METAL DOGS Free Download



METAL DOGS Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Back in October, I bought Metal Dogs, the canine spin-off to Kadokawa Games’ Metal Max series, on Steam in its Early Access version. I should have done an impression then, but there were some technical difficulties. On my end, my laptop couldn’t cope with the number of moving parts on screen after the first few missions, leading to dramatic drops in frame rate. On the game’s end, it never did accept my game controller peripheral, so I had to make do with the keyboard controls. The full PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch releases for Metal Dogs hit shelves in Japan on April 8, 2022, and I was still intrigued enough with it to pick up a copy for myself. With the aforementioned issues not applying to my physical Switch copy, I was able to play it all the way to completion. Metal Dogs is not a complicated game, and neither does it have a complicated premise. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



The hero of the story is Pochi, Man’s Best Kick-Ass Good Boy, who is on his way west for reasons unknown. He has the misfortune of running afoul of a large number of armored tank drones, with sadly predictable consequences, but his limp and unresponsive form is found by Dr. Mortis, a frequent fixture of the series who is now down on his luck. Mortis’s town in the wasteland is defunct: He’s the only survivor, and not for long, as a metallo-organic virus slowly eats away his humanity. Pochi’s arrival gives the doctor a new lease on life, however, and with the man’s assistance the doggy hero can utilize the town facilities to re-arm, reload, and return to the fray. The path lies forever west, through giant ant nests, blasted weapon depots, mutated forests, abandoned parking complexes, and collapsed office buildings. Pochi soon finds more help in the forms of Belle the Doberman and Bonanza the Bulldog, who have also heard the westward call. The three canines have different stat balances, mostly relating to their running speeds. For everything else, there are the guns. Metal Dogs is an Early Access top-down dungeon crawler where you play as a dog with guns strapped to their back. We got the chance to do a full preview of the game ahead of its full release.

Multiple game modes including Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag

There is something incredibly specific about Metal Dogs. It’s something that could only be found in the early PlayStation 3 era of games, where Japanese developers were turning their wildest ideas into titles for the console. Games like Tokyo Jungle and SHORT PEACE: Ranko Tsukigime’s Longest Day specifically come to mind when playing something like Metal Dogs. The idea of strapping guns to a dog and letting them loose on a mechanical wasteland can only be achieved by independent titles, and thankfully this one commits very hard to its insane premise. The game even has a simple photo mode, where you can pose your dog with stickers and a cool background, which shows that the developer wholeheartedly embraces how ridiculous the concept can be. Metal Dogs takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, where a virus has turned organic material into twisted mechanical amalgamations, not only giving them a boost in size but also in artillery. The game’s early enemies still retain some of their animal parts, but eventually you start dealing with straight up tanks and warships. Imprisoned Queen 



The game’s protagonist dog, named Pochi, is revived through an electric shock by a scientist. Their dynamic starts with the scientist being cold and uncaring, afraid that he’ll witness yet another death, but he eventually warms up to Pochi. The scientist is our main source of exposition, and since Pochi can’t talk, he mostly speaks at the player and gives us more insight into this world and what ended it. Metal Dogs is as it sounds: you take control of a metal dog after humanity has been destroyed in a top-down 3D roguelike action game. It sounds pretty… metal. The game is coming from first-time developers 24Frame Inc. As a metal dog, you’ll shoot machine guns, cannons, and missiles (special weapons) while kicking a lot of monster ass. Why do you kick monster ass? Well, this is Japan, and it’s a national pastime over there. You hunt monsters from a village/base at Mt. Fuji. There’s some nasty monsters, in particular, that will reward you with prize money on slaying them, such as the giant tank “Rommel Ghost” and the rhino “Cruise Saigon”, which has strong armor and missiles.

Ranking system to compete against other players and climb the leaderboards

The machine gun has low overall power, but there’s a high rate of fire and reload speed. The cannon is powerful, but there’s a small amount of bullets and a slow reload speed. The S-E (special weapons) such as missiles are, well, special, and can be used to attack from range. The weapons can be assigned to three slots and can be customized according to your playstyle. As a roguelite, it is also a dungeon crawler of sorts, and each time you play a dungeon the terrain and treasure chests contained are in different spots to change up the experience. You’ll be able to collect equipment as well, with weapons and armor giving bonuses such as increasing damage value or increasing bullet count. Like most RPG’s, the better the armor the more effects it will have, so keep your eyes peeled. You’ll be able to choose from three dogs: the Shiba Inu named Pochi, the Doberman named Bell, and the Bulldog named Bonanza. You will be able to complete 25 quests (with more than 5 types of WANTED quests), over 35 types of weapons, and apparently over 10 hours of play time. We’ll have to see about that. Imp of the Sun



If you want to check out Metal Dogs, be sure to go to its Steam page. It releases on Steam’s Early Access on August 24, 2021, where it will most likely remain for 3-6 months before its full release. The majority of this game is spent running around as a cute dog and blasting to pieces everything that moves and some things that don’t. To that end, the dogs can equip small arms like machine guns, larger arms like cannons, and special arms that fire missiles or deal fire, frost, or electrical damage. It’s similar to the tank loadouts in the standard Metal Max games, though without some of the weirder varieties. Different weapon types have different magazine capacities, as well as differing reload times for when the ammo is replenishing, so it’s wise to vary up the loadout. The bestiary is limited but well-animated, especially when things explode. More graphically interesting is the array of armors, many of them designed for visual aesthetics and costuming rather than actual defence. The town’s special store will trade dog tags for the funnier items, and there’s a show room for staging cute and stylish screenshots. There could have been more variety at many points, more unique or individualized enemies to encounter, but Metal Dogs does a decent job with what it has.

Over 35 types of weapons

And to be honest, that’s about all there is to say about this game. It’s not trying to be big, flashy, or grandiose. There is no greater message it is trying to convey. It is simply a game wherein cute puppy dogs run around blowing stuff up with machine guns and missile launchers, and that is all it needs to be. It succeeds in being exactly what it was meant to be, with only one real flaw: the obvious lead-in to the next Metal Max game, secondary title Wild West, which has been officially canceled as of this review. We might hope for a change in its project status in the future, if only for one more chance to play with Man’s Best Kick-Ass Good Boy. At first glance METAL DOGS looks like it should be a twin stick shooter and is even tagged on Steam as ‘Action Roguelike’. This is incorrect. Wizard’s Lizard is an Action Roguelike. Binding of Isaac and Gungeon are action roguelikes (and twin stick shooters too but that’s not the point here.) What Metal Dogs is is more akin to say your Torchlights or Diablos where you go from a hub to an instanced dungeon and defeat the enemies there while moving down floors until you beat the dungeon boss and then move on to the next instance. Indecent Desires



Progression is kept after levels and you are able to both upgrade and buy equipment at the hub which is just a text menu of choices you get after the mission. As far as I can tell there are multiple dogs to play as and their levels aren’t synced between one another. The only main problem I have with this game is the English localization as it feels very… Google Translatey and less like an English speaker went over it and then localized it. The game is legible but it has a feeling of machine translation without the charm of “This guy are sick” or some such thing that was prevalent in 90s JRPGs. Also the controls are pretty good but they take a little bit of getting used to. There is a lock on which is nice and it even supports gamepads natively. In this game you play as a dog with up to three weapons strapped onto them. The three weapons are a machine gun with has high rate of fire but not very great damage. a cannon with low RoF but high damage and a missile pack that fires a medium number of projectiles but takes the longest to reload after firing.

All weapons have their own reload speed and this can be enhanced / adjusted through the mutations ability that applies random effects onto a weapon. Enemies can even drop unique gear, for example the Giant White Ant (which I think was supposed to be a big termite) can drop the Albino Cannon. Is this game worth $20? I dunno, I like it but I also got it on sale during the launch for around 15-17 bucks and I think it suits that price point. My one request to the developers is please try to get someone who understands English as their native language to go over your localization and just spruce it up a little bit so it reads better but this is a nitpick and I understand that probably isn’t the highest priority. Besides that you’re doing good and I hope to see


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