35MM Free Download


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35MM Free Download GAMESPACK.NET The game is set in Russia after a virus kills off most of the population. But it was really unclear if it was just the population of Russia or the world. Maybe the fact was hidden in lore you find throughout the game, but the writing was so small I couldn’t even read it without getting up to press my nose against my television. Every note was hand written too, in different ways. Which was a nice touch to the world, but I wish there was an option to bring up a window with a normal computer font so you could read it properly. I honestly had no idea what the story was about. Between no good descriptions, no motivations, and no character building, I felt I was just strolling down roads for no reason. Even when the credits rolled I still had no idea what had happened or what the point was. As you progress throughout the game, you end up in quite a few large areas. This is where I ended up getting very frustrated, as I was never quite sure what to do. The characters would talk about getting x, y, or z, and you might get a notification in the bottom corner of the screen of what you might have to do, but there was no sure fire way to check. You never know if you can truly interact with something unless it’s dead in your face. So I ended up missing an important item a few times, until I slowly got up close to every item, to see if it got a faint glow, to show I could interact with it. So I was left running in circles for hours in frustration because of this design. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

35MM Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

35MM Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Beginning in the Russian countryside, 35MM tells the story of the player character Petrovich and his unnamed travelling companion. As they travel we learn some details about them and their goals as well as what happened in Russia. Through flashbacks and newspapers, posters etc we learn an Ebola-like virus killed the majority of the population. Only a lucky few survived due to having developed an immunity. Each with their own goals, together they travel to the city and hopefully find safety. I found the plot of 35MM interesting but underdeveloped, especially for the main characters. And what we did learn felt very cliche and by the numbers from previous stories in the same genre. In terms of what type of horror the game felt all over the place with whether the main threat came from the natural world & other people or something more. The focus was on the narrative over combat which I enjoyed, I just wish there had been more to learn. Travelling cross country the main gameplay mechanic comes from finding items and solving puzzles which did get a bit tedious. Now and then you would fight wild animals and other people which was fun narratively but clunky controls made it more irritating than anything. That being said I do feel the game did a good job making it feel atmospheric and unsettling at times.

Post pandemic health care was poor

I did also really enjoy the environment of some areas, while objects were lacking things like weather and the sky looked great. My main issue with 35MM is that movement and generally controlling the character felt clunky & awkward and for a game so reliant on finding items and solving puzzles this became very frustrating very quickly. 35MM has graphics and effects are already chosen and no option to change resolution or similar settings. I would have liked to have seen the choice here as it could have improved some textures like doors which looked quite bad. The visual style of the environments was well done with fog to rays of the sun. The main duo in cut scenes was designed with stylised graphics which reminded me of Telltale’s The Walking Dead Video game which worked well enough here. Option of different languages and subtitles, I found the audio to be one of 35MM’s few strong suits. I stuck with the default audio in Russian and English subtitles. The soundtrack and score are chilling and melancholy which add to the atmosphere. Voice acting doesn’t give enough to connect with the characters. Environmental sounds e.g. animals to even water and walking very realistic but often slightly out of sync with the visuals which took me out of it somewhat. Chained Echoes Switch NSP

35MM Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

35MM Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Longevity 35MM is a relatively short game I got through in 3-4 hours and I feel you experience most of it on your first playthrough. I do know there were a few things I missed and apparently decisions throughout affect the ending. And for the completionists out there, on PS4 there are 21 trophies so maybe a reason to revisit the game. Perhaps going back there is more to uncover about how the country devolved and different people’s stories There are a few combat encounters in the game, but mostly near the end. The combat is not great. You get the tiniest little reticule if you’re using a gun, and you have to hip fire. If you need to heal, you then have to open your inventory, which doesn’t stop the game, and heal. Or if you waste all your ammo and need to switch to a terrible melee weapon, good luck. It was a painstaking ordeal. The very last combat encounter of the game, even made no sense. Unless I was just really not paying attention to anything. Which, in all honesty, it’s kind of hard not to let your attention wander. Sure there’s a photo mode built into the game, with the use of an in-game camera if you care, but the fact that everything is just grey, doesn’t give you much to photograph to help hold your attention.

Even the deadly virus can’t ruin a beautiful sunset

35MM is a single-player first-person adventure that sets players down in a post-apocalyptic Russia, with events set after a global epidemic has destroyed much of the world’s population. The story follows two travellers who set out across the remaining wasteland on a long journey, with only memories of what life used to be left in sight. There is nothing to follow on from at the start, with you and your companion/friend standing outside a house that has long been abandoned and after a brief look around it’s time to head off. One thing 35MM does incredibly well from the off is set the tone. From the opening steps within the vast land, things feel eerily silent, cold and lonely. 35MM comes across very much as a walking simulator, similar to the likes of What Remains of Edith Finch or Everyone’s Gone to the Rapture, albeit with more action and the typical heavy S.T.A.L.K.E.R vibe that radiates from any game set within a post-apocalyptic Russian setting. Whilst many games within the walking simulator genre usually direct the player in a somewhat linear path, 35MM takes a rather bold approach by giving the player very little to go on early on, instead of leaving you to wander about and search for the next clue as to what you should be doing, where you should be going and why you should be doing any of it at all. Whether it’s buildings, vehicles or just discarded belongings, you’ll need to search thoroughly for any hint as to what has happened. Whilst the more open nature of it all is a welcome and somewhat refreshing experience Chameneon 

35MM Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

35MM Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

it is also quite easy to feel lost or overwhelmed when you don’t quite look in the right places, and there were numerous occasions in which I found myself heading to the internet for assurances I was heading the right way. Of course with any story game, the pacing is quite important and it’s fair to say 35MM has nailed the pacing perfectly. With just enough snippets of information coming from the otherwise mostly silent companion that accompanies our protagonist throughout the game, there is enough aid in gaining knowledge of the characters themselves or the occasional tip on what we should be doing to ensure progression can move along at a reasonable pace. Sure things feel long and slow at some points, however, in a world in which humans are now a vastly diminished race thanks to the global epidemic; this is very much a feeling that is forced on the experience and one that is managed fantastically. Breaking things up a little throughout the course of the game are some interesting set-pieces with a bear making a frightening appearance, a quick-time fistfight to contend with, moments of shooting and some other optional events that come into play at different moments, and given the quick transition to each, there is a great effort that has gone towards unpredictability within the game to keep everything fresh and unexpected.

Words to remember in dire times

While it isn’t my cup of tea, 35MM is something that my dad would have enjoyed playing in the 90s. In the end, I feel that this game’s real home is on PC and there it should remain. Sergey Noskov is the lead developer of 35MM; a dev who previously created the adventure romp found in In rays of the Light. He does great storytelling and is capable of creating superbly designed games. 35MM is similar in terms of vibes to its predecessor, but in the same breath it is completely different, coming with a stranger, colder atmosphere. The game is set in post-apocalyptic Russia after a life-ending event. You play a man travelling with a companion through the wilderness. Story-wise – at the beginning – you are not told anything except that you are together sitting outside a house looking at the road in front of you. There is a silent sparseness to the storytelling that I enjoyed all the way through. Along the way, you get snippets of character stories and how the world came to be. Some of this is told through flashbacks, while other times it documents and monologues by involving supporting characters. Gameplay-wise it’s a mix of the good old walking simulator genre with some puzzle elements, survival, and a bit of shooting. In the first person, you have no idea of what to do next. The other survivor you are with remarks that it’s best to get going and then you’re off. CHAOS;CHILD Switch NS

35MM Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

35MM Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There are four different endings to experience but honestly, it’ll be a tough ask to make it through those, carrying on after the first playthrough. You see, 35MM is not a pleasant experience, especially in the light of current world events, yet it cannot be debated that it is again a good piece of storytelling from Sergey Noskov. Visually and 35MM has a sense of isolation and slow decay about it. It’s fog-filled with low-level mist surrounding the world, broken by a piercing of light in the distance. As you progress through, the game houses have been ransacked and are broken. Cars and carts lie decaying by the side of the road. This is no AAA production. This is not even a B or C production, this is a crudely made one-man-project. And still I liked it. It “feels right”, even although I would have to criticize literally everything about it. The only major gripe I had was the really low running speed of the player character. Then again, it is realistically low. Games made us believe for decades that literally everyone is Usain Bolt, which clearly, close to no one is. The game is very slow paced and even while being interactive to some degree, you need to find it appealing at first sight or won’t like it. It’s a grim world that the developer paints, but it fits completely into the story arc and the set pieces. Post-apocalyptic story about two travelers who set out on a long journey in the wasteland, left by people after the global epidemic.

If that synopsis seems pretty vague, you must know…that’s pretty much it. It would seem our character is in search of something pr someone but the majority of 35MM is just trying to survive humanity. I don’t mind simple stories or simple mechanics but I have a major beef with this game. Your character has a camera but you barely use it! Sure, you can take pictures of your surroundings if you WANT to but you pretty much forgot that you have a camera after a while. I know I said that I wouldn’t compare them but in Martha is Dead, use of the camera is mandatory for certain missions to progress. I found that I took out my camera by accident more than using it to take pictures. Lack of photography aside, 35MM isn’t TOO bad for a few hours of your time. The fact that it originated as a PC game is glaring as the controls feel a bit stiff and strange. The majority of the gameplay is walking and looking at your surroundings until you come across random people for some awkward interaction. There are moments of combat which feel very awkward on a console controller but seem like it would feel a bit better on mouse and keyboard. As a small indie release and looking at the graphics objectively, the environments look really good.


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