We Are OFK Free Download


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We Are OFK Free Download GAMESPACK.NET We Are OFK’s greatest flaws emerge from its hook: The game exists to launch OFK as a music project. It’s the fictional origin story of a ‘real’ virtual band (think of Riot’s K/DA musical group). The songs have to work as standalone commercial hits, leading to compromises that wouldn’t be made for a regular OST, all while the plot itself goes out of its way to criticise such compromises as inauthentic. The characters are also a product that the game is trying to sell: It badly wants me to like them, support them, and project myself onto them. We Are OFK is focused on the band’s formation in a pastel-heavy LA, and features minimal interaction. Occasional dialogue options share insight into a character’s thoughts or feelings, but don’t affect anything outside of the moment. There’ll be two different ways to call someone a jerk, or three different ways to be hyped about boba, but you’re still stuck with “jerk” and “yay boba”. The story is split into five episodes that are about an hour long each, and will release weekly along with a single and music video. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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We Are OFK Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The first episode wraps up with its music video for Follow/Unfollow. The song debuted at last year’s Game Awards over a video of the virtual crew, but here it’s set over abstract minigames that turn it into a messy breakup song—playing phone breakout while trying not to drunk text an ex, and herding cats into a return box. These sections are more toy than game, adding visual excitement but not affecting anything. The trap of OFK being a real band that’s trying to make relatable bops for all its audience means some songs seem to fit their episode’s brief better than others. Fool’s Gold, an ode to the human experience of insecurity and imposter syndrome, has no trouble also mapping to a specific character. Footsteps, on the other hand, really wants to lose you in the beat and its more technically involved music video—but is all style and no substance when tacked on to the end of an episode about grief and alienation.

5 Episodes of the interactive animated series

The band are a team of quirky, chaotic 20-somethings.  There’s Itsumi, the anime-loving keyboardist with a habit of getting messy drunk and sending keyboard smashes in the group chat. Luca, the lead singer and overall space case, passionate as he is distractible. Carter, on audiovisual effects, a soft-spoken tech genius whose trains of thought are a little sideways. Lastly Jey, their producer, who seems like she’s got her shit together but is trying to live to impossible standards. We are OFK is focused entirely on the bandmates, their wants and needs, and the ways they mesh and conflict with each other. Most of the series is spent watching them talk to each other in-person or on their phones. They sext via coded emojis at a bar, vent text while bored at work, and check the group chat while on a date. This insight into characters’ private spaces—including the way they think about what they say—should make me feel closer to them, but it has the opposite effect.You know when someone tries to hype Mario Tennis Aces 

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We Are OFK Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

you up about this really funny thing that went down in their group chat, only to share a screenshot and—without the chemistry of being the people in the group, in that moment—it’s just kind of embarrassing? I was talking about the goth cowboy #aesthetic in one of mine this morning, so I’m in no way immune to the asinine, but I also know that I can’t explain bat-emoji-cowboy-emoji being funny to someone else. We Are OFK tries to recreate that dynamic, but more often than not it comes across as cringey. It’s so apparent that We Are OFK wants me to like its characters and to feel close to them that anything that lands wrong tends to land hard. In the first episode, Luca compares a trivial choice about songs to Holocaust film Sophie’s Choice—something he’s only familiar with through cultural osmosis. It’s meant to show off that he’s hyperbolic and a little vapid, but I found it uncomfortably distasteful and hated that ‘Sophie’s kids thing’ became a recurring in-joke between two characters over multiple episodes.

With debut tracks performed by OFK

Given that We Are OFK’s attempts to make me connect to its cast failed, it’s not surprising that my favourite episode is one that slows things down by taking me away from the group, and features comparatively little texting. It’s almost unplugged, except for some drunk-on-yoghurt texts from Itsumi, and quietly focuses on grief. The series’ themes—vulnerability, conflicting needs—are best expressed in the one episode that departs most from format. It’s notably the one where the music video feels the least integrated. Best episode, worst promotion of OFK. There are cleverly composed scenes in We Are OFK. The presentation of dialogue choices is often framed as tiny visual gags, and there are funny and thoughtful callbacks across multiple episodes. When it breaks format, it does so with incredible playfulness and heart. The experience is just held back by the band. There is something simultaneously too real and too fake about We Are OFK that always makes it feel like you’re being sold something. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle

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We Are OFK Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There are details that feel there for someone else’s catharsis, like when Luca and Itsumi vent about crunch and mismanagement in their games industry day jobs. Luca talks about wanting to make meaningful art that helps people, and is repeatedly reassured that he is, and it’s hard to square that with the catchy but nothing-y dance pop the band are producing in-universe. It’s thematically a pitch for an indie underdog among a plot that’s textually about using industry connections. The novelty here is in the hook: It’s not just a game, it’s a fictional biopic for a ‘real’ virtual band, who stream three times a week on Twitch, and hope to go on tour. If you put the novelty aside, there are more interesting stories about 20-somethings finding themselves. There’s interactive fiction that uses text in more engaging ways, and games that aren’t trying to sell you a relationship with their product. At the heart of We Are OFK is a group of friends navigating messy personal lives and exploring what it means to be creative.

Original Los Angeles locations

These friends (Luca, Carter, Jey and Itsumi) go on to form a band named OFK, whose music you hear throughout the game – but before there’s a band, there’s just four pals muddling through LA’s ups and downs. OFK’s birth has everything you’d expect from a fairy tale set in the City of Angels, from struggling artists to seedy label men. In telling this story, We Are OFK adds colour and emotion to all of life’s mundanities. Luca’s story begins with a job he doesn’t enjoy, while Itsumi reels from a painful breakup. As they unknowingly stumble toward founding OFK, their relationships with each other are explored, developed, and occasionally challenged. These relationships are the driving force behind OFK’s plot, and each character relies on another to advance their story in some way. The first two episodes show Luca’s friends pushing him toward embracing his creative side as a singer, but his reluctance causes concern for his producer Jey, who worries the project will fall through.

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We Are OFK Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Impressively, We Are OFK manages to tell an arresting tale without losing sight of these grounded, human struggles – and the result is a story that keeps you laughing, crying and cheering the whole way through. We Are OFK’s story would be nothing without its cast, and developer Team OFK does a phenomenal job at bringing each character to life. Every single character has their own distinct personality, and stunning performances from each voice actor sells every ounce of humour, style and emotion. Like We Are OFK’s story, these stars are human to a fault – for example, Luca is hilarious and loving, but doesn’t always realise he can be selfish; while the enigmatic Carter has a dry sense of humour and heaps of talent, but they have a real issue with opening up to those who care about them. The depth of each character is explored through We Are OFK’s main interactive element, multi-choice dialogue options that pop up during conversations. These can lend a voice to their opinions on lighter topics like hentai and frog reincarnation

but can also allow players to try and convey the thoughts and emotions that a character is feeling at their lowest. There’s never any right or wrong answer – you’re here to learn about these characters, not decide their fates, and it’s a testament to We Are OFK’s writing that these dialogue choices feel stupendously powerful. Because OFK’s cast is so engaging, you’re compelled to do right by them; to help them fit in, or express themselves, in the way that’s best. Having a slew of dialogue options pop up also serves an incredibly clever secondary purpose – you can only respond with one choice, but just by offering several, it adds oceans of depth to each character by demonstrating several things they’re thinking about in that moment. You never feel like you’re playing a stand-in for yourself – you’re always in the headspace of the person in the scene – and consequently, We Are OFK animates its cast in a way that few games have done before. Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy


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