Room to Rent Free Download


Room to Rent Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Room to Rent Free Download GAMESPACK.NET The models are good, premise is hot and has potential… But… The dev is obviously a cruel troll, sent from hell to see just how far you’re willing to go for some porn. When I saw the 0/100 scenes of grinding I fucking laughed from disbelief, and every scene you have to do, skipping hours of the day furiously, you get 1 pixel of progression of the same scene.  Overall – 2 stars, even the hottest actresses can’t save a poorly made movie, the same goes with games. The dev (or any human being) couldn’t possibly think that anyone in their right mind would enjoy that, so the only conclusion is that he’s trolling us and laughing at our pain.I become bored out of my mind on on day 48 and still crap. I read other reviews and it just seems like people are just saying praise about pace and so on but I just stopped. I lost interest real quick. problem if you want to cheat the developer guilts trip you in saying how this is not how the game is suppose to play but you know what if you make a game make it were you have peoples attention. I seen better games then this. I can’t find any redeeming points I way too slow pace I found my self skipping a lot of repeated text. I do not recommend this gameI have a real love/hate attitude towards this game as it was a literal rollercoaster for me. I was contemplating giving it 2 stars but that would not be fair to the devs and the game. Also, of all F95 games, this is the game that came the closest to being supported by me as it ticked off most of the boxes on my list. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Room to Rent Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Room to Rent Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Loved the story, concept, pace, girls I couldn’t stop playing (more on that later) but it all came to abrupt stop when, at the end of the game, there was a confession of some kind (sorry no spoilers) and that TOTALY ruined the whole game for me. Being that I can never play it again (whole story literally washed away with 2 sentences lol) I decided not to support knowing it can never be reversed. However I know other people will like it so: Renders are awesome, girls are gorgeous, and there are no balloon tits flopping around. Blue eyes, blonde hair, A and B cups! Sign me up. I mentioned that the setting, story and pace were great. It was difficult to play the game in the early stages of the development as game does not provide any feedback on your choices so you have to poke around a lot. I got stuck many times and even gave up in Ep10. I picked the game back up in Ep16 and installed a saving grace WTmod by NightTrain. That made the game absolutely the best ever (that is up to the point when it all went to hell lol). I know a lot of work went into making this game and even tho the game is dead to me I will highly recommend it (consider the mod if you want to improve the flow of the game). This game’s rating saddens me, it deserves to be so much higher. Unfortunately the progression really can be too grindy, however the developer improved on this mechanic as the game progressed.

This guy touches everyone from the beggining, and nobody actually cares.

Many of the events were fun and mischievous and made progression rewarding, except for those frustrating times where you had gotten stuck in a grind The renders are perfect, they somehow improve even more in the follow-up games The writing is good, even if the story is not quite believable. The ending could have been better, but that might not matter since there should be a sequel at some point (after the prequel arcs complete)It could be a nice game where you have to develop your relation with the main girl and the side girls. The girls are the same model as it seems just with different haircolors and cuts. After 43 I still haven’t had any sexual interaction besides a little breast fiddling snd touching her pussy. Each day starts at 08 am and ends at 0sm the next day where you have task on hourly base. That are 16 action per day while your progress is extremely slow. That’s would not be a problem if there would be enough contend but often you play the same contend for 1-2 weeks till you can progress any further. That’s more than boring. On 43 Ingame days I saw the 2 side girls exactly one time for 1 hour Either increase the progress or the contend but seeing the same stuff for 5 days is plain boring I liked the story and I love the art/models, 5 stars for both, but I dislike sandbox games in general, and this game hits a lot of the reasons why I dislike them. Hunting Simulator 2 PS5

Room to Rent Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Room to Rent Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The grind is on the rough side, not gonna sugar coat it, but I have played far worse. I would definitely recommend playing the game with @NightTrain ‘s mod. (In fact, I would probably score it 3/5 without the mod.) The girls are cute, but the graphics are very average. The amount of content and playtime of the game is very good. The story starts of as a pretty standard simple corruption game, a twist in the middle of the game makes it far more interesting. Towards the end of the game I actually were very interested in the story. The characters are different enough to not feel like a copy and paste. Tons of sex and erotic content and nice build-up in the beginning. Definitely need the mod as stated before. I have not even tried it without it, but can imagine that it can be a nightmare without some guidance, Bit of a copy paste from my Best friends daughter review with last part changed for RfR. Loving your games. Been following both your games for a while. The positives: All in all, enjoying and looking forward to next update. At the beggining one blowjob could take 100 ingame events, in the end a blowjob ma take 6 renders, and half of them are just played backwards.

Characters design is hot

Most of the time there is no dialogue and somoetimes you see things hapeening and ending before gewtting to understand if its really happening. Like MC supposedly fucking Amy in the ass, kind of balls deep, but in a later state she even refuses the tip. The worst thing of this game is the sex scenes, sometime they just happen and thats it, Prematuire ejaculation is a thing in this game, literally most of the times The mc touches a girl and she starts cuming. It is really a waste. And this brings another issue: Having a slow build up of 100 events to get into a girls pants, and the sex scene happens in 6 frames with almost no dialogue. Sex scenes are decently possed but they are subpar.Not even Hugh Hefner would enjoy this “game” if you could call it that, but he’s in the afterlife and im sure hes having a much better time than the rest of us earthbound humans. It gets so tedious that at a certain point you’re just replaying the same blowjob scene for 5 days in a row with each day she goes a little deeper before saying ‘I can’t do anymore’. At first the developments were exciting, like amy deciding to be more open with clothing/hugging/kissing, but these get so boring by the time any other meaningful development happens in the relatioship. I applaud the commitment to having a new panel every time someone talks, but this is sometimes lazily done. The panels don’t match up with what the character is saying, it looks like each panel for a specific scene was just thrown in a random order rather than intelligently. HUNDRED FIRES: THE RISING OF RED STAR – EPISODE 2 

Room to Rent Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Room to Rent Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

If you love senseless grind, this game is for you and you can ignore the rest of this review. However, if you are part of the 99% who hate grind, read on! You really need a guide or mod to get through all the illogical crap the dev has put into this game. For example, told to always knock on the door but to get one scenario to progress you have to not knock (but the game doesn’t tell you that!) What had potential to be a good game is ruined by the nonsensical grind. It feels like the dev has padded out the game to make it slow burn rather than keeping it interesting through actual content. Repeating the same scenes over and over again does not make fun. The MC is a creepy perv but you are told by the dev not to be a creepy perv! It does get better towards the end but by then most people will have lost the will to live. Okay my first review and i must say this game is dramaticly underrated. The Gameplay is really grindy and without walkthrough you will click for hours and hours (THX for the walktrough mod). The renders arent really up to date (lots of clipping bad lighning and you can see when a newer gen model was used. Also it is really i mean REALLY slow burn at the beginning (only the first few chapters) but after a while it sets new speed limits^^ What i really liked was that the models where for nearly all tastes from slim teen wit small breast till the well buld women with big t.. erm i mean personality XD (and no trace from the classic Porn cliche Bimbos).

The girls are especially pretty, and good frequent changes by them to wearing gradually sexier, more revealing outfits.

The story impressed me the most, it startet like a really and i mean REALLY cliche corrupion story so stupid (Big Brother greets… Yes Max i mean you…) But this all comes with a twist and a big one big enough that i played the whole thing in one session… (yeah ok im sick My doc says he cant do something for me..) I wont spoiler but twist is near Acting Lessons level (without the fire) ok a little spoiler no LI dies. I can really recomand to try it (but save the headache and use a guide or walktrough mod) dont be frightened by the screenshots or poor rating like me at first (startet it only cause im on vaccation and was bored) Its really great and i cant wait for the next update (hopefully soon!!!)First impression of this game is that All the girls are virtually identical If they were to shave their heads! they would be clones! No body difference at all! Now for the progression It is the “poster child of GRIND” And Bob gives me the Creeps! A peadophile Comes to mind? he has no redeeming features at all! Who must hate large breasts, I will never play this again!Would be higher stars if you didn’t have to install “cheat” mods to be able to play it. Without them, the game is way too grindy, and you could spend a lot of time not progressing because you missed one little thing. Overall it is a good game though.

Room to Rent Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Room to Rent Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Renders are on point, the story line(does have grammar/spelling errors) is great. First time I played the game(v14 beta a) I found myself playing it for hours! Now, granted some of that time was spent trying to figure out what I was supposed to do to progress(then I found a cheat mod), but even after installing one, I am still sitting here playing the game to see what happens. A cheap old guy young girl porn. In the first minutes of gameplay, meaning clicking, a 10 year old with 15yo tittes gets into an old guy appartment, and after one Shrodinger game over you get her a drink and touch her thigh cause i guess she touches alcohol and gets drunk or something. Was it alcohol? didi she drink? who cares. After that you clic some more, reading stuff that is pointless, cause it tries to be funny, but its not working for me it just makes me feel embarrassed, and see this loli blush for some reason and hold the old guy. You clic some more and if you are a pervert and get inside the room you get a game over, and probably stop playing, cause having choices that you cant make is the stupidiest thing in the world. But if you like 10year olds that apparently look exactly the same ,blushing, this is definetly your game.

I tried a second time and i am in day 50. Well, i imagine this game without a mod is actually impossible to endure, the grinding knowing what to do is beyond insane, Arkham is a government health insitution compared to this. The plot thread used to move forward with the girls is basically taking advantage of the fact that all of the girls try to look 13 but they are actually 9, and thats why they are so retarded. I tell you, a friedn of mine told me about his “18 childhood friend” confrontim him about the fact that he touch her a lot, even while sleeping. This guy touches everyone from the beggining, and nobody actually cares. The writing sucks, this guy who is a doctor/photographer/hacker (i guess he hacks the department of education or something, its beyond ridiculous. All of the above is bad, but what really clicks the wrong way is this guy telling “i got to do “stuff”but i guess it will not be in this release WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I can swallow that new events are mostly the same with 2 new renders, i can swallow that most of what happens happens with the girls being absolutely passive, or rejecting the guys advances. The same guy reasoning that lack of Vitamin D can lead to mental problems, and forgeting about the mental problems of sexually abused individuals. How can this 18 year olds have survived so long being that retarded? Who knows? Horny Housewives Booty Call Blackmail


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