Accident Free Download


Accident Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Accident Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Reliving disastrous and often fatal car crashes of the past through the medium of virtual reality is an incredibly unique premise for a videogame, but in Accident, that’s exactly what you do. Developed by Duality Games, this educational puzzle simulator is a brief, yet fairly enjoyable experience, despite its serious themes. Taking on the role of an unnamed journalist, you are tasked with donning a virtual reality headset to examine road traffic accidents from the past, in order to uncover how they occurred. There is no overarching storyline — save from a few text messages from your boss — instead, each case is its own self-contained short scene where you piece together clues to reveal what happened, and who was involved. There’s no way to describe the graphics of Accident as anything other than rough. It feels like a harsh word for a budget priced game, but you’ll constantly see low-resolution textures, geometry floating above the ground, and character animations that wouldn’t look out of place in an original PlayStation CGI cutscene. Sound fares a little better, thankfully, with tense music to keep with the game’s theme of urgency. Accident doesn’t feature any voice acting, but with the only dialogue in the game coming from the emergency service operator on the other end of the phone. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)


it isn’t a huge deal. All the other environmental audio effects, including a victim’s laboured breathing or the sounds of a wrecked car’s engine spluttering, sound good, with the majority of them sounding slightly different each time. Accident seems to act almost like an educational game at times, with small facts on how to properly deal with a similar situation in the real world constantly popping up in your heads-up display. Each mission places you into the shoes of a first responder, and you must quickly secure the scene before checking on the people involved. It’s a simple premise that often repeats each mission, although there are slight variations to mix it up a little (such as having to secure a car about to plummet off a cliff, for example). Once the paramedics have arrived, it’s time to hunt for clues to determine how this accident happened. If you’ve ever played a Sherlock Holmes game then you’ll be familiar with how this plays out: Search the scene, collect enough clues, and place them in the correct order on a timeline. You’re unable to collect any clues deemed “irrelevant”, which drastically reduces the difficulty in piecing the evidence together, though it would have been more fun to have to figure out which ones aren’t pertinent to the accident yourself, potentially extending the time it takes to complete a case.

Examine the victims.

After completing a mission, you’re “treated” to small biographies of what happens to the survivors (or the families of those that died) in the aftermath of the accident. It can be a little shocking to read in so much detail that a child is now an orphan as both of their parents died on impact, so much so that I had to research whether these were based on real life tragedies. It turns out they are, which is slightly depressing. Finally, you’ll see a cutscene of what happened during the disaster, with some real Final Destination-esque scenes playing out.  There’s currently a renaissance in the world of simulator games — it used to be that players could run a farm or engineer a train, but that was about it. However, the past five years have seen a glut of sim content enter the market. Whether players want to fix World War II-era tanks, deal drugs, clean train stations, or repair rovers on Mars, there’s a game for it. While sims all attempt to mimic realism to one degree or another, they’re generally relegated to the realm of fantasy. Developers understand that players aren’t going to actually do any of these jobs, but Accident stands well apart from this crowd. The experience it replicates? Being the first person to arrive in the aftermath of a car accident. It isn’t wildly fantastical or far-fetched at all — no, it’s the kind of thing that could literally happen to anyone at any time.Indies’ Lies

Accident Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Accident Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

More educational tool than traditional videogame, Accident casts players as a magazine writer working on a story about everyday heroes who rescued people from car accidents. To aid them in their research, the player is provided with VR simulations that put them in shoes of the people who actually helped out. After choosing a mission and putting on the virtual VR helmet, the player is dropped into a dramatic situation. Interacting from a first-person perspective, the player must navigate the accident site, assess the condition of the victims and update the authorities about what’s going on. To be clear, this isn’t a sim about being a paramedic — players only ever have one goal, and that’s to keep things from getting worse before help arrives. While the incidents that caused the crashes varied wildly, the outcomes didn’t. The injuries people get when cars smash are the same whether it runs off the road or collides with unsecured logs that have fallen off a truck. A few missions manage to mix things up in interesting ways, like attempting a rescue in the dark of night, or during a driving snowstorm. By and large, though, there’s a huge amount of repetition in each level. However, that repetition isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Since Accident is more interested in teaching than it is in entertaining, there’s something to be said for having the player do the same tasks over and over again until they become a reflex.

Make decisions.

For example, it had never occurred to me that the first thing to do when arriving at a crashed car would be to turn the engine off. The reason is perfectly logical — damaged wiring can start fires if the battery is discharging electricity — but never having been trained for situations like these, I was surprised to discover just how short ‘common sense’ falls in a legitimate crisis. After the player ensures that everyone is stabilized and the paramedics arrive, the second phase of Accident starts — the reporter scans the scene and looks for the cause of the crash. This is clearly the ‘game-iest’ part of Accident, since there’s no narrative reason to investigate the circumstances that led to the crashes. Most of the accidents are relatively self-explanatory — when the player sees a log truck fleeing down the highway and then comes across a bunch of cars crushed by loose logs, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to put the pieces together. Other clues are maddeningly unclear, however, and more than once I spent multiple minutes wandering around while looking for interaction points to analyze. Is Accident an impressive game? Not particularly. There are just nine accidents, and each one is a puzzle that needs to be solved the same way each time. However, the educational value is off the charts.Robo Recall

Accident Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Accident Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Accident may not catch on as something to enjoy casually, but it’s the kind of thing that every new driver should spend some time with. I don’t know if I’d go so far as to call it an ‘important’ game, but I can confidently state that by having played it, I’m more prepared to help at the scene of an accident than I was before, and that’s worth something. An accident is defined as an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury. Some might say I accidentally stumbled upon the chance to review Accident, an accident simulator from Duality Games. It seems like a rather macabre thing to base a game on, but could the investigative aspects and opportunity to potentially save lives make it all worthwhile? Accident sets the stage by placing you in the role of a journalist who works for Auto Mag, where you’re given a project to work on titled ‘Roadside Heroes’. Essentially it focuses on the people that have encountered road traffic accidents (RTAs) throughout the years, those who have helped out at the scene of the incident. Using futuristic VR tech in-game, you’re going to re-enact their good deeds, before figuring out how the accident occurred in the first place. Now, let’s save lives… right after a mandatory tutorial. The tutorial goes through what you should expect to find during each case, step by step.

Rewind time.

Everything plays out in a first-person perspective, with interactive options mainly requiring either a single or prolonged button press to initiate an action. A slight drawback is how tricky it can be when it comes down to interacting with anything. There are two reasons: the hit detection windows are a bit small and the cursor is either too tetchy, or stupidly sluggish, depending on your settings. Such activities that could arise range from calling emergency services and placing warning triangles in the area, to performing CPR and putting out fires. CPR is perhaps the pinnacle of activities as you’re asked to press the button in a certain rhythm, which is fun to action on crash test dummies. For real situations urgency is paramount though, there’s no time for messing about when people are in dire need of help. It actually does a great job of explaining how to approach the different aspects of providing aid. The problem is that each of the ten proper cases which follow still include the step by step hand-holding to guide you through everything that must be done. Most of which becomes extremely repetitive as you’re phoning for help, securing the scene and doing first aid until the paramedics arrive. The only real deviations from the usual patterns involve seriously convoluted moments.

One of the most unbelievable instances involves a massive log which prevents access to vehicles involved in a collision; a log which you casually move out of the way like it’s a feather. Another occasion has you scrambling to stop a car falling off a cliff, basically by filling the trunk with rocks without any hesitation. Don’t get me started on finding an alternative to ice for a severed limb. On the face of it, these seem like good ideas to make you think outside the box and adapt to the issue at hand, but in reality I feel they’re just far-fetched and illogical. Anyway, due to the serious nature of each accident, you’re up against the clock from the moment you begin the case. You see, the victims are withering away with every passing second and even whilst knowing what needs to be done, it’s bloody stressful. Genuinely, the pressure is high when deciding who to treat first and in which order to administer first aid skills – so much so that St John Ambulance would be proud.The time constraint is a nuisance however, with some sections of a level taking up too much of it as you wander around finding the necessary tools or spend too long fighting fires that just won’t dissipate. If a victim dies on your watch, you must rewind and redo every objective from that segment again. It’s frustrating when time runs out because the fire extinguishers are inaccurate.

Accident Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Accident Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

or you’re tentatively trying to cross a busy road with a full-sized human in your arms – akin to a bizarre version of Frogger. After the medically trained professionals take over the scene, the more relaxing investigation into what actually happened begins. Searching the area for clues, you must then piece them together in order to create a timeline of events. Vehicle A might swerve to avoid an animal, collides with Vehicle B, and then Vehicle C rear-ends the latter. On top of that, the driver of Vehicle B wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and flew through the windscreen – ALWAYS wear your seatbelt folks. As strange as it sounds, this analysing bit is enjoyable as it is puzzling and requires logic to solve. Upon completing a scenario, you get treated to a cutscene reconstruction of the accident and a follow-up of what happened in the aftermath. The re-enactments are absolutely awful and look ridiculous, showcasing even worse visuals than are seen throughout the regular gameplay sections. They are laughably bad, but that laughter vanishes swiftly with the morbid ‘where are they now?’ part. Usually they’re either dead, living a limited life, or psychologically damaged. Now, that’s how you send the audience away satisfied. Each of the scenarios might take a mere twenty minutes a piece, but they’ll feel significantly longer if you are facing failure consistently. That would be alright if Accident possessed any variety other than slight tweaks on the classic RTA, which becomes samey. It does feature different locations and atmospheric conditions though, so at least you can travel to places like the US, Russia and the UK.Desperados III


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