Assault Spy Free Download


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Assault Spy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET It isn’t often that developers try and match the high-octane intensity of character action games. Devil May Cry and Bayonetta set the standard for those, and there are rarely any games that can compete. Pulling off the fast, flashy, and highly technical gameplay is a rather tall order. Yet surprisingly, a lone developer, Wazen, has done just that with Assault Spy. Assault Spy predominately tells the story of a spy named Asaru Vito. Asaru has been struggling to meet his quota after his boss tasks him with training a young woman named Kanoko. On a mission to case out the technology company Negabot, the two of them get caught up in a hostage situation. The company comes under attack by a man known only as Mr. Showtime, and the building goes into tight lockdown. It’s up to Asaru to fight his way through a horde of robots and make it out alive with the corporate secrets he finds along the way. The plot in and of itself is fairly standard, but it’s bolstered by the fact that Assault Spy is predominately a comedy. Most dialogue exchanges occur in visual novel-style sequences with a lot of the typical trappings associated with anime tropes and the like. Surprisingly, though, the dialogue is actually rather funny. Kanoko’s trollish nature is a bit of a hoot. There’s also the stupid grandstanding of the game’s second playable character, CIA Agent Amelia Smith. These two in particular are a lot of fun. The entire cast as a whole is also surprisingly likable, and all cutscenes are fully-voiced by a talented cast. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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Assault Spy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I wasn’t expecting to enjoy the story as much as I did, so that was a nice surprise. Since Assault Spy was developed by one person, its visuals are on the rough side. That being said, I think Wazen did a pretty good job. The character models are simple and the levels bland, but everything is fully functional. The character’s mouths don’t always move in the cutscenes and the non-combat character animations can be fairly janky, but I also found most of this to be fairly charming. The majority of the plot plays out between character portraits anyway, and the artwork is rather excellent. I like the character designs a lot, and the art is oozing with personality as well. As this is a character action game, though, the focus is rightfully on the gameplay. And boy, does it deliver. Assault Spy has extremely fast, fluid, and extremely precise combat. I love games in the genre, and this one is something special. It’s insanely satisfying to pull off the game’s wide range of lightning-quick moves while dashing wildly around your enemies. And here the simplicity of the visuals definitely works in the game’s favor. Battles are chaotic and intense, resulting in a flurry of cool visual effects that do a great job of selling the game’s style. Asaru’s moveset seems deceptively simple at first. There are three attack buttons: a light attack, a heavy attack, and the extra weapon attack. As you unlock moves for Asaru, you’ll be able to chain all three together in smooth, impressive ways.

Dashing Out Of The Way In The Knick Of Time Is A Lifesaver

He and Amelia can also do a super quick dash, which can set up even more attacks. Initially, all Asaru carries with him is his briefcase and business cards, making him something of an action businessman. He later gets access to an umbrella, which acts as a sword. Oh, and his business cards explode and can be strategically detonated. He can even call Kanoko out to distract the enemy. As Asaru, one of my favorite things to do is dash at an enemy, hit them full force with his briefcase, and send them flying, only to then dash after them and launch them into the air. I follow that with an air combo and a briefcase grab attack that can pull enemies back to you after you knock them away. It’s just awesome. And there are, naturally, variations on the attack commands. Delaying a button press can allow for different combos or variations of attacks. These require more precise timing but do extra damage. Asaru can’t block, but the primary method of getting out of danger in Assault Spy is to dash out of the way. Successfully dodging with the dash is accompanied by a flash of blue and is really satisfying to pull off. On top of all that, Amelia not only has her own story mode with almost entirely new cutscenes, but she has a completely separate moveset as well. She and Asaru play differently to boot, which makes revisiting the levels again with her much less of a chore than it would be otherwise. She’s less nimble and can block, unlock Asaru, making it necessary to massively adjust playstyles. Akai Katana Shin Switch XCI

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Assault Spy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

All encounters are ranked, with better ranks rewarding the player with currency that can be spent to unlock new moves at upgrade kiosks. The levels also have 50 Negabot employees hiding away to find, each having some more amusing dialogue and coming with a currency bonus. These are split up between the two story modes. You can even play three of Assault Spy‘s levels in any order you wish. It’s a solid choice that can help break up subsequent Asaru and Amelia playthroughs. Whereas Asaru is faster and based more around weapons, Amelia is slower and her attacks feel a bit weightier. She mostly fights with her fists but also gets a spear fairly early on in the game. She has a gun as well, which is a lot of fun to make use of. The two of them have their own unique special mode, too. Asaru makes use of overdrive, which allows him to slow enemies down and move super-fast for a short amount of time. Amelia makes use of a “hype mode,” which increases her damage if you keep her output up and a Super Amelia mode that makes her invulnerable and deal more damage. Assault Spy does have a few issues, however. When fighting large amounts of enemies, the camera doesn’t behave some of the time. It’s also difficult to not get hit in the back by enemy gunfire when focusing on others. On normal difficulty, Asaru and Amelia can only take five hits from anything in lieu of a health bar. However, the game is mostly fair about this and liberally gives you healing items.

There Are Times Where The Camera Doesn’t Cooperate

Offscreen enemies also have an attack indicator when they’re about to shoot. However, it’s difficult to pay attention to these a lot of the time. While this and the camera are both problematic, they thankfully aren’t too detrimental to the whole experience. The game has a bunch of boss fights, and they’re an absolute blast for the most part. All bosses have break gauges that you have to wear down. Once you do so, you successfully launch them and punish them severely. Making proper use of this oftentimes saw me taking away half of their health in one combo. However, two fights in particular are kind of obnoxious. One seems normal until it starts dropping in enemies to help the boss. This didn’t work well. Either I had to focus on the boss and attempt to dodge the gunfire coming from offscreen, or I had to focus on the enemies while trying to dodge the boss’s attacks. I actually beat this boss once with one powerful enemy remaining, only to die immediately upon messing up. The game’s final boss also utilizes my most-hated boss fight trope: the regenerating boss. The fight itself is pretty cool, but most of the challenge comes from this gimmick. Getting past it was kind of a chore. Once I did, though, it was immensely satisfying. Assault Spy‘s stories are fairly short, running at about 5-6 hours per playthrough with all of the cutscenes. But since there are two of them, that alone amounts to a solid amount of gameplay. On top of that, beating the game on normal unlocks hard Aka Switch NSP

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Assault Spy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Which changes up the enemy layouts and lowers your health from being able to take five hits to just four. Once you beat hard, it unlocks an even harder difficulty. The skills you purchase carry over, and you certainly won’t be able to afford them all in a first playthrough. That right there’s a great reason to play through each story twice.Overall, Assault Spy is an absolutely fantastic entry into the genre that does a lot to differentiate itself from similar games. The fact that it was developed by one man only makes this more impressive. It’s got some issues with the camera, the graphics aren’t great, and a few bugs cropped up every now and again, but it’s definitely a wonderful time for genre enthusiasts. And it’s funny — we can’t forget that. The precision-based, extremely stylish combat makes it one of the most satisfying action games I’ve played in a long while, and it’s certainly worth picking up. The story itself is quaint, even though the reluctant hero trope feels familiar. However, the characters and bits of humor make the plot quirky and worthy of attention. Kanoko’s carefree attitude and mistakes provide the game with some great comic relief, while the major villains do a good job of hamming things up. While Asaru goes for the straight man role throughout the title, his counterpart in American spy Amelia has enough of a cocky attitude to counter that. The emoticons displayed by most of the robots you beat up will make you chuckle. Even Asaru’s choice of weaponry — including exploding business cards

Each Playthrough Is Short, But There’s Plenty of Content

A metal briefcase, and an umbrella — is odd but appreciated over more traditional fare. The decision to sprinkle the game with funny bits is appreciated, and the game is more enjoyable because of it. As alluded to earlier, the core gameplay loop will be familiar to anyone who’s played a Platinum Games title. Your basic attacks consist of a light and heavy attack, and the order and timing with which you press the buttons can unleash a bevy of different combos. This includes air combos, so it’s common to launch the enemy into the air and then jump in for a few more hits while suspended. You’ll have most of your fights in large office floors, and there’s enough room for you to dash to and from enemies. The large amount of space might seem like you’ll lose track of who’s attacking you, but the game does a great job of placing indicators that let you know where enemies are and when they’ll strike. Doing well in each fight gives you a grade and coins, which can be turned in at kiosks to give you more moves, a new weapon, and even the ability to call on Kanoko for an assist. There’s not too much to complain about from a gameplay perspective. The camera can get a bit squirrelly, especially with lots of obstacles in each room, but a lock-on function and the ability to destroy most things in a room make up for that. The enemy variety isn’t that wide, but boss fights do a good job of making that a minor hiccup. Other than that, everything here plays well. Alan Wake Collector’s Edition

Assault Spy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Assault Spy Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The main campaign runs at about six hours, which can feel a little short for genre fans. Luckily, Assault Spy takes this into account and compensates with the expected unlockable difficulty levels that make enemies stronger while reducing the number of hits you can take in a battle. The game also has a survival mode available, but the more appreciated addition is the ability to play as Amelia, which is a different experience altogether. She still goes through the same events as Asaru, but she has different cut scenes to go through. More importantly, her move set is different enough to create a very different experience, with more of an emphasis on blocks and counters rather than rapid-fire light and medium blows. For the most part, the presentation is quite good. The soundtrack is full of pulse-pounding beats for every fight that keeps the tempo high to match the action, while the cut scenes allow the soundtrack to have more bounce to match the occasional levity. The sound effects match well, and the voice acting is quite good, although some will dislike that the only available audio track is Japanese. Meanwhile, the graphics are pretty nice, with the Unreal Engine being put to good use, and lots of shine and particle effects are present when you fight. The video glitch effect when you get hit is very clear to read, and while some may say that the game’s text is rather large, it’s a good contrast to some modern games, where the UI text can be too small.

There are a few additional elements that feel good. First off, the game doesn’t provide a traditional energy meter. Instead, you have a hit counter where you can only take a maximum number of hits per fight before failing. The game gives you some leeway in that some fallen enemies give you hit point refills, but for the most part, the system is made in a way that you’ll get better at not getting hit. The letter rankings for each combo also give you a meter and a numerical percentage that counts down whenever you’re not hitting anything, so it’s a better way to gauge what’s needed to achieve high-ranking combos. The game also has checkpoints after every fight, so there’s not much backtracking to be done when you die or continue from an older session. The limitations of being a one-person development studio are seen in more than a few areas, though. Any character that isn’t a named one will sport blank faces, and mouth movement isn’t present for the major characters. Cut scenes seem to sport a slightly aggressive bloom to the point that some facial features are washed out. There are also times when some of the more common animations, such as wrist movement, can feel erratic, and walking looks odd because it features a slowed-down run animation. Assault Spy is a hidden gem that you rarely see nowadays. It may look a little unpolished at times, but the combat system feels so good that you won’t mind much about the aesthetics.


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