The Mansion Free Download


The Mansion Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Mansion Free Download GAMESPACK.NET What’s hiding in Alvin’s past? What secrets will you discover traversing The Mansion. The Mansion, a grim yet fascinating building you’re facing, doesn’t exist. Maybe it once existed, but when? And was it just like this? Maybe it simply resembles the existing one or maybe it was only assembled from scraps of memories, both real and those created in books, films, or on old postcards? The construction in front of us, although looking robust, seems to have been built from the nightmarish memories of a tormented boy. And it stands in the very center of his nightmare. One rainy day, cold as old bones that no duvet can warm up anymore, there was a faint knocking on the door to your small-town doctor’s office. It was a stranger, a thin young boy with a face prematurely aged by suffering, who was knocking with his last strength. He fell motionless in front of you, mumbling something unintelligible. You carried him to the couch, covered him with a blanket, and bent down to examine him. Then you looked into his eyes that were like bottomless wells and felt that you were falling down straight into his dream. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

The Mansion Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Mansion Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Now you’re standing in front of The Mansion and you know you’re not leaving until you face the fears and painful memories of this boy. And the monsters from his dreams seem weirdly real to you – perfectly capable of doing you real harm. This game, while looking beautiful (am sold by gothic stories and setting) lacks polish. As others have mentioned the mechanics is lacking and the basic logic of holding a lantern in one hand while a key/another small item in another-i mean, cmon. What I didn’t like is how abruptly the game ended for me. It does seem like a decent story is being built up here. If the game is not abandoned will be waiting for future updates. The game looks really beautiful. I love the intricate detail of things, a lot of thought went into that (or a decent amount of references at least) maybe bit too much bloom and volumetric light is too strong in places. I cannot recommend this game at this stage. Not because it’s not a good game, because it is, and that’s where comes my grief with it. To take this out of the way and pointing what so many reviews already said, the game is absolutely gorgeous.

Welcome to our nightmare!

The graphics are second to none, when compared to so many indie horror games here on Steam. It looks amazing, unfortunately, doesn’t play amazing. Understandably, it’s an EA game, although I feel that, since the last update was nearly a year ago, this game is either dead, or entered the fated limbo of Steam EA games, where it will remain for a long time. Glitches are abundant; one makes the light in the environment look like small white dots all over. Clipping through the environment for no reason is another. Luckily the devs seem to understand this and made a very good save system, although you still can get traped in some puzzle, (basement), until you figure out what to do. The character movement is painfully slow. Painfully. Something as simple as opening a door or a drawer is always accompanied by a scripted scene, making it more tedious than it should. Another point is, since the game seems to be starting in the middle, it is not really explained what is the character doing in this place, why is the dark a near instant death mechanic, and why is the character afraid of everything? I understand you are faced with things you cannot comprehend, but even the most cowardly person, at some point, would start to accept the situation he/she are in. DEAD MAN´S DIARY

The Mansion Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Mansion Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I really hope the devs are still working on this, since it has all the potential to become one of the best indie horror games here on Steam. But, just in case they aren’t: finish the game. You guys made an absolutely amazing thing here, and it’s a shame if all goes to waste. The game is an incredibly well presented first-person adventure. Beautiful graphics and a cool soundtrack together with a mysterious story create the atmosphere of a horror movie. You will need a good eye and focus on details to solve a series of puzzles and discover the truth. The game is in Early Access so there will be more content as well as some things may change and there are bugs as expected. But even now, the game deserves to be played if you like these kinds of games, especially because of its attractive price. Okay so while I recommend this game, so far it’s incredibly difficult to say you should 100% get it. There’s a LOT this game has going for it. It’s early access so sure the weird texture glitches and the random floating duplicate player arm is acceptable, but some of the puzzles being obtuse and actually getting softlocked in a death loop is really annoying.

Painful Memories.

I’m mostly only recommending this as a sign of good faith that the game will improve because it shows promise and the indie horror/puzzle scenes needs more games out there. Wauw wauw WAUW! Does this game look good! All of lighting, textures (for the most part) and animations look great! Like this isn’t a “looks good for being under $10” this is a looks legitimately good overall. There’s some minor textures here and there that are weird. I think the doorways have what look like split seams on the 3d object, but overall, it looks wonderful. Sound design for the most part is pretty great. The music is just enough to hang around in the background without being overpowering and there’s not weird silent areas with the exception of when you read some documents. Which again, I find that to be acceptable for the time being in Early Access. I’m not going to claim to be smart, but the puzzles sometimes are REALLY bizarre and seemingly arbitrary. No spoilers, but some of the puzzles require you to interact with several objects. Endless Memories Switch NSP

The Mansion Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Mansion Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Each object has an animation that takes about 2-3 seconds to play out everytime you interact with it. Seems like no big deal, but if you’re just trying objects out to see what they do, it’s really tedious to watch the same animations over, and over again. On the subject of animations, there’s times when you approach an area and your character enters a mini cutscene where they peer over the edge of something and it’s just annoying to be locked into those scenes. There’s also sometimes seemingly no clues for some puzzles. Sometimes I feel like I’m just missing an object or something entirely, other times I swear these two things should be connected somehow and they aren’t. This could very well just be because I’m dumb and that’s fine, but things like finding out the character doesn’t like touching an object with their hands so you have to find two sticks to use to push them out of the way makes no sense without any kind of voice line or prompt for it. Small thing, but silly. There’s a point in the game where if you mess up a puzzle, the lights go out and things kill you when it happens.

Stranger Voice.

Well the game auto saves after I did this and I got stuck in a loop. Lost about 45 minutes of progress there. The game also seems to think random unavoidable deaths are cool? Like I went through a door and a character killed me for it. No indicator that I shouldn’t have gone through that door at all. Super weird. Also the fade to red death screen is a weird death animation in comparison to the high details of the rest of the game. There’s some translation issues where the story doesn’t quite make perfect sense, but there’s other documents you find that are really well written. It’s a bit uneven. The voice acting is also a little odd with the voice lines being SUPER quiet. Just kind of detaches you from the character. The only reason why I’m particularly frustrated with this game is because it has so much potential. It’s not particularly scary at all, but the puzzles could be decent with some tweaks and the game looks beautiful. The game is a good value, but it has some weird design issues. I’m still excited to see where this goes.

Pretty good game. Only an hour in and I’m pretty blown away with the look of the game and it only costs around $6. The story seems pretty interesting so far and it has a lot of puzzles. I’m pretty trash at puzzles but still overall really like it. The animations are very good as well but after the second or third time you see them you kinda get annoyed with how long it takes for you to interact with each object. I would recommend the game just from how much I have played so far. If you want to see the first hour of the game you can check out my play through with the link below. The game looked promissing and incredibly beautiful, and with the note that it is more of a puzzle than a horror game I wanted to give it a go. While the game really is BEAUTIFUL, it has a lot of problems that made the first 2 hours less than enjoyable. First off all, the game is just so loud, even with the sound turned down significaltly there are a lot of audio files that still blow your ears off. The main character also often does a lot of weird breathing and huffing, not always fitting the story. The story: while the game description lets you know how and why the player got involved in this story, the game itself just throws you into the masion without much explanation whatsoever.

The Mansion Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Mansion Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Exploration gets a bit frustrating. While the boy, his family and “nightmares” appear throughout the game, there is not enough explanation to understand as to what exactly happened. All you can take from it is that the father was aggressive, both mother and son victims of his outbursts. Yes, a bit more is added though pages of notes you can find but the story could have been implemented a bit more organically (like the boy talking about his struggles and memories, not just his visions disapprearing). All of the above would not have stopped me from finishing the game. What really urked me are the puzzles. I love puzzle games and have payed a fair share of them. One thing I hate and that too many games implement are puzzles without much logic to them. “The Mansion” has the same problem in my opinion. Way too often I was stumped and didn’t know what to do next. or I even knew what to do but the game didn’t let me until done a VERY SPECIFIC way. Want to combine two things? Well struggle and mash buttons, get frustrated when the character just puts the thing down you want to work with, until you find a sweet spot and the game lets you go on. My breaking point was getting the bone to the dog. SIGNALIS


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