Shakedown Hawaii Switch NSP Free Download


Shakedown Hawaii Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Shakedown Hawaii Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET VBlank Entertainment’s Retro City Rampage was a remarkable indie jab at video game giant Grand Theft Auto. Featuring everything from high-octane action to time-travelling shenanigans, it was a game that got everything right. It was smart, funny, gorgeous… in short, pretty much everything you’d want in a video game. After years of delays and an even longer development, you’d hope that Rampage’s successor Shakedown: Hawaii would be a grand return for VBlank. Unfortunately, it never hits the gold standard that was set before it. From a purely presentational standpoint, Shakedown: Hawaii is vastly superior to its predecessor. While Rampage’s 8-bit visuals were appropriately amiable, Hawaii instead opts for a gorgeously detailed 16-bit aesthetic. While a pixel-art world will never be as immersive as the fully 3-D landscapes of Red Dead or GTA, Hawaii’s compact world is so detail-rich that you could imagine being there. Fine details are plentiful: every corner of 16-bit Hawaii has something to gawp at, even if you’re just flattening pedestrians on your way to a mission. Civilians stroll around taking selfies, streets are filled with varied NPCs, trees sway and puddles cut as you drive through them. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Shakedown Hawaii Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Shakedown Hawaii Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There’s no denying the attention to detail here. Most of the game’s gorgeous objects also have numerous states as you’ll inevitably destroy them at some point during your playthrough. That lovely-looking brick wall? You’re going to drive right through it. That tiny shop? You’re going to burn it down to the ground. VBlank’s series has seen a growth spurt, not just in its visuals but also its story. While the original game was an amazing tongue-in-cheek jab at every pop culture reference in the past thirty years, Shakedown: Hawaii drops that entirely. Set thirty years after Rampage, the player character has evolved into the disgruntled CEO of the failing Feeble Corporation. As you’re struggling to keep your company afloat, you’ll resort to a life of crime and unethical business practices to rise from the ashes and take out your competitor, Featherbottom. The plot here isn’t complex at all, but that’s because any meaningful story beats are cast away in favour of pure comedic moments. Humour may be subjective, but Shakedown: Hawaii doesn’t supply its comedy as cannily as its predecessor did.

Another rampage.

while Rampage drew its humour from parody and outlandish situations, this time the laughs purely stem from the player character’s inability to keep up with modern conveniences. A lot of the jabs here are fair game. Large day one patches and console UI advertisements deserve to be heavily scrutinized, so too do egregious store-specific credit cards, but most of the jokes here are simply of the “old man yelling at a cloud” variety. That is the point; the character you’re playing as is hilariously out of touch, but Shakedown: Hawaii never evolves. Instead, you’re stuck with that one joke throughout most of the story. There are some chuckle-worthy scenes but, for the most part, it gets stale quickly and the dialogue is never as witty or clever as it was in Rampage. With the world being blown up to four times the size of the original, VBlank has made sure there’s something other than mindless-albeit-fun violence to do within it. Opening the game’s map will show the many purchasable buildings which you’ll have to acquire, upgrade and perform the titular shakedowns in. City Bus Manager

Shakedown Hawaii Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Shakedown Hawaii Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Unfortunately, this is the most prominent part of the game. Every few in-game minutes you’ll be granted daily revenue from your properties which immediately gets dumped into more properties. Once you purchased a building, you can upgrade it from a list of thirteen bonuses you’ll discover through story missions. Each building adds more revenue to purchase, yet more buildings and upgrades simply add a percentage increase to that revenue. It’s a mechanic that never evolves, it only gets more tedious. You’re simply buying a thing from a list of things that only serves the purpose of allowing you to buy even more things. It’s mindless busywork. As a game that ridicules the worst of consumerism, Shakedown: Hawaii adopts one of the most reviled aspects of modern gaming: a Ubisoft-style checklist style of completion. There are 81 properties to shakedown, all of which come down to performing one of six different activities: eliminate gang members, scare away customers, cut off someone’s hair, escape from an underground jail, steal a shipment or drive away with the shop owner on the hood of your car.


Since the shakedowns are placed in large clusters on the game’s map, you’ll most likely be tackling them in groups at a time, highlighting the repetitious nature of the signature mechanic. Shakedown: Hawaii is the latest game from Brian Provinciano, whose previous work, Retro City Rampage, de-made GTA for the era of 8-bit consoles and then loaded its open-world with topical memespeak gags and labour-of-love gimmicks. Shakedown: Hawaii is more of the same – more open-world crime, with 16-bit graphics this time, as a trio of characters rebuild a decrepit business empire using deeply questionable tactics. But as well as being a game about stealing cars, running people down, and shooting everyone you meet to pieces, it’s also a bit of a clicker. The more you play, the more you earn. And the more you earn, the more of the map’s businesses you are able to buy up, and benefit from their daily revenue. After one real-world day of playing, I owned a fairly small proportion of the map, and I was making about half a million every in-game day. The following afternoon, when I finally hit the end-game and looked back at my stats I owned 334 of the 415 available buildings in town. Unruly Heroes Switch NSP

Shakedown Hawaii Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Shakedown Hawaii Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I was making just over three million every 24 hours. That’s in-game 24 hours, of course. Quite a career I was having. Shakedown’s taken the clicker mentality to its core, I think. Nothing in this game contains much in the way of friction. The storyline is frothy and glib, taking on the myriad annoyances of the modern world, from expensive printer cartridges to the cruel T&Cs on a competition flyer’s small print. It’s entertaining enough, I think, and if you tire of it you can hold down a button to speed through cut-scenes at double time anyway. And the missions – there are over 100 of them – are short, punchy affairs. You drive somewhere, you shoot someone or punch someone or smash something up, and then you drive somewhere else. It’s astonishingly brisk, sending you from speedboat to jungle shootout to industrial espionage to music recording studio in a matter of minutes. Now and then you’ll get a Wario-style mini-game as you pump iron or inject ink into one of those overpriced cartridges. Now and then you’ll get a riff on the basic action format that brings a moment to life, too: cutting an enemy’s hair rather than shooting them to pieces.


stuffing paper down the toilets of a business you want to soften up enough so that they’ll sell it to you. Even the game’s most outre moments allow you to plough ahead without too much thought, though. Onwards and upwards. Ka-ching. Seven years after Retro City Rampage, Vblank Entertainment returns to the open world in pixel sauce with Shakedown Hawaii , a spiritual sequel to the indie software house’s debut game, but so indie that it is entirely made up of one person, Brian Provinciano. The evolution compared to the past begins with the aesthetics: the leap is the one made from 8 to 16 bits, and the difference is all visible . Hawaii is a riot of color where you don’t find a single sprite or building that looks like another, and if you do find it, it’s likely you can destroy it as well as almost every other element of the setting. Provinciano uses pixel art from the era of Super Nintendo and Mega Drive as a stylistic guideline, butit contaminates the old school look with all the possibilities allowed by contemporary technology .

The result is amazing to look at, and even more striking is the fact that Shakedown Hawaii runs perfectly everywhere: quite obvious on PS4 and current PCs, a little less on Switch and Vita, but given the performance of the very old laptop on which the I tested it as a challenge, I think it can get excellent performance even on a toaster. The sense of progress that reigns compared to RCR is not limited to graphics, but also contaminates the narrative sector . Having abandoned the at times parodic celebration of over thirty years of pop culture, Vblank has given itself over to the most extreme satire. Taking advantage of the narrative cue of the introduction, the long march towards the reconquest of the largest slice of the market led by the CEO of Feeble Industries is a ride through all the drifts of the modern video game industry, presented for nothing other than what they really are : Increasingly sophisticated, clumsy and shameless methods of extracting grain from players . However, this is only the most superficial and explicit layer of criticism to which Shakedown Hawaii lends itself.

Shakedown Hawaii Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Shakedown Hawaii Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Here and there, a superior ambition transpires from the writing, dormant under easy references to the world of video games, but capable of popping up from time to time to target some absurd habit in which we are too immersed to notice its bizarreness. Sometimes the brilliance comes close, others seem to be faced with an elderly comedian who makes jokes on cell phones , but the quality of the narrative in general is on a good level, although the main plot is in fact extremely simple. Shakedown: Hawaii combines open world action and empire building. Build a “legitimate” corporation by completing open world missions, acquiring businesses, sabotaging competitors, “re-zoning” land, and shaking down shops for protection money. Shakedown: Hawaii parodies big business, and the most absurd business practices that go alongside. You’re the CEO, and questionable subsidiaries, misleading ads, fine print, hidden service fees, and marketing spin are the tools of your trade.

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