Super Chicken Jumper Switch NSP Free Download


Super Chicken Jumper Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Super Chicken Jumper Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET If you love your gaming with a slice of rage and guaranteed failure, then keep on reading. Super Chicken Jumper is the latest title to get your blood boiling as you are killed over and over again. Furthermore, its simple approach, colourful aesthetics and cute graphics lull you into a false sense of security. However, though it is brutal and will make you scream, it is also undeniably addictive. Consequently, I love and loathe this monstrous title in equal measure. Developed by Sewer Cat and Eastasiasoft Limited and published by the latter, this is a hardcore retro platformer. What’s more, it can be played cooperatively as you both scream, bicker, and call each other names. As such, you may not wish to play this with your significant other, as divorce is a guarantee. I’ve played some rage-inducing games in my time, but Super Chicken Jumper is near the top. With its Flappy Bird-like gameplay and straightforward concept, it gets under your skin and demands you keep going. Furthermore, it comprises an endless option and some brutal and unfair challenges. Subsequently, every element of it will make you wince, as you fail more times than you’d like to mention. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Super Chicken Jumper Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Super Chicken Jumper Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The action revolves around a superhero chicken who is agile, talented, and hated by the villains of the world. This poultry superstar must help Mrs President and her army of advisors take down enormous bosses. En route, you’ll visit 6 unique worlds, unlock a plethora of new equipment, and take down an array of enemies. What’s more, there are plenty of obstacles to avoid as you dash from A to B in this hectic run ‘n’ gun experience. What makes Super Chicken Jumper so addictive is its basic concept. The chicken must run from left to right, while leaping trees, snowballs, fish, birds, and more. If he is hit, this secret spy dies, and you must restart the stage. Thankfully, he is armed with an array of tools and equipment to give him a fighting chance. Moreover, there are power-ups that can be collected to change the course of the game. As you complete each stage, you’ll unlock new weaponry and a range of hats and shoes. Each of these items gives you a unique approach to the stage you are facing. Whether it is a boomerang, gun, knife, jetpack, running shoes, or umbrella hat, they all have their uses. Alongside this, you’ll collect bombs, a mushroom that turns you into a gargantuan chicken, and a poisoned mushroom that has an adverse effect.

Weapons and items to help you become the most badass chicken in the world.

Each of these power-ups is completely random, and this adds to the fun. Once you’ve overcome each level, you’ll face a mutated boss. These massive beasts are brutal as hell but follow a set routine. Accordingly, once you understand their attack pattern, you can formulate a plan and defeat them. This may sound easy, but it isn’t. Even if you know what they’ll do, each boss will still kick your ass repeatedly. Consequently, when you do defeat them, it is rewarding, enjoyable, and makes it worthwhile. Retro gaming is all the rage. As such, I’ve grown fond of playing them on my Xbox Series X. Now, I know it doesn’t utilise the next-gen power, but I care not. Instead, I adore the sharp colours, the basic sprites, and the simple backdrops. Furthermore, the rough finish adds to the old-school charm. Alongside this, the rudimentary cinematic is hilarious and full of Anime girls. These cute images try to “sex up” the action, but it wasn’t my cup of tea. However, though, I chuckled repeatedly as the developers used plenty of stupid jokes to lighten the mood. What was equally good was the audio. The jovial and energetic soundtrack was absolutely amazing. This is complemented by the shrill and repetitive sound effects. Crysis 3 Remastered

Super Chicken Jumper Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Super Chicken Jumper Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Whether it was the crash of a bullet, the ting of you jumping, or the sound of inevitable failure, it never got old. The developers focused on a simple button layout. As such, Super Chicken Jumper is easy to pick up, but tough to master. It combines accurate action with twin stick elements. As such, it can be fiddly to perfect the shooting mechanics while avoiding never-ending threats. However, once you nail it, it is phenomenal and rewarding. Talking of rewarding things, the endless and challenge modes deliver some of the hardest action I’ve experienced. You’ll fail repeatedly, swear even more, and wish you never started. Yet, it’s more addictive than crack cocaine and more rewarding than climbing Everest. Consequently, this basic game is tough to put down. Procedural generation. When in the right hands, it can create an endless sea of possibilities that are fun and engaging with a few surprises thrown in for good measure. It isn’t always done that way though and here lies the problem with Super Chicken Jumper. Some mildly amusing jokes and ideas set up this auto runner dodge em up to be a barrel of fun yet after 10 minutes you’ll be rolling your eyes at its lack of understanding on what makes a game like this fun to play.

Challenging levels in 6 distinct worlds.

Your chicken autoruns but you can still move it left and right on screen. You can jump and after a few levels you’ll unlock the ability to use a weapon. You’ll unlock 8 types of jump to equip over the course of the game and 8 weapons each with their own arc, range and reload cooldown. Choosing the right one from what you’ve unlocked for each area is key because here’s where the rot set in. The procedural generation doesn’t really care about you at all. Enemies often move in wavelengths but spend a lot of the time taking up two of the three lanes of movement you realistically have. They will be ill timed to trees, snowmen, ice blocks and moon rocks so if you try to move left or right to nip between enemies you’ll often just land on objects instead. You could try to use your weapon to clear them but the reload time for many of the weapons means you can jump one thing, hit another and then just run out of abilities to tackle a third. Of course, moving left and right mid jump can help you survive a bit but the fuzzy collision detection is extremely unreliable to you aren’t ever sure if you are truly clear of an object or not. Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Super Chicken Jumper Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Super Chicken Jumper Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This makes using the press and hold for longer jumps essential but but also unreliable too as tiny hops lead to death but big jumps don’t line up with the natural object spawn rate. This are even worse in co-op mode where things spawn right in front of you without a chance to move out of the way. All of this contributes to a feeling that 50% of the time, you simply can’t finish a run through a level. It doesn’t matter about your skill. Just die quickly and restart – then hope you’ve got the skill when a clear path is available. Nowhere does this issue pop up more than in endless mode where the online leaderboard shows less than 10 people on launch have got beyond 10 seconds. Put simply – its just not fun or engaging to play when everything feels out of your hands. This feels more like some loose memes made into a poorly designed autorun game where actually designed levels would have elevated this game hugely over brainless object and enemy spamming. Shame. Super chicken jumper is a humorous, auto runner styled game, with a funny story and 6 worlds to go out and beat. The gameplay is somewhat of an autorunner.

An endless mode with 6 different stages.

Yet allows you to run further ahead and retract back which is used in tandem with the jumping and shooting to get past obstacles, each world increasingly adds more complex obstacles and enemies to force the player to start reading ahead and learn patterns to dodge, it all works really well and at the end of a world is the bosses, which were my favourite parts of the game, they’re tough but fair, takes some time to understand their attacks but once you do getting that satisfying winning run is so enjoyable. The music i don’t think i ever turned off, it was just super clean and each area had music which i think fit perfectly, same goes for the sound effects, from shooting stuff to bashing off a wall, it all comes together and has a nice clean presentation soundwise. Graphics are insanely clean too, foreground and background stick out very distinctly from one another and can be read ahead of time, which is crucial to the gameplay, the characters are all very well done too, some of the dialogue i had to take a quick pause for cause it just kept making me laugh, really love its humor and goofy story that it went with. There is a small imbalance with the weapons as the uzi or laser cannon just outclass everything by a longshot.

Also the double jump and jetpack doing the same thing to movement options, which kinda sucks but didn’t bother me too much, and the endless achievements requiring 2 minutes is quite a demand considering the normal stages are about 20-30 seconds give or take, but personally i really enjoyed the endless achievements even if base XX is insanely harder than the rest, i didn’t get overly bored doing them so its a thumbs up from me. Overall, a very fun game with some good laughs in it, has some imbalance and demands a lot for completion but not nearly enough for it to be even remotely close to a negative in my books. I thoroughly enjoyed the humor of this game’s cutscenes and dialogue, as well as its presented asthetic and catchy music. Unfortunately, I felt that the design of the levels in the story mode was fundamentally flawed, as most of the enjoyment that could be had from them is undone thanks to their RNG nature (obstacles and enemies being randomly placed throughout them upon each death). This causes the difficulty of these levels to feel all over the place, going back and forth from ridiculous to easy on what seems like a whim.

Super Chicken Jumper Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Super Chicken Jumper Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Ultimately this makes some deaths feel somewhat cheap and even leads to eventual victories feeling unsatisfying (as though you merely got lucky due to the placement of things). It’s not all bad, though, as the boss fights in this game are far and away the best part of it. They are exactly the right level of challenging, and as you learn their patterns and overcome them you’ll finally find that sense of accomplishment you were likely looking for. Sadly, there are only 8 boss fights (7 normal bosses + 1 secret boss) throughout the entire story of the game, with the other 30 levels of the worlds being comprised of mostly misery. That said, I did also have a good time with the game’s challenge mode. Nearly every challenge feels distinct from one another and the vast majority of them were enjoyable to complete (there is also significantly less RNG at play). All in all, the game is a rather mixed bag. The story levels can feel downright unbalanced at times, but the bosses are great and the challenges are a fair bit of fun as well. However, due to those story levels representing the majority of the experience I feel that I cannot really recommend this funny little chicken game. This is a shame, especially since I believe toning down or simply removing its RNG would rectify nearly all the issues, but as it is the game is simply too unpredictable and frustrating of an experience for too much of its play time. Zombie Driver Immortal Edition Switch NSP

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