New Super Lucky’s Tale Switch NSP Free Download


New Super Lucky’s Tale Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

New Super Lucky’s Tale Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET We all need games like New Super Lucky’s Tale in our lives. You may not like to admit it; you may have a tough guy veneer and a no-nonsense online persona that suggests you have no time for such childish nonsense, but deep down – even if you don’t realise it – you could do with this sort of happiness in your life. We all could. Originally released almost two years ago to the day, Super Lucky’s Tale found itself burdened with a little more responsibility than it deserved, since it was the only new game to launch alongside the Xbox One X. A colourful platformer was never really going to be the best demonstration of a super-powerful 4K HDR console, and so it perhaps looked a little underwhelming for reasons not entirely its fault. Now it’s time for Super Lucky’s Tale to have a ‘New’ slapped onto the title and get a second chance on the Switch. It’s a good job too, because Nintendo’s system is a far better fit for the game; one where its bold colours and lovingly-designed but geometrically simple environments can be recreated without too much impact on the original vision. And it’s a vision you’re probably going to want to get on board with if you’re a fan of the good old days of PS2-era platformers. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

New Super Lucky’s Tale Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

New Super Lucky’s Tale Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Although we’ll briefly touch on the additions in this Switch port, for the majority of this review we’re going to go with the assumption that you haven’t played the Xbox One version of the game, since the majority of our readers won’t have. In that case, allow us to get you up to speed: New Super Lucky’s Tale tells the story of Lucky, a young fox who’s been given the daunting task of protecting the Book of Ages from a cat called Jynx, who’s trying to steal it. The Book of Ages isn’t just a particularly compelling page-turner, you see; it contains portals to entire worlds, so its safety is extremely important. The general aim is to play through each world’s various stages and collect clovers, which are needed to help get back control of the Book of Ages. For the most part, each stage has four clovers, each earned in a different way: you get one for simply finishing the stage, one for collecting 300 coins in the stage, one for finding the five letters that spell out L-U-C-K-Y, and there’s a final hidden one tucked away in each level to be found. It’s a relatively safe but simple way to ensure some replay value, as you aren’t always likely to get all four clovers in your first playthrough of a stage.

Designed to delight and challenge players of all ages and skill levels.

Controlling Lucky is generally a breeze. His move set is fairly limited; he’s got a useful double-jump, a tail whip attack and the ability to burrow under the ground, and that’s really it. It may not be the most diverse range of abilities but it could be argued that this is a strength in a game like this; nobody likes a platformer where your hero can do 20 different things, many of which are only called into play once or twice. Here you can get a feel for Lucky’s entire repertoire pretty quickly, allowing you to focus on the far more important task of actually enjoying the game. Will you enjoy it though? If you’re of a certain vintage and remember the days of PS2-era platformers like Jak and Daxter (or even Ty the Tasmanian Tiger) then yup, we’re certain you will. This is a game that isn’t exactly light on plot – there are plenty of occasions where you’ll stop and have a chat with various NPCs, most of which are well-written – but still has the presence of mind to not milk it. It knows you’re just here to run, jump, hit things and collect stuff, and is more than happy to let you do that in its well-designed stages. ARK: Survival Evolved

New Super Lucky’s Tale Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

New Super Lucky’s Tale Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

It’s easy to want to do so, too. The game is a delight to look at, with colourful environments and fun character designs. Nowhere is this more evident than Lucky himself: he’s the living embodiment of happiness, and it’s hard to think of a character in this gaming generation who’s more immediately likeable. You want to see this little fox doing well, because seeing his happy wee face sparks the sort of joy Marie Kondo has dreams about. We bet this is what it would have felt like to play that cheery N64 Conker game before Rare scrapped it and turned him R-rated. We tend to think that platformers are at their best when they’re forgiving in the beginning but tougher than our Nan’s steaks by the finale. New Super Lucky’s Tale never progresses to the point where it poses any significant challenge, but it makes up for it with bags of charm and a campaign that’s short enough to never wear out its welcome. The game is broken up into hub worlds that you can wander around either looking for secrets or to find a portal to one of the self-contained levels that make up the meat of the game. These levels come in different flavours: there’s classic 2D platforming, endless runners, puzzles, and open 3D areas for you to explore, collect coins, and hit things with your tail – settle down, this is a children’s game.

Thousands of collectibles to gather, tons of rewarding secrets to discover.

Anyway, we’re by no means the World Heavyweight Champions of platform games and we barely died or were left scratching our heads, but just taking part was an entirely pleasant experience that we really quite enjoyed. There are occasional moments of wonder and inspiration here, some smartly designed levels, and a scene involving farmer worms having a hoedown that will likely crack even the stoniest of faces into a grin. New Super Lucky’s Tale is the sort of game that gives you a nostalgic feeling even though you’ve never played it before. It’s like a Sunday afternoon movie, the kind that provides enough smiles and action to entertain but won’t ever require you to engage your brain in a manner that would ruin your lazy weekend. It’s a delightful, jolly, collectathon platformer, and if it keeps your kids off Fortnite for a day or two then you can’t say fairer than that. Demos are important for games. In this age where we can instantly download games in the blink of an eye, with the caveat that we can’t refund them if we turn out to not like them, demos continue to be one of the most important aspects of gaming; that little, free taste can be the final decision-maker for someone on the fence about buying a game. Workplace Rhapsody

New Super Lucky’s Tale Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

New Super Lucky’s Tale Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

It could confirm every hope and dream they have about the game, or dash them against the rocks. Either way, the players get the information they need. To that end, New Super Lucky’s Tale having a demo is a brilliant move. Billing itself as a “love letter to classic 3D platformers”, it undersells itself. It’s less a love letter and more and bombastic, intricate musical number with a heart-shaped spotlight. The game opens with, naturally, backstory. The voice work is incredible as it divulges the tale. A mad magical tyrant by the name of Jinx and his feline compatriots, the Kitty Litter, sought the Book of Ages, a powerful artifact protected by a noble group of animals known as the Guardian Order. With much of the order fractured by Jinx, Lyra Swiftail, the current leader, gathered up the remnants of the book’s protectors and ran. Eventually, Jinx and his crew found them, but the book had other plans. Unleashing a whirlwind of pages, it drew in Jinx, his Kitty Litter, and Lyra’s younger brother, Lucky. Now it’s up to the rookie Guardian to set things right, find the pages, and defeat an almost absurd amount of cats to save the worlds.

A cast of memorable characters.

It’s not a bad story, honestly, and the hand-drawn cinematics play out like a 90s cartoon, lending further to the retro feel New Super Lucky’s Tale provides. But of course, the true meat lies in the game itself, and is it juicy. Controls are fluid, the graphics popping and crisp, and the music perfectly encapsulates the bouncy, poppy catchiness of old-school platformers while keeping the fresh energy of the modern era. Within each level, you’ve got objectives to tackle. Naturally, the main objective is to get the page found at the end of the level, but to get 100% for the levels, you have to gather 300 coins, obtain a special page for completing the secret mini-levels, and spell out LUCKY with the letters hidden about. Thankfully coins are aplenty, the sub-levels relatively easy to find thanks to their glowing indicators, and the letters, while hidden enough to provide a challenge, aren’t so obscured or out of the way they’re frustrating to find. The worlds are vibrant and expressive, teeming with so much life it’s hard not to get distracted by it.

There’s no major dip in quality when you’re switching from docked to handheld, thankfully, the game looking fantastic either way. And controls are simple; you can run and jump, tail swipe to attack, and burrow underground to reach new areas/evade attacks. It might not be a laundry list of moves, but it’s all you need. When I first saw New Super Lucky’s Tale, I was jazzed about it, but platformers have a long and storied history of being frustratingly hard. New Super Lucky’s Tale goes against the grain, being easy enough for newcomers to just pick up and play, and providing just enough fun and familiar challenge for veterans of the genre. Lucky’s Tale has gone through quite the journey throughout its iterations. What began as a VR game has slowly morphed into the proper 3D platformer it always should have been. The weirdest part about its journey is that each version was good, while the changes made to each one simply made it better. Now that Lucky is on the Switch, he just feels at home. The new camera controls and tweaks to levels make this feel like the definitive version of the game.

New Super Lucky’s Tale Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

New Super Lucky’s Tale Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Nintendo has yet another 3D platformer on its console that is well worth checking out. New Super Lucky’s Tale is more than just a port. The team at Playful have gone back and added a ton of new pieces to the game including new animations, visual effects, and cut scenes to make this feel almost like an entirely new game. I like to think of it as a director’s cut of what was supposed to be. The disappointing piece is those that bought the game on Xbox One have not received these updates. It seems like something that may be coming, but for now they are only available on the new Switch version. The biggest upgrade to the game though is the new camera controls. Players now have full 3D rotation of the camera, which was absent from the Xbox version. There are also new camera angles that better showcase the action onscreen. For anyone who played the Xbox version, the camera would often find itself in awkward positions during some platforming sequences. This led to frustration. This has all been remedied in this new version. There are also new animations and lighting effects that just give the cartoon-style more flavors. New cut scenes that flesh out the wacky bosses and a host of new touches here and there that just give the game more character. It feels like the game the team at Playful always wanted to make.  Tiny Rogues

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