PAYDAY THE HEIST Free Download GAMESPACK.NET I’ve owned a copy of PayDay: The Heist for a while — nearly a month, in fact — and although I’ve played plenty of other games since this download arrived, PayDay memories still bring a smile to my face. Nix getting killed outside the bank vault over and over again, exchanging my first hostage for a teammate, Ben Dickens and I massacring a SWAT team while monitoring the second floor of a drug den — this game turned the IGN office into a screaming match. PayDay: The Heist is stiff and unintuitive in spots, but the overall package is a fun and a welcome addition to the PlayStation Network. There are three different single-player modes in Shrek SuperSlam. You can just jump into melee mode to start fighting in any of the 16 stages right away, or for a more progressive experience, you can check out story mode or the mega-challenge mode. Story mode is a brief series of straightforward brawls with a short cutscene to provide a bit of context. There are only eight stages in story mode, and you can blow through all of them in 20 minutes or so. In one stage, Gingerbread Man fights Puss in Boots after the cat eats one of the cookie’s brethren. In another stage, Donkey has to fight off Prince Charming after offending his noble sensibilities. The stages all have a twisted fairy tale theme, like a parody of MTV’s Cribs starring Gingerbread Man and his gingerbread house. If you’ve seen Point Break or played Left 4 Dead, wrapping your head around PayDay: The Heist is easy. .TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



Since it’s a melee game, you can bet there are plenty of wild and crazy multiplayer modes, right? Well, actually there are only two multiplayer modes. There’s a basic melee mode, and a king of the hill game where you score points for each second you remain in a certain area of the map. You can play with up to four players, but with the limited options and game modes you’ll get bored with the multiplayer pretty quickly. While it lasts, though, SuperSlam does provide plenty of mindless fun in short, two-minute pickup rounds.A cooperative first-person shooter, PayDay casts you and three bots or online friends as thieves and gives you six different jobs to go out on. Missions range from a bank heist to breaking out a prisoner to getting away from a job gone wrong, and enemy tactics change depending on how you’re tackling a job. When I first started playing, I assumed these situations would get stale as the mission objectives don’t change — you’re always doing the same action in the same place — but PayDay keeps it interesting with its dynamic leveling system. Your character evolves as you play and that tweaks the game’s various heists. Each time you level up, you unlock a new weapon

Six High-Intensity Heists

Shrek SuperSlam is a good game for younger people and fans of the movies. It’s simple, easy entertainment that isn’t at all demanding or convoluted. The characters retain the same great charm from the movies, and there are even funny moments in some of the cutscenes. The only problem with the game is that it really doesn’t have enough depth to sustain it for much more than a few hours, which makes it difficult to recommend at $40. Still, it’s worth checking out if you love melee games or the Shrek series, because it does a fairly good job of delivering on both those fronts. Item or bonus from the experience tree you have active. See, there are three trees and you can switch between them at any time. This is important to point out in the review because PayDay never explains this system in the game. I had to call the folks behind PayDay to get an explanation of how the trees work. PayDay’s menus tend to just throw text at you and leave you to figure it out. I’m sure most people will do just that, but I know some folks will just walk away in frustration. That’s a shame because the skill trees are worth getting to the bottom of — there are more than 140 levels to achieve. Once you get an established crew together, you can build teams where everyone has a specialized function. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle R



You can have a medic, an ammo man, a dude whose sole job is to handcuff hostages; it all depends on which tree a given player has been investing in. That kind of role-playing is great for people who want to nerd out and plan missions.Playing heists over and over again is the point of PayDay. Each time I started a job, I was out to do better than the time before. I’d warn new teammates about faulty drills, coordinate taking out security cameras, and call out cops that needed to be wiped out. It was actually a bit creepy (yet thrilling) how well my friends and I transitioned into the role of criminals. We’d pull our guns, put on our clown masks, and begin working as a unit. Cue the in-office screaming and me loving the atmosphere. By default the Xbox, PlayStation 2, and PC versions of Shrek SuperSlam look about the same, although the PC looks best if you crank up the resolution. However, the default PC controls are awkward, since you use WASD to move, and then use the J, K, I, and L keys to attack, jump, and pick stuff up. The Xbox and PlayStation 2 versions both feature easy, intuitive controls. Also, the PC version crashed on us a couple of times during start-up, but other than that it ran smoothly. The stages are all well designed according to their specific themes, and they look like they were taken straight out of the Shrek universe.

Endless Replayability

But make no mistake about it, the “we” was a big part of the good time. PayDay: The Heist packs a single-player option that pairs you with AI teammates, but it’s only good for getting to know the maps and working on leveling up. The game shines when you play it with friends using headsets, and even then, dumb enemies and stiff gunplay can spoil some people’s good time. PayDay really stumbles when it comes to presentation and polish. In story mode, all the matches are straightforward fights, but for a change of pace you can check out the mega-challenge mode. This mode is presented as a board game where you can move from space to space to complete a variety of special challenges or participate in tournaments. The challenges are pretty simple and aren’t too difficult to complete. For one challenge you simply have to run around a small track faster than an opponent, and for another challenge you have to toss six gingerbread men into an oven. .Objectives populate every map and change as the job progresses (go here, bomb this, capture that). However, the game doesn’t bother explaining them all that well. There’s a part in the first mission where you have to wait for a fire to eat through a bank vault’s ceiling Kaiju Princess 



The tournament spaces are equally simplistic, but they’re slightly more challenging. Each tournament consists of a handful of battles against one or two opponents, with the objective being to get the most slams. Sometimes there are special rules in these tournaments, like battles where every hit is a slam, but they’re still just your basic brawls. And every time someone new played with me, they’d think we missed something or screwed something up as the fire just burns and burns and burns. There’s no countdown, and the majority of the references to the process are in-game audio lines that get lost when players are jabbering at each other. The game just feels clunky at times whether it’s an enemy spawning from thin air or someone clipping through a wall. Payday looks, sounds, and plays much like a standard first-person shooter, although the goals are different. Here, instead of killing all comers, you and three comrades pull off a heist while dressed in suits and freak-show masks.  You pick from the assault, sharpshooter, and support classes

Hostage Trading

And then head into the fray with the objective of stealing valuables that will put your gang on easy street for life. Experience points are earned in each scenario, which lead to leveling up and unlocking extra equipment. Six maps are featured with locales ranging from a typical urban bank and a diamond repository to a slaughterhouse and a downtown street where a shooting spree ensues after your getaway driver leaves you behind. Everything is strongly objective focused. An ally gives you orders over a headset and pushes you from one goal to another. So you are always looking for a bank manager with a key card, wiping data from a security system, placing explosives, rigging up drills to get into bank vaults



setting up saws to cut into a panic room loaded with drug-dealer cash, and so forth. Mechanics are well handled. While the core notion of the game is gritty and at least vaguely realistic, the combat is loose enough that you can sustain a lot of damage and go full Rambo. Assault waves of hundreds of cops swarm you on a regular basis that provide lots of targets and really ratchet up the tension, thanks to your remote boss counting down the seconds until they start rushing at you. If you get on a roll, though, you can kill dozens of officers before they turn you into John Dillinger. Still, you’re prevented from getting too kill-happy by restrictions on available ammo and the predominance of somewhat

wimpy weapons like a silenced pistol and an automatic rifle. Health plays a big part in this because quick regeneration allows you to absorb a ton of punishment. A buddy can also help you to your feet when you’re knocked down. It takes a lot to kill you, but you have to know your limitations. If you get caught in the open or exposed to cross fire when cops flank you, you will likely die. Maps are exquisitely designed. Although there are just six included, they are so dynamic and loaded with routes to objectives that they rarely play out the same way twice. Every mission is captivating, mixing up enough stealth, bloody carnage, and sheer nail-biting tension to fill a dozen heist movies. Latex Dungeon 


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