diminishes the value of replaying the campaign. By arresting roughly two out of every three perps, you can easily reach the level cap of 15 long before the final chapter, thereby removing that particular incentive to play through the story again. Retrieving evidence, on the other hand, has multiplayer repercussions, so you may still wish to make a return trip. For as much as Electronic Arts has flaunted Hardline as “The Fastest Battlefield Ever,” the need for speed is not satisfied during the campaign’s driving sequences. Whether it’s a daring escape or an equally heated pursuit, these chases are largely forgettable despite the spectacle of ramp jumps and dodging rockets fired from vans. The helicopter takedown during the first driving sequence of Battlefield 4 was more stimulating. Ironically, the only pleasing moments behind the wheel are the few periods when you don’t have to make a getaway, when the characters in the car are naturally making small talk–trivial but nonetheless engaging chit-chat that you wouldn’t hear in the dramatic war scenarios of Battlefield 3 or 4.

Vehicles have been synonymous with Battlefield since its inception, so placing the series in the context of the modern-day heist makes a lot of sense, especially given the ubiquity of getaway vans. An escape vehicle is essential in Blood Money, a mode in which both the cops and robbers are looting an evidence vault of cash at the center of the map. The importance of a getaway vehicle near the vault can’t be understated, since a packed van of proper villains with bags of loot can turn the tide in the brief time span of a single cash delivery. It effectively captures the time urgency depicted in countless robbery films. Team members can be meaningful contributors by ignoring the cash and instead focusing on being efficient wheelmen (though anyone with money can also drive the van). If you find yourself yelling, “Get in the van! We gotta go!”, simply embrace the fact that you’ve become a crime movie cliche. Stakes are higher particularly in maps with helicopters, where deliveries are even quicker provided the competition doesn’t have a rocket with your name on it. This emphasis on teamwork highlights one of the core values of Battlefield, a series that popularized rewarding players for contributions beyond mere kill counts and other individual achievements. Wheelmen who stay close to players making cash deposits are awarded proximity bonuses. It’s rare to get this much gratification from being a mere shuttle driver going back and forth between two points.

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