Roar of Revenge Switch NSP Free Download


Roar of Revenge Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Roar of Revenge Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Our story starts with Leomhann, the man-lion who has been discriminated and mistreated from the day he was born. Due to this abuse, his lust for revenge grew, and now that he is all grown he wants to use his immense power to destroy and conquer the whole kingdom of Arxaz. Leomhann’s rage against humanity is ruthless, as he destroyed your town, leaving you as the only survivor. Things become even worse when Leomhann gains full control over every inhabitant of the Kingdom of Arxaz. You play as Keel, who is out for revenge after his town is destroyed. His uncle informs him that his brother is kidnapped and that you might be able to save him. You will have to go on a quest to find the four relics scattered in Arxaz to give you enough power to defeat Leomhann and return peace to the fallen kingdom. The story is nicely brought and doesn’t get stretched out, making sure this is a proper arcade experience. The hunt for the relics is interesting, and each place visited counts towards your overall progression and pushes you forward on your impossible adventure. SEEP is best known for its homage to old arcade games. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Roar of Revenge Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Roar of Revenge Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This is immediately noticeable when booting up the game and having to squint your eyes trying to read the bright white text of the story. Visually the game emulates the old CRT screens perfectly with its aspect ratio and limited capabilities of 80s hardware. The character movement animations are basic but fit perfectly in the retro aesthetic. There are different biomes present and each of them is easily distinguishable thanks to the different use in assets and colors. Just like the graphics, the sounds will take you back almost 40 years to the past. The Midi soundtrack sounds like those awesome days at the arcade and the high-pitched bleeps sound as if they are coming from what seems to be an old sound card. Roar of Revenge is an arcade adventure game where you must find all four relics to fight the evil that is endangering the inhabitants of the kingdom. As Keel, a strong and brave warrior, you will have to go on an adventure and earn the right to wield the relics in your fight with Leomhann. At the start of your adventure, you will only have your sword, and while it will make short work of most enemies, this alone won’t be enough to reach your goal.

An epic 8-bit chiptune soundtrack.

The first item that you’ll need to find is the winged sandals, these give you the ability to jump. Therefore the first level is pretty linear and you won’t need to worry about platforming. Once you get this relic, the game gets increasingly difficult with more varied enemies and platforming action. It is here when checkpoints start popping up. These bonfire-inspired locations save your progress and refill your resources (health, and at a later point in the game, magic). Thanks to these checkpoints you can exit the game and come back at a later moment. Because the game is longer than other SEEP titles, this is a welcome feature, especially considering you’ll also die a lot. The game isn’t easy by far and you’ll soon notice trial and error gameplay portions, so you’ll have to learn patterns and enemy placement to get through the more difficult parts. Your adventure continues as you grab the Zeus Bracelets, so you can use magic to attack your enemies. After collecting these two essential items, the game really gets started and you set forth collecting the remaining relics.Potionomics

Roar of Revenge Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Roar of Revenge Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Controlling the game itself is pretty easy, as it can be played with the directional controls and two buttons, giving you the authentic arcade vibe. The character reacts nicely to your input and missing your jump feels more like a user error than the game failing. Sometimes it does get a bit frustrating as the difficulty level does have its spikes and not all hitboxes are on point.  Roar of Revenge is another nice arcade game by SEEP. It feels as if this game was carefully crafted in the 1980s arcade era, and both the graphics, sound, and gameplay enhance this feeling further. With a lengthier story, this one feels a bit more fleshed out than other SEEP titles and thanks to the checkpoint system, you can always exit the game and continue later. We were only slightly let down by the irregular difficulty spikes that hampered the fun from time to time. Inspired by epic platforming classics from days gone by, Roar of Revenge is an exhilarating adventure through a vibrant world full of monsters, magic, and challenge. Take control of Keel the Barbarian, and face a vast bestiary of foes while collecting the ancient relics to empower your skills!

Acquire new skills with the relics!

Will you manage to stop the fury of the villainous, powerful man-lion called Leomhann? With one button to attack and another to jump, the experience remains simple and reminds me of the original Castlevania or classic Kid Icarus. From a side-scrolling perspective and sprite-based visuals, this is a new, retro game right down to the gameplay. Unlike the short stages found in Swords & Bones, each area here is much longer but composed of checkpoints. Sometimes the checkpoints are spread apart a bit to far when the challenge gets high in the later stages which can cause some frustration. Enemies don’t drop health pick-ups (no wall meats) or special abilities (no Mario-like star powers) either. In time, the player will gain new abilities when certain items are collected. In fact, the barbarian cannot even jump until the end of the first stage. It might sound restricting, but the stage design only calls for exactly what it needs so the game grows with the player with proper pacing. The difficulty is tough but fair even though there are some cheaply placed traps (at least you don’t bounce back when taking damage) and some enemies take a lot of hits.Tiny Rails

Roar of Revenge Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Roar of Revenge Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Also, the ending you receive is dependent on your total death toll. To earn the best ending, you’ll need to play well, and the game keeps track of your progress. Like Swords & Bones, there are some odd bugs and glitches that easily stand out. Sometimes enemies will walk through the air and the button combo to revert back to the main menu simply doesn’t work. It might not lack a fine polish but it is never game breaking. The soundtrack and visuals are also nicely done and fit the mood of a retro platformer well. Perhaps the biggest attraction of Roar of Revenge are the Achievements. I was able to obtain all the Achievements in about 5 minutes through natural gameplay so Achievement (or Trophies if playing on Playstation) hunters take note. Even though you’ll knockout all the Achievements in no time, there is still enough meat left on the bone to continue playing since the action platforming gameplay is entertaining. I’ve found this game while searching for ones to complete 100% achievements and got really surprised by what was coming my way. Roar of Revenge is an excellent 2d, 8 bit themed/built type of game.

10 levels to complete!

If you had a Sega Genesis and played during the Golden Axe era, you’ll get the point. It can be me, but this game made a lot of Sega Genesis references like Golden Axe, Shinobi, Phelios, Last Battle and such – which got me really nostalgic whilst playing level by level. A very interesting dynamic is that as you progress, the difficulty increases and you get introduced to new villains. It’s also an awesome game for old school players that are returning to play via Steam using a controller and to kids. I’ll be looking for more SEEProductions games for sure. Thanks for developing and bringing this fun and amazing game. fell in love with SEEP’s Kenseiden tribute, Katana Soul. I love stiff platform games with sword-fighting mechanics. I haven’t been on Steam as much to see their more recent products, but when I saw Roar of Revenge I was instantly enthralled. I love Rastan, I love Rygar, I love Legendary Axe, I love any game that’s punishing with stiff jumping controls. Roar of Revenge scratched that itch. I feel like being pretty skilled at these games I did well unlocking four of the five endings within one play through. I plan on returning to this and completing it without any deaths soon.

SEEP, please make more games like these! These are the types of action games that make me feel alive! I paid more attention, I’m sure I would’ve enjoyed it a lot more than I did, or even let it resonate with me a bit more. No, the main staying point for this game is the gameplay itself, where it reigns king in this instance. When I first saw the trailer, my mind immediately went to games I grew up with, like Actraiser and Magic Sword, so I immediately fell in love. I was surprised the game played just as well when I finally got my hands on it. I ended up playing the game twice, once the normal way, and once to see how truly easy it is with easy mode active. I never got bored during the time I spent during these two playthroughs, as I came in at about 3 hours.It’s one of the few games I truly wish were longer, because ten levels just did not do it for me. Developer SEEP is well known for its timeless arcade games that are a blast from the past. Most of these titles, such as Abduction Bit, Aventure Bit, Swords & Bones, and others, are guaranteed to give you a short burst of nostalgia but are mostly completed in only a short sitting.

Roar of Revenge Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Roar of Revenge Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Therefore it is great to finally get a game that is built with the classic SEEP formula, but offers a longer playtime thanks to its larger story and save system. Our story starts with Leomhann, the man-lion who has been discriminated and mistreated from the day he was born.Due to this abuse, his lust for revenge grew, and now that he is all grown he wants to use his immense power to destroy and conquer the whole kingdom of Arxaz. Leomhann’s rage against humanity is ruthless, as he destroyed your town, leaving you as the only survivor. Things become even worse when Leomhann gains full control over every inhabitant of the Kingdom of Arxaz. You play as Keel, who is out for revenge after his town is destroyed. His uncle informs him that his brother is kidnapped and that you might be able to save him. You will have to go on a quest to find the four relics scattered in Arxaz to give you enough power to defeat Leomhann and return peace to the fallen kingdom.The story is nicely brought and doesn’t get stretched out, making sure this is a proper arcade experience. The hunt for the relics is interesting, and each place visited counts towards your overall progression and pushes you forward on your impossible adventure. SEEP is best known for its homage to old arcade games. Z-Island UNCENSORED

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