The Immortal Mayor


The Immortal Mayor Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Immortal Mayor Free Download GAMESPACK.NET A mix of Banished, Amazing Cultivation Simulator, with just a touch of Caesar 3. The game has a lot of depth, but it can’t be seen from the surface, and you pretty much have to figure out things for yourself. Some parts are not translated yet, but i didn’t really feel it hindered me, but i can see how it can bother others. The game is slow paced, very stylish and it doesn’t hold your hand. There are systems hidden within that you’ll have to explore yourself (how the godly powers work, how getting in the favour of other deities work, how the decoration and building uprade system works, and who know what else, i just scratched the surface). Overall it’s a chill city builder that is not as punishing as something like Banished, but it’s still possible to screw up and have half your population starve to death. It doesn’t have the polish yet, but in my opinion it’s well worth the price. As long as you know that you’ll have to work a bit to bring out the most from this game. P.S. somebody mentioned in another review that designating trees to be cut down doesn’t work. It works, it just takes a lot of time (like everything in this game). You can use godly powers to clear out large areas, but you have to befriend other deities to do that. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

While enough of the Chinese text has been translated to make the game playable, much still remains. Some text being arranged vertically means a significant UI redesign is probably needed to convert the game to horizontally displayed languages. They may or may not have any intention of doing so. Bugs: A persistent bug moves the contact point of the mouse cursor away from the cursor image (or visa versa). For such a simple thing, it’s very game-breaking to have to spend many long seconds fiddling around trying to find where the mouse pointer actually is for every single click you hope to make. For the record, I would still look forward to playing it fully when the game is ready. Latest beta patch broke the entire game so now its unplayable, this after already having a buggy and unbalanced mess of a game with Chinese devs giving little to no communications over months. I really wanted to love this game and some of my main gripes could easily be fixed but I have doubts about the devs/game studio. Some sounds are really nice and so are some of the Asian design/ascetics and some are just to loud and buggy or just annoying. That pretty much sums the entire game, allot of nice things but allot of bad things that comes along with it. Wont be holding my breath for fixes so that I can enjoy and recommend this game but I do wish for it to happen.  Incursion Red River


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