Pentiment Free Download


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Pentiment Free Download GAMESPACK.NET It’s been an age since I felt so captivated by such a simple adventure game as Pentiment. A rousing, steadily-paced detective thriller set in the Late Medieval Bavarian countryside, the storybook art style inspired by colorful manuscripts of the era is downright enthralling. While the gameplay basically consists of looking around for clues, questioning townsfolk, and trying to draw your own conclusions about the evidence you find, that minimalist approach works excellently for the rich and complex story Pentiment tells. Our inquisitive lead is Andeas Maler, initially an idealistic aspiring artist who comes to the picturesque, rustic town of Tassing to further his career in the nearby abbey’s scriptorium. He quickly becomes embroiled in a macabre conspiracy that delves into the town’s shrouded past, enticing you to uncover secrets many would rather keep buried. You get to define a lot of elements of Andreas’ backstory, such as where and what he studied, which I really enjoyed and adds an element of replayability. Having a university degree in theology helped a lot when pesky monks and nuns tried to quote the Bible at me to get their way and I was able to do so right back.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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Pentiment Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

But my background choices didn’t open up new paths quite as much as I would have liked, with their impact on a conversation most often boiling down to some different options for flavor text. Thankfully, there aren’t many unintuitive puzzles in the traditional adventure game sense where you have to find bits and bobs out in the world and combine them to make a key. So the challenge of each mystery is talking to the right people, convincing them to tell you what you know, checking their story against others you’ve heard, and perhaps most importantly, using your time wisely. When you commit to pursuing a particular lead, time will advance, and you’re never given enough time to pursue them all. This added some welcome tension and forced me to make a lot of interesting decisions. I look forward to going back and finding out what I missed on future playthroughs. The town of Tassing and its surroundings are brought to life with a cohesive, beautiful, somewhat minimalist art style that takes inspiration from the very same period-accurate illustrations Andreas himself is working on. Sprawling fields, magnificent churches, and even secret crypts radiate color, life, and personality.

Illustrated world.

Even the text boxes feature a variety of beautiful scripts that vary based on a person’s social class, with flowing handwriting for peasants and sanctimonious blackletter script for members of the church. There’s blood on the walls of Kiersau Abbey. Beneath a long mural of the Danse Macabre(opens in new tab) lies a jewel-festooned corpse: A visiting nobleman has been murdered behind the monastery’s doors, shattering years of monastic peace and jeopardising the surrounding village of Tassing, Bavaria. It’s 1518 and Europe is teetering over an ocean of blood: Martin Luther is threatening a thousand years of papal dominance of western Christianity, Tassing’s peasants chafe loudly under onerous taxes, and the rich and powerful are—as ever—guarding their riches and power with rough men ready to do violence on their behalf. If there’s ever a good time to find a dead aristocrat splayed across the floor of your monastery, this isn’t it. To make matters worse, the most convenient culprit for the powers-that-be to pin the whole mess on is the person that found the body: Your friend and mentor. “You” in this instance is Andreas Maler. CarX Drift Racing Online

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Pentiment Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

A journeyman artist who has taken up temporary residence in Tassing to work in the abbey’s scriptorium—a room for the writing and illustration of manuscripts and a relic of a bygone age, long since surpassed by innovations like the printing press. Andreas, as a relatively well-to-do outsider with little motive to bludgeon a blue-blood to death but ample reason to save his friend, takes it upon himself to find the true killer. You have too many suspects and not enough time to gather the evidence you need to convince the adjudicator—and yourself—that one of them is guilty. However you choose to spend your time, there are going to be stones left unturned and questions unanswered. Better choose wisely then, eh? That’s the heart of Pentiment, at least on a mechanical level: Making your choices and watching the ripples spread out over the course of the game’s 25-year timespan. Yes, you have to solve the noble’s murder, but that’s only the first of a few scandals that unfold over the course of the game. This is still Obsidian, after all, even if the game was developed by a skunkworks division of the studio made up of 13 people and headed by Josh Sawyer, director of Fallout: New Vegas and Pillars of Eternity. It’s not an RPG: You won’t pour points into character stats at any point.

Uncover mysteries.

But don’t worry, if anything that just leaves more room for narrative choices to agonise over and regret over the game’s 20-hour runtime. The bulk of those choices revolve around how you’ll spend your time. The people demand justice and lack patience. You’ll have to serve up a suspect in a matter of days, which means every hour counts. That’s not as painful as it might sound. There’s no ticking clock. Exploring the town—which is rendered in an evocative style reminiscent of the era’s illuminated manuscripts and woodcuts—and most conversations don’t take time at all. Instead, each part of the day (divided into the major and minor hours of prayer, naturally) concludes when you make a significant decision. That could be exploring the old Roman salt mine on the edge of town, it could be sitting down to dinner with a suspect, but the game almost always makes it clear when you’re about to push time forward and, possibly, sacrifice an opportunity to pursue one of the other big leads you’ve uncovered. It works well. You’ll always be left wondering what you might have uncovered if you’d picked option B instead of A, and the game is never so kind as to tell you if you got the right culprit. Ready or Not

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Pentiment Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I remain convinced that the person I eventually served up to the headsman’s axe was just unlucky. I happened to focus on them instead of one of my other suspects and collected more evidence that pointed to them as a result. It’ll take multiple playthroughs and a lot of different choices to paint a full picture of how all of Tassing’s possible suspects really relate to the nobleman’s murder. Cold comfort to the poor guy I sent to lose his head before a baying mob. Plenty of games have recreated historical places, but few even attempt to capture what it was actually like to live through these eras. Pentiment feels special because it excels at empathy. Its depiction of Renaissance Bavaria is remarkable in that it fosters a genuine connection with the ordinary people living, eating, working and dying through a period of tumultuous change. This was a time which saw the rise of Protestantism following the radical teachings of Martin Luther, the popularisation of printed books, the uprising of peasants against cruel landowners and the blasphemous revelation that the Earth revolves around the sun. Much like the period we’re living through today, long-held certainties were questioned, and established orders were swept away.

Impact a changing world.

Pentiment looks at how these changes dramatically affect the lives of folk living in a tiny Bavarian town. You play as Andreas Maler, a journeyman artist who takes a job illustrating manuscripts in the local monastery. The scriptorium is on the verge of obsolescence, as the new technology of the printing press is beginning to replace laboriously copying texts by hand. Maler’s world is soon turned upside down when a visiting nobleman is murdered in the monastery, and his friend and mentor, Piero, is accused of the crime. Maler has only a few days to clear his friend’s name by gathering evidence on other possible suspects. He delves into the lives of the villagers, eating meals with them and uncovering long-held grudges and embittered attitudes towards those above them in the rigid 16th-century hierarchy. Religion holds sway over every aspect of their lives, but long-held pagan beliefs sometimes clash with Christian teachings. Several people have plausible motives, and your relationships with the characters will change depending on whom you accuse and the choices you make along the way. The sheer number of characters in the game is overwhelming at first.

But as the story continues to evolve over 25 years of the town’s history, you become deeply invested in the individual plights of these folk as they age and change. It’s almost like a 16th-century soap opera, with an enticing mystery at the heart of it all. The ponderous pace will not be to everyone’s liking. The vast majority of your time will be spent clicking through reams of dialogue – which, in a lovely touch, is depicted in a way that represents the speaker’s social status. Humble peasant folk are captioned in scratchy handwriting, while the more well-to-do see their words rendered in grand script. Occasionally there will be a spelling mistake as the text is written out on the screen, which is hurriedly rubbed out and corrected. It’s one of many lovely flourishes that help to evoke the period, such as the way the screen zooms out to reveal the turning pages of an illustrated manuscript when you leave each scene. Above all, what stands out is the developer’s deep knowledge of and love for the period. The dialogue drips with fascinating historical detail, supported by an extensive glossary of terms. That, combined with a focus on the minutiae of everyday people’s lives  results in a game that provides a wonderfully evocative window into the past.

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Pentiment Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The glacial speed of progress and preponderance of text might be a barrier, but Pentiment is a gift to any player who longs for a historical setting that’s more than a surface texture. From Obsidian, this game is a historical narrative-driven game focusing on character development, heavily stylized art, and choice-driven storytelling in early 16th century Bavaria. Players will play as Andreas Maler, a clever illustrator caught up in a series of murders in Tassing and Kiersau Abbey over the course of twenty five years. Players will be responsible for conducting their own investigation to decide the fate of the community, but each decision will have lasting consequences and inexorably draws Andreas closer to the center of an underlying conspiracy. Experience 16th century Europe as the master artists of the time saw them. Art inspired by great illuminated manuscripts and the earliest printed books becomes a living, breathing world in Pentiment. Choose different academic and social backgrounds and meet a colorful cast of characters as you discover the stories and secrets that lie within the small Bavarian town of Tassing and nearby Keirsau Abbey.Gravel


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