Tower Princess Free Download


Tower Princess Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Tower Princess Free Download GAMESPACK.NET One of the best moments in The Simpsons is Homer attempting to jump over the Springfield Gorge with Bart’s skateboard. It seemed like such a good idea at the time. Well, to Homer, at least. But he bit off way more than he could chew and then painfully fell down, hitting countless rocks on the way. After finally being placed in the back of an ambulance, the doors jerk open, sending Homer to repeat the nightmare he thought he had just escaped. This is definitely not a scene you want a video game to remind you of, but Tower Princess does all the same. I take absolutely no joy in writing negative reviews, and I take even less in playing bad games. But Tower Princess was a miserable experience for me. It definitely looks decent for a 3D rogue-lite made by an indie dev, and the central conceit about rescuing specific princesses in order to utilize their special abilities is novel. But every aspect of this game is so poorly executed that I can’t understand how anyone could double down on them. Homer meet rock. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Tower Princess Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Tower Princess Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The basic premise is that you’re a knight and you need to escape from a tower, princess in tow. Not all of the princesses are actually princesses, though. For instance, one of them is some guy that turns into a sword. Each time you start a run, you pick from one of two knights — a swordsman or musketeer — before actually setting out. You then have to go into the main hall and go through two dialogue prompts to pick a princess before you can head out. As you explore the areas, you’ll find princesses in cages. When you do, they show up back at your hub and can be picked at the start of a tower run. Each princess has their own ability that can be improved by giving them gifts. On paper, this is all perfectly fine, but it doesn’t take long for the cracks to spread. When it comes to picking your knight, they range from light to heavy. The different knights move at different speeds and have more or less health. Because of the way Tower Princess plays out, I always wanted a heavy knight, which is unfortunate, because you won’t always have the option to pick one.

All the way down

The swordsman has a basic sword combo by default, while the musketeer has five shots with their musket which refills after a few seconds. Knights can also dodge out of the way, and you can obtain new abilities by purchasing upgrades. Combat in Tower Princess is mundane, limited, and dull. The three-hit sword combo doesn’t have much oomph to it, so the swordsman isn’t fun to use. The musket shots are weak, and they take too long to refill for my tastes, making the musketeer even more cumbersome. You just lock onto an enemy and shoot at it until it dies. The princess abilities can be handy at times, but many of them are so weak or situational that they can feel mostly useless. I was excited to play this game initially, since it’s advertised as a 3D platformer, but there’s very little platforming. What platforming there is is just as subpar as the combat. Your goal is to guide your knight/princess combo through an area and fight a boss. Then you have to go to another area to fight a second boss before a door opens that allows you to progress. Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy

Tower Princess Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Tower Princess Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

You switch areas by using a cannon in a specific room. Tower Princess doesn’t tell you this, so you have to notice that the cannon is something you interact with and not just set dressing like every other object you see. The boss battles are overly long and, again, boring.  One of the most appealing aspects about rogue-lites is how the random generation keeps you on your toes and makes runs feel fresh. Tower Princess throws this out the window. Areas are made up of specific rooms that are always the same. Sometimes you’ll see the same room twice in one run. Occasionally, you’ll see the same exact room twice in a row. Once, I exited a room, only to have to go through it again to find a different room. And these weren’t generic hallways, no. You have to navigate through traps before jumping on swinging platforms. This game has the absolute worst approach to level generation that I’ve ever seen. Some rooms require you to defeat all enemies, others have you do a simple series of traps or require you to pull levers.

Not quite so random

Some you can just go straight to the exit doors. My second least favorite room in the game requires you to hit a blue timed switch, jump up to a platform, and hit the lever on the platform. Then the way to a red switch opens up. You then hit the red switch, jump down to hit the blue switch again, and then use the first platform to make it to a second platform to hit another lever that opens the way out. The first time I saw the room, I thought it was surprisingly out of place. The sixth time I saw it, I prayed that it would all stop. There is a tiny pool of rooms, too. You’re likely to see all of them at least once per run. It makes playing the game feel like an endless series of déjà vu and makes every run feel identical. Every time I hit the continue button to start a new run, I dreaded it. Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, there’s the way Tower Princess handles upgrades. The game seems to borrows some of its ideas and art style of Rogue Legacy, a game that has an excellent upgrade system. Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered

Tower Princess Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Tower Princess Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Tower Princess has its own unique upgrade system, though, which is, much like the level generation, the worst I’ve ever seen. As you play the game, you’ll level up certain aspects of your classes. Their main aspect is leveled up by killing enemies, which takes way too long. You can also level up cartography simply by visiting rooms and, strangely, vitality by using health potions unless you get unlucky and not enough drop, which will limit your ability to upgrade this. You can’t actually get any upgrade points without finding tokens. You’ll find these when rescuing a new princess or randomly when opening chests. Finding them was incredibly rare for me, which meant that I rarely got to upgrade my classes. This is unfortunate because the second area is much rougher than the first one. This brings me to my least favorite room in Tower Princess. You have to kill several pumpkin enemies that randomly shoot projectiles in four directions. These projectiles leave pools of a liquid that hurt you.

Have a token

This enemy is a tedious pain to fight as the swordsman, as it explodes every couple of seconds. But one of the pumpkins is in the middle of the area, protected by a bunch of tentacles. If you’re the musketeer, you can just slowly shoot it to death. If you’re the swordsman, you’re probably going to take a huge amount of damage from the tentacles. Oh, and it’s very annoying to lock onto the pumpkin because you’ll also lock onto the half dozen or so tentacles that surround it. It’s just astoundingly awful. The game plays out through a mix of dodge-based combat and light platforming elements. You enter a room with a bunch of enemies, and the doors lock until you defeat them. Your bread and butter are a three-hit sword combo that doesn’t reach far enough and a dodge roll that has unclear invincibility frames. It’s common to get hit by something that didn’t seem like it would hit or to wait for an attack before you realize, no, the animations are just weird and you’ve already taken damage.

Tower Princess Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Tower Princess Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The princess or prince you’re trying to rescue will tag along, and you can use their unique ability on cooldown. These range from damaging an enemy, to healing, to crowd control and are some of the most varied and interesting parts of the gameplay. Unfortunately, the cooldown for most is fairly long, so you’ll largely be stuck with the mediocre base combat. The game plays out as a war of attrition. Depending on your princess, health items may be scarce, and the boring enemies hit absurdly hard, especially before you unlock health upgrades. If you fail to dodge a trap or get hit by an enemy, you’ve probably lost that health for quite a while, which would be fine if the game felt fun or deep, but with the combat as janky as it is, it feels like fake difficulty. Enemies or furniture will sometimes drop items that are assigned to your D-pad. Unfortunately, once you pick up a reusable item, there’s no way to swap it for another item on the floor, so you can end up with the most valuable items — health potions — being stuck on the ground while you carry around a near useless spitball shooter.

There are upgrade systems for your health, damage, special moves, and map, but they’re fueled by tokens, a currency only rewarded in ways that are hard to produce on purpose, and experience, which is rewarded really slowly for some things and decently fast for others. Getting upgrades takes forever and can take even more forever more or less at random. The most egregious part of Tower Princess is its level generation. There are a handful of premade rooms that turn up again and again verbatim or with a tiny cosmetic change. Each run feels stale when you enter a room and immediately know where each enemy, exit, and item is placed, and the only randomness is which enemies and items are chosen. The levels are so repetitive that I once left a room only to enter the exact same room. Characters all repeat a handful of lines over and over, and none of the writing is all that good anyway. The music is fine, though the sound effects are pretty bad. The 2D art is really nice, unlike the 3D art, which tends to look a bit generic. Metroid Dread 


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