SHREK SUPERSLAM Free Download GAMESPACK.NET From Activision and Shaba Games comes Shrek SuperSlam for GameCube, PlayStation 2 and Xbox. This colorful 3D fighter attempts to marry the lovable characters and recognizable locations from the Shrek franchise with the four-player-friendly brawl mechanics of Nintendo’s hit Super Smash Bros. series. In some ways, SuperSlam is a success. Where presentation is concerned, it hits the mark, providing a wealth of playable fighters, each sporting humorous personalities ripped directly from the movies. But although Shrek himself packs a big punch, the fighting mechanics of the title fall short of their aspirations, especially when multiple characters crowd the screen.From Activision and Shaba Games comes Shrek SuperSlam for GameCube, PlayStation 2 and Xbox. This colorful 3D fighter attempts to marry the lovable characters and recognizable locations from the Shrek franchise with the four-player-friendly brawl mechanics of Nintendo’s hit Super Smash Bros. series. In some ways, SuperSlam is a success. Where presentation is concerned, it hits the mark, providing a wealth of playable fighters, each sporting humorous personalities ripped directly from the movies. But although Shrek himself packs a big punch, the fighting mechanics of the title fall short of their aspirations, especially when multiple characters crowd the screen. The end result is a brawler that’s often mildly fun despite its flaws, but also one that is probably only suited to Shrek-a-holics and younger gamers. .TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



The end result is a brawler that’s often mildly fun despite its flaws, but also one that is probably only suited to Shrek-a-holics and younger gamers. SuperSlam is of course designed to be at its best with multiple gamers (whether or not it actually is, we believe, is something open to debate), but it boasts a short, but well-crafted single-player mode all the same. The offering even comes complete with a humorous storyline that successfully capitalizes on the traits of such beloved Shrek characters as Donkey, Puss in Boots, Princess Fiona, Gingerbread Man, Prince Charming and Pinocchio. Through well implemented in-game cut-scenes we learn that Donkey has invited his friends over to watch some television. Shrek SuperSlam is a good game for younger people and fans of the movies. It’s simple, easy entertainment that isn’t at all demanding or convoluted. The characters retain the same great charm from the movies, and there are even funny moments in some of the cutscenes. The only problem with the game is that it really doesn’t have enough depth to sustain it for much more than a few hours, which makes it difficult to recommend at $40. Still, it’s worth checking out if you love melee games or the Shrek series, because it does a fairly good job of delivering on both those fronts.

Shrek and friends battle

But that his little Dronkeys (dragon donkeys) just won’t go to sleep. Shrek and pals decide to make up bedtime stories to lull them to sleep. These tales comprise the setups for a batch of fights to follow. Activision and Shaba Games have not used the original celebrity talent to provide voices for their in-game characters, but impressionists convincingly get the job done. There were numerous times when we smiled or chuckled during the progression of the short single-player game, which is a testament to the presentation. The single player mode can be whipped through in about 20 minutes, but luckily the title also features unique and sometimes entertaining Mega Challenges to extend the experience for individual gamers. Innovate pivot



The characters look fairly detailed as well, and they all have unique and funny animations, like when Donkey picks up an item with his back hooves and balances on his front hooves to use the item. The sound is also well done. Mike Meyers, Eddie Murphy, and Cameron Diaz didn’t voice their respective roles, but the soundalikes deliver respectable imitations. The music is happy and upbeat, just as in the movies. Thankfully, there’s no Smash Mouth to be heard, but the tunes have the same sort of ska sound, which fits in well with the light theme of the game. In this mode, players move Shrek around a virtual game board and compete in various mini-games and conventional fights. There are some 45 Mega Challenges to go through and they are for the most part fairly original in what they ask players to do. For instance, in one, Puss and Boots might need to keep an object away from an opponent for 45 seconds. In another, the goal might simply be to perform more slams on enemies than they do gamers. The Mega Challenges are decidedly shallow in design and each has run its course in a couple minutes or less, but they are nevertheless engaging while they last. Completionists will be required to play through this mode to unlock additional characters and fighting arenas that can then be utilized in the other modes.

Obviously designed for younger audiences

SuperSlam’s fight arenas and mechanics seem to be influenced by both the Power Stone and Super Smash Bros. franchises, both of which are superior. Shrek and pals have all the right ingredients. A cast of more than 20 unique and oftentimes ridiculous characters. A wealth of some 16 destructible fight arenas, each completely different in theme and many ripped directly from the Shrek universe. And most importantly, pick-up-and-fight control mechanics that emphasize simple combos and big SuperSlams, which are more or less the equivalent of smashes in Nintendo’s brawler. So sure enough, Shrek has its moments of frantic fighting goodness, especially as players become familiar with some of the control intricacies. Internet Cafe Simulator 2



The game successfully defuses button mashing by infusing strategic combo, blocking and wall-jumping attacks, and there’s no doubt that bouncing off a castle bridge and bashing an opponent into a nearby structure, which crumbles upon impact, is fun and entertaining. There are some key differences which separate the good SuperSlam from the outstanding Smash Bros, though. The first is control responsiveness. Every character in Nintendo’s brawler is ultra responsive and able to move about the arenas with a quickness and agility that makes possible precision fighting. In contrast, just about every fighter in SuperSlam is more sluggishly maneuvered through the arenas

Humor of the Shrek movies

And oftentimes character animations prevent immediate reactions, which can be frustrating. Just as integral is that in Super Smash Bros., the framerate never dips, even with multiple characters on the screen. In Shrek’s world, however, the fluidity takes a hit with multiple characters fighting, which adds to the overall disappointingly sluggish feeling and in turn makes the multiplayer offering — what should be the fighter’s biggest draw — less appealing.SuperSlam is of course designed to be at its best with multiple gamers (whether or not it actually is, we believe, is something open to debate), but it boasts a short, but well-crafted single-player mode all the same. The offering even comes complete with a humorous storyline that successfully capitalizes on the traits of such beloved Shrek characters as Donkey, Puss in Boots, Princess Fiona, Gingerbread Man, Prince Charming and Pinocchio. Through well implemented in-game cut-scenes we learn that Donkey has invited his friends over to watch some television, but that his little Dronkeys (dragon donkeys) just won’t go to sleep. Shrek and pals decide to make up bedtime stories to lull them to sleep. None of this is to suggest that SuperSlam is a failure as a fighter because that’s not true. Despite these shortcomings, it’s still enjoyable. But it is not nearly as controllable or polished as the games it seeks to imitate, and that is too bad. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle R



Shrek fans will undoubtedly be pleased with SuperSlam’s visual presentation. The title accurately recreates famous Shrek characters right down to the warts on the ogre’s face and the cookie lines on the Gingerbread Man’s body. Meanwhile, the models animate fluidly and usually humorously. But in our opinion it’s the environments themselves, which crash apart and transform throughout the fights, which are most impressive, as they display a level of interactivity uncommon in brawlers. Most of the gameplay in Shrek SuperSlam revolves around short, two-minute battles with up to four participants. The objective of these battles is to “slam” your opponents as many times as possible.

You’ll fill up a slam gauge after you’ve landed several attacks. Once that gauge is full you can perform a special slam attack that sends your opponent crashing around the stage in scripted, but entertaining ways. There are 20 characters in all, and each one has a unique slam attack. Shrek farts, Puss in Boots charms enemies with the cute kitty look, Donkey does a running head butt, Fiona the ogre sings (terribly), and so on. Every time you slam an opponent you get a point and they lose a point. The one with the most points at the end of the round wins. In addition to the slam attacks, each character has a light attack and a strong attack. These two attacks can be strung together to form combos.


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