Rick Henderson Switch NSP Free Download


Rick Henderson Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rick Henderson Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Originally released on PC in 2019, Rick Henderson is the latest porting effort from EastAsiaSoft. Described as an ‘endless horizontal-scrolling shoot ’em up’ the game combines 16-bit visuals and classic shoot ’em up gameplay in a package that is kind of traditional but not entirely lacking in its own ideas. You play as the titular Rick Henderson or one of his two buddies. Each character has their own ship and these have varying levels of speed and shield duration while also have their own special ability. Rick can generate a decoy while Ben has a not very useful teleport move and Thorax, who has the heaviest and more durable ship, can call in an artillery strike. He’s our guy, basically. The main control set up is a little odd at first. There is a tutorial that explains this stuff but you have to go looking for it. Essentially you have three weapon systems. Bullet weapons are mapped to and these are best for standard enemies. By default these work like a standard machine gun. Energy weapons are mapped to and these do regular damage to normal enemies, double damage to shielded enemies but only half damage to armoured ones, by default they have a decent spread. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Rick Henderson Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rick Henderson Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Finally, missile weapons (mapped to ) do half damage to shields and double damage to armour. These behave, as you’d expect, like missiles with a slower fire rate. You fire off those special abilities with the button. As you fly through the levels in the standard left to right horizontally-scrolling fashion, you’ll be attacked by various enemies that you need to blast out of the sky. You’ve played games before, you get that. So it all feels quite normal and standard. There are a couple of quirks though. For starters, the levels are all randomly generated. You essentially play through loops of five levels at which point the game gets tougher as you start the next loop. Each individual level has a boss battle (with each boss having one of three variations) and when you defeat the boss, you get to pick a perk to continue with. These generally improve your speed, armour, firepower or add other more quirky perks. And on top of all that, there’s a bit of a grazing mechanic where your ‘graze’ bar fills up if bullets narrowly miss you (it resets if you get hit). Fill the bar and the two other characters show up and start shooting randomly into the play area, giving you a little bit of support.

Rick Henderson is nostalgia personified.

The graze stuff is a good idea, after all we really love risk vs. reward mechanics in our games, but your ship’s hitbox isn’t clear (it might be the whole ship) and there’s no visual feedback for a successful graze (apart from the tiny bar in the corner) so this doesn’t feel great in practice. Also, we found that it was more trouble than its worth for the additional air support that you get. Anyway, it’s there if you want to try to master it. The best thing about Rick Henderson is that it throws lots of weapons at you. New weapons float into the play area ready for collection and they’ll replace one of your three weapon types. As you’d expect, some are much better than others, but its always nice to get a firepower boost and there’s a good degree of variation to each of the new weapons so it’s fun to explore their capabilities. You’ll need all the help you can get though as Rick Henderson does ramp up in difficulty quite significantly. That’s mostly by design of course but there’s an element of that randomness that makes us feel as though some situations are just a little outside of the main difficulty curve and that could be caused by the algorithm. Also, your weapon drops and perks will make a difference to your chances of completing the levels and loops. Rebuild 3 Gangs of Deadsville

Rick Henderson Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rick Henderson Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

We found that most of our runs were ended by later bosses too, so there’s definitely a spiking situation there. It could be a kind of personality test. If I told you a game was called ‘Rick Henderson’, what kind of game do you think it would be? I go for an action-platformer, which is probably me showing my age and channelling Rick Dangerous. Perhaps it brings to mind an arty walking simulator, or a point-and-click. Rick Henderson is a forty-three year old, overweight space pilot at the helm of a spaceship, facing off against fleets of enemies before an end-of-level boss. Rick isn’t interested in things like story or cutscenes: he’s all about the pure, arcade shooting and the score chase. It’s as pure a video game as you could expect. Jump into Rick Henderson (still doesn’t sound right), and your first choice is game mode. There’s a Standard Endless Mode, which thrusts you into a series of game ‘loops’ (just the game’s campaign, played over and over), a Hard Endless Mode, and a Boss Raid Mode. It’s a thin offering in shoot ’em up terms, especially as Rick Henderson is cheating: the Hard Endless Mode is more a difficulty setting, and the Boss Raid Mode is just a copy-paste of all the bosses in the game.

Plenty of weapons, upgrades, and special powers.

We’d say that there’s a mode-and-a-half here. Then you’re choosing your pilot because – shock horror – it isn’t actually the Rick Henderson show. You can also choose Ben X9 (which we think is a Ben 10 joke), who is an alien vampire, and Thoraxx, who is the spit of Bebop from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This choice is more important than you might expect. Not only are there base differences to stats like speed and the number of life points, but the different characters have specials when you press Y on the pad. Rick has a frankly terrible decoy, while Bebop gets a handy screen-wipe in the form of artillery. Ben X9 gets the ability to teleport forwards, which is alright, we suppose. Then you’re into the game’s loop, and Rick Henderson’s quality shines through. It is, in the basic stuff of its shooting, really rather good. The ship moves lithely, the collision detection is exact and the bullets have an impact and heft that makes you feel powerful. The foundational stuff is on point. Recently we have received a number of gems from the old box in terms of Schmups on Xbox. Bayonetta 3 Switch XCI

Rick Henderson Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rick Henderson Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

With the Azure Striker series, the Thunderbolt Collection and with the Samurai Aces series we could shoot until there were no enemies left. Now Eastasiasoft has also contributed to the Schmup bag. Can Rick Henderson compete with the aforementioned titles, or is it a case of hopeless? This game is set up exactly as you expect. In the beginning you can choose from three game modes: Endless standard and Endless hard. There is also a Bossrush mode. It’s a bit of a shame that there is no game mode that has a head and tail in terms of story. Of course you are not completely thrown in at the deep end and you also have the opportunity to play a tutorial. I do have to comment here (!): after you play the tutorial, the game crashes more often than not. You have to turn it off completely and start it again. You can choose from three characters with their spaceship in this game. Of course, all three of these spaceships have different qualities. One is a bit faster, the other is a bit more sluggish, with one spaceship you do a fair amount of damage, with another less. So far nothing special. The gameplay is what you can expect. You go from the left of the screen to the right in an infinite number of loops until you finally die once.

Rick Henderson will delight older gamers.

In terms of layout on your controller: You have three buttons under which your weapons are located (A, X and B) and you have a special action (Y button). This differs per spaceship and you can only use it after you have filled a bar. How do you do that? By letting bullets and missiles go right past you. As with many Schmups, you can also cheat a bit in this game by simply holding down your fire button. You don’t have to click carpal tunnel syndrome to shoot. Your various bullets also have a purpose in Rick Henderson. The different bullets work ideally on different enemies. For example, your missiles work perfectly on enemies that have a shield. Your normal bullets and energy bullets do almost nothing on these enemies. At the end of a world you are confronted with a boss. These are the most spicy. The first final boss will pass you easily, but I noticed that I regularly lost the lead with bosses 2 and 3. When that happens, you start all over again. Of course without upgrades. A feast of recognition for the people who played these kinds of games in arcade halls. In terms of movement, every spaceship goes like a spear. That is necessary because sometimes this game makes a trip to the bullet-hell genre.

Then there are so many enemies and hail of bullets on the screen that you have to know exactly how to steer in between. This game still has quite a lot of collectibles for a Schmup. Enemies may leave behind a number of things after being shot down. Sometimes they leave behind gems that disappear fairly quickly from the screen, sometimes you get a new weapon (it is advisable to remember some weapons by name so you don’t accidentally pick up a hopeless weapon), and regularly your enemies leave colored books behind . You need the colored books to move up in rank. This is quite difficult, because you have to collect all the coloring books. I noticed during my play sessions that I regularly missed 1 or 2 book colors. The game’s music is really decent with some booming tracks on there. Unfortunately, the sound effects are very weedy with explosions sounding more like people clapping. It’s weird that so many shoot ’em ups don’t beef things up with heaps of bass when things blow up. Overall, we’ve enjoyed Rick Henderson for the most part. It’s not memorable but that’s because of its random nature, it never throws set-pieces at you but if you want a straightforward shooter that pushes the action and has plenty of weapons to try out, you could do a lot worse than this game.

Rick Henderson Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rick Henderson Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Move into the weapons and things are even better. You have three core weapons to hand, fired with X, A and B. X is your traditional bullets: the all-rounder that fires in a straight line and deals the same damage to all unit types. A is your energy weapon, which deals damage to shields, and fires randomly like you were pissing bubbles. B is an artillery weapon, and it carves into armoured, rather than shielded, enemies, which is particularly true of bosses.    What this means is that you’re constantly switching between weapons depending on the enemies that have been spat out. Matching the weapon to the enemy is fun enough, and keeps you on your toes. But the real magic comes from the weapon power-ups. Each of these three weapons can be swapped out with nine alternative guns, totalling twenty-seven. These could have been formulaic and, to be fair, a few are. But so many of them are imaginative and positively beckon you to test them out. Our favourite was the Randomiser, which is like a pinball multiball in shoot ’em up form. Bullets randomly bounce around the screen, and you can fire off so many that you’re given a kind of bullet armour. A sniper-like weapon creates a reticule that can be used to one-shot enemies. Chain guns, channeled lasers and ricochet bullets all make an appearance. It’s an overstuffed arsenal, and it’s fabulous. Victoria 3

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