The Spirit and the Mouse Free Download


The Spirit and the Mouse Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Spirit and the Mouse Free Download GAMESPACK.NET As someone who loves animals, I’m constantly baffled by how few games feature animal protagonists. I don’t need to play as a bland man holding a weapon anymore, just let me explore a forest as a spider or escape a farm as a chicken who’s sick of pumping out eggs. Thankfully my prayers were answered recently by Alblune Games, and their debut game The Spirit and the Mouse.The sleepy French village of Saint-et-Claire is normally a lovely place to live, but on this particular night the humans living there aren’t having a good time. The village is having power issues, and because of this everyone is pretty miserable. Our hero The Mouse is upset by this, and despite being a small fluffy rodent decides to take action. In her quest to save the day, the mouse collides with a magical spirit called Lumion who falls from the sky. Lumion was on the way to fix the voltage problems of Saint-et-Claire, but after the fall has lost his powers. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

The Spirit and the Mouse Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Spirit and the Mouse Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Blaming The Mouse for this unfortunate set of circumstances, he decides to use the little strength he has left to grant it the power of electricity and sends it off to fix everybody’s problems. Getting around a village isn’t easy when you’re such a tiny critter. Our squeaky hero can move around and climb ledges, but when it comes to manoeuvrability that’s about it. Without even the ability to jump, you’ll spend a lot of time in The Spirit and The Mouse trying to navigate your way up onto the rooftops via many a trellis. You’ll need to get on top of the villagers houses to access the Kibblin boxes that are up there. These handy devices power Saint-et-Claire, using weird electrical beings called Kibblins. Each box has 2-3 Kibblins missing, and it’s up to you to find them and convince them to get back to work. This is easier said than done, because these charming little sparks all have their own agendas.

One Slight Niggle

You’ll have to complete a task for each Kibblin if you want to restore the power, and each of these is completely different. One Kibblin wants to make sure the menu of a restaurant has the correct prices listed before it goes home, whereas some younger Kibblins just want to play hide and seek. Some of these objectives require a bit of exploration, others are more of a minigame, but every single one of them is a joy to accomplish. When you aren’t busy helping Kibblins, you’ll probably be looking for the collectable lightbulbs littering the streets. Every corner of Saint-et-Claire is a potential hiding place for these bulbs, so it’s well worth checking everywhere. When you hit certain milestone numbers of bulbs a Kibblin in the village square will sell you power ups like maps and speed boosts in exchange for energy, so you always feel rewarded for your diligence. Amnesia: Memories Switch 

The Spirit and the Mouse Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Spirit and the Mouse Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I haven’t yet talked about the electric powers of The Mouse, and honestly that’s because they aren’t really that remarkable. From the moment you get your new abilities you’ll be able to shock objects to get power from them (which is useful for the shop and activating Kibblin Boxes) and can travel through power lines to get from one place to another. Later you’ll also gain the ability to pass through chain link fences by turning into pure energy, but outside of that you’re still very much just a mouse. There’s not a lot to The Spirit and the Mouse, but the relaxing nature of wandering around a quaint rural environment with gentle music in the background is just magical. There are no enemies or fail states in the game, and much like recent release Tinykin the game is all about the exploration. It’s worth mentioning how long The Spirit and the Mouse is, if only for the fact that I wanted it to go on forever.

Complete Puzzle Quests

It’ll take you around four hours to roll credits, and maybe one more hour to collect everything. It tells a satisfying little tale in that time frame, but I’d be more than happy to dive into an even longer mouse-based video game. The Spirit and the Mouse is simply a delightful game, with a lovely setting and no enemies or pressure to spoil the laid back experience. If you’re looking for action or challenge this likely won’t be for you, but for anyone else the adventure of a little mouse with a big heart is well worth playing. In the quaint French village of Sainte-et-Claire, the residents are hunkered down in their homes as a violent thunderstorm looms.The residents may be safe and warm in their homes, but Lila, the mouse, is outside in the wind and rain. A villager’s scarf blows off the washing line and gets stuck on the village’s lightning rod. On the ground, Lila watches the event play out. Anime Feet 

The Spirit and the Mouse Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Spirit and the Mouse Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

So the mouse decides she wants help and sets out to retrieve the scarf from the lightning rod. Oh oh, I’m not sure that’s such a great idea, Lila! But unbeknownst to her, life was about to take an unexpected turn. Lila’s timing for retrieving the scarf couldn’t be worse. Just as Lila reaches the top of the rod, a lightning bolt strikes it, and Lila falls injured to the ground. The lighting strike also damaged the village’s electricity supply, and the Kibblins, who are tiny electric beings in charge of the electricity and well-being of the people, escaped, leaving a lot of unhappy and frustrated residents in Sainte-et-Claire. The voice of the Spirit Guardian awakens Lila; she discovers that not only has she been struck by lightning, but The Lumion, the Spirit Guardian’s powers have transferred to her. As you can imagine, the Lumion isn’t too happy to be parted from his electrifying powers.

Help the Villagers

He tells kind-hearted Lila to find the Kibblins and restore full power to the village. You control Lila the mouse in this wholesome adventure as she sets out to help the villagers of Sainte-et-Claire. With the weakened electricity power, the villages find that it impedes even the simplest of daily tasks. For example, Lila will help fix the TV antenna in the local bar so the patron can watch his favourite show. In addition, she will restore power to the microwave so the young man can have his food heated up after a hard day at work. In this way she fixes many other villagers’ electricity-related problems. You’ll search high and low from rooftops to the pavements to find the lost Kibblins. Once found, you will have to do a short puzzle quest to entice the Kibblin back to the Kibblin Box. Lila can climb and use electric sockets and cables to zap up walls and traverse the village.

The Spirit and the Mouse Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Spirit and the Mouse Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Spirit and the Mouse is an excellent mix of puzzling and platforming. For those players (like me) who don’t have good reaction time for timing jumps, you don’t need to worry, as this is a relaxing and stress-free jaunt around Sainte-et-Claire. The Kibblins always have something for Lila to do before they agree to return to the Kibblin box. Such as finding the right combination of numbers for a Kibblin to press or rescuing a Kibblin who is about to fall off the wooden beam above a house. Traversing the world from a mouse’s perspective is great fun as you ascend buildings, crawl through tight spaces, and use Lila’s newly acquired electrical powers to travel through the powerline. It’s a neat mechanic and works very well. You also collect lightbulbs which can be exchanged with a Kibblin for maps of the areas and power-ups for Lila.

The village is split into four areas, north, south, west and east; each area is beautifully illustrated with soothingly appropriate french themed music. The game has full controller support on PC. The responsive and intuitive controls make Lila a pleasure to control. In the settings, you can change them to make Lila automatically jump up instead of pressing the button to have her do the action. The only problem I encountered in the Spirit and the Mouse was the camera. Controlling the camera is done by using the stick, and it does have a limit on how far it will move. Unfortunately, the camera movement limit caused a hiccup for me during one puzzle section. I had to follow the cable on the wall to find the electric box it was attached to. However, with the camera’s height limit, I couldn’t follow the cable up high as the camera doesn’t let you look directly up, so the puzzle took longer to solve than needed. ARCANIUM Rise of Akhan 

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