The Chant Free Download


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The Chant  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET After the death of her sister, Jess visits her childhood friend on a seemingly peaceful island that’s basking in sunlight. Home to a spiritual retreat ran by Tyler, she soon realises that it might have been better to stay at home. On the surface, The Chant ticks all the boxes of a story based on a cult longing for enlightenment, but there’re some neat ideas that are executed rather well, although there are some technical issues that hold it back from fully achieving what it sets out to do. Along with Kim and Tyler, there are other characters on the island looking for peace, for possible redemption, and for answers. Each one burdened by darkness that is revealed through cutscenes and various documents littered around the island. There’s an interesting story fed to you in bitesize chunks, and the more you explore, the fuller the narrative becomes. This is a story about a woman trying to rid herself of the guilt she feels as part of her sister’s death, but other threads can be pulled and picked at to open up an interesting tale. What Brass Token has done well is make Jess feel completely vulnerable at all times. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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The Chant  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

She’s not a fighter, a mercenary, or someone used to violence. She is surviving, and that is what you’ll spend your time doing. After a group chant goes wrong early in the game, you’re left to your own devices, finding various flora to craft makeshift weapons with, and stop yourself from going into a full on panic attack. These mechanics are smart, and the survival horror elements constantly creep in, giving you the feeling that anything can kill you at any time, however, attacking can be clunky and ineffective, especially when you have multiple enemies surrounding you. The main threat to Jess is something called the Gloom. A plant-based parasite that takes many forms, leading to psychedelic trauma and encounters with various monstrosities. These creatures range from Mimicrawlers (seemingly inspired by Lickers from the Resident Evil series) and Cankertoads, to unhinged cultists wearing animal masks. Sometimes it’s better to run, but Jess does have some protection against them. Various materials scattered across the island can be used to craft different weapons for different situations.

The Chant Spiritual Retreat Outfit.

Witch sticks can do extra damage to Gloom-based enemies; sage sticks hurt swarms of flies; fire lash can burn cultists with great effect; and oils can be thrown to trap and damage. If you feel overwhelmed and just want to try and run, salt can be thrown at them to cause a brief period of distraction. Jess can use light and heavy attacks, but you’re not Kratos here. You’re a normal person, so sometimes it’s better to get the hell out of dodge. Speaking of dodging, you can move out of the way of an incoming attack. Sometimes you’ll simply move to survive, but you might fall over and this helps to highlight just how vulnerable you are. As you progress through The Chant, other items will become available, such as a two-way radio and a flashlight. On top of that, Jess will acquire Prisms which can be used to slow enemies, damage them, and more. The survival elements are further elevated when you’re managing Jess’ Mind, Body, and Spirit levels. If your mind gauge drops, you’ll have a panic attack and weapons can’t be used. Body is essentially your health, and Spirit is what supplies the power to the prisms. Max The Curse of Brotherhood Switch NSP

The Chant  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Chant  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

By finding lavender, ginger, and spirit caps across the island, you’ll refill these gauges. I didn’t struggle too much when finding these valuable resources, but they’re seldom found in certain areas, forcing you to carefully manage their use. Finding Prismic Crystals will upgrade certain attributes, such as gaining more health or mind when using resources, or holding more of it in stock. You’re not unlocking powerful abilities or attacks, which makes perfect sense, but they do help to acclimatise Jess to the island and the horrors it harbours. Although the island isn’t huge in scale, there’re plenty of areas you’ll visit, all home to the freaks and monsters that want you dead. Unveiled a few months ago The Chant , the latest Prime Matter, catches the eye with its atmosphere mixing spiritual and paranormal. Controller in hand, the first approach to Gamescom whetted our appetites. Even if there are a few small flaws, the final experience confirms its strong potential. For a first production, Brass Token gets away with it with honors. The Chant is a game mixing horror, survival and third-person action-adventure in a contemporary universe.


After the loss of her sister several years ago, Jess cannot recover mentally and is often subject to visions and nightmares. Her friend Kim told her about a spiritual retreat that could help her out. She then joins her on the island of glory in order to integrate her group. After getting to know each member, in what serves us as a sort of tutorial, and having received our prism (a stone containing energy and power) it is time for the initiation ritual, but very quickly the ceremony drifts and paranormal events occur, similar to what we glimpsed during the initial cutscene with a past cult. To correct the situation, the only way is to restart the rite and for that you have to find each member of the group. The curse seems to affect several corners of the island causing strange things to appear or even the voice of our late sister. Is it our imagination after ingesting the “prayer tea” or is it real? We don’t know on which foot to dance, especially since these mirages are neither constant nor permanent. When we go in search of a new companion, we go through the darkness many times, where we immerse ourselves in his thoughts. Soulsland Switch NSP

The Chant  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Chant  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Each one drags a painful liability on which the darkness resulting from the accident caused by the ritual feeds and which it uses to mentally corrupt the person. We alternate between real locations and others affected by this kind of unhealthy corruption. Jessica “Jess” Briars never recovered from her sister’s death . A difficult process of mourning and continuous feelings of guilt affect her life on a daily basis. Her friend Kim , a long-time resident of a remote island, invites her on a weekend to take part in a spiritual retreat that should help her leave the past behind her. After an initial reluctance, Jess makes up her mind and joins her, discovering that she is part of a community whose adepts walk around barefoot and dressed in white, feed on berries and roots, follow a so-called Prismatic Science and spend much of their time practicing meditation. and collective songs. The Prismatic Chant , welcome ritual and first step to free the mind, is not so difficult. Tyler , the leader of this band of deranged, intones something like “ohmmm” and one by one the participants sitting in a circle have to join the choir.


But Kim is wrong . She maybe she was undecided between “ohmmm” and “uhmmm” and she didn’t have the hunchback with her lyrics on hand. It is not known. The fact is that she is wrong. And then she goes crazy . And finally she summons monstrous creatures from the Prismatic Dimension. Thus a quiet evening of lysergic infusions and collective hysteria turns into a struggle for survival. Jess seems to be the only one to have kept a minimum of sanity, and she must find out how to restore order and leave the island, whose legend about the Prismatic Power seems to be founded, at least judging by notes and old reels abandoned everywhere. The gameplay mechanics do not always do justice to the plot, blocking our explorations with the classic closed doors whose keys must be reassembled by combining various fragments scattered around the environment or machinery to be activated by recovering and assembling pieces that are also scattered everywhere, but nevertheless yes run along fixed tracks, artificially stretched with these old tricks, and very scripted, overall the game manages to stick us to the pad and make us take a couple of scares .

The Swedish software house author of the Penumbra and Amnesia series is certainly among the inspiring muses of The Chant, which forces us to deal with Jess’s weaknesses such as nictophobia, predisposition to panic attacks and terror of flies. Staying in the dark, witnessing frightening events or experiencing psychic stress, including simple monster screams, lowers our mental energy indicator . Once below a certain threshold, we can no longer fight or better control the character. The universe created by Brass Token is vast. Jess discovers multiple information about the island, the past sect, the members of the group or the society behind this retreat via the many hidden collectibles. We learn that current phenomena are not that new, not to mention the links that appear between the different events. A real nebula is revealed in the background and the end scene clearly suggests an open door for a next game in connection with the universe of The Chant, as the studio told us during our recent interview . We constantly feel a little tension and fear, because we know that horror can arise from anywhere.

The Chant  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Chant  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The bestiary expands as you progress with more and more vicious and dangerous creatures, especially since Jess doesn’t seem made for this kind of situation. We have very few ways to defend ourselves, and all of our tools go through component harvesting and/or crafting! We start with a single weapon, and a single object that we can throw to defend ourselves (or set down to make a trap) to end up with three of each, each responding to a situation. Similarly, after having traveled through the areas linked to the different characters, you acquire new prism powers. At times, Jess is forced to go into the fray and each confrontation becomes stressful. Between the physical blows or the mental attacks, our heroine is regularly undermined and comes out of it narrowly. Each creature has weaknesses that we try to exploit, hoping to have enough components, because the resources are limited and rare and above all several crafts use the same objects for their recipe. We regularly wonder what the priority is on the manufacturing side. Worse, the weapons are consuming little by little with each blow, it is a frequent questioning! Lost Lands The Wanderer Switch NSP

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