Rounds Free Download


Rounds Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rounds Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Wave your noodle arms around to assert dominance! Experience hype-filled dueling! Shoot, block, and jump your way to victory with your shotgun-rocket-launcher-that-shoots-heat-seeking-bouncy-missiles or one of the other over 11.2 million different powerup combinations. There is no plot as such, but the essence of the game is not in passing, but in dynamic battles that take place between two players on various maps. The goal is one – to win the battle. True, it is very difficult to achieve. Firstly, the very locations where everything happens are filled with dangers. Secondly, the battles are very dynamic. And thirdly, the matches here are very intense and consist of a whole series of battles. A variety of cards and all kinds of game possibilities are the main advantage of this game. More than seven dozen unique two-dimensional maps are waiting for you. On them there will be dangers, and obstacles, and different platforms on which you will have to jump, simultaneously fighting with an opponent, and traps, and much, much more. ROUNDS – multi-mode competitive game with a lot of locations for contests.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Rounds Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rounds Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Each match takes place in 1×1 style, where participants try to score more points or kill their opponent. In a two-dimensional, side-scrolling world, control round characters with arms and legs. They use the surrounding elements or firearms to win battles. As soon as a round ends, the next, more dynamic level begins immediately. Loser unlocks access to clever upgrades and power-ups so that he has a better chance in the confrontation. From several presented abilities you need to choose 1 upgrade. Gradually the number of upgrades increases, and the gamer will be able to create an original build of abilities and equipment. To win you will need to shoot, block attacks, use shotgun, hand-guided rocket launcher or more than 11 million other combinations. Weapon, armor, or abilities can be upgraded in unique ways. Cosmetic items help create a distinctive character out of the ward. There is network and local multiplayer. ROUNDS has 70+ areas with secondary obstacles, auxiliary items, or interactive objects. My son introduced me to rounds, and I’ve only ever played against him.

65+ Unique powerups.

To start with, I wasn’t sure I liked it. Having played “Stick fight” previous to this game, I originally found it a poor substitute, due to the lack of fairness and simplistic movement style. However the more I played the more I realised that its actually a very different game despite its superficial similarities. In stick fight, the levels are quick, furious and all out carnage, but once the level is over its on to the next one and everyone has a same chance of winning again. In rounds this is not the case – due to the card / ability system that it uses. Essentially you build up a hand of special abilities, and each time you get a choice of five random cards to choose from. But you stay with that choice until the entire game is over. This means that you need to think a bit about your cards. Some cards work particularly well with each other, others fight against each other and so you effectively nerf yourself. This adds a completely different aspect to the game and can result in some truly memorable battles. You can be losing completely, but on your last card choice can combine with your previous ones to make you completely unstoppable. And some times you don’t see it coming.Total War MEDIEVAL II Definitive Edition

Rounds Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rounds Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

which is even more beautiful 🙂 Anyway, its now one of my favourite games to play with my son, and its a great game to play socially with friends when you only have a 10-30 minutes of time. ROUNDS is one of the most fun games I’ve played recently, I was fortunate enough to beta test it and see it turn into the beauty that it is today. 2 players start out the game by picking a card that gives their character a buff, then the players are put into an arena where they have to fight each other best out of three, the loser of this gets to pick another card. Once a player has won 5 rounds they win. Cards in this game can widely vary from effect, you have cards that you would expect like more damage, more hp but you also have really special cards like one where your bullets bounce on the ground, a card that makes your bullets follow your cursor, a card that makes you drop bombs when you block and much more crazy ones. A lot of the fun comes from making weird combinations with these cards. I’d highly recommend anyone to try out this game, especially if you enjoyed Stick Fight!in rounds, you play as rounds that kill each other every round in order to get various power-ups to help you in each round.

70+ Maps.

the first round to win five rounds wins the game. overall, rounds is a well-rounded game that encourages you to be as obnoxious and spammy to your opponent round as possible, so definitely pick rounds up and round up some friends for some fun pvp action. This is one of the best fast paced shooter games out there. Flows very well, already played some 12h+ with my friends and gunplay is fun, dare I say more fun than something like Apex Legends.Game has a quite a number of restrictions and oversights that I feel like could be simply resolved with a few hours worth of work simply changing some number in the game files and enabling some stuff. For example, game can be played with both m&k and a controller, however even though a controller is fully supported, it doesn’t get a crosshair. Have to download a mod to fix that No way to change how many rounds you want to play. Have to download a mod to fix that No way to change what sort of game mode people want. FFA? 2v2? 3v1? etc… Nope, you get stuck with 1 gamemode, being 1v1. Have to download a mod to fix that No way to change characteristics of a game.Omori

Rounds Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rounds Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

such as how many cards/mutations a player can pick, only allowed 1 per loss. Have to download a mod to fix that And many more issues.Additionally, MP in this game is pretty much unplayable. Feels like it uses a p2p system, so you’re at the mercy of the hosts connections. Because of this, 7/10 games will have insane delay, at least half a second to a second. This is especially bad for a game where each frame counts. And how do the devs address these concerns/oversights? Radio silence. I don’t see them posting anything and the community has pretty much accepted that the game’s simply a release and dump type of game. If you have a problem just pray that there’s a mod out there that solves your issues. That’s pretty much it. If you’re happy with what you’re seeing, which is a 1v1 game limited to 5 rounds, don’t expect and are happy even if the devs never again release an update for this game, yes it’s for you 100%. Sadly, I feel like this game is a tad bit rushed and has a ton of potential that the developers have for some reason left out, even though it would add a ton of content for not much work.

Online Multiplayer.

A good game that allows for fun for both the winner and loser and even if one outskill the other anyone can make a comeback with the right cards. My only complain would be that sometimes it’s just plain unfair, no, not the cards, but some things just shouldn’t hit you or some things should’ve been blocked. I’m not sure if it’s me and my friend’s internet that is causing this but there has been countless times where them and I have been hit when on our screen we dodged it. Now I know in any online game stuff like this is bound to happen, but with how much it happens, I doubt that it can’t be improved. One of the best multiplayer experiences I’ve played this year, and easily the best thing to come out of Landfall’s April Fools lineup this year. The number of different ability combinations is immense, and it’s fun just seeing what kind of chaos you can create. It’s absolutely worth the $6 price tag. Really, the only thing I would really want from this game is a custom mode, allowing you to tweak various rules, such as how many rounds there can be, how many cards a player can pick from their random pool between rounds, and maybe even a custom rule where both players choose a card before every round regardless of the winner.

It’s not a necessary addition, but it would make local/with-friends play way more chaotic and fun. Most of my time played on this game has been with mods because it makes it so much better. I haven’t played much of the vanilla base game but it’s a pretty good concept. 1v1 platform shooter where you get to pick power up cards if you lose a round. With all the different cards you can make some pretty good combos like 10+ bullet bounce or a 1-shot sniper build. That being said I could understand why someone would say it’s not worth full price. Without mods the game feels like it could have so much more. This game rarely gets updated and I doubt they’re planning to add much more. I would say the game is worth the price if you were willing to install mods because having a 4 player free-for-all with an additional like 50 modded cards make matches so wild and fun. Downside is that you’ll need friends to play with because online match-making obviously won’t work if you have mods installed.

Rounds Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rounds Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rounds is ridiculously fun, but with mods it’s god-tier. Thankfully, all modding entails is installing a client that does all the dirty work for you. When you want to play your game modded, you just launch the game from there. For only six dollars, it’s a great game to play with friends. Word of advice, though: if you’re going to be playing this locally, make sure nobody is using a mouse and keyboard. I can say from experience that M+K beats a controller every day of the week in this game and creates a skill imbalance so huge that it makes what would otherwise be funny gameplay frustrating. With a mod, a player on controller can have a crosshair. Playing the game vanilla, you’ll be given a general idea of where you’re supposed to be shooting, but it’s not great.If you have a brother or sister or basically any person who has a device who also has the game, I would highly recommend it. This game will likely not get boring for you IF you like how the game fundamentally works. This game has kept me going for awhile now and I will probably continue playing it for another year. Hearts of Iron IV


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