Trover Saves The Universe Switch NSP Free Download


Trover Saves The Universe Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Trover Saves The Universe Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET I have seen and done terrible things. I have pushed innocents off cliffs, slaughtered pets in front of their owners, and ground up more Power Babies than I can count – and I did it all without leaving my floating chair, laughing the whole time. Trover Saves the Universe did this to me. It’s an action-platformer from the mind and voice of Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland, and while it technically isn’t connected to that show in any way, its humor is just as messed up and its gameplay is nearly as much fun as watching an episode unfold. Primarily designed for VR (though playable without it as well), it puts you in the hovering shoes of a Chairopian, an alien race whose members never get out of a fancy, teleporting chair that’s controlled by a device that conveniently looks like a PS4 controller. Helping you on this profane trip is your partner, Trover – a purple monster with babies for eyes and a laser sword in his hand – who you use to run, jump, and fight through a short series of strange and often hilarious alien worlds. The story set-up is simple: an evil alien named Glorkon has stolen your two dogs and, naturally, gained the unstoppable power of a god by placing them into his empty eye sockets.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Trover Saves The Universe Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Trover Saves The Universe Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

okay, maybe that’s not so simple. But basically it boils down to “stop bad guy, rescue dogs, save universe,” and the ridiculous dialogue throughout that journey frequently references the fact that this is all just a video game anyway in amusing ways – moments like Trover telling you to skip a complicated button puzzle entirely because “this isn’t that type of game. If you’ve seen either of the  episodes of Rick and Morty then you’ll generally know what to expect from the humor and writing in Trover Saves the Universe. Roiland’s unique brand of loose, improvisational jokes with intentionally sloppy delivery is just as strange, funny, and unpredictable here as it is on TV. Many of the voices are done by Roiland himself (you’ll recognize most of them, as Trover and Glorkon sound suspiciously close to Morty and Rick, respectively) and they have a casually delivered quality that is extremely welcome in the video game world where voice acting can too frequently feel stunted and stiff. Trover Saves the Universe had me cracking up the entire time, and I’d often just stop and listen to the reams of extra dialogue characters would continue to ramble off long after I could have walked away.

A Comedy Adventure.

Sometimes I was laughing at the sheer absurdity, others thanks to genuinely well-crafted jokes, and frequently just from cheap but effective shock value. That last point is my biggest complaint with the writing (or lack thereof): Roiland’s comedy style is like drunken boxing in that its wild unpredictability is the key to making you laugh – but during the moments in which it gets a little too “drunk” and goes off the rails, it always falls back on pointless profanity without landing an effective hit. To be clear, I don’t have a problem with the potty mouth (though there is a censored mode if you do) and a lot of the profane nonsense here adds to its hilarity. But stuff like a character randomly yelling “AIDS!” over and over when they were done with their clever quips was one of a handful of moments that felt more transparently like the voice actor just ran out of things to say rather than an actual joke that was supposed to make me laugh. Rough spots like this keep the story closer to Rick and Morty’s slightly less successful second Interdimensional Cable episode than any of the show’s more thoughtfully structured arcs. Lost Eidolons

Trover Saves The Universe Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Trover Saves The Universe Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Still amusing overall, but not the best of what this madcap style can do. Fresh from the studios of Squanch Games and the brainchild of Rick & Morty co-creator Justin Roiland, Trover Saves the Universe has made a somewhat surprising appearance on the Nintendo Switch. Does it capture everything that made Rick & Morty so hilarious? Do you need a high IQ to understand this game? Let’s see, shall we? Those of you who are fans of Rick & Morty (and this reviewer will confess to being only a very recent convert) will know exactly what to expect from this game, quite frankly. For the uninitiated, however, the show is famous for its bizarre, off-the-wall and dark humour with an intentionally sloppy and often ad-libbed delivery, and that is exactly what you get here. It almost feels like it could be Rick & Morty: The Game at times. This might not be a game you’d want to play around your grandma, however, as it certainly doesn’t hold back with the swearing, and the sheer amount of profanities is often key to the humour.  Make no mistake, this isn’t a kids game, despite what a cursory glance at the screenshots might suggest.


Humour is, of course, highly subjective – and Rick & Morty’s particular brand is might not be for everyone (especially if you have a low IQ, supposedly). Thankfully, this game is much more than just jokes and profanities – it’s also a blast to play. At its heart, what we have here is a puzzle-platformer. You can jump, you can hit things (in this case, with a lightsaber – yes, lightsaber), general gameplay involves either fighting enemies or solving puzzles, you gradually unlock abilities along the way, and have to collect plenty of items (in this case, coloured babies) along the way. So far, so Banjo-Kazooie, then. There’s a twist, however, and this is where things get complicated. Even if you knew nothing else about Trover Saves The Universe, it’s painfully clear as soon as you start that it was designed for VR. Squanch Games focuses heavily on VR as a studio, and this outing was primarily developed with PlayStation VR in mind. It didn’t require VR per say, but it is evident that most of the game’s mechanics are designed with immersive virtual reality as the prime consideration. So, how well does it make the transition to the Nintendo Switch? Scorn 

Trover Saves The Universe Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Trover Saves The Universe Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

We’re delighted to report that it works very well indeed. Much of this comes down to the fact that this is still fundamentally a 3D puzzle platformer, so the core mechanics essentially remain unchanged regardless of how you’re viewing things. You see, Trover Saves The Universe actually has two lead protagonists. You play as the titular Trover, a purple humanoid who you control throughout the game. However, you actually view the action through the eyes of a ‘chairopian’, a member of a chair-bound race of people who lack the ability to move on their own accord. It seems that there is a decent amount of crossover between Rick and Morty fans and VR enthusiasts. Adult Swim’s massively successful animated show jumped into the VR gaming arena with its own spin on the Job Simulator formula. And now its co-creator Justin Roiland is launching a brand new and original VR title with Trover Saves the Universe. While it isn’t directly tied to Rick and Morty, it’s clear that Roiland’s style has transferred over both in terms of comedy and originality. But does the gameplay hold up? Was Roiland as serious about VR gaming as he seemed when we talked to him at PAX East? Yep.


The game’s pretty great. The story of Trover Saves the Universe is sort of tough to explain, because it’s such a fever dream of scifi concepts that feels almost improvisational in its execution. There’s a bad guy, he stole your dogs and is using them to power himself as he destroys the universe. You play as a Chairorpean, an alien creature whose somehow stuck in a floating chair, making for some solid immersion as you sit on your couch playing the game. The titular Trover contacts you to help save the universe from the big bad, letting you control him in a VR platforming adventure. Does that make sense? Not really, but in the game it all fits perfectly. This is a truly insane world where nothing really fits together, and due to that it somehow all fits. In terms of gameplay, Trover Saves the Universe sits right alongside other highly regarded VR titles. It feels like a natural extension of the second and third wave of games we’ve seen where traditional mechanics are reworked to fit the VR space. Trover is a slow-paced action-platformer fitting closely with the excellent Astro Bot Rescue Mission on PSVR. Like that game you aren’t playing as the main character really.

Your VR presence is worked into the game in interesting and creative ways, giving you a better feeling of immersion while offering more streamlined and straightforward platforming mechanics as you control Trover. VR is an integral part of this. The game does let you play without a PSVR headset attached to your face, but the controls become unwieldy to the point that most will not find the experience enjoyable. With it on, you’ll feel like a true Chairorpean, sitting there as you teleport from warp node to warp node, which really helps cement the feeling of place that the best VR titles offer. The insane, colorful, vibrant worlds you visit only enhance this. Each new level is a treat for the eyes, though that variety never extends to the enemies you fight along the way. Likewise, the combat in Trover is a bit bland. You only have a few select moves and enemies never require more than a few button mashes. Sure, ranged and shielded enemies offer up some tactical challenge, but rarely will you be concerned for Trover’s life. You begin the game with a decent amount of health already, and can gain more by collecting green “power babies” that are hidden throughout every map.

Trover Saves The Universe Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Trover Saves The Universe Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Finding them is fun by itself, so you’ll still want to engage in this collectathon, but once you have a few extra health bars there isn’t much compelling you to hunt for more. So that’s the gameplay, but you didn’t come to Trover Saves the Universe just for that. This is Justin Roiland’s project, and his style is all over it. Comedy may be one of the toughest things to review for others though, as everyone has their own tastes in that regard. What I can say is that I found many moments throughout this game to be absolutely hilarious. The improvisational style, in the vein of Rick and Morty’s Intergalactic Cable episodes, works for me and for this game. It can wear a little thin though, especially as the game’s story goes on and you notice just how often entire sequences are Justin talking to himself for long stretches of time. For fans of his and his style that won’t be an issue at all. It wasn’t for me, but I can see how others could quickly grow tired of the pauses and stumbling words combined with weird phrases that are almost made up on the spot. If you can’t binge through episodes of Rick and Morty without getting tired of its style then you might want to avoid Trover.Z-Island UNCENSORED

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