OH! EDO TOWNS Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Kairosoft is back with yet another mobile strategy/ sim title. This time around players are tasked with building up a town in Japan’s Edo Period (1603 – 1868). The ultimate goal is to grow your town’s value as high as possible, in the hope of becoming the top province in the country. Like all Kairosoft titles, this growth is a balancing act. Buildings that provide the biggest bump in value might not bring in any actual income, for example. And players have to balance their need for Research Points, used for unlocking new shops with their need for Gold, used to build new shops.Edo Towns has a large cultural gap that makes it much harder to get into compared to Kairosoft’s biggest hits. .TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



In Mega Mall Story, I inherently understand that a Game Store and a CD Store should be built by each other. But I lack the context to understand Edo Towns’ buildings. Udon Shop? Soba Shop? Straw Hat Shop? It’s not as much fun unlocking and building these outlets. It’s still addictive developing a bustling city full of huge buildings after starting with a tiny farming town. The core strategy of placing the proper buildings together to create combos and intelligently managing your resources is still satisfying.Oh! Edo Towns is not Kairosoft’s best game. Players spend too much time passively waiting for money or Research Points to come in, and the game lacks the “just one more round” hook built into Game Dev Story, Mega Mall Story and Grand Prix Story.

What is Yield?

But despite these shortcomings, the title is still a great way to wile away some time. Kairosoft addicts will feel right at home in this cheerful pixel art town. Like all Kairosoft titles, certain bonuses carry over game to game, encouraging replay value. For $4 this is a great value. The title could easily pass for a $10 – $15 XBLA or indie PC title.Ever since Game Dev Story, Kairosoft has been blazing two trails in their games. One in which the point of the game is to develop a product, then see how it performs. So far we’ve done that with Game Dev Story, Grand Prix Story and Pocket League Story. Then there’s the other track, where we’re doing some civil engineering and engaging in some light SimCity-style action with Hot Springs Story, Pocket Academy, Mega Mall Story – and now Oh! Edo Towns. If you’ve played some of their games before, you’ll kind of know what you’re getting into here. ELDEN RING



Similar to the other “civil” games, your job will be to create and cultivate a small Edo town in Japan. You’ll build vacant lots to attract residents, then expand to construct fields for crops, stores, libraries, food shoppes and more. Your residents will get jobs in this emerging economy, some better suited than others, and you can manage both how the buildings operate and what jobs the residents are doing. Your goal is to have a high “yield” at the end of the year, where they compare you to other Edo towns. It’s all very standard if you’ve ever ever played a Kairosoft game, and if you liked them there’s a good chance you’re going to enjoy this one. If you didn’t like Hot Springs or Pocket Academy though don’t fret…

Getting More Residents

I didn’t enjoy them very much either, and Oh! Edo Towns takes steps to fix a lot of the issues I had with those games. The main issue I had with them (Pocket Academy especially) was the lack of instruction on what to do and how all the pieces fit together. But it’s addressed with very clear and concise explanations during the “newspaper” sequences, when they give you a low down on operations. They also address when people and places go up levels or first do something new. The game stops and directs your attention to it, and gives a quick explanation of what’s what. It’s a godsend, and makes Oh! Edo Towns a lot more fun to play.If you’re a fan of the casual simulation game, the truth is you should really be on your hands and knees thanking Kairosoft for releasing so many fantastic games. While they’re all somewhat similar Emergency Call 112 The Fire Fighting Simulation 2



Adhering close to one of the two templates they’ve established, they’re all for the most part quite fun. Oh! Edo Towns doesn’t come close to the highs of Grand Prix Story or Mega Mall Story, but it’s quite a bit better than Hot Springs Story and Pocket Academy in the town building area. It’s definitely worth playing. athetic little settlement, comprising a handful of huts, fields, and shops. The locals are farmers, and they have scant ambition beyond keeping a roof over their heads, their backs clothed, and their bellies full. Your role in all this is suitably dramatic. Yours is the heavy mantle of the march of progress, the disruptive force of innovation. You swirl into this domain, and with an omnipresent hand you must develop the settlement until it becomes a prosperous province that’s veritably teeming with life, commerce, and invention.

What Are Crafts?

It doesn’t happen overnight, though. First you need to provide some vacant lots for new residents to move into. Then you need to provide more basic amenities to make your domain more attractive – a library, or some public baths, or some paved roads. As more residents move in, the diversity of interests grows, and so too does the the primary output of your domain. The farming class soon gives way to a merchant class, trading in goods, which works hand in hand with the artisan class, which produces complex crafts and other items. Finally, a warrior class takes up residence, which requires things like stables, inns, and weaponry to ply its fearsome trade. Another factor to consider is the environment. Certain buildings will complement each other well – a school, a library, and a religious shrine, for example – and enhance the earnings of the surrounding grid.



You therefore have to give careful consideration to the layout of your streets to maximise their annual yields. You can rest easy, gentle reader – Oh! Edo Towns more than lives up to the Kairosoft heritage. It’s fantastically addictive, and a pleasure to play in either short bursts or through protracted bouts of world-building. The visuals and sounds are pleasing, in their 16-bit isometric fashion, and they somehow do a spectacular job of making a complicated scenario seem simple and accessible. None of this is reinventing the wheel. Most of these principles were already established by the Sim City series and have been present in the genre for decades. But Oh! Edo Towns has refined those ideas and spun them into something quirky and distinctive – a mediaeval Japanese civilisation to go with Will Wright’s American modern metropolis.

Just in case you have never played a Kairosoft sim before, here’s how it works: the clock ticks as you survey your land and make choices about how to build it up. A full menu is available at the touch of a finger, and from there you can build everything from fields for crops to homes, and even eventually castles. As you make your town more appealing, more people will move into it, and as you build more structures that your residents can use to educate themselves, such as libraries, they can then better themselves and therefore benefit the town and boost your ‘Yield” (meaning how much money your town makes). To keep the flow of your town building going, you’ll get periodical updates from the local newspaper. This is Kairosoft’s gentle way of nudging you and giving you hints as to what to do next, such as what to build to help your town prosper. Enter The Backrooms 


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