Reknum Cheri Dreamland Switch NSP Free Download


Reknum Cheri Dreamland Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Reknum Cheri Dreamland Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET I’ve looked at the original Reknum game a few times, but never got around to trying it out. When I first saw the 1930s styled cartoony key art for the sequel, Reknum Cheri Dreamland, I was interested immediately. It turns out that aesthetic doesn’t necessarily fit the whole game through. Still, this is a fun little 2D platformer with a few weird issues. It’s impossible not to talk about the art style in this game. The retro-cartoon designs on the key art, menus, and cinematics between levels are absolutely adorable. Once you actually get into a level, though, most of that charm seeps away. The actual game utilizes pixel art that doesn’t really call back to the cartoon style, except that it’s still black and white. The pixel art looks nice but it doesn’t feel connected to the key art. Looking at pictures of the original Reknum game, it seems like the in-game art is basically the same, just desaturated. This is a bit of a bummer because the vibrant colors of the original game actually look pretty great. On the other hand, I loved playing Super Mario Land on the original GameBoy, and the monochrome color scheme here reminded me of that. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Reknum Cheri Dreamland Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Reknum Cheri Dreamland Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The one other aesthetic piece that does carry through really well is the music. The game is full of rag-tag tunes that are cheery and delightful. Playing this game sounds like wandering down Main Street U.S.A. in Disneyland. The music doesn’t necessarily pair with the pixel art super well, but it does help bridge the two art styles. The story in this game is simple, but gets you right in to the action. A Witch has banished you to a dream realm, and you have to battle your way through it to escape back to reality. Reknum Cheri Dreamland plays a lot like a lot of other 2D action platformers. You start the game with a sword and the ability to dash, jump, double jump, and wall jump. Over the course of the game, you navigate through several different environments. Each level is filled with enemies, traps, and keys that are used to make your way forward. There are also treasure chests scattered throughout the levels. When you bash them, they burst open and shower you with treasure. As you collect that treasure, an “MP” score in the corner of the screen goes up.

Unlock new weapons.

That score resets when you die and disappears at the end of the level, so I’m not really sure what it’s for. After two levels I basically stopped bothering to open the chests. The fact that it disappeared so frequently made it less confusing than what happened with the collectibles at the end of Moon Raider, at least. One look at Reknum Cheri Dreamland, and the game might win you over with its old-timey visual charm, pixel art, and 2D action-adventure gameplay. That’s what convinced me to check out the game. Unfortunately, not all is right with this retro-styled throwback. Though it’s undoubtedly eye-catching, it’s not all that fun to play. The end product is a game that’s massively frustrating and filled with weak mechanics and annoying level design. At first, I was super into Reknum Cheri Dreamland. The game’s presentation reminded me a little bit of Cuphead, though with a sepia overlay, turning that classic cartoon dial even further. At least that’s what it seemed like. It isn’t long before the cartoon cutscenes in Reknum Cheri Dreamland give way to a more standard pixelated art style. DORAEMON STORY OF SEASONS Friends of the Great Kingdom Switch XCI

Reknum Cheri Dreamland Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Reknum Cheri Dreamland Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

And you know what? The graphics on display here are pretty solid. But that sepia color palette doesn’t really do the visuals any favors. For starters, it can get a little hard to see, so the longer you play, the more the dull look makes it hard to keep focused on what’s going on. In addition, some of the darker backgrounds make it tough to successfully time jumps and move around shifting platforms. Reknum Cheri Dreamland has some identity crisis issues. It’s like the game straddles the line between tough NES-styled platformer and Zelda II-like, but it doesn’t do either particularly well. This is primarily because the controls never quite feel right. Wall-jumping, which is a major part of traversing the stages, is clunky. Combat is awfully simple and sloppy. And none of the abilities and weapons you acquire along the way — like the bow and arrows — ever feel meaningful. To make things worse, Reknum Cheri Dreamland relies exhaustively on preposterous enemy placement and blind jumps. A spotlight follows you around in some areas, with everything beyond that spotlight appearing much darker.

Hardcore platform based levels.

This makes it difficult to see some platforms and ledges, rendering necessary jumps trickier than they need to be — or at least, tricky in a cheap way. This spotlight mechanic also means you won’t see enemies coming from above. That would be fine if the game did a good job of giving you a fighting chance. After all, even brutal 2D platformers that surprise you with enemies do so in a way that feels fair. Reknum Cheri Dreamland just sort of employs cheap tactics — you’ll hit an enemy that was nowhere to be seen while trying to make a jump from one platform to another, land on some spikes as a result, and be sent back to the checkpoint. It’s really, really annoying. There are a few stages where you play as your Navi-like companion. These are simple yet poorly designed stages where one hit means you need to start over. Straight-up, these levels are even less enjoyable than the standard Cheri levels. While you’re suffering through the game, you’re treated to a repetitive jazzy soundtrack. The music is fine for a minute or two, but it gets old fairly quickly. College Bound Arctic Adventure

Reknum Cheri Dreamland Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Reknum Cheri Dreamland Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The narration is also pretty weak, and it’s coupled with a story that just isn’t engaging one bit. After hammering every single button on my keyboard I finally figured out that “m” is the sword attack. Why? I already had a bad feeling when I saw no options in the menu but then the game only proceeds to give me controller mappings and apparently the devs never have even played a single game on keyboard before. I couldn’t even exit because esc doesn’t work. The lack of any options comes to roost in more than just controls as the intro cutscene’s music drowns out the dialogue because audio mixing is too much work. Reknum Cheri Dreamland is a sidescrolling action game that really wants to be Zelda, Wonder Boy and Cuphead all at the same time, but doesn’t have the production values or game feel to be any of those. It’s better than the studio’s other available offerings, that’s for sure. But it’s still not a good game. The game only saves your progress after you clear a world. This can be frustrating if you want to quit the game mid-world, and can’t because Nape Games can’t seem to understand the concept of quicksaves or save states.

8 different exploration zones with lot of looting.

This game was intended to be a holdover game for Reknum: Fantasy of Dreams, but all it does is make me wish I hadn’t backed the project on Kickstarter. This is a subpar game, and I feel both insulted and disappointed that I have to wait for a game that probably won’t be much better than this bootleg Cuphead/Wonder Boy wannabe. Stay far away from anything with Nape Games on the cover. It takes very little to make this game break. Objects and the player character will glitch through walls. The fairy-activated switches will just break even after multiple resets. Sometimes you’ll even get random crashes if an enemy collides with you. Developers, please refine your product. The cutscenes show that there’s a great idea here, but the product is just simply defective. REKNUM Cheri Dreamland is an action, exploration and 2D platformer videogame, it is the latest installment in the REKNUM saga in which Cheri awakens from a fantasy to start the real adventure! Explore the thematic levels, unlock new weapons and upgrade your skills, fight fearsome bosses inspired by classic gameplay. decipher the poetic words of the ancestors when you travel through the dreamworld and reach the real final outcome.

As you unlock new levels you also get health upgrades and unlock new weapons. By the end of the game you’ve got a bow that can break specific walls, a trident to stab upward, and a bomb. It’s nice to get new abilities as you go, but I never really found much use for the trident or the bomb. The gameplay all feels pretty smooth. The platforming can get a bit chaotic, but usually in a way that manages to be fun rather than frustrating. Weirdly, the moving elements in levels don’t seem to stay totally in sync when you die, so on different attempts at some moving platform challenges the timing was slightly different, but mostly that made me have to focus rather than just memorize a beat. There are a few issues that I had with the actual gameplay in Reknum Cheri Dreamland. While the music is great, I have one complaint about the sound design. This probably sounds like a minor thing, but it really bothered me: there is no sound effect for jumping or dashing. Swinging your sword, wall jumping, and getting hit all have an audio cue, but jumping and dashing are both silent. Once I noticed it I couldn’t stop noticing it, and it just weirded me out.

Reknum Cheri Dreamland Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Reknum Cheri Dreamland Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There’s even a little voice clip of Cheri saying “Great!” that plays randomly when you get chests, but no “boing!” when you jump or “che-che-che-che-che” when you dash. Weird! My other problem is specifically with the final boss of the game. Skip this paragraph if you don’t want to know how that unfolds. Most of the battles you get into are pretty straightforward and are easy to beat by paying attention to the enemies’ movement and spamming your attacks. At the very end of the game, you battle the Witch, who summons the other bigger enemies you’ve fought throughout the game. This is all well and good, and actually pretty fun, until the Witch uses an ability that is hard to read, and kills you in a single hit regardless of your health. Because I generally used the sword I kept getting killed by this attack without even being able to see what was happening. Once I saw it, I switched to using the bow and finished the fight and the game. The battle was still fun overall, but that didn’t make for a super satisfying conclusion. There are some other quirks to this game that are a lot more problematic. For one, the frame rate stuttered on the main menu, where all that was on screen was the cartoony drawing of the main character. Sonic Frontiers Switch XCI

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