Shieldwall Free Download


Shieldwall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Shieldwall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Shieldwall is an action-strategy tactical battle simulation video game that allows you to play as a squadron leader in the middle of a war. Developed and published by Nezon Production, this third-person game features team commands in the midst of the action and is set during the Roman invasion of Gaul. Your mission is to lead your troops in conquering lands by decimating the enemy claiming flag checkpoints to fully complete a level.Shieldwall’s premise is simple: you have to invade Gaul for the glory of Rome and Julius Caesar. As such, you need to defeat the enemies to occupy the region. In this game, you technically play as a single character of high rank. However, when you mobilize on the battlefield, you actually control a unit full of soldiers. They will flank behind you, follow your movements, and obey the commands you activate. The commands are mostly simple, such as Follow Me, Missiles, Charge, Hold. They’re bound to certain keys on your keyboard so you just have to press according to what’s happening in the battle.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Shieldwall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Shieldwall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The instructions are on the bottom-right corner and next to it is the shield counter. When deploying, you can hire different types of fighters with enough money. There are limits to how many you can have so choose wisely. The encounters are simple, too, as you will face off against other colored teams of 2 to 4 while you explore the area. They respond accordingly to your attacks, such as shielding up against thrown spears the way you hold. Your main goal is to conquer the flags scattered about the area and finish off all opposition. Gold can be earned this way to buy more units for the next match.Overall, Shieldwall is pretty easy and fun to play. However, its biggest downside is the lack of more engaging content. The campaign can be finished quickly but other than that, there’s no other game mode. It would be nice if it had a multiplayer mode or even the option to customize battle scenarios as challenges for the players. Graphically, though, Shieldwall is adorable and looks sillier than most war games, which is a plus point for it.

Create your own strategy in a game of 2-4 teams.

Updated Review 07FEB22: The momentum is amazing when the game is in full swing. However it still feels too much like a Roblox Tycoon game. I think it could be improved greatly by implementing a save game system into the campaign. Original Review: The game is fun, but it has far too little content to be fun for more than a few matches. Matches are only won through unit spam with no reason for the use of real tactics. I got it on sale for $7.99 but everyone should be aware that this developer has abandoned two games in the past. I’ll be sure to update this review in the future if this game gets better. I have high hopes for it if it does get continuous development and support in the future. I think that the game has potential, but there are a number of fundamental problems making it not fun to play. First, the good bits are that moving the men around, using testudo formation and throwing the javelins is all pretty good. The melee combat is very simple but that’s not really what it’s about.Vampire Survivors

Shieldwall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Shieldwall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

It is missing unit variety right now, but that might come with time and is not the real issue. The problem is that the way they have implemented the maps and flags makes for an unfun and easily cheesed game loop. The key to winning is to NOT fight, but to buy a handful of cheap militia to capture flags more quickly with, and then run around behind the AI enemies always capturing the flags behind their back and never engaging their forces. This lets you save money for upgrades while the enemy armies waste their money fighting each other, then by the end game you will have basically unlimited money and all of the upgrades, and the AI will be exhausted and broke, and then you just go in for the kill. This is just not a very fun gameloop. The appeal should be fighting battles, not running around the map fleeing from the enemy and quickly stealing one flag after another. You don’t even really need to watch your own base, because it just amounts to another flag and you don’t lose the game just from losing your base. I might as well make a review of the game too here!

Siege an enemy and defend your own castle in one match.

I firstly wanna thank the devs for giving me early access to the game! And answering some of my questions. So now I finally finished the two maps which was given to me by them. I will do the reverse of what a normal review would do, they mostly take up the positive stuff before the negatives. But I will instead take up what I disliked. First thing, I noticed was that while in combat the movement was a bit clunky, what I mean by that was sometimes I suddenly was behind the character I was trying to hit. Secondly, I noticed on the second map how simple the AI paths are, I won’t spoil anything but all I had to do was hide in a bush and let the two armies clash than join the battle just 2 second after to kill the remaining ones. I wish it would be a bit more random as there was three paths they could otherwise take .And thirdly as I always loves to take up three things, It is nothing big tho as I really enjoyed the game for being a beta, BUT what was up with those helmets? The legionaries had weird helmets, it looked like they could be hanged with a string,Red Dead Redemption 2

Shieldwall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Shieldwall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I think it would been smarter to just leave it flat.◦ First thing that I wanna take up which stunned me, was the graphics, don’t get me wrong it is not one of those real life looking graphics but instead I just love how the nature looks, how the characters walk and how they just look sooo stuffy. I also like how the blood combines with the gras. Also the voices, FOR ROMAN. Secondly, the standards customize was awesome, really gives me more control over the faction. In formata it was more based on WHICH faction you were and it made me sad because I liked the romans but the greeces had the best standards. Thirdly, the difference in the factions, how they look, their shield, their armour and so on. I also like how I can easily spot the commander out of a army. How the AI function when player dies and there no more spawnpoint left. The soldiers that was left went and captured a point THEMSELVES, I was extremely scared that I just had lost. Lastly the map, choosing a battle, campaign and so on. I just think it was a neat function.This developer has 2 abandoned games, that makes me think this is going to be the third.

Enjoy extremely dynamic and fun-filled battles.

The game is fun, but after 2 battles you get bored. Units, as long as you control the base spam instantly making it possible to just defend spamming your troops, it’s like an endless supply of troops (as long as you have gold). This isn’t tactical at all, just crazy battles in a goofy setting. It’s nice but boring after a while. Hope this game doesn’t get abandoned, but as today, I can’t recommend it.Very fun game! Its a mixture of both strategy and a bit of hack & slash. Looking forward to its potential, and hopefully a future multiplayer. It’s still in early access, but for its price I would definitely recommend adding this into your library!This game has a bright future ahead of it, as even though the updates are spaced out, they offer large jumps in quality and new features. A couple of fun features i would imagine increasing my enjoyment would be either a wave based survival mode, and possibly PvE/PvP multiplayer. I have been frustrating over this game for too long. The campaign is pretty fun and challenging- in the first act; however, once you get to the second or third mission of act 2, good luck.

For Act 2, and especially act 3, the balancing between the AI and you, the player, is so dismally bad, that you really have to be extremely careful and it will likely take you numerous restarts just to get the right number of defenders recruited to even have a slight chance. Not only that, but the number of full recruits is laughable. 25 units, counting yourself, your standard bearer, even before hiring him, and any other recruit, defender or otherwise all count towards it. Now, 25 is enough for the early missions, but once you get to some of the ones where leaving defenders at most of the control points is extremely critical… you can only have about 9 or 10 with you at most; and 10 is not enough to fight the other’s army. Because of this, the timing is everything and you usually can’t actually have a full on fight with the AI’s army until you can free up some space by not needing as many defenders. The only real way to fight with your commander is with your pila, or javelin, and you don’t get an convenient camera angle for that, especially if your small troop is around you because then you are pretty much throwing blind.

Shieldwall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Shieldwall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

If you try to fight with your sword, you’ll die, or become critically wounded within a few seconds- even just against a single enemy. Unfortunately, the AI commanders are ruthless and efficient in their killing methods by comparison. It’s definitely one of the worst things in the game, but not the most frustrating. This game is like a small car that has major engine problems, but the most immaculate paint job. It’s like playing with a cute and seemingly innocent child, only to find that the child is a super genius with limitless funds, and somehow do even better and become even harder to beat because you actually managed to do well. There are numerous missions where this sort of thing occurred, but sometimes, if you beat the other AI, the final one will change its behavior, become extremely aggressive, and nearly invincible, and seemingly have limitless resources. I was *this* close to getting a gold rating for those missions, but ended up with silver or bronze because I couldn’t beat this mechanic that is probably only there to ensure the player doesn’t win. Some of these missions are not fun; they’re simply frustrating and the worst part is, there really isn’t any strategy.Rust


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