Serial Cleaners Free Download


Serial Cleaners Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Serial Cleaners Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Serial Cleaners has an utterly brilliant concept, doesn’t it? Rather than the killer, you’re the clean-up crew. You’re the ones tasked with making sure a massacre doesn’t get clocked and, if it does, that there are no fingers left to point the blame (because they’ve been dropped in a woodchipper). It’s not hard to sell the idea of Serial Cleaners, then, and with cathartic visual ASMR games like Unpacking, PowerWash Simulator, and House Flipper all the rage these days, it seems like something that taps into a seedy underbelly while ticking that impulsive thrill of vacuuming a house should be an easy win. Serial Cleaners is an isometric stealth game, which is a good pairing considering you’ll need such a vantage point to ensure you get around each level effectively. You’re introduced early on to the crew: the gritty and experienced leader-like figure; the explosive psychopath; the feisty freerunner; and of course the spunky young hacker. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Serial Cleaners Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Serial Cleaners Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

It’s New Year’s Eve as the world shifts to the 2000s, and this particular clean-up crew are reminiscing about the jobs that made them. It’s a curio that’s surprisingly effective, and one that doesn’t take itself too seriously and makes do with the obvious budgetary limitations. As you probably gathered, each of the four characters comes with their own particulars when it comes to a job. However, these are just specific skills and whether you’re hacking computers to switch off lights, leaping over chain-link fences to evade the cops, or slicing-and-dicing corpses, the purpose is still always the same: get rid of the mess. Serial Cleaners is a very mechanical game, which is to say that it doesn’t try to hide away from its gamified nature of an otherwise fairly gruesome aspect of professional crime. Each level works the same, by and large: go in, clean up a certain amount of blood, remove the bodies, and take the evidence.

Alternate between four characters

Once all of that is done, you’re free to head to the getaway car and call it a job done. It’s refreshing in its uncomplicated approach, and fans of stealth games will likely find some fun here – especially in the later stages where the challenge ramps up. But much like the character tropes that its storyline is built upon, Serial Cleaners suffers heavily from those now-laughable tropes of the stealth genre – to a pretty startling degree. You’ll start by playing on your tippy-toes, edging your way around the pools of blood and crouching around the corners of every room as you plan out your strategy in real-time while trying to evade the cops that patrol unerringly back and forth. Yep, this is the sort of stealth where you’ll need to time your route through a space by matching it up with the moment that a guard just happens to be staring at a blank wall. Weird West

Serial Cleaners Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Serial Cleaners Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The fact is, though, that all this precarious play is completely unnecessary. You learn far too quickly that trepidation isn’t the name of the game, here. You can jog past any guards barely a metre away without even a twitching of an eardrum. Worse still, interacting with the environment will naturally cause some suspicion among the patrols, but there’s no scaling sense of intrigue, no real investigation of any kind, and if you break line of sight for just a second then you’re as good as invisible. This is obviously open to abuse, but special mention should go to the vacuum cleaner. It’s an all-important tool for the cleaner and an essential part of every mission. But its problem isn’t its curious ability to suck-up blood from snow or dirt, we can suspend our belief just enough to accept that this is a video game and so video game rules apply.

Opening up new possibilities

The issue is that you’re able to use this thing not only in the next room, but practically within reaching distance of an officer. So long as you keep any guards outside of the tiny zone of influence while using the vacuum, then you’re as good as silent. And that’s really the main problem with Serial Cleaners. It’s not about trying to be deft or smart or quick, but instead it’s about simply waiting until the patrol routes create a window of opportunity for you to rush in and complete the clean-up work. No skill or foreplanning necessary, just patience. You can be clocked vacuuming or dragging a corpse from just the other side of the room, and no guard will consider it important until they’ve (very) slowly walked over to check out what’s going on. They will go and scrutinise the same door opening and closing ad infinitum, they’ll investigate bodies being mysteriously packaged up or vanishing Wobbledogs

Serial Cleaners Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Serial Cleaners Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

they’ll find it odd that blood simply disappears from the floor, but they’ll never start to question that something is up and that maybe, just maybe, they should actually do some work to hunt you down. Stealth is done a little differently here, and the clue is in the name. Instead of dropping bodies, you’re sweeping in to clean up the evidence, hauling corpses and evidence around crime scenes to make sure the real killers don’t get caught. However, if you get caught by the multitude of guards, security cameras and other security systems kicking about the place, you’ll be the one going to jail. As a sequel to 2017’s Serial Cleaner, Cleaners builds on that approach by dropping the action into a ’90s setting and expanding the cast. There are now four characters, and each have a different skillset that offers up a slightly different mechanical experience when you’re playing.

Plan every step and move like a ghost

Bob, the returning character from Cleaner, can bag up bodies to stop them leaking blood everywhere. Meanwhile Lati can only drag bodies, but has fantastic mobility otherwise, able to hop over shortcuts and weave through obstacles to get away from the chasing police. Vip3r has the ability to hack electronics from different computers and can scuffle through vents, while the cleaner named Hal seems to have fallen straight from making bodies himself into cleaning them up. Hal is worth mentioning because his playstyle is so aggressive: you can chop up the dead bodies with a chainsaw to turn them into a pile of limbs: any guards that see this will pass out, but you can also pick up the limbs and toss them at enemies to take them out of the action too. This’ll buy you a few seconds of unconsciousness, and if you chuck them into a “pig lockup” you’ll take them out for the rest of the level.

Serial Cleaners Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Serial Cleaners Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I liked playing as all four of the characters, but the key thing is that thanks to their very distinct abilities, it feels like you’re genuinely playing someone different each time you switch between them. Serial Cleaners makes the most of its ’90s setting to really amp up the amount of cinematic references. You’re introduced to the blonde-haired Hal in a Fargo-esque hellscape where all you have is snow, bodies, wood chippers and… a chainsaw. You make do, until you’re left with less bodies, and a whole lot of blood. Blood you have to clean up. Hal looks like Peter Stormare’s Gaear Grimsrud from Fargo, too. I refuse to believe it’s not done on purpose. Most of the levels seem to have a touchstone. An early arcade channels Hackers while a murder at a combination video rental place and convenience store is decorated with Clerks references, including the obvious “I assure you we’re open” sign.

The stealth in Serial Cleaners is fascinating because you’re not just trying to sneak in but you’re also trying to get back out, often multiple times in a mission. The usual loop involves getting into the building, looking for the bodies and evidence everywhere, and then trying to work out how to pull all of that viscera out of the crime scene and back into your waiting disposal vehicle. Along the way you’ll poke and prod at the different systems in the levels. In one level you might be looking for a car key to move a truck, in another you’re opening cell doors to let prisoners out to fight guards. Sometimes, you’ll just toss bodies off of the side of a boat for the sharks below.There’s a lot of ideas here. Unfortunately, the execution is largely mired in bugs when I played on the PC version. Twice the game has hoovered up my save file and as a result I haven’t managed to actually finish Serial Cleaners. World War Z Aftermath


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