The Adventurous Couple Free Download


The Adventurous Couple Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Adventurous Couple Free Download GAMESPACK.NET This game is fantastic. Despite having a massive number of characters it focusses it’s character development on the main characters and doesn’t go down rabbit holes with every character we meet. The choices are many and they matter. The art is awesome and the writing is decent. A misleading game title if you ask me. It’s more the cheating couple. Sure, to some degree you can avoid the cheating, but without it, there is not much ‘adventure’ to be had. Delicate subjects and kinks such as: hotwifing, netorase, netorare, swinging, sharing, etc. … is tough to pull of and this game for the large part fails at it. I’m sensing the dev has little experiences of this, no offense intended. After the initial disappointment I adjusted my expectations and just played it for the lewd scenes… It starts out promising and at a nice pace but fairly quickly it goes from 0 to a 100 and back again. It makes little to no sense. The looks of the models suffer from the same maladies as the pacing: both stunningly beautiful and frightfully ugly at times. Unless you are a fan of brown teeth, to name just one specific detail. The animations don’t have this problem: they are always of a piss poor quality. The lewd scenes are for the most part vanilla and uninspired. All cowgirl, doggy and blowjob. That’s about it. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

The Adventurous Couple Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Adventurous Couple Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Everything just screams laziness or inaptness. I give the two stars for the times that the main girl Anne actually looks great and to the dev for trying to make a game with these type of kinks.There are some issues. For some reason, despite the MC remaining faithful and not sleeping with any other women his wife will make remarks in late game about him sleeping with other women. This needs to be fixed. Also, in a few places the image doesn’t change at the appropriate time with the dialog but this issue isn’t that much of a problem. Some things that I would change: If Cuck=True there should be more dialog changes from the wife that reflect this. Time for an honest and objective review of one of my favourite games. This is a must play for anyone who’s into the sharing/hotwife/cuckold genre. Let me start with what I loved about the game. It has a lot of fap material with sex scenes galore. Anne has a lot of fun with strangers and friends and truly begins to go wilder with each update. The MC can have his fair share of fun with other girls too and i appreciated it. Anne also gets annoyed/mad wen the MC denies some of the opportunities that she would have wanted to take on. It’s feels grounded and provides itself as the consequences of him wanting to share her. But the most glaring flaw regarding that is how it falls off on matters of cheating. It’s not treated as an issue as big as it should be whether it’s the MC or Anne herself cheating on each other multiple times throughout the game.

Beautiful character models

The game description mentions something about the ultimate goal of sharing Anne but the way the cheating aspect of the game is handled made my immersion lessen each time the MC and Anne discussed it and brushed it off instantly. Comeon Mircom3D, you named the game “The Adventurous Couple” not “The Adventures/Corruption of Anne”. There’s no longer a Couple if they keep cheating on each other without any consequences. That’s my only gripe regarding this almost perfect game minus the oversized unreal 12+ inches dicks(ಥ‿ಥ) going into Anne. Keep up the good work and hope to see Mircom3D achieve new heights with each update. As a wanking game, TAC can work pretty well, unless you cannot tolerate it’s tags. Most importantly and obiously this refers to ntr. I’m neither pro nor con ntr myself – I don’t play “myself” in these games, but a made-up character, so, in a similar manner than with incest, it’s something that I wouldn’t want in my real life, but that can spice up a fictional story nonetheless. If you can take such attitude, large parts of TAC can be reasonably hot. The game does get a tad repetetive from a certain point on, but it isn’t too bad. The story … yeah, it’s serviceable. At least it’s not cringeworthy or tries something the author is unable to pull off. There’s just enough story to spice up the scenes, which is how it’s supposed to be in a game like this in my book. Riders Republic PS5

The Adventurous Couple Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Adventurous Couple Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Even though her facial expression sometimes looks a bit artificial, I like the main protagonist Anne. She, as well as most other characters in the game, has reasonably realistic body proportions, always a plus in my book. Unfortunately, most males suffer from morbus biggus dickus, which takes away a chunk of realism again, but … ah well, it is what it is. Asset selection is a bit uneven, but it’s very hard to find matching assets, so that’s more like a remark than a criticism. Now on to the area that really takes away from the quality of the game, big time: production quality. It’s really, really uneven. There are some absolutely top-notch visuals in the game, high quality images with good lighting. In stills, render quality is generally very good without grains. The animations, however, are often abysmal, heavy with artifacts, sometimes with movement issues like a rapidly shaking head that would be better suited to a horror movie. Some animations are passable, others are really utter garbage. If I understand DAZ correctly, an animation is just a string of still renders, so how exactly this drastically different outlook on quality comes to pass goes beyond me, but it’s undeniably an issue. Beyond the render quality, many stills have issues as well, though. There’s a lot of poke-through, which means there are spots where you can see the surface below (usually the skin) through the surface that’s supposed to cover it.

Most of the action doesn’t really involve humiliating the MC. The MC is very attractive, confident and mature instead of a bumbling idiot.

That happens very frequently with clothing and sometimes with hair as well. There’s the occasional occurance of DAZs well known “black teeth” lighting issue, at other times teeth are so white it would put tothpaste advertisements to shame.In quite a few scenes, either the background or objects in the scene behave quirky, jumping around between renders or even just disappearing. Sometimes the artist didn’t bother at all and you get the default gray DAZ background. It’s not rare for limbs “sinking in” a grasping hand disappearing it whatever it was grasping, or a foot “clipping” through the ground. In one scene in an aircraft, there’s even a gaping hole in the “hull” of the plane where the artist didn’t align the pieces properly. The frequency of all this is downright alarming and showcases utter lack of attention to detail in this area. I dabbled with DAZ myself, and all of this can happen too easily, so a few occurances, I could easily forgive. However, such issues are so frequent in this game that I have to deduct a point for it, followed by another one for the artist appearently just not caring about it. It’s easy to fix, but obviously he doesn’t give a rats arse. Too bad. To sum it up, if you can live with ntr, I feel TAC is worth playing, but should be played in a way that you are constantly “distracted” and can’t / won’t pay too much attention to the game’s production quality issues. Rhythm Doctor

The Adventurous Couple Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Adventurous Couple Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Once you start to notice those, they are so frequent as to be impossible to ignore, unfortunately. Edit: I tried the faithful route for both Anne and the MC and Anne still cheats. Bruh…. And it seems like Mircom3D didn’t even consider people going full faithful with the MC too since when he first confronts Anne about the cheating with Malcolm she says something along the lines of “you cheated too, so we’re even” Bitch what you smokin? She says that wen the MC ignores every pussy thrown at him on the Full Faithful path. Just gotta remind myself to never play faithful since it’s no use at all. Previously had 4 stars, one star less now since playing the Faithful path gave me brain cancer and reduced my IQ. The latest update added the remaining days of the vacation and updated content to previous chapters. Added content attempted to make Anne more likable and add some girl-girl scenes. It ended up breaking the majority of the game. But I commend the developer on taking the time to update previous content and add scenes. The new vacation content was horrific. Five days of watching the couple eat dinner. It would be a complete waste except for the addition of a great sex party. The most notable change is the developer writing in a complete “honesty” reset where the couple comes clean on all their misdeeds and forgives each other. The user is not privy to what was discussed in that conversation, only that all is forgiven. No clue what that means for the future. Despite Anne claiming she wants honesty and more involvement from her husband, she immediately continues her affair with Ryan. I guess we will see what happens…

The female MC just has the perfect body. Athletic figure. The pictures and animations look really neat.

After playing what I believe is every option available through Chapter 14, I have come to the conclusion that ‘I love to hate, hate to love’ this visual novel. More appropriately titled, “The Cheating Wife, Clueless Cuckold.” First, the animations, models, and CG are spectacular. The characters are all detailed and very attractive. (Yes, <sigh>, the dicks are all ridiculously large.)The sex scenes are burning hot fires! Anne is one of my favorite characters to look at… And that is where the love affair ends. A happily married, very much in love couple has decided to spice up their love life. They agree to slowly move together toward activities that will heat up their own already passionate, lovemaking — following some simple rules. They will not push the wife to do anything that makes her uncomfortable. They will always play together, appeasing the husband’s desire to watch his wife have sex. And they agree to always be truthful with each other. Nearly all swingers follow these rules without fail; it is what keeps swingers happily married. Maybe I’m not exaggerating when I say, this game is a basic requirement for NTR lovers. Personally I found many instructive elements in it, so it’s also worth a try for those, who are not really open for this topic.

The Adventurous Couple Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Adventurous Couple Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

A little brief introduction for the new ones. The game is about a married couple who have been living together for years, and they still love each other very much, however their sex life have already became boring. Then the husband (The MC) brings up his old desire again, to involve a third person in their relationship. This is where the story begins.. The game will unfold pretty slowly step by step, and it wont rush you with a bunch of NTR content. Just like when you put an ornamental fish in a bag of water into an aquarium. The story builds up pretty well, so you won’t be able stop the reading. In fact, I could list for hours why this game is so good and why it’s worth to try, but there is about 80 review already before mine, where these benefits are described. But there are many negative posts too, especially in the comment section …more than what a developer needs. The game has received a lot of criticism lately, and many of them I felt unfair. Personally I don’t think it’s the Dev’s fault that this game is going in the wrong direction. It’s rather ours.. The problem is not there when a lot of people describing their ideas, because if they are useful it’s always come in handy. The problem is that after each update a multitude of dissatisfied people flood the page. But since we are not the same, there will always be someone who is not satisfied.

When the dev reads these critiques, we are not motivating, but rather demotivating him. No surprise then if his mood will goes away from the sequel. Unfortunately the game has reached that state, when you feel on the story the dev is working under pressure, and he trying to satisfy everyone …And the result is a multitude of empty dialogues and some sex scenes which no longer have any effect on the reader. Thx to us, the game became soulless. But I don’t want to join the ranks of critics, so I won’t go into detail more about the negatives what we caused. My goal is for this game, to regain its old feel, so I give a piece of advice to the Dev. I suggest to return to those parts and chapters, when he was making the game with full heart, and when the game was in its heyday. But first, the game needs a good meaningful story, and instead of the many pop-in characters whose names we forget in 2 minutes, we rather need constant actors. I am thinking of characters, who we will remember until long time. It is important that we get to know their personalities and characteristics, and they must be a constant part of the story. They can be old friends from the past, or we can get to know, and meet new ones. Resident Evil 3 

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