Lust Epidemic Free Download


Lust Epidemic Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Lust Epidemic Free Download GAMESPACK.NET The basic premise is fine. The protagonist lives in a town that has been running rampant with sex scandals, and your school’s reputation was tarnished by the media due to one of them. While reps of the school were attempting to take legal action the town gets flooded and a small group of people have no choice but to hold up in a church/school. Unfortunately the main character is a creepy sex pest and there’s nothing you can really do about it. This is not a game where there are options to get through the game through honest means, if you’re going to progress you have no choice but to date rape women constantly. I don’t know about you, but I don’t find these situations erotic in the slightest. There’s a lot of room for very questionable behavior in adult entertainment. Most games feature characters you’d call creeps at best with all their peeping and habitual line stepping. A game where your character is just looking for chances to use mind altering substances to get sex is beyond the pale. Linear games can be fine, but I have never seen a game whose story could have been improved more by giving the player some more agency.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Lust Epidemic Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Lust Epidemic Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Good lord did the shit you have no choice but to do turn me off of this game. Games where you have the choice between evil and not-evil are fine, but a game where you have no choice? No interest here! For a game that makes use of stock models so heavily it’s not that bad looking. The opening animation is somewhat impressive for a game of this scale. If you like long, drawn out sex scenes this game won’t be for you, but I personally like the shorter approach with more options. The top down art is a mixed bag. The backgrounds are decent, but the character sprites look very goofy a lot of the time, especially when walking or looking sideways. The choice to the same models as the more detailed portraits and scenes pays off when characters are in less stock poses at least. Dull. Tedious. You walk around the map looking for stuff to grab then go to the one spot that actually advances the plot. Character interactions is rudimentary at best. You can talk, ask to have sex, and if you’re playing in hard mode use the very abstract heart containers to give yourself more room to improve your relationship with the women.


Would have been nice if this more more natural and not wholly abstract. This by the way is what separates normal from hard? The heart containers are everywhere, easy to spot, easy to get. If you like playing as a guy who can’t have sex without first using a magical date rape drug you might enjoy this. For everyone else stay far, far away from Lust Epidemic. Hell, even if you ARE fine with that you could do better than this game’s plodding pace and dull as dirt hunt for items RPG Maker engine adventure game stylings. For a game that uses DAZ studio models it looks decent, but when you compare it to any game that doesn’t use stock or ripped models for its artwork it’s an embarrassment.Played this game months ago, it took me a lot and I really liked it. Even better than the sequel, even though the sequel has something like 140 scenes while this one around 40, if I remember correctly, these 40 scenese are much better. The scenes of sequel are really just too rushed, let’s talk about the amount of time it took for the mc here to “make love” (let’s not be too rude) with his mother and compare it with any other scene with the other game, come on.HYPERCHARGE Unboxed

Lust Epidemic Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Lust Epidemic Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This one is really great, I like more the girls and everything, the only 2 thing the sequel is better than this one are… The gameplay, the possibility to take statues and upgrade your home (nice idea ngl) and the possibility to go to bad with “Sister”, can’t remember her name but I’m talking about that beautiful granny, I wanted so badly to have some scenes with her in the 1st one but it just wasn’t possible, at least we got some scenes in the sequel STILL only the first scenes are good, than with the harem SH*T it really starts getting worse and worse, you got 140 scenes there and the majority of it are harem like come on… Nothing else to say, this game deserves a lot, deserves to be played even if it takes you 20 hours (it took me around 18 hours if I remember correctly).Overall if you don’t mind backtracking and unnecessary fetch stuff it’s a good porn game. The renders are great, the sound effects are good, the atmosphere is great, pretty good mystery. Only real problem is that the game feels bloated, feels like it didn’t need constant backtracking, and regularly it’s easy to get lost and boredom soon follows.


If it leaned into its strengths more it would’ve been perfect for what it was going for. As I said, I won’t be covering everything that is wrong with this game. I’ll probably edit this review if I happen to remember something important that I forgot to complain about, but I’m sure you get the idea if you’ve read the whole thing. I didn’t even bother with spoiler warnings because I genuinely can’t recommend this game to anyone. It’s not worth it. Do yourself a favor and stay clear of this game. If you’re interested in the CGs, just get them from the OP. This is supposedly a predecessor to Treasure of Nadia, a game that I can’t really comment on. I’ll play it when it’s finished, and I hope it’s a better experience than this hot mess. But trust me, you really don’t have to play Lust Epidemic in order to understand the plot of ToN. These NLT games get such good reviews for a reason. Although I think it’s amongst one of the most enjoyable game (and franchise for that matter) on the site, it’s still important to set one’s expectations properly.Alfred Hitchcock – Vertigo Switch NSP

Lust Epidemic Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Lust Epidemic Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This game is linear, offers no meaningful choices to the player and will force you into a harem (which I have always found to be one of the most cringe aspects of the H-game sub-genre). However the game more than makes up for these short comings with good sex scenes, (great for the time and they still hold up rather well today) fun gameplay (think old Sierra Entertainment games like King’s quest or Leisure suit Larry) and a very good story. I highly recommend playing this game and the other(s) in it’s series the treasure of Naida and to keep your eyes peeled for the release of the genesis order because NLT seems to be rapidly mastering their craft with every release in this series. Another project of “NLT Media” – a 2D point-and-click adult adventure/mystery RPGM game (with 3cdg models used in adult scenes) – that’s almost exactly the same as other projects: same ugly girls, tedious interface, lot’s of grind and a young guy with big-magic-dick (and big-magic-love-serum) as MC and story driver. If you like RPGM games then you must like: linear story with no choices or dialogue options.

Oral Sex Scene.

Boring and repetitive collecting items and completing tasks, tedious gameplay with lots of backtracking and running around clicking on everything (arduous chained activites required to achieve simple tasks like opening closed door) that artificially lengthens the play time to riddiculous amounts. And don’t even try to play without a walkthrough. There is usually only one clue or task available at any given time. There are no multiple plot advancing tasks encouraging exploration and a more natural progression of the mystery. Game also does’t permit experimentation (using items outside of their pre-designated points, such as a shovel to shear the limbs of a shrub) nor non-linear acquisition (picking up a shovel prior to the moment the designer dictates). Although the story is decent and manages to balance between sex and adventure there isn’t any real depth to the characters. MC corrupts multiple MILFs with a horny serum that influences them to do progressively lewder and lewder acts. Because sex mostly comes from a magic potion and has zero charm or seduction it quickly makes all lewd content repetitive and boring.

Visuals are off putting and unappealing: devs used the same 3cdg model (same body type, breasts size, only difference is the hair colour), there’s a bit of uncanny valley (weird grims, crossed eyes), animations have their stiff moments (there are 3 or 4 frames per animation) looking unnatural and robotic. There’s also no respect for player preference where the love interests are concerned (player is incapable of altering how the protagonist interacts and can’t avoid undesired lewd activities; you play as a young, dumb, full of cum teenager that will fuck everything that moves and doesn’t run away). Interface is annoying and tediuos. There is no “skip” button (you can’t skip boring and repetetive dialogues or lenghty auto-play scenes, like two characters discussing or arguing or going somewhere, which are plenty). There is no “back” button (if you accidentally double-click and skip a line of dialogue there’s no way of replaying it.) Save/load buttons are hidden inside an inventory item which in turn is hidden in a submenu.

Lust Epidemic Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Lust Epidemic Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The game is essentially a lewd version of an Agatha Christie Novel. After a heavy rainstorm knocks out the only bridge, MC is stuck in a dark and creepy catholic university with an interesting cast of characters, comprised mainly of milfs. The first night a priest is murdered, and it is suspected that it was someone in the group . In trying to solve the mystery and escape the school, the MC uncovers more sinister plots of church corruption and potential paranormal activity. The story is masterfully written with various twists and turns, shifting suspicions, and some honestly scary moments. I played this game just as much for the murder mystery as I did for the faps. The faps themselves are solid. MC corrupts multiple milfs with a horny serum that influences them to do progressively lewder and lewder acts hitting on multiple kinks and taboos. The animations are gorgeous and plentiful. They lewd content wasn’t always personal cup of tea, and at times I wished the MC tried to naturally romance the women, but if hypnosis and/or milfs are your thing this game is perfect for you.Acting Lessons 


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