NEVERWINTER NIGHTS 2 COMPLETE Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Even though you create a character who serves as the central hero for the tale, there’s a great and varied cast of supporting characters who will join you along the way. You can have up to three supporting characters in your party, in addition to the occasional non-player or special character who will tag along with you. With a quick click you can take direct control over any of your party members at any time (as long as they’re conscious), which adds some welcome variety to the single-player experience because you aren’t pigeonholed into playing a single class for the entire game. By creating a well-rounded party of casters, fighters, rogues, and rangers, you’ll have access to a huge array of skills and abilities. For the most part you’ll use those skills and abilities to combat all kinds of monsters, people, spirits, and animals that always seem to get in your way. The combat takes place in real time, but you have the option to pause the game and assign up to five successive actions to each of your characters. Then it’s just a matter of hitting the space bar to unpause the game and watching your characters go to work. The most frequent battles don’t usually require that level of management, though, because you’ll almost always come out on top by just rushing into a mob of enemies and letting the artificial intelligence do the work. If you do happen to lose all your health you’ll be temporarily knocked out (despite the cobwebbed corpse icon that replaces your character portrait). As long as one of your characters survives the battle your party will revive, and then you can use the rest function to fully replenish your health in just a few seconds. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



Unfortunately, the AI in Neverwinter Nights 2 isn’t always reliable. If you’re in an open area you can usually count on your companions to stick by you and back you up in a fight, but when you’re exploring the narrow hallways and labyrinthine corridors of the games’ numerous, sprawling dungeons, your characters will sometimes get lost or stuck, or will just freeze up for no apparent reason. Needless to say, it’s extremely frustrating when you’re in the middle of a heated battle and your supporting characters are just standing there watching you get trounced. At least if that happens you can pause the game and assign actions to spur your lifeless cohorts to action, but when you have to struggle just to get your characters to follow you, you’ll find your patience wearing thin. Despite this variety, the crux of the Neverwinter Nights 2 experience is the dungeon crawl. Since all your party members are controllable, there’s a significant tactical component to battles. Maneuvering rogues for sneak attacks, using fighters to taunt, casting protective spells with druids and offensive barrages with sorcerers and wizards is all part of the experience. By the time your characters hit level 10 there’ll be a nearly overwhelming number of combat options depending on what party loadout you’ve chosen, and each combination is fun to toy around with.

Compelling story will keep you hooked for the entire 50-plus hours it takes to finish the single-player campaign

As enemies are cut in half with bastard swords and fried with lightning, they’ll drop items. Lots of items. Even in the beginning stages of the game, you’ll find your companions’ inventories reaching capacity. With reagents for crafting, magical and mundane weapons and armor, potions, scrolls, and wands scattered around on each character, it starts turning into a real pain to keep track of everything when it’s split between 10 or more characters. The game lacks any kind of global inventory management system, so every time you go to switch a character out of an active party, you need to spend a significant amount of time swapping around items to make sure everyone’s ideally equipped. It also doesn’t help that there’s no way to sort items within an inventory, meaning you need to pore over multiple inventory pages, adding yet even more unnecessary downtime to the experience. As it stands, the process of reorganizing a party, selling off excess items to lighten inventory loads, identifying everything, and making sure everyone’s properly equipped cuts into the enjoyment of the narrative and combat. Hardrock Sex 3D



Choosing what kind of character you bring into the game world is a rather complex process. Based on the Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 rule set, players pick between 16 races, 12 base classes, and 17 prestige classes that are unlocked after special conditions are met. With a huge number of skills and feats to further customize your avatar, Neverwinter Nights 2’s character creation system is one of the deepest around. Regardless of how you tweak all the details of your character, combat in Neverwinter Nights 2 seems too easy. Unless you’ve got the difficulty cranked to hardcore, a few area of effect spells are going to take down all enemies in range almost immediately even during boss battles. Bards sing tales of heroes in ages past, but they rarely mention those that are yet to become heroes. One such hero is a farmer in the small village of West Harbor. Raised by the elven ranger, Daeghun, as his own child, our hero will embark on a grandiose quest against the King of Shadows. Neverwinter Nights 2 is the tale of his deeds. His adventures continue in Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer. Our protagonist discovers that an ominous spell has fallen on him. A curse of perpetual hunger–one which can only be quelled by consuming the souls of spirits. In order to remove the curse, he has to travel to the Shadow Realm, which harbors dark secrets and tormented souls.

Neverwinter Nights 2: Complete includes the original game, and three expansions: Mask of the Betrayer, Storm of Zehir, and Mysteries of Westgate.

Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir gives as a breather from grand quests of destiny and epic ordeals. You simply assemble a group of four adventurers (either by carefully picking out each of their statistics and skills or by randomly re-rolling your characters until you find the ones that suit you) and go where the wind takes you. Just make sure to get a good look at the map as you will need it to explore the wide open region of Samarach and the Sword Coast. Then, yet another adventure: in an ancient and forgotten tomb you found an unusual mask. It made you quite powerful but changed your life into a living nightmare. Strange, terrifying visions torment your psyche. Every time you try to get rid of the accursed mask, it secretly makes its way back to you. There’s just one solution: set sail for Westgate and discover the secret of the Night Masks in Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate. Hearts of Iron IV



From the starting town of West Harbor, it’ll be a little while before you reach the city of Neverwinter. Once there, the plot picks up as your various adversaries are unmasked and you can choose a number of paths to move the story forward. The plot manages to stay interesting, buoyed by generally strong writing for conversations and the occasional witty quip. Neverwinter Nights 2 features a large amount of voiced dialogue, most of which will pass over your eardrums without inducing a cringe, and occasionally make you laugh along. If you find yourself getting tired of charging through the main narrative, the available side quests are wreathed in enough side narrative to keep them from feeling like repetitive dungeon crawls. You’ll also find plenty more to do once you’re awarded with a stronghold; your own personal castle. Acquiring this property isn’t a side quest, it’s vital to the plot. Once obtained you can busy yourself with repairing its various facilities, hiring merchants to peddle wares, implementing tax rates, training troops, improving armor, strengthening the outlying area’s infrastructure, and generally making your home more profitable. Like in the Suikoden series, recruitable NPCs are sprinkled around the game’s various areas, so it’s worth it to pay attention your first time through and remember who to return for. Some of the more exotic recruits include a blade golem and a giant spider who inhabit your basement.

Create and host your own solo and multiplayer D&D adventures using the improved Neverwinter Nights 2 Toolset.

Neverwinter Nights 2: Complete is an epic RPG set in the fantasy world of the Forgotten Realms, one of the most popular campaign settings of Dungeons & Dragons. Use all the wicked spells, feats, and prestige classes from the D&D 3.5 rules. Create your characters any way you wish, choosing from a wide variety of races and subraces, such as Tiefling and Aasimar. As if the pre-made campaigns weren’t enough, you can take the reins and use the powerful Obsidian Neverwinter Nights 2 Toolset to make your own adventures and share them with friends!To say that the expectations are high for Neverwinter Nights 2 would be a massive understatement. Not only is it the sequel to one of the best role-playing games ever to bear the Dungeons & Dragons license, but it’s also been developed by some of the creative talent behind such other revered role-playing games as Baldur’s Gate and Icewind Dale. The good news is that Neverwinter Nights 2 lives up to its pedigree by delivering a captivating story full of exciting twists and characters who you’ll grow attached to out of fondness or, perhaps even better, complete loathing. It’s not without a few frustrating technical shortcomings, but overall Neverwinter Nights 2 is a great role-playing adventure that just about anyone can enjoy.



Though there is variety in which side quests you pick up and which moral stances you take during conversations, the actual maps are limited in size and explorable area. It lends a strange linearity to a game that otherwise presents plenty of choice to the player. Moving around each area is easy enough with both a click M1 to move or WASD modes of character control. Whatever’s happening onscreen is easily viewed by holding down M3 to adjust the camera, or using the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. As a result, you’ll always be able to get a good view of the action.On top of all the single player gameplay hours, Neverwinter Nights 2 offers online cooperative play as well. You can create your own room, password protect it, and play through the single player again with friends using your created character from the single player or fashioning a server specific one, adding quite a bit of replay. It’s just a matter of time until we start to see what users are able to create with this game’s tweaked toolset, which allows anyone who buys the game to create their own adventures. These can be loaded online and played through with others as well, giving Neverwinter Nights 2 tremendous lasting value.

A large part of what makes the story so interesting is that you play an active role in the way it unfolds. As you talk to all of the characters in the world, you’re given several choices in how to respond, and your responses often have a very apparent effect on the progression of the story. When speaking to someone, you might be given the choice to lie, intimidate, or simply ask questions to get the information or response you’re looking for. The choices aren’t black-and-white, though, and you’ll often come across some difficult moral dilemmas that make your part in the conversation much more interesting. Your responses have both immediate and delayed effects. If you tell a goblin chieftain that you’re sick of hearing him talk and would rather paint the walls with his blood, you can expect that you’ll have an immediate fight on your hands. But sometimes the effects are more subtle. If you are forced to make a decision and one of your party members tries to convince you to take a certain course of action, you can comply or simply tell her to keep quiet. Either way, your influence over that person will be affected. It isn’t much of an issue at first, but repeatedly going against an ally’s wishes can eventually turn him or her against you. The interactive dialogue is well written and so engaging that you’ll probably want to save your game often, so you can reload and repeat conversations just to see what will happen if you choose your words differently. HEARTS OF IRON III 


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